Topic: Prayers for BirdSong's Sister Collen Please!!
BlueDove Knowflake Posts: 36 From: Dryden, Michigan Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 21, 2001 01:42 AM
Hello wonderful Knowflakes Dani's sister Colleen had a terrible accident at the rink tonight She was skating and fell back and hit her head and has a serious head injury Dani (BirdSong) is at the hospital's ER right now and couldn't log on to her computer, but hoped to get a prayer/white light thread going for Colleen as soon as possible, cuz she could really use it right now. Dani loves this site and knows that you are all the wonderful and compassionate kind of people that can really make a difference for her sister.... so please if you could take a moment and visualize some healing light for her, it would be greatly appreciated. We will keep you all posted as to how she is doing and thanks so much for caring. Love, Lisa IP: Logged |
Donna Knowflake Posts: 672 From: Mechanicsburg, Pa. USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 21, 2001 02:32 AM
For Dani and Colleen((((((White Light)))))) Lots of Love and Prayers Donna IP: Logged |
Marigold Knowflake Posts: 771 From: England Registered: Apr 2001
posted October 21, 2001 02:40 AM
Ohhh....Hope you heal quick BirdSong !!! IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 21, 2001 05:09 AM
please post her last name so i could send her reiki...IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 21, 2001 10:31 AM
Everything I've got is on the way! For Dani, too. ------------------ "Man is the only animal that blushes...or needs to." Mark Twain IP: Logged |
NeptunianIdeal Knowflake Posts: 449 From: CA Registered: Dec 2000
posted October 21, 2001 04:12 PM
God bless man! I hope all turns out well. LOve IP: Logged |
Morning Storm Knowflake Posts: 1778 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: May 2001
posted October 21, 2001 04:40 PM
Love and light is on the way, Dani--for both of you. ------------------ Science is presently concerned only with the material forces, failing to recognize the Spiritual Forces. Yet, what is a material force but the visible manifestation of the Spiritual Force behind it? To accept the material manifestation and deny the Spiritual Force that creates and controls it is to place yourself in the illogical position of accepting an effect--and denying its cause. Linda Goodman in Love Signs IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 21, 2001 05:43 PM
Sending Prayers!!!IP: Logged |
Raines Knowflake Posts: 742 From: Mississippi Registered: May 2001
posted October 21, 2001 08:28 PM
Any news? Hope all is well.IP: Logged |
Lastchild Knowflake Posts: 314 From: Mississippi (catfish don't jump!) Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 21, 2001 08:53 PM
Oh my! Wishing and hoping and sending. Keep us up to date. IP: Logged |
Birdsong Knowflake Posts: 258 From: Kalamazoo Michigan Registered: Aug 2001
posted October 21, 2001 10:46 PM
Dearest KnOwflakes ThankyOu all very much for your prayers and gOOd wishes. Colleen is at home now...she will be seen again tomorrow morning. She was skating backwards...doing an 'outside edge' which means she was leaning back into a one footed turn...when her skate...the only one on the floor...hit a bobby pin. It stopped her skate completely...and Colleen was moving along a pretty fast that sent her airborne backwards...and she landed about 5 or 6 feet behind where she hit the bobby pin. She landed on the back of her head first...then her neck...then her shoulders..then a body slam down. We have grown up in this business...and both of us have skated all our lives...and I have never...NEVER seen a fall that bad. She was out. I was so scared...because she looked like she was dead...I had to look for her breathing...and then I was untangling her legs and arms and hair. We know from experience that this kind of fall...often can not be prevented...because once you are're gone...there's no catching yourself. I have seen heart attacks and seizures...and all sorts of broken bones...that limped out ...walked out ...or were transported out....but I have never seen a fall like this. I thought she was was awful...when she started coming to...she did not know who I was...... I felt down her neck and spine...and could not feel any protruding bones.....but I was still scared to move her. When she came to..Steve (thats Colleens husband) and I got her skates off her and got her upright......I had to get her off the skating floor. We got her on ice...and I checked her vitals and pupils...and called the Steve and Coll out the door...then called emergency to tell them she was on the way. I still had a rink full of people to care for and I had to finish that before I could leave. it's scary for the customers...when you see the instructor and owner go down like that...and they were all watching me very closely to see if I was freaked I had to stay so calm...calm calm calm It must have been a night for accidents...tho' because less than 10 min later...I sent a grown man to another emergency room for stitches....he went down on his face and split his chin an inch across! I don't know about the guys chart...but I do know Uranus is sitting on my sisters Sun right now. She has a bad concussion..and will be off her wheels for a while...which is not great timing at all because she has scout classes to teach in the next few weeks...I do not know what we are going to do...but I know we will get thru somehow. The next 48 hours are around 10:00 pm EDT monday night...we should be past the danger point Her jaw is slightly dislocated....and she has whiplash to say the least...the whole back of her head is purple..... We had cleaned the floors right before that the pin must have fallen out of someones hair while they were skating...I never paid so much attention to hairstyles in my life! Believe it or not...I am glad it was Colleen that took the fall and not someone else...another less proficient skater would have easily died. Colleen does not fall often...but when she goes...she does hum dingers...and this was the worst I have ever seen. We know a lady who went down this same way in Stousburg PA at skating school...and she is permanently disabled from it...that lady went down on a cement floor....Colleen survived because our floors are maple. Another