Topic: voices - to Randal, and anyone else who may know
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 03, 2015 10:23 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ayelet: I don't believe it! I just wrote you a long response and it was deleted!!! Am going to write again, Don't know if at the same length. Waaah!Thanks Mirage and Randal, for your kind wishes...
I'm not sure if I should have a sad-face right here?... But I've had that happen to me too, Ayelet!, and somehow, I think sometimes your responses border on being hilarious! (I really hope I'm reading you right on this.) ~~you crack me up! whaaaa''''??? LOL QUOTE: Mirage, you are very brave in my eyes. ... You have done your best, and are doing your best, and that's what counts. This world is ephemeral, but the good you saw is yours forever... And you do good! Thank you for encouraging me! Deeply, thank you for your comments... Encouragement is mutual. *love* QUOTE: Always see the sun behind those clouds... Sometimes dreams are shattered. Ignore. Keep on dreaming. Always. Never mind what happens, keep your faith. {Such important words, Ayelet! I will treasure these.} QUOTE: I am sure Jesus felt betrayed, unappreciated, unloved, when he was on the cross. What an end to a great teacher and healer. Did he deserve that? It puzzles me, why he had to endure so much suffering. I am not sure it was "to pay for our sins"... Why, why, why? he didn't really wanted to, he was scared. I don't understand why existance has to be so brutal. Is there so much evil in our souls? But he came back... (I guess he had to go through it to set an example.) His disciples, in their minds, had Jesus on a 'fast-track' to success in leadership. They thought he had come to establish ruler-ship while he was IN his human flesh body. (They didn't understand when he talked about dying on a cross.) Jesus already 'knew' he had come to die in his physical-human form, so that while he was dying that innocent-death, "he" could become a giant sponge, and become filled-up with every vile form of filth that evil and shadow humanity could embody (mondo cane). He became a giant hanging filth-magnet... His Father turned away from him. Couldn't look upon the soul-disgust, everything. Jesus-man had never experienced being Separated, being in separation from the Divine Presence and Flow of God. He cried out, Daddy?? Abba?? ~Where'd you go? Why have you forsaken me?? Why did you leave me right now??... I need your presence! Don't go away??, Come back! I need you, please, come back?! ... I'd heard a sermon recently by TD Jakes, where he was talking about 'forsaken-ness' (I think I remember...). It's about "emotional" abandonment, not just physical. You can physically be there with a person in the body, but be absent emotionally from the relationship. And, you can be physically apart yet still feel an emotional-invested in someone else's life, which can be a source of security and strength for them. My Scorpio Grandmother and I hardly saw each other, but I knew in my heart (and she knew in her heart) that we prayed for each other, thought about each other. I have friends I've never-met yet, and I can sense their upholding presence with me, etherically. When you're a person who can 'sense' people, you can 'feel' when changes occur somewhere in your little family or grouping. There are some LL members that I automatically sense like that... even though we rarely converse. God is part of 'us'... When we care for each other, that 'care' is like a care'rier-oil that transports Sense. Individual senses. Groupings of peoples senses. God, is Love. When we Love one another, 'God'(Love) is there. QUOTE: He has been through all this. But he came back. And he hasn't really died. Not really-truly-honest-to-God. NO ONE DOES. Just the fleeting Egos. So never give up dreaming. Will you? (This same goes for you?!) QUOTE: ... changing the environment may prove healthy for you. I wish a good opportunity will come your way. quote: As for me, I had a nice birthday.. *smile*
Good!! QUOTE: As for the voices..... If I only followed my should-have-been teacher that day, another life were in store for me. The life you have lived so far, is the right way it 'should' have been... The Fate of Necessity (It was supposed to happen the way it went down). When you've stepped through an ordeal or something, what-resulted is part of the incorporated plan, to move you towards a Good and desired Future. Try not to judge what goes on inbetween-times. Sometimes we can make mistakes that way, by looking at things too tightly? Make yourself some wiggle-room! *grin* I've been going to bed earlier, and wow, it's feeling like 2am to me here, LOL. Wishing you many Blessings, and Good Night! Sweet Dreams. *heart* IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 04, 2015 08:53 AM
QUOTE: As for the voices..... If I only followed my should-have-been teacher that day, another life were in store for me. The life you have lived so far, is the right way it 'should' have been... The Fate of Necessity (It was supposed to happen the way it went down). When you've stepped through an ordeal or something, what-resulted is part of the incorporated plan, to move you towards a Good and desired Future. Try not to judge what goes on inbetween-times. Sometimes we can make mistakes that way, by looking at things too tightly? Make yourself some wiggle-room! *grin* Oh Mirage, but that is wrong! It shouldn't have evolved that way! I am not fatalistic. I believe we have a choice, and I missed my chance. He hasn't come in order that I would lose him. If he knew what would happen, he wouldn't have come at all! He hasn't forseen the possibility that I would lose him and fall. There are things that happened in the history of wo\man that shouldn't have happened. The holocaust, for example. The cruel butchering of animals, still happening. Today the new age has begun. But