Topic: Hello Fajita!
theFajita2 unregistered
posted January 21, 2003 09:14 PM
So did you find any hotels??OOoh I can't wait to not be frozen I like blue nun. But I have to admit the bottle goes sorta quick and I lean towards whatever has the highest alcohol content OK before I sound like a total alcholic I'll stop! Yea I read the poem! I was crying and everything but it was still good. Thanks for the encouragement. I met up with a cousin of mine (she is a smarty-pants) who knew her sign AND rising AND that mercury is/was (don't know if it stopped yet) in retrograde. So of course after my whole family laughed at me for mentioning mercury in retrograde a few nights ago I was sooo comforted by her! ------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 21, 2003 10:21 PM
Good for you for reading your poem! Sorry you have to go home tomorrow...did you create that e-mail account yet? What is your cousin's sign? (er..signs) Started planning a birthday get-together. We'll see how it goes. Anyone for martinis? or some cookies, cayenne and nail polish remover Yes, blue nun DOES go quickly. haha like water IP: Logged |
theFajita2 unregistered
posted January 21, 2003 10:27 PM
Hmmm maybe you have enough nail polish for the both of us..OH YEA! FREE EMAIL ACCOUNT. Look I am like the absent minded professor I am all there just need reminding Thanks for your love Oxywoman how cold is it there? My smartypants girl cousin is a Leo and has Taurus rising and my cousin here who is 13 and like a junior-genius (poor thing is also allergic to everything under the sun incl. grass, any food with flour, milk, seems like almost everything to me!) is a Libra. And my aunt like us is Aquarius. ------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 21, 2003 10:39 PM
*throws out all bottles of nail polish*Did I tell you a bird crapped on me today? Not just a little, but a HUGE wholloping glop of bird crap gunk. right as I was walking under the train to the bus...*plop* right on my shoulder. But anyway...go get that e-mail account girl! I don;t know when you'll be able to use it, but do you have any friends who live nearby in Florida who's houses you can go to? If not...I'll just send you a whole bunch o' e-mails for you to open once you move! Fun! I know a lot of Libras who are pretty colicy (is that a word?). I only have one first cousin who's a Leo (and he's the son of two artists and probably about 10 years younger than me), but since my family and I don;t talk, I haven't seen him in years. Probably not in 3 or so years... Did you and your cousin get into a whole lotta astrology talk? How are the cookies? Are they chocolate chip? IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 21, 2003 10:47 PM
Oh, and it's cold! 21 degrees, according to AOL. Where's the snow??
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theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 24, 2003 01:58 AM
Heehee no the cookies were something weird but really yummy! They were lemon-black pepper cornmeal cookies. I know it sounds strange. But you know me and lemon, gotta have it. So I made them and they tasted like a lemon buttery cookie with a little hint of spice, not strong spice just a little warmth. Yes- my cousin had AWFUL colic. Wow that is interesting. I wonder if many Aquarians have a hard time being born- I was blue and had the umbilical cord wrapped around my neck. Didn't something significant happen with you? The bird doodie is good luck Where did it hit you? *cooly dodges email question and rushes to go set up* ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 24, 2003 06:29 AM
Right square on the shoulder! Eeewww! Hey, it's better than my head, right? Those cookies sound interesting. Did you follow a pre-existing recipe or did you create these on your own? I see you being sneaky with the lemon...hehehe Went to Yoga yesterday. I'm hurting a little this morning. But it's good. My flabby abs had a nice workout. How was the trip back? Are you back at work? What's the 4-1-1 girl?? IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 24, 2003 06:34 AM
Oh and yes, I was born 3 weeks earlier than predicted, weighing in at about 6 lbs. 1 oz. I put my mom through abut 10 hours of labor b/c the umbilical chord was stuck around my foot. And the x-rays didn't show it b/c the umbilkical chord is tissue, so the doctors performed a cesarian on my mom to get me out. The stories I hear all say that my heart line actually went flat for a second or so... But (knock on wood), I've never really been sick-nothing more than the chicken pox, anyway. IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted January 24, 2003 06:37 AM
I was a three day late ceasarian IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 24, 2003 09:30 PM
Fajita...where you at??? Just popping in. Gonna take this Fri night easy...still recovering from the rest of the week. lol This weekend will be a movie weekend-going to see Rabbit Proof Fence and The Hours. Wassup girl? IP: Logged |
theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 24, 2003 09:54 PM
Oh gimme a break Oxy- you have flab on your abs?? LOL you are talking to a 1/2 Mexican 1/2 German/Italian who KNOWS how to eat and woman you don't know flab, well neither do I REALLY, both of us do (not)! Me- still waiting for the cute chubby face to disappear and a sexy erotic face to show up- um, I guess it's not happening LOLOn the shoulder! That means good luck! woohoo! Ah so we all had some troubles being born. Veeeery interesting. And do we all like cats? I don't know I am trying to think of some things that unify us, some of my own astrological conclusions if you will Oxy I am heeere! And emailing you smiling pics I had good Mexican food tonight with my stepdad. Plans are a go if you know what I mean! SOoooooo excited. Will be calling you for decorating info So you are still recovering LOL I drank some last night. Do you all know what ambien is? OK well if you can go do yoga I can go do some aerobics to music. *suddenly realizes never mailed out CD's to people * (((hugs))) Oxychick you have a beautiful smile! Don't wait for people to flash it! I know if you smiled on the train- people would say, wow, that fox smiled at me! cool! ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 24, 2003 10:01 PM