customer who was at the far corner of the floor when Colleen hit, said that the floor vibrated when Colleen's head hit it. Which is good because it shows the floor does what it was designed to do...and that is cushion you and give way...when a body hits it. It was truly horrible...and I hope nothing like that ever happens again! Lisa! Bless you for starting this thread for me.... guys...I called her house from my job...and talked to her husband...and even tho' he did not know what 'White Light' is...he was so sweet and nice and promised to get the message to her right away...and she got right on-line as soon as she got home from work...Bless her ! Keep it up!...and add any messages you like to Colleen as I will forward this thread to her...she's very touched that you all would care so much Ghost... her last name is Carpenter....thankyou sweetie much to you all, Dani IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted October 21, 2001 11:31 PM
Dani...I'm a little late sending the light for the the actual healing... so this is WHITE LITE for her total recovery (both physical and I know she was scared).. Also...when she is better (when not if)...ask her what her HIGHER SELF wanted to talk to her about? It must have been both urgent and important as accidents that result in black outs are usually such messages. I guess her HIGHER SELF had to get to her fast. ALso, I just noticed and almost edited it, but something said no.. I was going to do a rainbow angel rainbow smilie...and really thought I did, but it is a rainbow angel angel smilie....hummmm My best to her...and to you. Once you get time to rest and all this sets are going to need some LIGHT too..... ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
ghost Knowflake Posts: 572 From: Registered: Jul 2001
posted October 22, 2001 12:11 AM
DANI sweetheart , rest asure that she will be allright before you could even say 'jumping jacks' aside of reiki i'v called upon some major angels to help , it never failed before and always did the trick , all the glory to the byonde!love and sunlight , shai (ghost) IP: Logged |
BlueDove Knowflake Posts: 36 From: Dryden, Michigan Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 22, 2001 02:40 AM
Whew!! I'm so glad she made it through today ok, Dani! I thought and thought about her all day at work and wondered how she was doing... gonna keep on praying and surging white light until she's h'way out of the clear!Thanks to all you precious Angels for praying! And Colleen, (for when you read this ), no more backward skating for you, girl!!! It is prohibitly forbidden from now on, ya here! Eyes up front! haha You scared your poor sister to death! (and me too!) Glad you're doing and big (((hugs)) for you!! And all the best for a swift healing! Lisa IP: Logged |
Angelique Knowflake Posts: 202 From: Southwest Missouri, United States Registered: Sep 2001
posted October 22, 2001 07:59 AM
Itai.. that's a big injury, I know what head injuries are like. Not to that extent, but I do know, and it's scary and stressful, for all those involved.So here's my love and support, and I been bumped pretty bad on my head too and I made it okay! So don't lose hope, get well soon, and win the Olympic skaiting gold medal! Or anything else you want. Carpe diem, my friends, and to thine own self be true. And I agree, eyes forward from now on! Or at least watch out where you may be going, to avoid hitting anything in the future. I can't stress enough, I know how scary it is for this kind of thing to happen, firsthand, but you'll all pull through, I can just feel it. Good luck, and my thoughts and prayers go out to you all! Ja ne, Angelique IP: Logged |
Birdsong Knowflake Posts: 258 From: Kalamazoo Michigan Registered: Aug 2001
posted October 22, 2001 11:27 PM
Hi sweet knOwflakes! Todays visit to the Dr. also showed 2 cracked ribs and a hairline jawbone for a while she cannot do this: and YIVY...yOu knOw're right...I am having some kind of delayed reaction to this myself......a big fatigue....and I feel a little Thankyou all for being there for us..... Dani IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 20, 2002 09:49 PM
It's been a while since we've heard any updates. How is Colleen doing? Is she all right? Is she doing better? IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 23, 2002 10:56 PM
I would really love to know! IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 24, 2002 03:12 PM
Is she at least a little better?IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted January 25, 2002 09:27 PM
I'm going to be very persistent and keep posting until we receive an update! I will keep being annoying! The only way to stop me is to tell us how she is doing. (However, if you're not prepared to answer, please post telling us you're not prepared to answer and I'll understand.) IP: Logged |
Spiritua Knowflake Posts: 1477 From: Toronto Registered: Dec 2001
posted February 20, 2002 02:18 AM
( , ) IP: Logged |
gooberlily Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted February 21, 2002 12:01 AM
Hope all is well with Colleen IP: Logged |
BlueDove Knowflake Posts: 36 From: Dryden, Michigan Registered: Sep 2001
posted March 01, 2002 03:50 AM
ROFL!! oh, how did Dani and I miss this??Spiritua, you have admirable patience and perserverance indeed!! Thank you kindly for asking Colleen is doing well, as far as I know. Dani shocked me when she told me that Colleen was back on her skates a week later!!! I was like, "HUH????" She was understandably quite sore for a bit after that, though. Thanks again for your prayers and for caring and for the good laugh! Love, Lisa IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted March 01, 2002 11:27 PM
Lisa...glad to see you back, and so delighted Colleen is so much better Spiritua has the patience of a 'saint'....and is uncanny in drawing 'lost puppies' back home ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
BlueDove Knowflake Posts: 36 From: Dryden, Michigan Registered: Sep 2001
posted March 03, 2002 02:49 AM
Hello, YIVY! It's good to be back...score one more for Spiritua! heheActually I've just been a bit busy these past few months getting back in the work force and not getting all the computer time I used to have Missed it here, though! Lovely place! Thanks for the welcome back, Love, Lisa IP: Logged |