whether it will be a time of massive enlightment or a terrible disaster and regression, that is up to us. I would say right now that if something should have been and should be, it is forever the happy possibility of LOVE and EVOLution, not of hate, war and catastrophe. Atlantis sank. Should it have? Absolutely not! Soon enough either good or evil will win. And it is our free choice which of them will. My little self has already fell into the darker possibility, as a catastrophe has emerged in my life soon after those divine teachers have disappeared. So, suppose I was a microscopic Atlantis, I sank... I am alive. But I could do a lot better. And my fall, at the dawn of the age of Aquarius, is not a good omen for me. When they say "there are no accidents", they mean everything happen for a reason. But the reason itself is not a given. It is not determined. I don't have yet new dreams, I blow on the coals of old dying dreams, trying to ignite some good useful fire. And perhaps I should be a tree right now, not giving myself to flames of passion but patiently growing, even though I have to change course in order to reach the sun. My bonfire, the distant sun in the heavens... Dream a little dream of me This song suddenly played in my mind... Read ya! IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 04, 2015 01:26 PM
Heyyyy, alll right! Mamas and the Papas -- What a unique sound they had!(music) California Dreamin' (Mamas & The Papas) [2:35] QUOTE: ...I missed my chance. Okay, I can relate to that. Sometimes we live on a deserted island. Or, we feel as though we 'are the only soul' in a sea of Others. If you think or say that is true-of-you, then what other recourse do I have but to 'accept it'.... It be true. You used words like 'ignite' and 'good useful fires.' About 'not giving myself to flames of passion, but patiently growing.' Your bonfire?-- 'a distant sun' out there, somewhere... Can? Can we really be 'better' than those who surround us: who are our leaders, our spiritual mentors, but they have or can-only hurt us, invalidated our presence, dismiss any value we have, leave us discouraged and dis-Appointed? ... In how-many-lifetimes have we approached the Lord of Heaven with this dilemma? (music) It Is Enough! (Fischer-Dieskau, as 'Elijah' by Mendelssohn, lyrics) [6:15] You are still 'young'... not yet into your 40s, then you'll travel into your 50s and 60s. YOU, Ayelet, still have 'a chance'... by using this time to 're-position' your life, and your aims. It doesn't really matter what went before you, but CHANGE is based solely on 'whatever you do right-NOW'... YOU still have auspicious Time to re-write your Future-History, because you have NOT lived-it yet. I have already LIVED mine.... You haven't. You are entering a really special time of testings and re-writes. And YOU have the extra advantage of being close to being 'conscious'-- This is an advantage for you. No matter what's going on in your mind right now, Ayelet? The Universe (2015/2016) has the Ability to do a Re-Write and RE-Directing of Lives and Scripts. It is a Gift. SO special....that you are still YOUNG-enough to utilize this. DO it. Throw away what was before this time--- DO a NEW One. Is it really worth it for you to hold on to your past-broken baggage, when there's an ability to dump-it right now? YOU have "Time" still. Miracles can happen to you. STOP what you're doing with 'shooting down' every Chance that is coming by to you, to give you a chance to Correct your Course. Listen to me, as you would the ghost of Jacob Marley to Ebeneezer Scrooge.... You have someone who has cared enough to tell you Truth today. YOU. YOU can Change your Life....... It's NOT too late for you. With me? ..... I'm at age 60. and I have NO family, NO tribe to look out over me, or my needs. It's over. I have had no money in the bank to reach out for what I want, what I want to explore.
In these days where MONEY is like life's-blood to people "first", before the Human Being themself-- When being a human being is considered as a 'cost-center' and not for what it might profit or gain in inside-love or spirit-emotional associations, then my Time is at-hand. Money matters. If you don't have the money to use as a fortress of sorts, you get abused.... So I'm hanging on as long as I can. Time here is limited, then it's not gonna be-there for me. ... These days, people want you to 'have everything' already; to BE the 'Whole Package' with nothing missing-- the main one, money and goods FIRST, then the rest... I don't qualify on the first, so I'm not looked upon as any kind of asset. When there is not a person who cares or takes special-interest in your own personal life in this day, then you are dead and clocking in the minutes. My fingers grace the keyboards now, for however long they do it, and before long it won't anymore. It's a miracle that I've been here as long as I have. I think God had a plan in it, for me to have been here, and left the writings and music that I have. I only hope that it has blessed some souls. I know that one of the things I've observed about my own life, it that I help people to catalyze their dreams, to find 'what it is' for their life. Ayelet...... I am "a happening" in YOUR life. YOU have an ability to awesomely change things around for you. Choose. BE 'who you were made to be'. Just 'choose'-- not qualify yourself, just simply, sharply, smartly, right now say 'what you want to choose' for your life. That internal decision for you, will change the course. In my life, I've already worn. If somebody were to love me now, it would involve an investment for them, whose only reward could be the satisfaction-only that they brought something-old into reNEWal again. It would not be based on 'my' ability to do physical labors and works. Rather, it would be based on cherishment, and a love that is so real that it would probably scare me and just blow-my-socks off.
