posted November 10, 2002 08:37 PM
I just need to vent...So my neighbors (in the next building!) are ALWAYS blasting music-especially really early in the morning and late at night. When I was still in school (and working), I'd have class at 7 am, work, and then class till 8pm. so i would become very frustrated when they blasted this music...and i would ask them to not do it. of course that doesn't work. then i had to threaten my landlord with calling the cops. so that quieted down.
now, the neighbors in the next building do it all the time. and they scream every saturday and sunday early morning. so what i've started to do was dig through my very old tapes and i put my radio on the window sill, facing outward toward the other building and i'd blast music i knew they'd despise. like say, Motley Crue, or Metallica, guns n roses (i still like GNR, but the rest is from a long, long time ago). and then i'll go for a walk.
that makes me feel satisfied sometimes.
but tonight....i finally had the nerve to scream out of my window "Would you please lower your radio?". I had to scream it 2-3 times, but it worked! Now they'll probably hunt me down and kill me, but at least I got them to turn it down. I can die happy.
I know this is a useless thread. But I was wondering if anyone else has ever had to deal with cuckoo neighbors?
Hey, it was either vent like this or smoke a cig, which I no longer want to do.
"What lies behind us and lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson