Topic: Sadam captured
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted December 15, 2003 06:48 PM
Hope you will have a great trip and Holiday Season with your family Pidaua. I also read your post on the other forum. Give my best regards to your father. The vast majority of Americans appreciate the difficult and often thankless job the various law enforcement agencies and agents do.Let's see, is Vegas a Leo town Well, from a Leo man's perspective, there's lots of beautiful women, bright lights and the party never stops----sounds like my kind of town Yeah, sure, go for the big jackpot. That kind of money could buy you a real nice cattle/horse ranch in Texas. Did I mention I'm a Realtor? LOL jwhop IP: Logged |
Jazzebel Knowflake Posts: 343 From: Georgia Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 15, 2003 09:26 PM
It is an argument, lioneye, just like you pointed it out, and I am taking part of it by expressing my opinion, and there is not such thing as "taking the opposite side" of an argument, there are two equal sides of it. I am sure you have spent a few minutes of your preciouse time to watch TV news a bit and no doubt you know that Europe is all against Bush`s war for which Bush stated , quote: "I don`t care. They are free to express their opinion"... and just 50% of the americans agree with the war. Yep, he doesnt care for the negtive effect this war has on USA and american people, not for the killed american solders in Iraq, not for the thousands iraqi people killed in that war since March this year, neither for the zillions of protestors thrughtout the world including USA. To me Bush is absolutely the same as Saddam, he is a murderer and a criminal. The only difference is that he covers up his action with the "good " reason - freeing out the iraqi people. YET, not that was the initial reason for this war, it came in handy after the real reason fell apart - the weapons of mass distruction which were never found. I only hope that the things wont get even worse.... P.S. not posting much lately because the topics discussed here recently are not worth my time and attention. Mostly childish topics of finding out who is posting by the name of who, what we love or hate about Sun signs...ahhhh, ole good times of astrological innocence. I am always standing for the underdog, you can`t take this out of me. I will also stand by your side if people get nasty on you too!YepIP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted December 15, 2003 09:35 PM
Yikes, I guess I did offend some people. Sorry What I was trying to say without being offensive was, yes, he was a 'bad' person by the standards of our society. Yes, ok, he's been taken out, that's wonderful etc. But, at the same time, one has to consider that the reason we went into Iraq in the first place was to dismantle 'weapons of mass destruction'. What we later found out to be NONEXISTENT weapons of mass destruction. I guess human rights violations occured in Iraq. I lived there from 1993 to 1995. It wasn't the best of places, but it wasn't the worst- especially compared to some other middle-eastern countries. Anyway, the point is, we didn't go in there because he was committing human rights violations. We went in because we thought he had weapons of mass destruction. Turns out he didn't. Ergo, not guilty. If we want to arrest the leaders of all the countries that commit HRV, then we have a right to punish him. Fact is, we don't want to go after a lot of countries responsible for HRV because we are buddy-buddy with them or need them for something, and since this is the case, we are not justified in prosecuting Hussein. I don't believe that people will go to hell for anything. I believe even Hitler went to heaven or reached Nirvana or whatever you'd like to call it. Anyway, that's going to open a whole new can of worms, so, long in short, I believe that his soul is the same as everyone elses, and that's part of why I felt so bad when I saw the broadcast and read what people said about it. Plus, I was just a bit surprised to see how everyone was so quick to laugh about it and gloat, because I thought, well, that you were different. When you talk of love, you don't just talk of loving the 'innocent' you talk of loving the 'guilty' as well. How can you take pleasure in ANYONE'S pain? I thought that more people would see that. I guess I thought wrong.
