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  How did you become convinced of the validity of spirituality? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   How did you become convinced of the validity of spirituality?

Posts: 2296
From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted April 01, 2002 01:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for gooberlily     Edit/Delete Message
But, of course I did Spiritua

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Posts: 25287
From: Columbus, GA USA
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posted July 15, 2002 12:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Posts: 555
From: Neptune, Milky Way, Universe
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posted July 30, 2002 11:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pearly     Edit/Delete Message
For me it was gradual. When I think about the beginning stages of awakening to spirituality, I always think of my girlfriend in Jr. High (16 years ago). Her parents were important individuals within the Eckankar community (a spiritual new age religion) and her and I would get into debates about "religion" (funny, she's a Libra and as I recall this now I am realizing how much she truly enjoyed these chats!). At the time I had only been exposed to mainly Catholic ideas, so we really were on opposite sides of the seesaw. Anyway, to make a long story short, she introduced me to lots of spiritual concepts including protective energy fields, visualization, lucid dreaming, astral projection, etc.

After that, she moved to another city and as I continued along in my life I expanded my spiritual beliefs on my own with astrology, tarot and meditation. As I became more and more spiritual, I realized my own abilities to "read" people and now my intuition is the only thing I use for decisions. All that I know is from first hand experience, and I have never taken anyone's word for it without trying it for myself. In addition to leaving my body, recalling past lives and seeing/feeling many other "strange" things, I have successfully used all of the above mentioned concepts and that has pretty much proven to me that there is something more than the physical.

Of course, I still have no clue as to how it all got here and don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg?, BUT I don't think that is as important to know as having the knowledge that our own karma/purpose is a real thing that we have chosen.

All in due time-space....


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Posts: 717
From: Belfast, Ireland
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posted July 31, 2002 10:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
I have had an experience like that before but it was quicker, it didn't last in the way your s did. I was fully conscious although I woke up in the middle of the night.
I used to wake up alot when I was a kid and I would look around and feel the presnce of something so still and deep and it was like I could feel the waves of someone and for an instant colours.
One night I awoke and called out a name in my head, and as soon as I had said it I could not remeber it. I looked to see who was in the room and felt like there was a breeze there. When I looked to see if the window was opened it wasn't and I became convinced that my friend had climbed up to my room during the night and crept through the window even though that was not possible.
One night when I was older I opened my eyes to see a beautiful man standing at my bed side. His eyes were level with mine and we stared into each other, He had black wavy hair and very dark eyes but so gentle.
But I became very afraid, turned away and when I looked back he was gone.
I always thought he was my twin soul or someone I will meet in the future but he appeared at a time when I needed him and almost seemed to be protecting me.
Anyway I have posted this story b4 but wanted to share it with u since I think we've experienced something similar.
I hope u're feeling better and to be honest, even though it's not my place to say and I don't know u're situation, I have very much doubts about anti-depressants and the chemicals we put into our bodys because a doctor tells us to.
I hope that I u receive lots of love and light from this site, cause I'm sending loads out to ya.
Love and Light Cat from Belfast

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Posts: 312
From: Rio de janeiro, Brazil
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posted July 31, 2002 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jackiep     Edit/Delete Message
For me it happened when I was 5 years old.
I was sleeping and suddenly I woke up or better, I was wakened up. I opened my eyes and I saw two angels, small and children like me. One was standing up and the other was with the hands in the face looking well close to me.
I looked at them and I thought something was strange, but I was not any afraid.
I closed my eyes and I opened again but they were not there anymore.

Time went passing…

One day I was with my boyfriend in a bar, we were talking and suddenly we stopped speaking, the two at the same time.
I asked him if he was seeing what I was. He told me that he had seen a man and I answered that for me …was a woman.

Little by little these visions went disappearing and for to many years I don't see anything else...but something continues.

From small, I feel something that is going to happen. Once ,I was with my former-husband and without any reason I asked on a friend of him. At this time we lived in Miami and his friend lived in Brazil. My former-husband said that he didn't speak to that friend for about 6 months and he asked me why I said that. I answered that there was no reason, it just came me that thought.

In the end of the afternoon the friend called, he was in Miami and wanted to meet us...

The time went passing and I went moving away of my "spiritual side", for reasons that I don't get more to remind. Until that 18 months ago, I had a very painfull experience, I suffered a lot, I regretted a lot,I even wanted to die...

But I didn't die ,instead I decided to learn...

I began studying about religions, for instance Kardecism. One thing took to another and I discovered that my true interest was astrology.
I am crawled but I am not in a hurry (Saturn ).

Once someone told me that "only when the disciple is ready the master appears ".

It was it exactly what happen to me...Maybe is my 8 house where I have Uranus, Mercury, Pluto and the Sun !

Love and Peace to all of you .