I don't physically know anyone or others like that. This would be a RARE find, to have someone sooo Loving, and SO Selfless in my life... For me, it would be complete bliss to have a TRUE and DEEPLY Real mutual-Love in my life. FIRST before anything else...... So rare. The Chance and Complete~ment of A Lifetime, or maybe many. Where? Where does one find something like that? (just rhetorical....) One vidastrologers I like very much is Dolly Manghat (India). ... If you would ever be able to get your life together, Ayelet? If you really really want to see if you have a chance to succeed and surpass this block you have? Then I would say be in touch with her. ...She would be of your culture? (at least, religious faith backgrounds?) She seems very strong, and very loving. Seek direct help, if you have that money, (or still have the chance of earning money), and OVERCOME 'this' in your life, Ayelet. YOU have a chance.... YOU, have a chance. Don't Waste It CHANGE your Life. GIVE YOUR "Self" the GIFT OF a Future. Stop planting crops you don't want to see happen IN that Future. Start NOW. TODAY. This MONTH. (Stars are aligned.) (music) My Sweet Lord (George Harrison) [4:39]
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 04, 2015 06:48 PM
Mirage, it doesn't matter that you're 60. And it doesn't matter that for the moment (which may include many moments within it) you have lack of cash. You may have what you want. It doesn't matter how "old" you are, or look like. Age is an illusion, based on social programming. You can reverse your cells. Why don't you want to do that? Why don't you believe you can? It is NOT over for you. YOU are young!!! Why do you believe in age? It seems you do, it seems like you believe in it. It is no more than brain-washing. I understand there may be signs that you "aged". But these are reversible. I ask you, what is stopping you from trying? What exactly do you have to lose? If you don't try, you don't succeed. If you try, you have a fifty-fifty chance to succeed, and maybe more than that! Don't you want to meet your twin self? Are you too sad to try and stay? Or perhaps you want to rest... but you will have enough rest even while living on this not-so-easy planet! You don't have to die in order to unite with God. People can do it here. You have a future. Do you want to stay here and continue fo help others or do you prefer to go on to a higher realm? What I say is, there is no ground to compare between you and me and say I am young and you are not. Because time is not real. It is subjective. Can you see it? Can you grasp that truth? People age because of ignorance. They may change that. Read Star Signs. Decide for yourself. You are old enough not to listen to dictates of society. These too will change. There will come a "time" when physical immortality will be very common.As for me, I am too ill to try it. I was given a chance. It is my fault I missed it. Right now I am out of my element. I do not know what will be.I do not know if I will ever get a second chance. According to the voices, I shall not. Should I believe it? I don't know about eternity. I know that in this specific life I stand no chance, and I have to change tremendously and to do so in another life if I should ever get a chance. That is, if after all I've done, thought and felt, and all I think and feel right now, some teacher will decide it is not stupid to trust me. I cannot share with you in this forum my inner shame. Right now I am not up to it. And if I wasn't up to it then, who can promise me I would ever be? Mirage, I want another chance, but I don't believe there are second chances in this issue. If I've made such grave mistakes after all I've learned... The teacher believed in me, and I've failed him, and this chance is one in a life time, if not one in an era, if not one in the whole existance of a soul. It has happened. Perhaps you don't grasp the magnitude of it. You don't understand this event. I hope I will get over my fears, and purify myself. This is my wish. And I want someone to believe in me in another life and give me a second chance. Some Guru, because I don't believe I will ever meet the teachers I've lost again. Good night Be well IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 05, 2015 04:59 PM
{{Ayelet }} I wish I had the ability to understand your meeting with the teacher, as being different from having a guru.I know how you really berate yourself for having whatever-miss you have made in that past... Must have been pretty awful to and for you, to have held it inside for so long without being able to fully process through it. I think that's common to each person alive-- no one gets away with not having said or done something regretful along the way. I know that mid-teens is usually harrowing. Some of the most egregious ones (that affect the whole family, or community) are made during that time, and fixes itself as a backdrop of sorts. Painful, but more 'common' than we'd think? I feel like I'm seated with you here, and I totally respect that what-you-said-you-did was what-it-was. But if we could tease-out the 'good' part of this part of your life then?... It's that you ACTUALLY had that 'moment' (before the fall or the sin) where you were 'in the eyes' and mind OF that person (you sooo admired) "Valued." Maybe you could go back over it, and make a 'still' (like a camera-photo) right at that High-spot, and at times just Be-there and breathe 'that' in? I am sure that if this person IS super-special in the spirit, then there was a 'recognition-point' for you 'in that moment.' Roll back the memory reels, Ayelet. Without allowing the 'painful' moment to split and enter, just take a teeny-tiny pause, and 'fill up' (tank up) with that moment you had when all was so well... Recreate the height of it, surround the 'feel' of it and place protects around the feeling. Tell the Universe that this is what you want (this life, or next)... just let it 'energetically' engulf you, even if momentarily-temporarily. It's important that you "re-imprint yourself" off that moment again. Do it over and over in little spurts until you could make it sustain for longer periods of time inside you. Be 'willing' to allow it .... Yes, that mistake-feeling is always perhaps going to be in the general feeling there... and it somehow became a part of your identity 'right now'. Maybe you can't change that?, but certainly miracles DO happen. You have to be 'willing' that a miracle-release can happen to you. And maybe, by the fact that we are speaking of it here, together-- maybe you'll GET that second-chance. Maybe we will Law Of Attract it in for you, right? {{hug}} I know you've mentioned illness before, and that it's pretty serious for you. I'm so sorry... I pray for deep improvements for your condition. (I pray further that you can be cured, eventually. There are new findings in research all the time.) Some Girl talk time...?