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La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1445 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted December 15, 2003 11:34 PM
Well, Jazzebel.....whether people are pro or con the war and President Bush, the fact remains that the war is a very real thing. All the expounding on "poor" Saddam will not change anything. THE MONSTER IS A MURDERER, A THIEF, A LIAR, A DESPICABLE MAN. I understand you are trying to appear as an enlightened higher spirit, but the fact remains that MURDER, TORTURE, THEFT, LIES AND DESTRUCTION are against all laws of the Universe!!! Yes, there are alot of shady dealings in the events leading up to the war, but what is worse? The "shady dealings" leading up to the war or almost 500,000 human beings murdered for expressing their opinions?By feeling that Saddam's public humilation was horrible, is saying that you do NOT believe in freedom. Don't you understand, that the world had to see him like that, so that the poor, terrified Iraqi's could get on with their lives. Or would you rather they continue to live in abject terror? How would you like to live that way? It is easy to expound from the comfort of your warm home, sitting in front of you computer, while the people of Iraq continue to suffer at the hands of this MONSTER!!!! Perhaps, you need to live there and experience, first hand, the nightmare...and then proceed to expound with your pro-Saddam garbage. This war is not about Saddam or Bush, it is about the terrified, trampled people of that country and their suffering. IP: Logged |
Jazzebel Knowflake Posts: 343 From: Georgia Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 16, 2003 12:00 AM
La-teeda, if I would like to "appear like an enlightened soul" , are you saying that you are just the opposite by opposing my opinion, hmm? Before jumping to conclusion, have in mind that the real reason for this war was not for freedom, it was meant to destroy weapons for mass distruction which were never found. The thousands of solders loaded in Iraq had to free the Iraqi people because otherwise Bush had to face the world. I am not saying that freedom is bad and Saddam is good. Freedom is always good and a wonderful thing to have and to have given to those who crave it. But by the same token, please let USA stop the war in Palestina which is far worse then the Saddam`s regim, let them free the people of Cuba, the people of North Corea, the people of Sudan tortured by more then 20 years of civil war there, would you mind?
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alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted December 16, 2003 12:43 AM
Ok, I have to say that certain statements made are highly misinformed. LTD, maybe you should try living in Iraq for a while before just assuming that everyone lived under a reign of absolute terror. You're not going to have the American 'freedom' that you are used to over here in Iraq or in any other country for that matter. Conversely, you won't have many the opportunities you have in other countries over here. The point is, if you have not been to those countries and lived there as a citizen, you really have no way of knowing what it is really like to live there. Don't take journalist's words on conditions anywhere, because face it, they are there as outsiders not as part of the populace. If you go by TV reports over here, you're going to have preconceptions about what things are over the border so to speak but unless you have been there firsthand yourself, please do not assume that anything that doesn't conform to american standards of freedom is living hell. IP: Logged |
alchemiest Knowflake Posts: 699 From: Somewhere over the rainbow Registered: Sep 2003
posted December 16, 2003 12:45 AM
and what jazzebel said about the weapons of mass destruction.IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1445 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted December 16, 2003 02:40 AM
Trust me, I am NOT taking the word of the mass media. I have had extensive contact with US soldiers that have been over there. I am not a misinformed as you would like to make me out to be.Also, at no point did I make myself out to be the ULTRA enlightened person that you claim I did. I am on a path of learning, just like many others.I agree with you Jazz about the other millions of people that live in oppression all over the world, BUT your initial post was regarding Iraq. That was why I responded as such. I think dictatorships are a horrible thing and at no point did I EVER assume that Iraq would live in 100% US type freedom.....the religious beliefs and the traditions of that country would NEVER lend itself to our style of FREEDOM, but those people can still live without terror. To say that I have not been to other countries is a foolish statement, because I have traveled extensively.....including to dictator-stricken countries. I have been involved in humanitarian aid to Cuba.....where I allowed my boat to be used to carry medical supplies and food to those people on numerous ocassions. Don't you think it is heart wrenching to see people forming mobs for baby diapers, baby food, vitamins, antiobiotics, that are being unloaded from your boat? Living