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Posts: 717
From: Belfast, Ireland
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 02, 2002 08:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
It's so good to hear that u've experience it too, I think that now people are beginning to open up and really talk about their experiences without the fear of thinking others will make them feel weird!
Doesn't it feel so good to know that we're not on our own and that there really seems to be something happening in the world today, something amazing! And we're part of it!
Light and Love
Cat from Belfast

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Posts: 717
From: Belfast, Ireland
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 02, 2002 08:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Quinnie     Edit/Delete Message
Spiritua, another thing I wanted to add also, without sounding so harsh, I'm sorry if I do but the depression we feel sometimes is the result of denying the spiritual dimensions to us. For example u needing validity is not at all something that u should not look for but the very fact that u feel low at times perhaps is because u're need for reason blocks a more natural flow of energy that comes with trust.
If at first u trust, all the valid question and answers that u need to know will come naturally and I tell u that u will that is the paradox of it because when u question u doubt, when u let go of the need to doubt and question u will just know.
I believe that what u're experiencing it like the void place people have talked about b4.
What if u just let go?
What if u just tell u're depression to leave u. As long as u search for the reasons u feel this way u will allow them to have a certain power and control. Why not just let it go and see what happens.
Love and Light
Cat from Belfast

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Posts: 1497
From: The Highlands,NY,usa
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posted August 02, 2002 09:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MAGUS of MUSIC     Edit/Delete Message
-I was about 5 or 7 and I realized {in school,t.v.,movies every where},that all of these blind ,doubting,skeptick,conventional scienced MORTALY MINDED FOOLS with their philosofys of "only if I can see and touch it will I believe in it"- have progresed absolutly ----

no where in all these thousands of years.

With their erogent points of views did the new world not exist untill Christofer Columbous found it??? After all, nobody in Europe had yet to see it!!!

To all of the spiritul doubters out there-wake up. Now.For the good of our childrens futer. Even Forest Gump would be able to realize the possibilty of the unseen and super natural. For those that dont want to wake up-fine, atleast conduct your own experiments and serches from an unbised view. Then make your conclusion.

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Posts: 144
From: Kitchener, Ontario Canada
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 02, 2002 10:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Rue     Edit/Delete Message
Spiritua: I have had problems with suffering from depression as well and in fact I had just posted a question about spiritual healers wondering if maybe I could be taken care of in that way, an alternitive method.
While I was 14 my father had died (expectidley) Then when I was 15 I started to develop anorexia/bulimia. I had always had good friends around me to help me out. But from I guess you could say 14 and on I was a mess. I married young/devorced young. There was a major personality clash, we were like night and day (litterally!). There was somthing wrong with me though and I couild feel it. Steve (the guy Im with now) I had always known, and for some reason after leaving my husband I started to cling to him. I was just acting strange in ways I had never felt before, I was obsessed with wanting to be with Steve. As we were in a coffee shop one day I had finally made up my mind and I decided I would tell him how I felt, and while I had decided to do this, An inner voice said to me loud and clear "It's not time yet." I was shocked! But this is around the time I was reading star signs and so believed maybe I should listen to this.
A couple years passed and we had only talked on and off a couple times. We did eventually end up with each other.
The night we concieved our daughter I had a very clear dream with an angel/ gaurdian angel maybe? she was stunning! she stood behind me and put her arms around me and placed her hands on my stomach and told me I was having a baby girl. I actually forgot all about this dream untill later on durring the pregnancy.
I am for some reason very afraid of delving deeper into my spirituality, I am able to do things at a very superficial level but going to deep scares the crap out of me! I can pick up on peoples personalitys so quickley and how they think of me, and those around me. When I see bad in people I don't want to see it, I want to see the good. I think Im just scared because with the spiritual aspect of it that if I go deeper into astrology I might see more bad in people, I dunno... But I really would love to get the courage to let myself just go,Im very uptight and have a hard time letting go in any situation.
I am very happy to have found this site and this way I can go in as fast or slow as I would like and just post up questions aboout anything I would like to know about. You guys have been great lol sorry for rambleing on... but I guesss the awnser to your question as far as I go would be that I startd to develop it at 19 and is still in the prosses of being developed.

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Posts: 312
From: Rio de janeiro, Brazil
Registered: May 2002

posted August 02, 2002 06:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jackiep     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Quinnie and Rue,

I am also very happy in seeing people of such different culturally countries (Ireland, Brazil ,US , Canada),without speaking in the distances between us, describing their more summon experiences without having fear of seem foolish.
It is very good to do part of this illuminated " site ".

Rue, do excuse the interference, but would you tried to pray?
I ask that because I also have similar experiences .

I got married early, divorced early and married again.
I was pregnant without knowing , than I had a dream with a " man " that I thought extremely illuminated, but I didn't think about him as a guardian angel. In this dream I found a baby in the street and I didn't know what to do with him, that " man " appeared and I asked if he could take the baby to his house, he answered me without opening his lips, mentally, that the baby was mine, that child had come for me and I should be with him.

I woke up quite impressed with that dream, but I didn't think about that for a while, two weeks later I discovered that I was pregnant.

Many years passed and I had a very happy marriage until everything began to change.
Months before my divorce, I entered in a great depression, as if I knew that something is going to happen but without knowing exactly what it was.
To make a long history short, after my divorce , I was talking with a very good friend ,she is a spiritual medium Kardecist, I don't know if you believe in that...
Telling several related facts about my separation, attitudes that I and my husband had, my depression, problems of health and other things , my friend told me to pray.