Sorry, N_wEvil, I didn't see your post seems that these posts are taking forever to show. A late baby, huh? Didn't want to leave the comfort of the womb, eh? I often wonder why in the world I came out early... IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted January 24, 2003 10:04 PM
actually i think i realised what i was getting myself in for and suddenly changed my mind about the whole life thing, lolIP: Logged |
theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 24, 2003 11:04 PM
HeeheeDon't laugh at me guys. But when I was 15 I had just moved to Florida and didn't have many new friends and read alot of books on psychology from the 60's. I learned about rebirth and the theory that it is traumatic to leave the womb, and we are forever comforted by things that remind us of the womb. So in my stoned determination I decorated my whole room. LOL. I can't beleive I am telling you this! So I had these burgundy curtains, a pink Indian bedspread, and red christmas lights on at all times. ANd of course when I explained this to people I got a lot of funny looks. But it was very nice and happy-like. Or maybe that was all the pot I was smoking LOL ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 25, 2003 06:37 AM
Did you remember to set the temprature just right?Hey, if it worked, that's all that matters. I think though, red rooms are supposed to make people more hostile and angry. Not sure. Of course, I don;t see you as being hostile or angry. So wEvil (sorry, I just hate typing out your screenname), you were supposed to be an Aquarius anyway? I was supposed to be a Pisces. What about you Fajita? IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted January 25, 2003 08:15 AM
Yep, either way i was always going to be an Aqua And my screenname was origionally meant to be wEvil but for some reason it didnt like it IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 25, 2003 09:54 AM
Yeah, I keep reading it as "New Evil".Did you get your tickets yet? Weren't you going to fly somewhere for your Aquarian girl? Someone just e-mailed me a website for travel deals and ugh...I really need to renew my passport. It hasn't been used in almost 2 years. Hey Fajita-how about that trip? Let's go somewhere obscure though. I'd love to be able to point to some odd place on the map and say "I've been there." IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 25, 2003 10:55 AM
And Fajita-trust me, you learn to live with the cheeks. at your comment before! Good cheeks and smile add a beautiful healthy glow. Would you rather have sunken cheeks (I keep wanting to type "cheecks"), and look sickly? You have a beautiful face/smile! Silly girl. IP: Logged |
theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 25, 2003 05:05 PM
Oxywoman you are so sweet to me Listen, I got it, you know- the other address to email me at! Well actually I can't take the credit. Last night I left here and walked to my friend's job and spent the night at her house. Basically Josh worried my parents and we decided to create my very own email so if I ever left for the night again I could just drop them an email if I left again. So they wanted to me today and gave me some grapefruits and addy d ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 25, 2003 08:59 PM
Finally! He doesn't know the password, does he? The sooner the plan is set into motion, the better! How much longer? Is there a definite place? You should spend more nights at other people's houses. So...send me an e-mail from there if/when you can. Did I tell you I bought skirts for the first time in way too many years? All the sales people thought I was nuts b/c I kept asking so many questions. Besides, I have to look good for my birthday party. IP: Logged |
theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 29, 2003 02:22 AM
darnit now I can't remember what the heck I said!!!I just know I love you and sent you email and no he doesn't know the password. Yes it was fun to spend the night out. Woohooo bring the skirts to Miami!! ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 29, 2003 07:02 AM
Soon, soon, darling Fajita, you will on your own and free from that jerk! I you too I wore a skirt to work yesterday and then pranced around in it at my neighborhood bar (anything more would have cost considerable money). Got lots of attention, as is fitting to my drunk Leo Moon. Snow again today. woo hoo Wassup girlie? IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted January 29, 2003 11:34 PM
How was the seafood? mmmm....seafood....a girl after my own heart!I got free tickets today to see Tuesdays with Morrie at a little tiny theater downtown on one of my favorite, quaint streets in manhattan. so my friend and i went and i left my cell phone home all day. now, it felt sorta liberating, but when i went to transfer trains, some strange guy followed me on the train. i muttered "freak" under my breath and proceeded to walk to a different part of the train, and he got up and started shouting somehting. he got off at the next stop, thankfully. having my phone on me makes feel a little more secure, b/c when i walk home i usually carry it in my pocket. Mace is still illegal, isn't it? so that was my day after work. i am so tired. gonna go fall asleep. That 80's Show is on. Talk to me! how was your day? IP: Logged |
theFajita Knowflake Posts: 2007 From: Boca Raton, FL USA Registered: Sep 2002
posted January 30, 2003 05:46 PM
Mace is legal here! Did you read my paper on cayenne pepper?? You better protect yourself! the seafood was great, thanks! Hope you had a great day. Today and tomorrow we had/have big meetings and catered food and all the men have to wear jacket & ties and it's very nice because the day flies by. How is the weather there? It is a little more back to normal now, thank goodness! d ------------------ Food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted January 30, 2003 06:36 PM
well, i just finished a shedload of work thats been hanging over my head like a large, very very sharp pendulum I'm still going over there, but since its looking more and more like the last two weeks of august the price just went looping-the-loop in the upper ionosphere still waiting to see what the student flight people can get me...although its been a week (i wonder if they all fell off their chairs laughing when they read it... ) IP: Logged |