under a dictatorship is an ugly thing. I have also been a part of rescue health care team, deployed to South American countries, providing free surgery, free medication, free xrays, free dental care, etc. We do this yearly and spend our own money for food and travel....we stay for 10 days and treat patients 24hrs a day...we rotate 12hr shifts....all for monetary compensation. We also gather clothes, non-perishable food stuffs, feminine hygiene products, diapers, baby formula, baby food, medicines, twice a year and send all this to remote areas. This is our little piece of love and compassion, shared with the less fortunate. I think that we rushed into war, with ill concieved notions, but now that we are there, we must help these people live without terror. To sit and slam the war efforts, is too late. We must send positive energy to the people of that nation. P.S.'s not over yet, so don't be too hasty in stating that there are no weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps, Saddam or one of his sons, shot off their mouths in bragging about having them and that's what started this whole mess. None of us will ever know the complete truth. It is all speculation, until proven otherwise. ------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 16, 2003 09:21 AM
alchemist ~ I just wanted you to know that I did not find your ideas offensive. How could anybody be offended by an IDEA?!? I agreed with a lot of it. If we did indeed invade Iraq to free the Iraqis, we made a big mistake. We need to get into North Korea or China. Much greater problems there. Hmmm. Gosh, I wonder if N. Korea has weapons of mass destruction? And we couldn't even get China off the Most Favored Nations List. The plutocracy our nation is fast becoming just wouldn't have it. Nah, we would rather "engage" them. After all, that worked so very well in South Africa. I found the televised lice-inspection in bad taste, to put it mildly. I thought we were better than that. I'm not an international law expert but doesn't that violate the Geneva Convention? And if we can toss aside the Law when we see fit, why can't Sadaam? As for better conditions in Iraq, lifting the decade long UN led sanctions (American sanctions really as we forced the issue)is the real reason behind many of the "improvements" the media has so desperatly pointed out. "monster, murderer, thief, liar" Sadly, I think that might refer to either Sadaam OR George. "I weep for my country when I consider that God is just" Thomas Jefferson IP: Logged |
Nackie Knowflake Posts: 561 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 16, 2003 09:44 AM
Jazzebel and Alchemist, I agree with both of you.The people in North America seem so brainwashed to me (I include many of my fellow Canadians here, unfortunately). Yes, he's a murderer. Yes, it's better he's gone. But by G*d there are just as bad people out there right now, who enjoy US protection, as did Saddam once. Just look to Israel, Pakistan etc... Don't kid yourselves, the war was never about WOMD, it was, and is, about oil and money. And I don't know what you guys back home are seeing on CNN, but I keep hearing about the Iraqis who are desperately against the US invasion and are even more desperatly against the control by the US and allied forces. So glad you all find it so amusing. By the way, I don't believe a minute of it. I'm just not sure if it's Saddams or the US's attempt to gain space and/or favour. Nackie IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted December 16, 2003 03:48 PM
Hey Jwhop Thank you for your sentiments, it means alot! I will make sure that I look you up if I win a ton in can be my realtor any time IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted December 16, 2003 05:29 PM
Poor Saddist oops I mean Saddam. Showing his lice inspection on television...tsk tsk. That's got to be the worst thing a person could have happen to them, especially when they've got such an impressive public image to protect.Poor man must be devastated about that, he's so sensitive you know. IP: Logged |
Harpyr Knowflake Posts: 2255 From: land of the midnight sun Registered: Dec 2002
posted December 16, 2003 05:44 PM
Aphrodite, I saw the pictures of where they found him.. No wonder he went without a fight. He was probably happy to be out of that looks like a prison. IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 16, 2003 09:49 PM
Saddam is not what we would call a good man. I don't think that's in dispute. However, he is currently a POW, and as such he is afforded certain rights under the Third Geneva Convention. At some point in time, his status will likely change to that of "war criminal." Geneva rules state "no physical or mental torture nor any other form of coercion may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatsoever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted or exposed to any unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind." Further, "prisoners of war are entitled in all circumstances to respect for their persons and their honor." Truly some enlightened people who came up with those rules. To all of you wonderful passionate people looking for what's right and good in the world:
