Topic: How did you come across Lindaland?
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted October 11, 2003 05:24 PM
i owned sun signs and love signs since my teenage years..but about 7 years ago i got star signs...and have looked at the world differently ever since!!then one day i was bored and decided to look for any sites that related to linda..and found this one...i read posts for some time b4 i its home ------------------ ************************* The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted October 12, 2003 12:58 PM
I had bought Love Signs for myself when I was working at a mall just after high school, and I use to go to the bookstore during my lunch hour to just browse and pass the time. (of course I always beelined for the Astro section) Once I discovered Love Signs, I always seemed to be late getting back to work from my lunch hour, so I figured "Hmm. Better just buy the book."Then, a while ago, after noticing a depleting variety of really good, meaty astro books in the bookstore (they all deal with mearly sun sign interepretations and basic stuff that I'm well beyond now) I decided to do a search on the net for some good books that I could maybe order in. And my first thought was to put Linda Goodman in the search bar, as she was to me the most enlightened Astrology author that I had ever had the pleasure to read. And WALAH!! I found Linda-Land. I've since abandoned my quest for books to buy, because I learn so much here, and at the links provided by the moderators and knowflakes. I guess I could have just summed that up by saying I did a search of "Linda Goodman" and found linda-land, but ah...might as well give you the background too, and indulge my blabber mouth self occasionally. IP: Logged |
QueenofSheeba unregistered
posted October 13, 2003 01:58 AM
I found Star Signs on a shelf at the library, read it, forgot about it, remembered it, did an internet search on Linda, and came straight here. It took me a while to decide to join. ------------------ Hello everybody! I used to be QueenofSheeba and then I was Apollo and now I am QueenofSheeba again (and I'm a guy in case you didn't know)! IP: Logged |
Svelte unregistered
posted October 13, 2003 06:27 PM
My Mum gave me her copy of Love signs when I was younger and I've read it over a number of times. It's packed in a box somewhere <sigh> I was looking for a site to do with Linda on the web when I stumbled on this one.
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 67 From: Back in AZ with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 15, 2003 04:06 PM
I was like Lioneye. I bought Love Signs after hanging out at the astro section off and on for a while. Then I really started to get into astrology, tarot and meditation. I started to search for Linda Goodman information and came across this website. I have been hooked since.One thing though, I went to the Susan Miller forum as well. I posted something, but no one seemed to care if you hadn't been a long time poster. I noticed that people responded right away at this site and Randall sent me a welcome within a few hours of me posting. This site just "felt" right and I haven't been on any others since finding it. This site is also easy to navigate instead of those weird kinds of threads that you see on other boards. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted October 15, 2003 04:19 PM
I agree with Pid... the simplicity of this site is perfect for an impatient and easily confused fire sign girl like me, and people usually respond right away, probably because there's so many of us looking through here regularly.IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 1286 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 14, 2004 04:14 AM
*bump*------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
moondreamer unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 08:52 AM
To tell you guys the truth, I dont remember how I came across this site-but I can tell it was one of those serendipitous moments when I did come across this site. Love MD.
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mortega unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 09:30 AM
So, what's the story of this site? How did it get started? How long has it been around? I noticed at the bottom, it says This site is not affiliated in any way with Linda Goodman's estate or the publishers of her books. So, is there an official Linda Goodman site? And what is Diversified Acquisitions?Sorry for all the questions! IP: Logged |
2tailscorp unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 09:46 AM
I've carried Linda's books around the country, literally, and got my own computer on my last b-day, began a search into Linda herself and wound up here! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 1286 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 14, 2004 10:14 AM
There used to be an official site at the time of this site's birth (November 2000). Diversified Acquisitions is the corporation that owns the site.------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
teaselbaby Knowflake Posts: 0 From: Ohio Registered: Jul 2009
posted March 14, 2004 10:15 AM
I think I found it searching for information on an aspect, although I may have put in Linda Goodman's name. I actually found the board at Conscious Evolution first, from what I remember ~ I spent hours reading there, only to find the board gone when I tried to visit again. The same thing happened with this board not long after I signed up, so I was happy to find it working again after chancing a visit around New Year's, 2002. IP: Logged |
FishKitten unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 11:36 AM
I missed Linda after 1995 and wondered if anyone else out there was interested in her writings. I put her name into a search engine and this site came up. Blessed be Lindaland!IP: Logged |
silverbells unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 01:33 PM
