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Author Topic:   Neptune Influences

Posts: 3
From: Fairfield, Ca. 94533
Registered: Mar 2003

posted April 23, 2003 03:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Reesie     Edit/Delete Message
2 weeks ago, I've been so absorbed in the chapter of Lexigrams and I assume my third eye has been opened.
I had to be hospitalized because I've been hallucinating visually. My stuffed animals eyes and mouths were moving and really vibrant colors made me want to vomit. I now expecially fearful of animals which is strange because I never feared animals before. I feel like I'm alien on another planet.
According to my birthchart, I have Neptune in the 1st house, Mercury trine Neptune and Venus in opposition with Neptune. Any interpretations?

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Registered: Mar 2003

posted April 24, 2003 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunargirl     Edit/Delete Message
That's a whole lot of Neptune going on. You must be very sensitive and susceptible to subtle energies and vibrations based on your chart alone. You need to always make sure you are very protected before engaging in psychic activities, because the Neptune influences are so strong for you that you can easily become overwhelmed-- it is the planet of "no boundary".

You need to try to close that 3rd eye, IMHO. It is one of the most destabilizing chakras to leave opened, as you have been experiencing. Dangerous, actually.

Please see the visualization exercises mentioned in this thread, and try to close yours:

Plus, here's a book on chakras recommended by Aphrodite:

If I were you I'd post in the Astrology section, and ask an astrologer to check your birthchart against current transits. You're more likely to get an informed answer there, but meantime, do continue to seek medical advice, and STOP engaging in any activity that activates the Third Eye.

I knew a woman like you, and her great Neptunian talents were a liability until she learned to control them, by working with experienced mediums who brought her back into balance when she'd gone too far.

Please take care of this. It's a serious situation.

Sending you heart energy,

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Posts: 1457
From: Sunny South Florida, USA
Registered: Feb 2003

posted April 24, 2003 01:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for theFajita3     Edit/Delete Message
I think I opened my third eye yesterday. Is there anyone who can email me who knows what happens when it opens, I would like to talk about it please...thanks love d

food is the only art that nourishes!

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posted April 24, 2003 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hrj777     Edit/Delete Message

I went through a similar experience as you when I first began my adventure into metaphysics, although I did not end up in hospital.

My advice to you is to do something that will ground you as far as re-establishing your connection to the earth and to physical reality. Go and plant something, walk in the garden or something else to connect you
to the element earth.

The way I handled it was to spend time with my animals. My horses helped me balance myself again.

And with all the Neptune in your chart, by all means stay away from mind altering substances as you are probably very sensitive to them.

Love and Light,


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