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TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 16, 2003 10:13 PM
The lice inspection did not offend me because of a concern over Saddam's feelings. 5 planets in Scorpio ~ I have very little concern for anyone's feelings. My general opinion is "suck it up". And it certainly had nothing to do with what he does or does not "deserve". It came from a expectation of good behaivor on my country's part. I thought we were the good guys? I thought we didn't sink to their level. If we don't do the noble thing, who will? I truly believe that we are this world's last, best hope. God help us all if we fail.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted December 17, 2003 12:52 AM
Geez, what crap! Saddam wasn't paraded anywhere. Prisoners in custody were brought in to make a positive identification. His picture was shown to prove to Iraqi citizens that he really had been captured. Most of those citizens said they wouldn't believe it unless they saw the pictures, after being brutalized for more than 30 years by the murderous Hussein family. Not one of those or any other actions surrounding the treatment of Saddam Hussein violate any International conventions. Saddam is not a POW. He is being treated with all the protections afforded POW's but is not classified that way. It is encouraging that some of you have managed to find your compassion for the oppressed. That compassion seemed to be lacking when Saddam was gassing the Iranians, gassing his own citizens, raping, torturing and murdering his own citizens and invading Kuwait. It also seemed to be and still is missing for the 1,000,000 citizens of North Korea that little ba*tard Kim Jong-il has systematically starved and murdered. How can I tell? Well, you haven't been seen or heard protesting outside the UN, outside the Iraqi embassy, outside the embassy of any other murderous regime or anyplace else, including here. You seem to save your bilge and bile for the United States and the President. There's a phrase that fits those of you with selective compassion, "self righteous hypocrites" with a political agenda. Yeah, that's it. jwhop IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1445 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted December 17, 2003 09:28 AM
JWHOP!!!!! I admire your words and your common sense and passion! Thank you!!!------------------ Hugs,LTD ~~The struggle keeps us young~~Daring to make mistakes and knowing there are none.~~DGM IP: Logged |
majenta Knowflake Posts: 92 From: Oz Registered: Oct 2003
posted December 17, 2003 10:05 AM
Each to their own.------------------ ~Everything comes too late, to him who waits~ AG Stephens IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted December 17, 2003 10:37 AM
I laughed at the 'cootie inspection'. I laugh in joy and relief for the Iraqi people I laugh because I remember my own indignities of my moms cootie inspecting of moi. I laugh because the object of terror is reduced to a zero. I again laugh because of the hope and lite that is shining on the country of Iraq with this man captured. Laughter is good medicine; it has the ability to chase away fear,insecurities and instill eternal hope in a greater tomorrow. There wasn`t any laws,treaties, moral or ethical violations. A medical inspection period. We`ve seen them before on our own pow`s and goverment officials... He reduced himself to the disheveled, ill looking and probable harborer of parasites. If there was any humilation, it was self induced. Yes, that is sad, I agree!! Sad that his divine lite went out and he groveled/reveled in his carnal nature. Only sadder is the people he took with him, as companions and victims. For that divine lite burnt out, I cry; for the carnal being called Saddam, I laugh. It keeps me from crying. juniperb ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted December 17, 2003 11:55 AM
PUH-LEASE!! Not executing him on sight or beating the tar out of the man, giving the slime ball medical care IS good behavior on your military's part, don't ya think TINK? So they show footage of a lice inspection...big freekin deal!! Not like they were showing footage of holding his nads and making him cough, or footage of him getting a full body cavity inspection or something. I could see y'all being morally offended by something like THAT, but a lice inspection??? BIG DEAL! If people did not see footage of him in close physical proximity to US military men, they really would be hard pressed to believe that the capture of Saddam was for real. Many fear him with every shred of their being, and just to be told "we got him" with a picture of a bearded scraggly Saddam for proof may not be enough to truly convince them that he is 100% for sure in the US's custody and at their mercy. What they saw was a once powerful, but corrupted and mercilessly brutal tyrrant acting in full compliance with a force much bigger than he is now. The people can rest assured that yes, Ding Dong the witch is REALLY dead.Jwhop, Juni IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted December 17, 2003 12:58 PM