With me, with age?... It's more the long-term 'economic' part that is my deep real concern. (Now, those are the kinds of concerns that can 'age' my speech-tones here.) ... I hear what you're saying about all the things that can be done to sustain and revitalize the body these days. ~Of course I would want that, LOL! ... I'm still generally attractive (ehhh, in soft-lighting! nah j/k), and in reality look at least ten years (or more) younger than I am. Add my gemmy-sparkle to that?, and I DO become Ageless!... *grin* It's about Love. People feel it, when they're genuinely Loved. ... (humorously) I just gotta learn who the right-ones are! NO more boyfriend/man disasters, pulllleaze God?, puhllleaze!! ~Just someone who will cherish and love-me-forever *sigh*, just for me Being 'who I am'!~ Nothing more, nothing less. LOL, ROF) Ready for some levity? C'mon there, girlfriend-Ayelet!! Come Dance with me! Let's Dance on those gloomies... Maestro?!... (music) Girls Just Want To Have Fun! (Cyndi Lauper) [3:58] IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 05, 2015 11:27 PM
That's a cool nice song ... I wish you will meet your twin self, and that it will be good. I wouldn't want to be with anyone, even nice and good and loving, but my twin self. I want to be in love, really, but not now. I need to do some work before that miracle happens. It's just not right, you see? But if you feel ready to love and to be loved, it will come your way. It is a matter of preparation of yourself, of readiness. You may know somewhere in this world is your other half. And when you'll be ready and he'll be ready (you both need to be ready) you'll meet. What will happen next, I mean, how you'll get along, depends on you. But you two belong together, no matter what, and you are never really seperated. As you are one in spirit.I wouldn't want to cherish the moment of meeting my almost-teacher because the memory is tainted. I said and did things on which I regret. Besides, he justly reproached me. And I feel like I'm changed. The moment I met him was not as glorious as it seems. It was a terrible, terrible mistake. I wasn't really ready. The voices told me he was wrong. So what's left? I tried to hold on to the moment when I felt his joy, which joy I felt myself as well, but it was too painful... Imagine you meet some kindred soul and shortly after lose that soul in a terrible accident. Won't the memory torture you and disturb your need to move on? It stopped my progress for years. I have to move on. I have to understand why this accident has occurred in the first place and face my weaknesses. This is the only way. Goody night
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 63854 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2015 10:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ayelet: And I am o.k., thank you very much
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 06, 2015 06:39 PM
So Ayelet ?? You said your voices told you that he was wrong (or the moment was wrong) to begin with... but somehow it continued and the almost-moment messed up? ... Wow. Those voices are FOR you, Ayelet! and not against. I am soooo deeply glad. Yay for them having been there, and you heard the comment. At least? Do you feel a solace that you have Guides there, witnessing to you in your life? Please, when you can release it, forgive 'the whole situation' for your own good's sake? {{{ }}} You asked if I could imagine meeting a kindred soul then lose them shortly in a terrible accident... Actually, I saw a film (movie) that had a theme that pretty-much matches what I think you're trying to tell me, energetically. It was a story about a really beautiful and Passionate Angel who gave up his angel-wings in order to become more-fully human, so that he could sense'ually be WITH this woman he was enveloped and completely in-love with. Did you see it? Movie is called City Of Angels. O Ayelette..... May TrueLove come and FIND Us. My Heart is with yours on this request made before God. (music) Angel (Sarah McLachlan, City of Angels clips) [4:30] Here's another song from the movie... towards the end of this vid, there's a link TO the whole movie available for about a half-minute. (music) Iris - goo goo dolls (City of Angels, movie) [4:52] IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 10, 2015 08:01 PM
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 10, 2015 09:23 PM
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 10, 2015 09:41 PM
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 11, 2015 01:32 AM
Never mind. Mirage, don't get upset, I can't afford staying so exposed.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 63854 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 12, 2015 04:41 PM
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mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 12, 2015 09:28 PM
awwww mayyannnnn!!!! I missed some posts???? dang Sorry. I had the worse headache this past weekend, so I wasn't around. I posted in my Labors thread (and the one next to it, I think, the other day)... just to make a quick presence. Didn't visit anywhere else, I believe? Just sayin~ I wasn't "around." That past-Saturday, even my own speaking voice hurt my head. That never happened before. Was eerie~~ and I felt like I was looking underwater for a couple days. The whole week has been weird. The voice-hurt thing lasted about an hour, right when Mars entered LEO (I got on computer to check transits because that was just way too-weird). I haven't taken any of that med yet (too scared of the side-effects), but if I were to have another weekend like that one?, I might consider 'trying' it. The backwindow neighbors had been up talking/lite-party in my window for two nights(morning) again, so I was sleep-disturbed as a prep.
