Topic: A Wrinkle In Time
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 15, 2002 05:07 AM
I'm finally going to get to read it (Linda's favorite book) this weekend! Has anyone else here ever read it? I'll post my thoughts when I'm done. I'll also be finishing up Canto Thirteen in Gooberz. It's a long one. ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Soma unregistered
posted March 15, 2002 01:25 PM
I found it on i think i will buy it and read it.........then we can compare notes. ------------------ ~Life if Beautiful~ IP: Logged |
sweetpeas unregistered
posted March 15, 2002 05:28 PM
I loved it. I had a smile on my face the whole time I was reading it. You can see why it was Linda's favorite. Highly recommended to all fans of Linda. It's just to bad that Madeleine L'Engle never wrote about Charles Wallace again. --------------------------------------------- "Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?" -Abraham Lincoln- IP: Logged |
Pegesus unregistered
posted March 15, 2002 09:03 PM
Yes, I read it a couple of years ago and LOVED it! I bought the series for my children but I haven't read the rest of them. Don't know what I'm waiting for. I'm still on Canto 10. Need to "catch up!"IP: Logged |
Virgo Rising unregistered
posted March 15, 2002 09:06 PM
I have never read it....OR The Little Prince!Can't wait for a synopsis IP: Logged |
Pegesus unregistered
posted March 15, 2002 09:18 PM
VR, No, I haven't read the Little Prince either and that's one I definately want to get!!But you know, my alltime favorite "children's" book is "The Velveteen Rabbit". Just LOVE that skinhorse!! IP: Logged |
Rainbow Cyrstal unregistered
posted March 17, 2002 05:41 PM
What super wonderful magical books, with a special metaphore for the challanges of our present times! I'm sure you will enjoy 'A Wrinkle in Time' and I hope you go on to read 'The Wind in the Door' and 'A Swiftly Tilting Planet'. I was introduced to them as a child by an excellent librarian and when I read Linda's recommended reading list afterwards, a light bulb went off. When I re-read them - several did! I have a copy of each on a shelf in my son's room, along with The Chronicles of Narnia, The Harry Potter series, and A Little Prince (Petit Prince, actually - if you speak Fench it somehow is better that way ) There's alot of magic hidden in kids books, and it's very restoring to 'go back' and read and think like a child again. - I didn't post for a long time because I lost the password. Nice to see you all again. Rainbow Cyrstal IP: Logged |
Spiritua unregistered
posted March 17, 2002 10:12 PM
It's nice to see you, too. IP: Logged |
YIVY unregistered
posted March 18, 2002 12:59 AM
Rainbow...GREAT to see you back. I had wondered really are going to like A WRINKLE IN TIME ------------------
@~>~~ YIVY "Witchy Woman" IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 18, 2002 08:16 AM
I only got to read half of it so far. I agree, Sweatpeas, it's a shame she never wrote of Charles Wallace again. I finished Canto Thirteen, but I won't be writing about it until I read Canto Fourteen. One is about the clay pitcher and the other about the water that quenches thirst. ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 23, 2002 10:21 PM
Wow! This book is a roller coaster sci-fi ride! Everything was so unresolved with only a few pages left. I was thinking, "How in the world is this going to end in only a few more pages?" It's easy to see how this book influenced Linda (especially with the ending), and I can definitely see how a young Linda strongly identified with Meg. I have never read this book before, but as I read about the meeting with IT, I had a memory of having read it before!!!!!! As impossible as that is! I couldn't recall the beginning or the end, but I knew what happened in that chapter and the next. Strange! ------------------ "It is never too late to become what you might have been." George Eliot IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 15, 2002 12:09 AM
------------------ "He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love." Martin Luther King, Jr. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2002 11:06 PM
------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Special unregistered
posted June 30, 2004 11:34 AM
I've been wanting to get 'A Wrinkle in Time' for ages, but keep forgetting about it! Is the author Madeleine L'Engle, then? So I know I'm ordering the right one! Thanks ------------------ "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." Victor Hugo IP: Logged |
Xelena Ben unregistered
posted June 30, 2004 01:04 PM
yup, special, she's the author. you'll love this book!Randall, have you since read any of the others? Many Waters is also neat - the twins go back to the time of Noah - it's a fabulous trip. and A Swiftly Tilting Planet is about Charles Wallace. i plan to reread it soon, too. i just reread Wrinkle about a month ago. i can't say i got more out of it as an adult, but it gave me a greater appreciation for the effect it had on my early thinking. i count this book as the number one influence on my young adult life, followed closely by Star Signs about a year later. another short but deeply compelling story is one called Phantastes, written by George McDonald in the 1800's. he was a great influence on Lewis, Tolkein and Carroll, as well as L'Engle. when i first read it i wasn't struck right away - the writing style isn't great and the scenes are disjuncted - but i find it still haunting me years later. worth the read, in my opinion. IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 2078 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2004 01:54 PM
A question - how many pages is the book?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 15934 From: Saturn next to Charmainec Registered: Apr 2009
posted June 30, 2004 02:14 PM
No, that was my only book of hers. ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
paras unregistered
posted July 01, 2004 08:37 PM
I've read every L'Engle book I can get my hands on. Good stuff!IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 01, 2004 08:44 PM
A Swiftly Tilting Planet is my fav. IP: Logged |
twinkletoes Newflake Posts: 0 From: amherst, ma, US Registered: Jun 2009
posted July 01, 2004 09:06 PM
i LOVE a wrinkle in time... when i was in about 6th or 7th grade i read all of that series.. i can't remember my favorite ... maybe a swiftly turning/tilting planet.. something like that- so so good i'm sure you'll love it. ooo harry potter is another of my favorites- ahh... anyone who has not read them- go for it! another good series that i kind of group with a wrinkle in time (not sure why) is the golden compass and the other two books with that one- anyone read those? right now i've been addicted to those funny british books and books with stories told in poetry IP: Logged |
Isis Newflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted July 01, 2004 09:20 PM
I loved that book, indeed the whole series. I too was introduced by a librarian in 4th grade or so - I reread it as an adult because I was too young when I first read it to wrap my head around much of it (moreso the other book which deals with mitochondria being alive, etc - I had no idea what mitochondria was lol)Great stuff! I never knew it was one of Linda's favs! ------------------ “The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca IP: Logged |
Philbird Newflake Posts: 1 From: Douglas AZ. USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 01, 2004 09:30 PM
Pegesus, I didn't read much when I was young, But I had a flashback when you mentioned Velevateen Rabbit. Did he have a purple tie? I vaugely remember a lot of crying, was it for the rabbit? Or for myself? I don't remember the words, only the emotion. Can you tell me about it? "Are You My Mother" broke my heart everytime I read it.IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 2078 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 02, 2004 12:49 PM
OK, I'll asume that I have the right book in my hands. It's about 190 pages. It seems to have so many editions that I'm confused. Is that the book everyone is talking about. Please give me more info so I'm sure I got the right book. IP: Logged |
purplezen unregistered
posted July 03, 2004 01:24 PM
I love the chronicles of narnia! IP: Logged |
TINK unregistered
posted July 03, 2004 01:42 PM
Ahhhh. Narnia. My first foray into ... well, all of this stuff. I can still see the exact spot on the library shelf where I first found those magical books 23 years ago. Jeez, where does the time go?"Yes, of course you'll get back someday. Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen of Narnia" IP: Logged |