posted September 01, 2002 08:08 PM
Hello Everyone,
I just have to share my awareness of a growing miracle of Divine Love. The past several months, while in my daily meditations, I have become increasingly aware of - and participated in - a growing Chain of People, circling the Earth, hand-in-hand, deliberately raising the energy and vibrational level of our Planet.
Now I am sure that for some of you at least, this is NOT new information. Yet I feel an overwhelming need to share that this Circle of Divine-Love-Energy is Happening, it is Real and getting bigger and stronger every day!!!
I have been greately moved and affected by this Experience. There they are. Hundreds of Spiritually Aware People; quietly offering their minds and their souls to form a human chain of Love and Protection around the Earth, 24 hours a day, everyday. Together, they are turning this Earth into a more spiritually evolved planet. And with all the chaos, technology, pain, fear and psychological manipulation, these meditators are using their combined strength and Love to keep our Earth from flying apart at the seams!
They communicated to me with a subtle, non-verbal call: "Please Join US; we need all the help and volunteers possible!" And when I first took my place in the Chain, a hand in my left hand and another in my right hand, the surge of Love that I felt go through me was stronger than a lightning bolt!
Actually, I have now become aware of TWO Chains. The first that Circles the Earth; uplifting us all with Love and Protection and a 2nd, much larger Chain that loops through our Galaxy like a figure eight. And our Earth and our own Solar System is IN THE CENTER of this figure eight chain! This chain is so vast that one of the far loops of the figure 8 reaches to the Hercules Constellation and Homeworld! Not sure yet where the other loop reaches to.
And so I ask on behalf of these meditation chains. If any of you can spare even 5 or 10 minutes daily, we need you! The Earth needs YOU! Badly!
These Chains will continue to grow ever larger in the times to come and YOUR Participation is Extremely Welcome! Just close your eyes, visualize these chains and hold hands wherever you see or feel a weakness or a "gap" in the energy flow. Add your own Loving Energy and feel the Energy of the Chain flow through you!
Love - Trinity