Topic: Please Anyone Who's There, Answer
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 01:55 AM
I'm on the phone with Jason right now (he can't get here), but I'm so scared. Please. ---------- Heh. Hehhehheh. Remember that Pluto transit I kept asking about a while back, the one coming up in 2004, the one transiting my Natal Sun/Neptune/Saturn T-Square and my Natal Pluto? Yeah, that one. I think that I just found out what it pertains to.I'm pregnant. I just found out. I'm really scared. I've never been so scared in my whole life. IP: Logged |
super_bull Knowflake Posts: 256 From: nowhereland Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 01:58 AM
albescence Knowflake Posts: 55 From: Geelong Victoria Australia Registered: Jul 2003
posted August 23, 2003 02:34 AM
The stars never lie, Oh my goodness! Oh my fur and whiskers! IP: Logged |
super_bull Knowflake Posts: 256 From: nowhereland Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 02:41 AM
don't be scared, prox. there is nothing to be scared about. just take care of yourself.    IP: Logged |
DayDreamer Knowflake Posts: 4841 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted August 23, 2003 04:03 AM
Wow!!! Congratulations!!!!  IP: Logged |
LoonyFish Knowflake Posts: 241 From: magical, mystical mountains of TN Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 23, 2003 05:58 AM
Ohhhh proxi!  Take some deep breaths! Blow out that fear with each breath. Just release it and let it go, ok? This is wonderful news! It really is! When two Souls, that Love each other as much as you and Jason do, are joined in the act of Love, they send a very special signal into the ethers. That signal attracts the most highly evolved Souls waiting to be re-Birthed. Such children are truly "gifts of God/dess"! Your Love for each other can only be strengthened by this manifestation of Light. Yes, it's very scary! But what, exactly, are your fears? That you aren't ready to be parents? That this will change your Life? That you won't be good parents? That you can't afford a child? The list can go on and on... Trust your Higher S-elf! This is happening, NOW, for a very good reason! Even if you can't see the reason yet. You are probably correct about the Pluto aspect. I think we tend to concentrate too much on the 'destruction' of Pluto and not enough on the 'rebuilding'. He tears down our old Life and old ways to make room for a new and amazing Life! You and Jason's Love has manifested the greatest Miracle! The creation of Life! How awesome is that?!?  I don't mean to sound like Pollyanna. Of course, this will change your Life. It will absolutely change who you are and how you see the world. Those are NOT bad things! Only different. Different is always scary! Calm and center yourS-elf. Relax. Listen to your inner voice. Listen to your Heart. Listen to Jason's Heart. What do you hear there? Everything you have shared with us about this relationship has shown the "hand of Fate". You both kNOW you were meant to be together! You had already made the choice to dedicate your Lives to each other BEFORE this news. I personally feel that this is the UNI-verse's stamp of approval! Release, relax, let go. Give yourS-elf up to the Joy of Love and Life. Then watch the Miracles roll in! It's an AWE-some ride! And if anyone can appreciate it, it's you and your sweet Aqua! While you are working on getting your head in line with your Heart and Soul, we are here for you! If you want to talk, rant, laugh or cry, I'm only an e-mail away! 
------------------ "If immortality be untrue, it matters little whether anything else be true or not." - Buckle IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 864 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 06:43 AM
corri  im sorry i wasnt around earlier today, wow! i should be around today if you wanna chat. i know how scary this can be, i have had unexpected news myself. anyway hopefully i will be around and we can chat *hugs hugs and more hugs* ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted August 23, 2003 08:44 AM
Corrie, for some divine reason, this soul choose you & Jason, at this perfect time,in this perfect universal place, to become a 'part of the whole' love and energy you share. She will be a glorious addition to the you-of-you.  Don`t be frightened, it`s the perfect gift fron the divine to fullfill her,yours and Jasons soul journey.  An excited juniperb  IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 10:41 AM
But I'm scared, and we're not yet married, and we have *no money* and I'm *almost done* with school (no matter what, I am finishing out this semester), and his parents are already going to freak out about us getting married (heh, he *just knew* that his mom was going to say, "It's because you got her pregnant, isn't it?" and now I am), and I wanted to spend time with him as just a couple, without responsibility. Happy. And he's leaving for training Oct 9th - he'll be gone til Christmas. And then after that he has 6 more weeks starting in early January (which I can't be at, either), and then flight training.Ah. IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 864 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 10:45 AM
well, i am holding off on my congratulations. why? simply because that sometimes a pregnancy is not an easy thing, when you arent expecting it or actively pursuing it. i understand that the thought of babies makes people happy. babies make me happy too. the thing of it is, that sometimes the time is just not right, and the ONLY people who can make that determination is the people directly involved. i think that i can understand this, because i have been in a similar situation. i can only extrapolate how i think corri might be feeling, but i would ask that we all just support her right now, and try to not gush about how babies are blessings. they certainly are, but like i said, sometimes the time is just not right and the thought of a baby is enough to make some people deeply upset and torn inside. i have no idea what corri is going through, as i havent spoken to her about it, but by reading her first post here, i dont get the impression that this is a celebration, but something that is REALLY scaring her, and something that she and jason will have to think about. they have barely started their lives, and a baby is a VERY big responsibility. it could well be that this is not something that corri and jason wanted right now, and i just think we should hold off on the congratulatory wishes until she is herself assured of her own feelings, and jason with his. just give her some space... i know that we all care about her and jason very much but honestly... she is terrified right now, i got nothing from her post that pointed towards celebrations. please care about her and support her, but try not to gush about babies because it can make her feel guilty for her very tangible worries. we forget sometimes that the spiritual is not the only realm we must deal with, there is also the physical realm and that has many difficulties in and of itself. its all well and good to wax romantic and ponder the joys of procreation, but honestly? not all of us have the means to support a child, nor the stability that a child would need. it is a CHILD, and no amount of astrology or spiritual belief will take care of all a childs needs. i hope that i have not offended, i have not talked to corri yet off the board, but i DO care very much about her as a person, and so i have to try to protect her feelings as best i can. so lets just be there for her (and jason), support and love her, and let her find her own emotions about this news first, and then we can be there for her. focus on her, not the pregnancy.  ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 10:48 AM
>>>anafaery<<<Thank you. Thank you to everyone else, too. Your support does mean a lot, but I'm mostly just frightened off my rocker right now. I'll be on later to talk w/ you, ana, and anyone else a bit later today. IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Knowflake Posts: 4992 From: Registered: Feb 2002
posted August 23, 2003 11:05 AM
Corri & Jason,May the Stars and your Higher-Selves guide you in the right direction   Aphrodite IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 864 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 11:14 AM
no worries corri *hugs, big beary ones*  i know that you will make the right choices in life, and no matter what happens, i am always your friend and will support you no matter what. ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
Kat Knowflake Posts: 961 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted August 23, 2003 02:45 PM
