theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted April 07, 2003 11:42 PM
Sorry for all the caps it's so rude. But I have to know: HOW WAS YOUR FIRST DAY??? ------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
N_wEvil unregistered
posted April 08, 2003 09:45 AM
Yeah! tell the crew IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted April 08, 2003 06:58 PM
Hey-heehee thanks for asking! Well, you know I am alive and survived. HahaI was pretty exhausted yesterday. But my new boss took me out to lunch today. I'm still pretty exhausted. the place is beautiful though and they have everything. I'm tired...I really wish I could have taken some time off in between jobs, but oh well. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted April 08, 2003 07:13 PM
Coolbeans - what's your new job?IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted April 08, 2003 07:17 PM
I'm still in HR...but at a much larger firm. More $ too...which will have to do over intrinsic motivation for the meantime.I've worked at such a small company for 5 years, that no being part of an iternational firm is strange. I almost forgot what it's like to be the new girl. But I keep telling myself that change is good and I'm pretty good at readjusting a lot. IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted April 09, 2003 01:59 AM
Yea, you are an Aquarian and I think it might be challenging in the beginning but it will be more stimulating and more opportunistic. *hopes that last one is a word...*------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted April 09, 2003 06:00 AM
Heehee:Main Entry: op·por·tu·nis·tic Pronunciation: -tü-'nis-tik, -tyü- Function: adjective Date: 1892 : taking advantage of opportunities as they arise: as a : exploiting opportunities with little regard to principle or consequences <a politician considered opportunistic> b : feeding on whatever food is available <opportunistic feeders> c : being or caused by a usually harmless microorganism that can become pathogenic when the host's resistance is impaired <opportunistic infections> - op·por·tu·nis·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb Yep, it's a word! I just have to learn to readjust to stupid daylight savings and getting up earlier all at the same time. I figure I'll either catch up on my sleep this weekend or on the plane next week. lol Luckily, they kind of revamped a lot of the HR department, so there are a handful of new people there too. I'm the last one to come on board. (Last In, First Out? LOL) IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted April 10, 2003 01:20 AM
WOW- wierd definition, huh?! Well at least you are not the only new one, you know I am really proud of you Oxychick with your new job and all you go girl! ------------------ food is the only art that nourishes! IP: Logged |
RubyRedRam unregistered
posted April 10, 2003 01:37 AM
Good on ya Oxychikadee!!!! A great time for new beginings!!!! IP: Logged |