Not the kind of "prayer" that I use to do…

I don't know if you have interest or if you believe in this type of experience, it is very simple but as tells respect about religion, I feel a little constrained...
On the other side ,since it worked with me …

Peace for all

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Posts: 1477
From: Toronto
Registered: Dec 2001

posted October 05, 2002 12:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Spiritua     Edit/Delete Message
Would any more of our newer Knowflakes care to contribute?

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Posts: 530
Registered: Aug 2002

posted October 05, 2002 01:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for taj     Edit/Delete Message
i've never been aware of having to be convinced. perhaps it has to do with being born in the sign of sagittarius. i remember reading bible stories especially at bedtime when i was in primary school. the suffering of the christ jesus never failed to bring tears to my eyes each time. i talked to Him a lot. came high school, i had a big picture of Him on my wall right beside my bed.

thanks, spiritua and all, for letting me remember once again.

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Posts: 504
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posted October 05, 2002 01:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bernadette1216     Edit/Delete Message
*steps nervously up*

what an interesting topic and moreso interesting responses!

I have posted bits and pieces of this in other forums but in a nutshell, I was raised in a Christian faith. But even within this upbringing, I was exposed to other sides of life, as my mother consulted tarot readers and such and my grandmother had an intuition about things similar to my own. At one time in my life I thought I was a very religious and devote person of my faith, but looking back I realize that I misunderstood the true meaning of faith. I thought if I were present every time the doors of my church opened then I was ensured a wonderful spot in the afterlife.

Once I broke up with my first husband, I came to know a tarot reader, who in her house mixed several types of faith. She even had a statue of the Virgin Mary sitting on the table that she laid the cards on. She spoke of the Bible, and different aspects of faith. At that time I thought to myself, she is a nut. How could she be a Christian and mix these things. And furthermore, what am *I* doing here, shuffling these "devil" cards and letting her read for me? When I left her house that night, she told me that I was very skeptical of her, and that I would never see her again because of it. Many years later, I have yearned to see her again, because I now understand her. But alas, she has passed on, and true to her prophecy, I never did see her again.

But, I believe that my true exposure to my ride of faith, came that night, for I have become so much like Nita, learning things about different religions. I now own a pair of tarots, that I read for myself only, because I am not that experienced in them yet. I look forward to the astrology class. And so many things have happened to me over the past few years, but most importantly since February of 2001.

In Feb of 01 I had a dream..or it may have been January, anyway, I dreamt of seeing a cross in the sky, and words being written in the sky in an ancient language. I knew in the dream what they meant, and I witnessed the hand of God writing them. I fell onto my knees and all I could say was "oh gracious God" over and over. The walls to my parents church fell in that dream, but they saved the children and the senior citizens of the church. Upon having this dream, and recalling 2 prophetic dreams I had about my own daughters birth and the birth of my now Godchild, I realized that there was something going on in my life.

I consulted a friend who read tarots for me at that time, and I confided all of this into Mark. Mark felt an urge to pull out all of his decks and began pulling cards from them all. They all told him that I was embarking on an awakening and taking me to higher level in life. To follow my intuition and trust it 100%. To follow my dreams and trust them as well, as I had been given gifts and a spirit guide and these gifts were from the highest of places in the universe.

I realized then that I could read auras of people, although at the time I had no idea of how or why I was able to read people. I also began dreaming more vividly about this guide, and he has "rescued" me several times in dreams. Came to me more recently while I dreamt of lying in a coffin. He told me to open my eyes and open my mouth and began to pour an unidentified liquid in my mouth as I watched my body and myself struggle with waking up. this point, I am still practicing Christian beliefs, for I love studying and my prayer life. But I'm learning to take bits and pieces of things I have learned and insert them into my life to make it more productive. And I have felt that this board was a step in the learning process for me. And given the nature of it lately what great lessons I have and continue to learn daily, about fear and forgiveness. Forgiveness on my part anyway. For today I feel something inside of me...and I feel the sadness of this board, full strength. I feel the urging of others, who have not come out to speak, but I feel them just the same. And I'm just as sad as they all are.

But light will prevail as the ultimate victor, no matter the religious path, light will overcome the darkness.

Is this along the lines of making sense? I hope so.

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posted October 05, 2002 03:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Chronic depression - I had a problem with depression in my teens and early 20's so I do know what it's like. Part of the reason I dropped out of the Fashion Institute of Technology at the end of my first year was because I was too depressed to get out of bed.

This was about the same time I discovered paganism and the Goddess. I finally had a name for my thoughts, beliefs, and feelings. It did a lot to help my state of mind. I still have bouts of depression from time to time but I have outlets now that USUALLY help if I combat the depression before it hits full-on.

I think I talked about this in the Pilgrams Progress forum, though.

I've always been fascinated in the occult, though. For as long as I can remember... but that might be because I see lots of spirits so it's always been a part of my life.

Don't wanna be your enemy... because I'm not the one you WANT me to be - Duran Duran 1997

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Posts: 25287
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted December 26, 2002 11:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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