But! I was bound and determined that nothing was going to keep me from continuing on my plans (discipline of getting up super-early and taking that bus to church every single morning). I showered, downed some strong hot coffee and tielenols, in order to 'be Present' at a memorial(funeral) Mass for one of the Daily Mass goers in that early-morning group. I didn't know the lady, but I went in order to support the group. (Sooo sad.) So basically, I was off the computer, had errands I had to run, then rested a bit too. I hate it when I miss your posts, Ayelet! darnnnnn~ !! Sorry , again. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 63854 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 13, 2015 09:33 AM
Sorry.IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 13, 2015 03:08 PM
Mirage, I hope you won't have to take those meds. Perhaps you can find a natural healer? Homeopath or naturopath or herbologist... someone! Just so you don't introduce chemicals into your body.Mirage, Randall, that's o.k., just was reporting stuff that went on but couldn't keep it out like that, in the sun of the forum. I will probably know better when far away. Even so, "I won't let the sun go down on me", too bad I can't add a link right now IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted August 13, 2015 09:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ayelet: Even so, "I won't let the sun go down on me", too bad I can't add a link right now
Ayelet.... I've got your link (music) Don't Let The Sun Do Down On Me (Elton John, lyrics) [5:33] Quote: Mirage, I hope you won't have to take those meds. Perhaps you can find a natural healer? Homeopath or naturopath or herbologist... someone! Just so you don't introduce chemicals into your body. Definitely! I'd tried some herbs before... Feverfew is supposed to be good for migraines, but it acted more like a constant laxative and did nothing for my upper body. LOL Wish I could afford some bodywork... I've had a constant noticeable headache today, (this one is like my brain and face is ~burning/aching). Hey, for sure it's GOT to be astro transits ... I 'learned' to have this uber sensitivity to transit energy, I guess? Reminds me of the cat I had long ago... I learned to notice/hear far away sounds by watching when my cat's ears would twitch (back in my college days). After a while, I automatically was in-sync with her auditory perceptions. (So, that was a neat thing.) Oh!, and I'd seen my cat move over or away because of big thick 'thought-forms' that would come floating through the room, too. (Maybe some people would say ghost, but it was not embodied like a ghost can be.) Yeah, my Beautiful little gray tabby cat saw aura energies! LOL It was comforting that someone else saw the same things as me. (Yes, I'm referring to my cat as a 'someone'-- as she and I had a palpable close telepathic and emotional bond.) That's what I need!~~to hold a soft purring kitty up to my head. (music) Soft Kitty Warm Kitty (acapella) [2:31]
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 19, 2016 09:24 AM
O.k. I'm coming back to this deleted thread after so much time... I really don't know how to take this. I mean, I hear this voice when I go to sleep. I am beginning to hear more clearly, as I am less stormy. Thing is, the voice told me I would not be able to do this (be physically immortal). It's a never kind of thing for me. The voice also said "a curse" (he didn't curse, just said : "a curse"). Which thing scared me. I thought the voice is my spiritual teacher, but why would he say so to me? I feel so robbed, being born at the beginning of the Aquarian age, the new age, and losing my greatest spiritual possibility upon Earth. The voice said: "You will understand." I guess he's talking on my understanding after death. I told him I didn't like people dying like flies, and he said "you are right." I tried in this way to make me able not to die. I don't know how many life times I'll need, but in each I'll have to grow old and die. And I don't like that. He said the opportunity I was given is singular, meaning, there won't be any more. Did you know that if you happen to meet your teachers and then lose them, you don't get any further chance? This is it. I keep hoping I hear a false voice and I'll be given a second chance, but the voice sounds so real and authoriative that when I hear it, I believe it. I wish I could turn back time and make other choices in my life, which would have led to different kind of opportunities. I wish I did what I wanted to do, study psychology and then music therapy. Everything then would have been different. But no. I had to fall in love with the