Congratulations! I know I don't really know you, but I find most of your post really fun, intelligent, wise, and you seem as if you've got it "together." I think you'll make an excellent mother.IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 23, 2003 02:53 PM
Oooh....PROOOOOXXXX!!!!!Are you sure? Like Sure-Sure? Did you do a home test? Cuz a false positive is much more common than a false negative, you know...Also, anything could happen still. This is a very precarious phase of a pregnancy. How does J feel about it? I knew he was destined to be the father of your's that recipricol venus/moon conjunction. And you'll make a beautiful baby together. But, you do have options. Just know that statistics show that couples who ...ahem "excersize the other option" are 80 somewhat percent likely to break up as well. It leaves a big yucky spot in the relationship that is very difficult to get past. These are stats I was given when I was in your predicament, and I suppose they could have been slanted by the pro-life people. There's always adoption too, but I think that's hard on a relationship too. And individuals as well. Once you're in this state, there ARE no easy solutions. Even the ones that seem easy weigh very heavy on the soul sooner or later, if chosen. The only option that doesnt leave you with regret is having the baby and keeping it. Sounds like an atomic bomb being dropped on your life, I know. But as for the financial part of it, I'm sure his family wouldn't let you guys be out on the street or anything like that. And you're such a cool chick, and a sweetie pie that I'm sure they'll grow to adore you as much as J does, if they don't already. And your fam would be there for ya too, right? I mean, think about it Corri. It's not like you're 15 or something for Heaven sake. Sure you're young, but look at it this way. By the time you're (how old are you? about 22?) by the time you're 35, your kiddo will be old enough to look after her/himself, and you'll still be young enough to have fun and enjoy the independance. I believe it's best to get child rearing over with early, so you can still relate to them when they're teens, and there's not such a generation gap between you's. Yes, there's alot to consider. You have plenty of time. That's why we carry for 9 months...cuz it takes about that long to prep for them. But you'd be amazed how helpful and actively involved people become when you're an expecting mom. I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about, except of course, no more rock-star partying for you, and you have to travel less lightly, of course. If you breast feed, you don't even have to pack bottles around. If you're young and strong you can put them in a papoose or kangaroo harness dealie and carry them everywhere you go, and still have your arms free. At least when they're really small. So, when would it be born? I know it's a real head rush, Corri. But in a relatively short period of time, the idea will set in quite nicely and the panic will ease. Babies have a way of taking their place in the world and it's like they were always meant to be there. And then you wonder what the heck you would do without them. LOL. It's true. They fill you up with so much poingnent gut level feelings of love and protectiveness, it chokes you up just watching them sleep. On the other hand, I can only speak for myself. If someone has alot of their own personal issues plaguing them, and they're too busy excersizing their own demons, maybe they're unable to nurture a child. They're still trying to figure out how to nurture themselves. Maybe they feel emotionally bankrupt, and they have nothing to give a child. Then, in that case the other options may be right for them. But Prox, I don't think this describes you. Some people are just to self absorbed to take the attention off of themselves. They'll resent having to cater to a child. They'll resent being inconvenienced in any way. The only child who's important to them is theirself. I don't think this describes you either. Sometimes life deals you a crazy hand. What can you do, but take what you're dealt and play the hand as best you can. Whatever you decide to do, it'll have a life long impact on you. Just be sure you can live with whatever that is. Have I been of any help to you? Probably not. But I've been there. I had the baby. She's 13 now, and gorgeous. She's a royal pain in the butt more often than not, and my phone rings far too much,(hey, she's a teenybopper) but she's a good person, and I love her to peices. And she doesn't need babysitters anymore..whoohoo! IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 06:18 PM
