pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted October 07, 2003 11:53 PM
You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'.You are working extremely hard - perhaps even above and beyond the call of duty. You are preparing for the future and therefore trying to build a firm trouble-free foundation upon which you may base all of your dreams and aspirations. You are trying to break away from the mundane existence that you have been experiencing of late. You have many high hopes and ideals but you are concerned whether circumstances will allow you to realize these ambitions. You want to spread your wings - to broaden your fields of activities - but you are concerned that your dreams are just that - 'dreams' which are not realistic. It concerns you that you are not thinking clearly at this time - what you need is to get away from it all, to give you time to think. A short vacation could well restore your confidence. You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone. You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone. This was very interesting, and quite accurate, especially the last bit, about getting on with it, stopping the arguments. I am so done with aspects of that in my life. INTERESTING! IP: Logged |
metoo Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Purple Fields, USA Registered: Jun 2002
posted October 09, 2003 10:33 PM
WOW - that is amazing. I just did the aura test and that was pretty cool...but in No Way was I ready for how accurate this one was. Wow - again that is all I can say.IP: Logged |
silverbells Knowflake Posts: 1506 From: The second star to the right (which shines in the night for'eer) Registered: Apr 2003
posted October 09, 2003 11:50 PM
For Pete's sake! That analysis was insanely correct. That was insane. Wow.IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted October 09, 2003 11:51 PM
Yeah, I found it insanely correct too! ------------------ Namaste! IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted October 09, 2003 11:51 PM
------------------ Namaste! IP: Logged |
silverbells Knowflake Posts: 1506 From: The second star to the right (which shines in the night for'eer) Registered: Apr 2003
posted October 10, 2003 12:42 AM
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Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted October 20, 2004 05:37 PM
Whoa.. this site is cool Mood test results You are seeking an affectionate relationship, offering fulfillment and happiness. You are capable of powerful emotional enthusiasm. Deep down, you are a kind loving person, always helpful and willing to adapt yourself if necessary to realize the bond of affection that you desire. But you need the same consideration and understanding from others and it is this need that will sometimes hold you back... so let go, trust and you may pleasantly surprised at what happens. You are a leader in every sense of the word. You know where you are going and you know what you need to do in order to get there. You exercise an inherent initiative in overcoming obstacles and difficulties. You either hold, or wish to achieve, a position of authority by means of which full control can be exerted over events. Loneliness is soul destroying and at this time you feel lost and lonely, perhaps it is because you feel so frustrated that you are prepared to go out of your way to become emotionally involved with someone who could accept you for what you are. You are egocentric, antagonistic and quick to take offense, although it must be said, you can control your pent-up up emotion and thus avoid open conflict. Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions. You wish to be left in peace... no more conflict and no more differences of opinion. In fact you just don't want to be involved in arguments of any shape or form. All you want is for 'them' to get on with it - and to leave you alone. I did 'A Walk in the Woods' which was kinda cute too, you read it online ------------------ "There is nothing worth more than this day!" Goethe
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26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 20, 2004 06:51 PM
This is mostly, right on.You have always longed for tenderness, love and a sensitivity of feeling into which you would like to blend. You are a very gentle warm person and responsive to 'All things bright and beautiful'. This personifies a caring person, a person who 'needs' and indeed 'needs to be needed'. You are feeling very disillusioned at this time and you feel that you are being left out of things. You know - or you think you know - what you want, but you seem unable to exert the effort to achieve your objectives. As a consequence, you are feeling left out and neglected. You would like to be afforded greater security and fewer problems. The present situation, not of your making, is forcing you to compromise. You will have to hold back and forgo some of your hopes, dreams and aspirations. Having experienced considerable disappointment of late and not knowing quite what to do about it this has led you to suffer a great deal of agitation and anxiety. You are trying very hard to make favourable impressions all round. You feel that you have a right to do anything that you wish without being condemned for your beliefs. Everything seems to be going against you and you feel helpless to change the situation. The possibility of failure is most upsetting and this situation is leading to untold stress. You honestly believe that the situation is not of your making - it is not your fault - you have been misled and abused by those that you trusted, but you are trying to look at the situation quite dispassionately. Would you perhaps not agree that this situation could be regarded as unrealistic self justification? You are completely worn out and you are not in the mood for any further demands on your resources. The situation - such as it is - has rendered you quite helpless, unable to continue the mental battle that you have been pursuing for some considerable time. Enough is enough. All you would like to do now would be to have some time for yourself, to find a peaceful situation where you can recuperate in your own time.
