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  Another question, concerning Spiders.

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Author Topic:   Another question, concerning Spiders.

Posts: 295
From: orillia ON CA
Registered: Aug 2001

posted August 25, 2003 04:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for endaphia     Edit/Delete Message
I have a lot of questions, don't I? according to my astrology chart, I have 'questions for every answer'. Anyway..

This is starting to creep me out. It's been happening for years.

I used to hallucinate spiders.. like a tarantula crawling over my bedsheets and then underneath (which would leave me to spend the next fifteen minutes searching for a tarantula that wasn't there in the first place). I don't know how many years its been going on, but I always seem to find spiders around me. I have never minded, as long as they kept their distance.

Within the past couple months, besides taking lodging in my room, they would drop down in front of my face while I was on the computer. Multiple times. I'd call them 'spider assassins' and threaten them with rolled up newspaper. ((I don't hurt them unless if they spook me a lot)).
Last night, I felt a spider crawl across my arm, and I couldn't find it. I wasn't sure if I'd hallucin'ed it or not. Today, there was a spider in my hair. Which ended up dying when I swiped it away. I didn't even think I'd hit it hard.

Is there any certain reasons spiders like me? I can put up with them, but I don't like them very much.

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Posts: 154
From: With the Rainbow Goblins
Registered: Mar 2003

posted August 25, 2003 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Drea     Edit/Delete Message
I do not have an answer but I can relate somewhat. Spiders seem to do the same thing, but I never hallucinated. Although I get bit alot, I never see the spider who bites me. Had fever from bites plenty of time. I know your thinking "if she doesnt see the spider how does she know it was a spider bit?" I just know.... they're out to get me!!!

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Posts: 6830
From: Blue Star Kachina
Registered: Mar 2002

posted August 25, 2003 10:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Hi endaphia, not spiders for me, but snakes. I sense them and I always k-now they`re there. I am teased a lot and am told "only you" would claim to feel a snake and actually have it there. I have an antenna for them and I seem to draw them to my area. I don`t like them,I fear them, so I don`t understand why they seem to be drawn to me.

I always figured there was a message in it for me, but to date, I`ve not stuck around long enough to receive it


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Posts: 295
From: orillia ON CA
Registered: Aug 2001

posted August 25, 2003 10:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for endaphia     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks, both of you makes me feel a little better.

Just asked someone in real life, and basically got silence as an answer. I'm smart enough not to ask my doctor this question.

My doctor is retiring uber-soon.. which is good for me. We don't get along well. Anyone who treats a virgo to layman's terms gets on that virgo's nerves. :P

Or, most other people for that matter, I'd guess. We just don't get on well because she never believes me. And I'm right 80% of the time

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Posts: 1513
Registered: Mar 2003

posted August 25, 2003 11:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lunargirl     Edit/Delete Message
Here's a bit of trivia: if a person is delusional, or quitting booze or drugs cold turkey, they may well experience the phenomenon of feeling bugs crawling over their skin -- when no bugs are there. This is called Delusory Parasitosis. I'm not suggesting anyone posting has this, but it's interesting how the human mind can get involved with insect fears!

I had a similar episode with black garden beetles a few years ago, when I slept in a basement room. It got so that I worried one might crawl across my cheek in the dark. Well finally one night that happened exactly, but never again. I believe that however my dread got started, that I focused on it and that focus then attracted the very creature I dreaded. I wonder if insects are more likely to respond to this kind of visualization and summoning than other orders of creatures.

Good thing I'm not afraid of bears.


PS here's a thread about insects and karma:

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Posts: 770
From: Paris,France
Registered: Nov 2002

posted August 26, 2003 08:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Zerep     Edit/Delete Message
I have a friend who somehow always has something crawling on him. He said its because he's sweet

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Posts: 1768
From: UK
Registered: Aug 2003

posted August 26, 2003 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sun_Scorpion     Edit/Delete Message
Aaaah spiders!! I used to be slightly afraid of big open spaces. I ve forgoten what thats called though..

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Posts: 888
From: outer space
Registered: Aug 2003

posted August 26, 2003 02:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for purplezen     Edit/Delete Message
endaphnia, I would be terrified if that spider phenomenon happened to me!

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Posts: 2255
From: land of the midnight sun
Registered: Dec 2002

posted August 26, 2003 06:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Harpyr     Edit/Delete Message
I used to have the same issue. When I was little I would wake up screaming in the middle of the night because I thought there were tarantulas in my bed. I used to be quite terrified of them. I have been working abit with them in meditation in an attempt to get over this fear and I seem to have had some success. They still make me incredibly nervous but it's getting less and less. I think that deep seated fears of creatures are symbolic of deeper underlying psychological fears. Perhaps looking into the symbolic meaning of spiders would help, as our subconcious speaks in symbols..

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