 Thank all ya'll. I was being just a lil' bit flakey this morning (OK, I was being a lot a bit flakey, and have now been downgraded to only moderately moderating flakiness), because - hey - it's a shocker, y'know? (The odd part about that being that I think that I've kinda known for a couple weeks now...fuh-reaky). I'm still profoundly twitchy about it, but think that Jase got it right when he said that one one hand his mind was racing about how nuts it is, but on the other something inside is still and calm saying, "It'll all be alright." That's how it is for me, too. So, uh, yeah. *still stunned into incoherence* Day Dreamer, albescence, super_bull - Thank you. I may not quite know what's happening yet, but thank you. Kat - Thank you; I see none of that in myself ( ), but it means something that you'd pop-in and say that. Aphrodite - Thank you, again. You always provide the right support when needed. anafaery - Thank you for sharing your insight w/ me; you said a number of things that I needed to hear, and acted wonderfully as a patient soundingboard. juni - Thank you. Part of me isn't frightened...the rational part, however, is (and I'm talking the purely rational, can't-see-the-forest-for-the-trees part here). This is wonderful in every sense of the word. I'm still scared, though. Loony - It has in a way already strengthened us. Our first reactions - our initial gut responses -, respectively and mutually, were to go and cling to the other, to seek comfort and guidance from them - which is a wonderful thing, in my opinion, and not entirely expected. I mean, I know that's how we react under normal circumstances, but this - frankly - is not normal. It's something bigger than we've ever faced, and so far we've been very mutually supportive and concerned. Calm and center yourS-elf. Relax. Listen to your inner voice. Listen to your Heart. Listen to Jason's Heart. What do you hear there? Everything you have shared with us about this relationship has shown the "hand of Fate". You both kNOW you were meant to be together! You had already made the choice to dedicate your Lives to each other BEFORE this news. I personally feel that this is the UNI-verse's stamp of approval! I know that we've felt the "hand of fate" throughout all this, and maybe you're right about the last bit. lioneye - I took two, and both came up positive (very positive, darn things - they said they'd take three minutes, it was 40 seconds, tops). Stupid Fishy Sun - Was it Liz Greene or LG who said something to the effect of looking at a Pisces Female cross-eyed'll get them preggers? Eh. Jason's being Nurture Man about everything - his biggest concerns were that I'd hate him for "what he did to me" (I told him that it took two of us to do this, so nyah), that I'd cut him off (not a remote possibility), and/or that I'll be completely miserable (y'know, I really don't think that I will be). Perhaps his Cancer parents, his Cancer NN, and/or his Taurean Moon has/ve shaped him, but I think that part of him is really...happy. He said, "I'm going to be completely honest with you - right now in front of me, metaphorically, is something that I've wanted for as long as I can remember: a family of my own. But I can't force myself to be selfish on this; I need to think of what's right for you and for...everyone involved. I'm concerned about your happiness," (when I asked him what he truly, honestly wanted). I've been see-sawing between the options. Really, financially we'd be in an OK spot, even if I didn't work immediately afterwards. We wouldn't be Mommy and Daddy Warbucks, but by the time of the due-date (erm, I'm guessing late April to early May since my last period ended at the very end of July), he'd be an WO1, and we'd be getting military medical benefits. Heh, he keeps saying, "Don't worry - no matter what you decide, we will make it through this together," and "You know that I'm not going anywhere - I will take care of everything," (Super Taurus Moon and uber-aspected 4th House Pisces Mars- up, up, and awaaay). Um, rambling. Re: his family: he says that he really doesn't want to tell them yet; he has his reasons (their past), and I'm going to be incredibly respectful of his view and wishes on this. Re: my family: Yeah, they're going to know as soon as I do, and - no - we'll not starve  And, thank you - what you've said has helped, immensely. It's good to know that you've been here, and have emerged on the other side of the head-rush of abject panic intact, and it's good to hear your viewpoint on the matter. Heh, BTW: Jase and I are talking about how much we're going to harass our kid(s). When they act up, we already have our "Cleatus and Mabel" characters to pull-out to embarrass them into being quiet (hey, it works - my Mom did pretty much the same thing w/ me). We'll walk through stores, etc. saying, "Mabel/Cleatus - I LOOOOOOOVE YOOUUU!" in a heavy, heavy backwoods southern accent. It'll be GREAT  (But we've been planning that for a while - we just didn't think that it's expected date of implementation would come 'round so soon.) And, oh, geez - can you imagine the chart of this kid? I mean, considering that people draw off of their 'rents' charts, this kid - whoa. All Uranus/Pluto/Mars, all the time; and it's already probably going to be a Taurus...I wonder what else'll be prominent. Most definitly Scorpio (it's strong in both of our family's lines) and perhaps Aquarius. Oh, geez *flash of the future* My Mom likes to tell stories about when I was 3-years-old and would *disappear* from my room before my parents woke up. I'd take our old cocker spaniel (Winston) and walk down to the town area of Occoquan (we lived on a little house a bit away), or how I'd just *wander away* whenever we went out or paddle as far out as I could (starting before the age of 2) whenever they put me in a life preserver and floatie raft in the Potomac off of Colonial Beach. Geez, I hope the kid doesn't take after me  It'd serve me right, though. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 06:22 PM