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aqua Knowflake Posts: 2805 From: dreamland Registered: Jan 2004
posted October 22, 2004 03:14 AM
this is nice!!IP: Logged |
SunChild Moderator Posts: 4032 From: Australia Registered: Jan 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:10 PM
OMG! Couldn't be more true! LOL You are in a state of constant expectation and want interesting and exciting things to happen to you. But in fact, you are a 'Walter Mitty' at times - a dreamer - over-imaginative and often given to fantasy or day-dreaming. There is nothing wrong in 'dreaming' - how boring life would be if one just followed the doctrines of everyday life - but one must not continue leading a life of continuous fantasy. You need to face reality in spite of all its possible shortcomings.Enough is enough. Nothing seems to be working out as you would like it to and it has got to the stage where you feel as if you can't be bothered anymore. The way you feel is that it would be great if you could be cut off from everything and take it easy - be it only for a short time. It is amazing that you yourself believe that old 'adage' that you are a misunderstood person - and you feel that because of this you are being left out in the cold. It is because of this lack of believed understanding that you feel the need to conform to society in general - but this situation leaves you 'cold' knowing that you are not appreciated for your true self. Any relationship that you are developing at this time does not seem to involve any true emotional commitment, you seem to be just playing along. You are being unduly influenced by the situation that is all around you. You do not like the feeling of loneliness and whatever it is that seems to separate you from others. You know that life can be wonderful and you are anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to live it to the full. You therefore resent any restriction or limitations that are being imposed on you and you insist on going it alone. You don't like conflict and you endeavor to avoid criticism. You want to do your own thing and to be able to decide what is right for you. You have considerable personable charm - and this is used with considerable effect on those that keep your company. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:20 PM
The mood one wasn't very accurate for me.BUT, I found this one (from the same site) was: Your Mood: At the moment you want a break from routines and to experience some sort of liberation. You are looking for freedom inside and relief from restriction outside. You are not in the mood for mundane boring tasks.You feel more determined than usual and are not prepared to put up with unnecessary delay or restriction. Not in the mood to be told what to do you resent anyone trying to control your behavior. You do not want to be held back at this time. Your Present Situation: You really need to take time out at the moment, your life is proving tiring and you seem to need to be on the lookout at all times. There is a real danger of wasting your energy, seek out someone who can help you to calm down and relax. You could do worse than take a romantic weekend break to help you revitalize yourself.You’re afraid…afraid to reveal yourself to others. This fear is resulting in others assuming you are aloof and withdrawn. But deep down you crave the comfort of close friends though you don’t seem to know how to overcome your obstacles. You are prepared to make changes but need the proper tools. Your Conflicts: You have no conflicts at the present time The part in bold is especially true. Thanks Sheaa, for being that person for me.
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SunChild Moderator Posts: 4032 From: Australia Registered: Jan 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:30 PM
This test is also good: Your Mood: At the moment you want to reach out and make contacts with others. You are feeling friendly inside and others around you will unconsciously pick up on this. You want to connect with people and be sociable.You feel more determined than usual and are not prepared to put up with unnecessary delay or restriction. Not in the mood to be told what to do you resent anyone trying to control your behavior. You do not want to be held back at this time.
Your Present Situation: You feel an overwhelming sense of aggression on a fairly regular basis. Though you are a passionate person by nature, your strong passion can easily turn into anger with provocation . You feel you are not being heard, not taken seriously - and this is leading to your behavior.You prefer peace and harmony to confrontation. While this is normal, you avoid any type of confrontation and this is leading you to build up negative feelings about various people and situations. Though you realize you should confront these issues, you feel it isn’t worth rocking the boat. Pretty spot on! IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:35 PM
This is odd, it keeps telling me I have an invalid email address...IP: Logged |
SunChild Moderator Posts: 4032 From: Australia Registered: Jan 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:38 PM
haha thats funny librasparkle, look what we both just posted! IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted October 22, 2004 09:59 PM
hehe Great minds think alike IP: Logged |