wrong guy and change my route. Too bad. Now I'm paying a dire price. There is no turning back. I wish it was a false voice. But when I hear it, I believe it, and so I will never believe in the future that I can be immortal. And if the voice is true, I will also never meet such teachers again. Someone once gave me a horary reading in Lindaland and told me I would not meet with these teachers in my next life, which thing is harmonious with what I hear. But I don't understand why a genuine, good voice should tell me "a curse". He said I would have to spend here more time... or something like that... ? ... In a way I really want to die because then I will KNOW stuff so much better... I wish there was a way to know down here... suppose the voice is true, so I know something, but it doesn't make me happy. The voice is kind, which is another reason why I think it's real. Why am I writing all this? Because I was so depressed after hearing all this stuff, that I haven't came out of bed... because the voice tells me to write, which is the profession I chose, but I can't... unless I force myself. Because I hope someone can understand how it is to know a hurtful truth and try to survive it, and I wish someone knew for a fact this was a false voice, truly understanding why I am mistaking it for real .. but if it is real, my dream of becoming immortal is shattered. And I shall never have such a magical encounter like I had. And life is just grey. Please don't quote, might delete later... IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 19, 2016 08:56 PM
So glad we're back! The kind voice was telling you a truth-- this physical body in real true time (fingers physically typing on your keyboard) must go through the natural process of decay and dying. Part of what you called a curse? We are born into a body, then we leave the body behind. All the 'inbetween' stuff? while you live and are aware you are alive is the real you (and include your spirit with that one too, for now). Have you ever read about people's near-death-experiences? How they float outside their body and can watch what's happening to their body? THAT's the 'real you'. That part of you is the immortal part of you. You keep that. The body-flesh part is just like wearing a piece of clothing you've been sewn into. It's got all that sensory-stuff, (nerve endings), that can cause the feeling of pain, getting sick, recovering. It's the outer piece that is ON you so you can interface with the material world. You remember the mentioning of this video, right? ... quote: SDragon, post Feb 19, 2016, Universal Codes forum God gave us the amazing ability to be creative beings. Every thought is creative which means we create the separation from God ourselves by our very own thoughts. God accepts us in our separation and our union. This TED Talk is quite an eye opener.
There is more I want to say about the notion of never seeing your teacher(s) again. Ayelet! {{ }} Hear me plain and simple: You might not know this right now, but YOU are Greater than those teachers you met a long time ago. They were NOT supposed to stay in your life BECAUSE you had 'actually' at the point of division, out-grown them...... It might not have "felt" that way to you?, but you had a higher destiny, different Destiny. You have a Unique plan to fill in God's World, and you don't even know the start of it! {{{{ }}}} The accidental-lie is that you needed them?... No. Softly, the truth is that 'they' needed that experience with YOU. You were an invisible gift to THEM. How did they treat you? ..... Everything was captured and recorded in the Heavenly Records chambers. They will come into an accounting. The first shall be last; and the last and least-likely one, shall be first. It was backwards!, dear Ayelet. It was all liberatingly backwards!!! *Breathe!* {{{ }}} IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 63854 From: Saturn next to Charmaine Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 20, 2016 11:19 AM
Good bump!IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 20, 2016 12:24 PM
Dear Mirage:1. Some people don't die. This is what this forum is about. According to Linda, by the end of the Aquarian age, more than half the population will be physically immortal. According to the voice, I shall NEVER share their destiny. 2. I am no greater than the teachers I've met. They are immortals and I am mere mortal (physically). I am less developed than they are. Trust me, I am no greater than them in the least. I actually had a special transit back then that said I was going to meet some people, and if I'll be up to them, they'll stick, if not, they'll be passing only. I wasn't up to them, so... 3. There still remains the question of what is the voice. Is it one of the teachers, talking to me? is it something else? 4. The voice told me I have fallen spiritually. The voice told me I will never be able to become physically immortal. What "better" role may I receive? Nothing higher, but something meant for the "new" me. New and not renewd! Sure, one can say there is no higher and lower, greater and smaller, etc. Thank you, Mirage, for trying to cheer me up. IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 20, 2016 05:37 PM