Good answer Jwhop and Juni (you too Lioneye!!!)Hey, the MEDIA is the entity that broadcast the Cootie Inspection. The government did not hold a gun to their collective heads and say "Broadcast this or else be shut down". We will be going after the other losers: i.e. the N. Korean Midget and the Chinese, but right now the threat from the mideast is more imminent than the other. The Midget isn't going anywhere nor is he stupid enough to use a nuclear weapon. It's a game he plays to see what the US will give him NOT to threaten us. I think it is a sad thing when we can sit back and complain about the treatment of Saddam but not say a thing about the millions of lives he destroyed. Are these the same people that stand by and watch a crime because they don't want to use violence against the perp? Has society become so lax that we now worry so much about the comfort of the criminal that we turn out eye to the pain of the victim? It is an outrage that we promote these kinds of things. What is worse is that the US loses no matter what we do. Do we stand by and watch millions of people starve and get executed, only to hear our citizens say "Put a stop to this, we have to help the oppressed". Or do we get involved because we care about those people but still have to listen to the 1% of the population that states "Oh big bad US who do you think you are, throwing a murderer out of office, arresting him for killing and torturing people? You should let him stay in power and let the poor, scared, oppressed people take care of him by voting him out of power in a democratic election" (Which doesn't exist). But hey, those people must sleep better at night with the screams of the victims so that the criminal is spared. I'll get over feeling a slight twinge for Saddams cootie inspection but I'll sleep better knowing he will be tried for his criminal activities and won't be able to promote is sick agenda. IP: Logged |
Jazzebel Knowflake Posts: 343 From: Georgia Registered: Aug 2003
posted December 17, 2003 01:57 PM
well, gals and pals, seems there is no point to discuss it any further me thinks, we all put our opinions across and none of us is able to see from the other`s party perspective. Once again, it wasnt the medical examination that infuriated lots of people and what we were pointing out here, it was all about the unlawful invasion of Iraq by Bush with no support from UN or other countries. What, you think all those protestors throughout the world are just plain stupid and they dont understand ? The leaders of the rest of the world are wooden heads and have no idea what is right and what is wrong and Bush is the most compassionate person in the whole world leading 300 000 american solders to eventualy get killed in Iraq including 800000 iraqi people killed during the war for just a couple of months. Bush went ahead and "killed" Saddam because he was a tiran, now I guess someone may go and kill Bush because they thought Bush was a very bad and dengerous person too and...Pity, they would not have the chance to be the president of USA, cause only he is eligible to do so...anyhow, what is done is done, I hope all will unfold in a better perspective. Thanks for the intelectual discussion and for keeping it low key and not offencive to anyone despite this spicy political topic. Hasta la vista! IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted December 17, 2003 02:26 PM
FYI, the Pentagon on Monday did indeed say that Saddam is POW. My source: Tuesday's edition of USA Today.IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted December 17, 2003 02:51 PM
The issue we are discussing here is specifically the politeness or lack thereof of the US Army/Media showing footage of S.H.'s lice inspection. The whole issue of whethor they should even be there or not is moot at this point. They ARE there.IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted December 17, 2003 02:52 PM
JazzebelYour comments are divorced from reality. To set the record straight, the invasion of Iraq was authorized by a 15-0 vote of the UN Security Council, Resolution 1441 which encompassed all the other 16 or 17 Resolutions regarding Iraq, WMD and inspections, among other things. The self righteous whining and moaning about a taped physical exam for Saddam is just a symptom of what's wrong with a whole group of people who cannot prevail at the ballot box but want to direct American Foreign and Domestic Policy. The President of the United States does not need the approval or cooperation of the UN or any other nation to implement security policy for the United States. That duty falls on his shoulders as the "Commander in Chief" and no other. The rest of your post is laughable. Neither 300,000 American troops or 800,000 Iraqis died as a result of the invasion of Iraq. Neither is Saddam dead though he and his murderous regime which killed about 10% of the Iraqi population over the years is finished. Neither can intellectual discussions be had with individuals whose arguments are so intellectually dishonest and unreasonable that they must be dismissed out of hand by any reasonable person. Your arguments have nothing to do with compassion, enlightenment, justice, honor, equity or law. They are purely political from the "I hate Bush" end of the political spectrum and any attempt on your part to disguise your motives as enlightened compassion is intellectual dishonesty personified. jwhop IP: Logged | |