Topic: ONIONS Needed!
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 29, 2002 08:23 PM
I want to start a charitable organization. Are all the charitable causes already taken? Help! ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Mateo Knowflake Posts: 9 From: Moon Registered: Jan 2002
posted January 29, 2002 08:41 PM
RandallI didn't get the chance to finish your idea about the College.Free tuition for learning astrology? was that correct? I still think that is a great idea, with a big influence of Linda's ways for communication. Teaching her ideas, break throughs, thoughts and opinions of life, love, and true togetherness. Mateo IP: Logged |
Pegesus Knowflake Posts: 302 From: Registered: Jan 2001
posted January 29, 2002 08:58 PM
You know, just yesterday I heard a statistic that over 60% of the earths population lives on less than $3 a day. And something like over half the people don't have shoes! I know we all clean out our closets and donate to local charities but I'm just wondering if anything REALLY ends up with the people who need it the most?Giving money to the "big" charitable organizations doesn't do much good because at least twice a year you hear about the CEO scamming all the money away from the needy. I don't know WHAT to do but I'd like to DO something that REALLY helps people! Maybe we can come up with something. I hope so!! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 29, 2002 09:00 PM
Did I mention that somewhere on this site? I must be sliding again! Not sure how many would be interested in something like that. Lots of people read their dailies, but how many are interested in becoming serious astrologers? I should probably support a cause with mass appeal. Maybe something to do with children and some type of illness. ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 29, 2002 09:08 PM
I agree, Peg. I wouldn't take a salary for many years until it is one of the largest charities around. Then I could get a small salary (since I would be working long hours with fund-raising efforts). All the rest would go to the cause (or maybe a few more employees other than volunteers). ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
AngelaCarisaCalavicci Knowflake Posts: 165 From: Lynnwood, Washington usa Registered: Aug 2001
posted January 29, 2002 09:18 PM
Randall- I just got an idea, and it just came to me when I read your post so usually that means it is a good one! How about something to do with free psychic, astrology, tarot, numerology, etc. readings? Recently, my mom has been very depressed because our family is basically screwed money-wise and we are most likely going to lose the house we've lived in for 15 years, so I started looking up free psychic readings (not 1-900 # stuff, but on yahoo! clubs and such), I got a few reply's and it did help her depression quite a bit. You could have message boards like on here and live chats and such maybe even phone and email readings. I kind of thought before I would end up doing something to help organize something in the area of that before, and I would be glad to help, not sure on how much I could do though because I take care of my 4 year old brother during the day. Just a thought, use it or don't it's up to you! -Angela Carisa CalavicciIP: Logged |
Nephthys Moderator Posts: 3800 From: California Registered: Oct 2001
posted January 29, 2002 09:20 PM
Excuse me, but what does an Onion have to do with a Charitable Organization? just wondering?Well I have an answer for you but I know you don't want to hear it ~ it's a book that gives a lot of information which could help you decide which kind of organization.......but I know you don't want to hear I'll shut up IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 29, 2002 09:33 PM
ONION is just our little thing here. OPINION contains ONION, and like onions, opinions come in many layers, are sometimes too strong, can make people cry, and some do "stink." But that's just my ONION! ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Nephthys Moderator Posts: 3800 From: California Registered: Oct 2001
posted January 29, 2002 10:45 PM
Ok, I get it IP: Logged |
sweetpeas Knowflake Posts: 924 From: Plainfield, IN Registered: Sep 2001
posted January 29, 2002 10:49 PM
What about a 24 hour hotline for young people in trouble or danger. Cerebral palsy,aids,leukaemia,cancer or other life threatening illnesses. Poverty,neglect,abused,runaways and the homeless. Blind,deaf and other physical disabilities. Children affected by parents drug and alcohol use. Helping feed the children who go to bed hungry most nights. These are just some ideas off the top of my head. There are some excellent charities out there where the children do get the money. St.Judes Childrens Research Hospital and the Make A Wish Foundation both do outstanding work. IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 30, 2002 01:21 AM
Randall...this is such an important decision, I'll have to think on it a bit before I can share an 'onion'.'Sliding' I have an ideal place I was before I keep trying to slide back to, but so far it just keeps getting worse. Maybe I just need to quit for now <sigh> ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
chandra Knowflake Posts: 583 From: oregon Registered: Jun 2001
posted January 30, 2002 04:59 AM
I also think something to help the hungry and needy in our world would bless so many people. We just don't know how good we have it here. There is so much work to be done is this area that people so desperately need. But, with any decision, it has to be something that you really feels is the best from you heart. The thing that really speaks to you For some reason, something tells me you already pretty much have decided on something ChandraIP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted January 30, 2002 11:28 AM
Actually, Chandra, I really have no idea yet. ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising Knowflake Posts: 968 From: Melb Fl Registered: Sep 2001
posted January 30, 2002 12:03 PM