1. Some people don't die. This is what this forum is about. According to Linda, by the end of the Aquarian age, more than half the population will be physically immortal.You know what Ayelet? ... Maybe she meant 'ascended' but we weren't trending that word while she was going through all the hells and catastrophes she suffered. Also too, there's a way of using 'metaphorical' speech that she went in and out and back and forth with using. Like in Poetry, saying so much, one foot in one world, the other foot in this one. It's JUST like speech-writing, passionate sermon-delivery (MLK). There's "an art" to living in Heaven AND on Earth, and describing it to people in a way that they 'get' the Experience. Speaking on two levels at once, with the etheric Understanding, and the earthly common-sense in tact too. (I'm laughing at myself--- like, chewing gum and walking. Like thinking and dancing at the same time?? I can't coordinate the two like some can; but when I'm in my flowing-pocket of writing inspirationally, it "happens." Don't think too hard. Don't OVER-think....) Don't over-think things, dear Ayelet. ..... I know you have this bone between your teeth that you are trying and trying VERY VERY honestly to tear apart and 'figure out' the EXACT way, the EXACT meaning of 'immortality'........ ........... How do you do this? Through you writings, Ayelet... In your WONDERFUL writings and work. I see what you do over in Yellow Wax Forum. Knock-me-out sometimes. You have a way of connecting BOTH worlds. Linda did that. Linda, who is NOT in-a-body right now, has immortality through her WORDS, through her wonderful wonderful Poems and the Astrology she so adored. She was a woman who mourned great great Losses... The kinds of things that a gentle Beautiful Heart should NEVER NEVER have been subjected to in multiple lifetimes... but it came all-at-once for her, and her Soul. We have the fruit of her talent through her interface with life. The things she delved into and tried to languish out of her being to God through processing all losses and even touches of the grieving-madness of pain!... We touch that legacy she had. That part of her that represents the tiny tip of the iceberg of what immortality is. And, I don't think it will be just us individually, but as a Collective Soul.... We want to all share being the ImmortalRace of Humans. We must burn off our individual skins(ego), and unite to become a race of Honorable Decent People.... Kind. Kind to ourselves, Kind to our Neighbor, Kind to the Environmental Garden of the Earth....... There's no mean-ness in our acts that can make things right. Don't be mean to yourself, dear Ayelet.... Be Good to you, as I KNOW you have a VERY Kind Heart inside you. I've seen it, as you've reached out to me several times, even offering in a TANGIBLE way to me when things were ~weird rocky here for me. I soooo appreciated that. continued..... According to the voice, I shall NEVER share their destiny. Guess who else is here with you? ... yep. I "think" I'm one of those too. So, ........ You have "company"? *grin* 2. (regarding) If these teachers were fellows of the etheric worlds who had briefly translated their beings TO your plane of exixtence, they ALREADY knew your flaws, your foilables. ..... But WOW!, Ayelet. How many people ACTUALLY even get the 'apparition' to appear?? That's ~SPECIAL!!! That's really really ~special!
And you have the humility to know that you are no greater, and that they would just pass through, basically. If you recognize that you were no greater than them 'in the least', then HOT!dOGS!!!!! Cool-beans!!!!! Ma'am, YOU got to 'meet them' ANYWAYS!!! :FIREWORKS: hahaha Who ELSE could say THAT????? I would be SOOO excited. I would feel SOOOO 'privileged', Ayelet!! How many people have a chart that gives you even ONE chance at something like that??? Cool!!!! You got the 'view' ---- How many people never even get to SEE?? hmmmmmm? 3. (what is the voice) My honest opinion, is that this is coming from the part of YOU-inside, and you hear it 'as though' it is outside of you.... but it's an InnerVoice, isn't it?