I was looking on the internet for Linda Goodman and I did actually come across this site but I didn't come in because it said "the un-official Linda Goodman" website and I didn't trust that because I thouhgt that I would get errouneous information because it's the internet and I felt, back then, that websites were basically inherantly evil (the leap in technology you know) so an unofficial website must have been a place where "the subject of the site would be made a mockery of and people would trick you" Anyway, I think about a year later I came across the site again and I decided to at least enter...and the rest is history. I suppose the first time I came across the site, it just wasn't time.------------------ "Get some Love in your groove, just get hip to Forgive"-Michael Franks IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 23, 2004 10:03 PM
Hipchecks this thread back *To The Top I'm a googler. IP: Logged |
26taurus unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 10:10 PM
Cool thread. I googled my way here too. IP: Logged |
Irish Eyes unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 11:24 PM
Thanks to Google I got here.I have had my collections of Linda books since I was a teenager. A friend of mine went to college and got hooked on them and brought them home with her one summer (1990). I have been totting them around the country with me ever since and on the rare occation I find one for sale at a yard sale I will pick it up and give it to someone that I feel will enjoy and benifit from Linda's wisdom and humor. IP: Logged |
DeepIYM unregistered
posted July 24, 2004 02:26 AM
I was in the sixth grade... We had this Library, it was all donated books. I found Love Signs... Funny thing, when they went to call the books that hadn't been returned they never called it, So I never gave it back... I suppose that was stealing, but what was a sixth grade going to do with it? I found it ever so fasinating and did a search.It was funny, I didn't have very many friends in the sixth grade, I had asked out these girls numerus times but to no evail, So I thought everyone would laugh at me when they called "Love Signs" RIII IP: Logged |
aqua Knowflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Oct 2009
posted July 25, 2004 07:40 PM
i searched for linda after reading sunsigns and found this site on googleIP: Logged |
Isis Knowflake Posts: 1 From: Brisbane, Australia Registered: May 2009
posted July 25, 2004 07:52 PM
I used to go to another astro/metaphysical site - one of the members mistakenly thought they'd seen me here before and asked me about it - I had someone translate "LL", but only took a quick peek here at the time (I only post on one or two boards at any given time - otherwise it's too difficult to keep track of what's been said where to whom lol) - well, after a short while I found many members of that site to be extremely intolerant and mean-spirited - so once I became thoroughly frustrated, I came here instead. Ironic how I was introduced to this board through a totally negative experience on another board. *shrug* Ain't the universe cool sometimes? I never did a Google search for Linda because, although she was my first major intro into Astrology, I figured since she passed away there wouldn't be anything going on online in her name. Boy was I wrong, luckily! ------------------ “The good things which belong to prosperity are to be wished, but the good things that belong to adversity are to be admired.” Seneca IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ unregistered
posted July 26, 2004 02:19 PM
Well now here is MY story...This "antique" of a poster, was posting (and still am) on the "original Linda Goodman Site,"(which is now called Conscious Evolution ), when this site came into being. In fact, CE still has some Linda forums as well as a beautifully written story about Linda with great pictures of her home in Cripple Creek, but the site is now also covering additional metaphysical material, and Linda's name is no longer used as the name of the website, so it would seem that THIS site is now where the spirit of Linda hovers, and is indeed LINDALAND!........In fact, it was "I" who dubbed the original site "Lindaland" and am flattered that it has found its way over here... Anyway, our LL webmaster Randall, was also posting at CE (and still does, occasionally), when he decided to start his own Linda I've known about this site since it's inception, but did not register til a bit has really grown and it's wonderful to see that so many "knowflakes" who loved Linda, have found a place where they can come and discuss this fabulous lady, and her writings. The term "knowflake" incidentally, also originated at the other LL site (but not by me), and they still refer to themselves as "knowflakes." So - we have "knowflakes" fluttering all over the place.... Anyway, that is how I found myself at the Linda Goodman Site.. Love,
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Philbird unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 11:45 AM
It must have been synchronocity, I was beamed here!IP: Logged |
thirteen unregistered
posted July 27, 2004 12:21 PM
I was looking for any hints of Twelfth Night Secrets when I came upon this site. I had heard that linda had died and I have often wondered about that book because I was so looking forward to it.IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 1902 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 27, 2004 04:58 PM
Google of course IP: Logged |
Total Pieces Knowflake Posts: 2 From: Los Angeles, CA USA Registered: Oct 2009
posted July 27, 2004 05:48 PM
I was re-reading Star Signs/Love Signs a few years ago (try to find out what the heck I was doing to myself being in love with My Leo -he wasn't mine at the time ).I was looking for some more info so back when Google was used only by those 'in the know' ... I came accross a really pretty and slick Linda site. Lots of dark blue night sky stuff. Very pretty. (all that glitters...) They were nice but...I don't know how to put it but it was different...any way in talking on the message boards there (nothing like here-not some mentioned this site. Been here ever since... Amber (Libra...hangin' out in Lindaland) IP: Logged |