PS - Dubya - I'd thank ya, but I already chatted your poor Brit ear off  IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 23, 2003 06:45 PM Come Dancing Wit Jah and DJ Fred and MC Ginger are the best.  IP: Logged |
anafaery Knowflake Posts: 864 From: west coast, yummy rain forest, canada Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 23, 2003 08:15 PM
im glad you have inner peace now proxi i love the tone of your post, you sound refreshed and empowered. i wanted to tell you that once you made your decision, to just run with it and never look back. it looks like you didnt need me to tell you that  *hugs* im so happy you are feeling better! i very much need to talk to you, could you go on IM at all soon? ------------------ where i end and you begin there's a gap in between there's a gap where we meet where i end and you begin and i'm sorry for us the dinosaurs roam the earth the sky turns green where i end and you begin i am up in the clouds i am up in the clouds and i can't and i can't come down IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 23, 2003 08:51 PM
Proxie, what can I say that hasn't already been said eloquently?  Whatever you decide is the right decision. Whenever you decide to be a parent, your child will have interesting, intelligent, unique and loving parents. So long as there is money for the basics, not much else is needed. I will wish for you as I see fit, from my own heart, and so I wish you many happy blessings...  IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 24, 2003 01:20 AM
 I'm doing better...a bit "AAAAAAAA!!!" still, but good. Oddly calm. Jase's being so funny. He started talking to my stomach (well, the uterine area). "Hello. My name's Jason, but you can call me Dad, or Daddy...or Sir. Or Papi or Pops or Pop or Abba if you're feeling...Jewish. This isn't how I normally sound, but my nose in pressed into Mommy's tummy. We're going to go to Bug shows, and tool around, and have a great time in general. *blows on stomach* That's a zerbert - that's what I love to do to Mommy's tummy..." It went on for a while... my Goofy, Goofy Aquarius. And he kept...I dunno, giggling and getting completely excited: "I'm going to be a DADDY! Hi, MOMMY! *jase giggling* (To stomach) You, down there - you behave. Groundings'll start early." *jase giggling* He keeps asking if I think he'll be a good Dad; he's really concerned about it. I love him. We keep both just saying, "This is so weird!" and getting all grinny and saying, "We can do this." Heh. IP: Logged |
scatbug Knowflake Posts: 82 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted August 24, 2003 01:29 AM
teeee ehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehheheheheeeeeeee! *happy sigh* so yeah *sigfh again* wow... this is sooo crazy.... i'm so amazed and awestruck still a little scared but liek corri said, oddly calm. Yes its true i was talkin to my little blastocyst GAAAAHH!!! so crazy! but i'm happy cause there is no one else in this world that i can even fathom doing this with. I love my little fishie hehehe gaaaah! i'm all fidgity and giddy and giggly and actin liek i'm stupid. Something just tells me that eveyrthing will be alright and that corri and i are going to be happy with our little hellion (*snickers* c'mon youve seen our charts c'mon admit it!) Theres also another prominent feeling of "this is supposed to be happening" or "this was supposed to happen this way for a reason" its almost a little eerie. She almost wouldnt let me drive home i was laughing and acting so giddy. it was a riot. *smiliey sigh* i tell you, i love that woman i love her more than life itselfIP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted August 24, 2003 01:33 AM
*backtracking*Anafaery did clear her post with me first - she's looking after my best interests, and I thank her very much for it  *hugs to ana* IP: Logged |
Lunargirl Knowflake Posts: 1513 From: Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 24, 2003 02:01 AM
WOW!Well Life sure has swung you both into the full boogie dance, has it not!? Frightening/fun/fantabulous/freakout/fun/frightening/fun/fantabulous/freakout/fun/frightening/fun (...and so on...) {{{{{ hugs proxieme & scatbug }}}}} I'm doing a little lunadic dance for you guys, under the light of a full Mars!  Like ana and others say, there's the old challenge of knowing whether the Persons Pregnant need to hear "congratulations!" or "tough luck!" So I'll congratulate you both on your love -- whatever is to follow!  Myself, I think a little Soul has decided that the time is right to manifest in some way -- who knows what kind of journey it will be -- the two of you have choices, and the travelling Soul has choices too. I wish you all well and hope for the greatest possible good in the outcome, whatever you decide is best.  Part of the most frightening thing about parenthood, is the absolute loss of the illusion of control -- that seems to me to be the deepest shock. The shift in dynamic is another matter entirely -- suddenly couplehood is triplehood, but always remember, the individuals in the pairing, and the pairing itself, are primary.  Lots of Light to you both! Woo!  Lunargirl IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted August 24, 2003 04:29 AM
Hey, Prox you're gonna have a little bull. Same as my kiddo! May 13th. Cool!! IP: Logged | |