4. (fallen spiritually..... But there's a "new" me)
That "new you" is to be Celebrated. Then, and, that "new you" is to be Cultivated. You said Saturn is going through your H12.... This is raking through your Unconscious. Part of the Unconscious are our Memories, and memories of everything you took in from childhood. Little sponge never forgets--- but also didn't have the capacity to understand what was happening. Even as adults, we process our childhood memories, associations, pain. Don't forget your innerChild who needs to understand things, Ayelet. Explain the concept of immortality as a Compassionate Caring adult TO your Beautiful little Child (who liked the Birdie-songs, and the Umbrella) and who wants to cross that Rainbow-bridge into Understanding the Metaphysical meanings. You know, Jesus LOVED Children. He told the disciples to 'became like Children' -- innocent again -- Loving and believing and accepting of 'the way things are'.... What is? ..... Everyone born in a body dies. Everyone who is Reborn, Born-Again, lives forever in Immortal Beauty and Holiness, and Pure Divine Presence---- EVEN while still in a physical body which perishes. When you die Ayelet (when I die), when we are crossed into the land of no physical body, we WILL have a Glorified Body---- Like Jesus has one RIGHT NOW. He's IN the Metaphysical realms. He EXISTS, and is HERE to help everyone....IN the palpable felt-Form of The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Living LOVE Force-field that inhabits OUR love and Connection with things uplifting and Divine. Okay, ~enough! LOL New and not renewed! There is something called 'the renewing your mind', Ayelet. That means making a concerted effort to "put away" negative and self-destructive behaviors, and begin to tell yourself Positive things. Take sips of Positive feelings, and anchor those in. Try to sustain it (like a tone) and spread it as much as you can throughout your day. It's okay not to do that perfectly. Drop every mistake you make, and continue with practicing what's Positive, what Feeds your feeling Pleasant, what makes you notice things that are Beautiful and Unique about your day, your world, anything Good. QUOTE: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. You renew your mind through washing and bathing it with thoughts of a Positive Nature. (Doesn't mean the negative painful things didn't happen to you....) You choose to FEED what you want playing back to you. (renew yourself) Have Talks with yourself. Forgiveness to yourself..... Just as you would me, Ayelet. If I were sad and wanting to give up, you'd try to cheer me up (and you have done that!).... Take your ImaginationBrain into your Hands, and speak WORDS to 'you'----, that You are Loved, and You are Accepted. You are Acceptable just as you are. You are Taken Care of by a Divine Force of Love and Infinite Light and Caring. All has been and is Forgiven. Every mistake that could Ever be made has already been Forgiven and COMPLETELY Forgotten about. You have a NEW Lease on Brain! *grin* A NEW Lease on a Beautiful Life ahead of you. It's got to come from inside you. Take the New Seed, and plant it. Care for it by continuing to speak Loving things over it--- like you would a small bird. Keep your Heart Filled with this tiny special Care.... Then you Share that Love with someone else important to you----- First Person on that morning's LIST???? should ALWAYS be {{{God, and YOURSELF.}}} God Created You, Ayelet.... He knows How. You are His Treasure, and He finds His Pleasure in YOU. RE-New your New Self, with the MOST POSITIVE Start Possible. BELIEVE, in Yourself. (music) He Who Began A Good Work In You (Phil 1:6, lyrics) [3:22]
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Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 22, 2016 06:42 PM
Hi Mirage, I can't read your reply since I don't have an access to a computer right now and it doesn't show on my cell... will come back to you as soon as I can IP: Logged |
mirage29 Knowflake Posts: 5164 From: us Registered: May 2012
posted March 23, 2016 12:33 AM
Thank you so much for letting me know, Ayelet. That was very thoughtful. Wishing you good luck with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Libra 3+ (7:47~8:00 am today, March 23, Wednesday, East Coast LL Time). (Full Moon's are oppositions between Moon (Libra) and the Sun (at 3+Aries)) First degrees Aries Sun! Fresh New Beginnings. Hold the space of 'how you want to be' and discover that it's 'who you are.' IP: Logged |
Ayelet Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 23, 2016 09:48 AM
Hello dear Mirage, bless you... Thanks so much for the encouragement, it's greatly appreciated. Of course we are all immortals. If we wouldn't have been, we couldn't have been physically immortal. Let me stress that out: PHYSICALLY. You think Linda hasn't meant it this way. Well, we differ in our views. Nevertheless, your words concerning our spiritual immortality and our glorified body in heaven are warmly accepted and appreciated. I am not comforted by your future perishing from this world, unless this is the best route for you. And even so, that's not the comfort. Each time someone dies, everyone says: "what a shame". And do you know who they are sorry for? Cause I'm not sure. Are they sorry for the deceased? S\He is in a better world already. Arethey sad because deep inside they know life can be much longer and they are sorry for the person not making it? Or are they sorry for themselves, they, who were left behind, in thisworld of apparent seperation, seemingly seperated again, and aching for it? What do you think? Linda wished she wouldn't die, and there was a time I thought she didn't. Not anymore. I know her body perished. But that is not a reason to discredit her teachings. At least not in mine eyes. And true, she left an immortal legacy behind her in the form of words. Also in the form of her love. I don't have such a legacy. My poetry is about enotional experience, and I am not assisting millions of people (yet? ) to improve their lives. "Gooberz" helps opening the third eye and understand better the occult, as it also opens one's heart. "Linda Goodman's Star Sign" is full of beneficial advices and more. If I could cure myself, perhaps I would write and help others. You need to understand, I can't do stuff like astral projection, like I did before, I can't see auras and stuff... The only "occult" thing active right now is that voice before I sleep, and I wish I could get rid of it. I don't always feel it is me, but who knows? I don't have any mystical experiences but dreams. I keep a journal. But it is my daylife that needs boosting. I kmow everybody's purpose is to do good here, I'm just not yet totally sure what would be my best way of expressing it. Thank you for appreciating my writing! By the way, knowing there is only one opportunity in all the soul's existance to meet such Gurus and that I missed their enlightenment doesn't make me feel priviliged. I'd prefer receiving another chance whenever, which thing is impossible, than to leave this place permanently. But hey, maybe it's mazochistic me Much Love to you IP: Logged | |