If you have Free Time ,(hehehe...a funny on the immortality theme), why don't you see what you can volunteer in a local school. Kids are the future. Not enough people toss them the ball and then show them how to run with it. Possibly they would need help in the area of computers, media, drama, or music. How about offering a free class in astrology or something else. See if you can do it thru Adult Ed or a local college. Call around to crisis centers in your area for organizations that fall thru the cracks. My business found an after-school learning center (for very poor children) to donate to for Christmas this way. The woman on the phone was jumping thru the phone line because she was overjoyed that someone had ASKED. NO ONE had EVER asked about these local places. We took the money that was normally spent on an employee party and gave it to the employees to go shopping. Everyone maxed out the pOwer of a buck because it took two trucks to deliver the goods. They also got a computer via a '$ match' by one of our vendors. We were awed by how much stuff we had to give but they were IMMOBILIZED at the receiving end. A donation of Time or a small amount of money would go a long way for these places. IP: Logged |
chronicprincess Knowflake Posts: 3080 From: Earth Registered: May 2001
posted January 30, 2002 01:18 PM
Randall~ I get the feeling that you are already quite charitable in your life, but...I think the biggest charitable contribution any person can make is one given of themsElves - giving of their time and love - like being a Mentor for a child in need of one. All children need Mentors ...hmmmmm, maybe founding a Metaphysical Mentor program for INDIGO CHILDREN is something that is needed? ~Princess ------------------ ~We can try many ways to get rid of the darkness, but none is as effective as simply increasing the light.~ UnkNown IP: Logged |
OSheen Knowflake Posts: 304 From: Toronto ON, CA Registered: Jan 2002
posted January 30, 2002 02:28 PM
Randall~~I think it is interesting that you are having a relationship with Auriel since Auriel has worked as a social worker. I think this is something the two of you have in common. In some ways, her life is heading more towards the metaphysical and yours has the chance to move more toward the social causes. Do you remember when I said I saw you as a person who would do well to work with young men (teens,etc) who had trouble with drugs and stuff? I think that as Caileah said, a mentoring role would be good for you. What about checking out the YMCA or BigBrothers or something like that? And if you wanted to start your own organiation .... what about one that specifically deals with children on drugs? It doesn't matter if it has been done before, but what originallity and spin you bring to it. You could take them different places to increase their love of life and expand their mind and perceptions. Like an after school program in the community. You could have programs to develope leadership ability in young men, to allow them to accomplish things and feel proud of themselves. Give them an aim, a belief that like everyone else they too have something to contribute.IP: Logged |
OSheen Knowflake Posts: 304 From: Toronto ON, CA Registered: Jan 2002
posted January 30, 2002 02:34 PM
Also, I have been thinking about that post about a young man needing a computer but unable to afford one. I know there are organizations that work to re-cover used computers for schools and training programs .... but what about doing the same for the underprivleged? I know from experience that a computer can change a persons depth of education and if isolated like that young man, change his life.IP: Logged |
chandra Knowflake Posts: 583 From: oregon Registered: Jun 2001
posted January 31, 2002 05:07 AM
Randall, I'm probably way off base, but something tells me you know inside. It's in you and it wants to come out. I just speak up when I think these things..... but, I have been known to be wrong every now and then IP: Logged |
Raines Knowflake Posts: 742 From: Mississippi Registered: May 2001
posted January 31, 2002 07:34 PM
How about a charity that helps the charities that already exist. There are lots (good ones) that have the heart but maybe not the staff or even business (may not want to admit it but it about has to be run that way) sense to run it right and get the name out there. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 11, 2002 09:49 AM
------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 25, 2002 07:12 PM
Well, the answer finally arrived (as I knew it would). I want to start an organization that assists disabled persons with getting good jobs, including career counseling and eventually training and some limited college education assistance (scholarships). But the main focus will be on getting them the equal opportunities that they deserve and that the law requires. Oh, I know other organizations exist that already do that to one degree or another, but that doesn't mean I can't do it better! Now, I just need a good name! Any ONIONS? ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
adwen Knowflake Posts: 398 From: Planet Earth Registered: Feb 2002
posted April 25, 2002 09:48 PM
Randall, That's wonderful! I'm so glad you've found your answer Perhaps you could consider the "Goodman Foundation", in honor of linda? I don't know, that's just the first thing I thought of Mabye YIVY can lexi whatever name you come up with.
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adwen Knowflake Posts: 398 From: Planet Earth Registered: Feb 2002
posted April 25, 2002 09:57 PM
Well, I just saw that the goodman foundation equals a 7 or a 12 if you use "the" in the title. Not very favorable numbers, so I guess that wouldn't be such a good name IP: Logged |
gooberlily Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: Brooklyn, (and Norwich) NY, USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 26, 2002 12:48 AM
What a wonderful thing to do Randall I k-Now you'll come up with a name soon IP: Logged |
YIVY Knowflake Posts: 4747 From: Louisiana Registered: Nov 2000
posted April 26, 2002 01:08 AM
Good going, Randall. Now that you have decided, you can begin to focus on your goals, and get the ball 'ing!I'm not very good at names, but here is my attempt...THE OPEN DOOR Told you I'm not good at names ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |