posted December 16, 2003 09:20 AM
Here is some info on this retrograde:
Alpha Life Trends: Mercury Retrograde
Karyl Jackson
Alpha Life Trends
P.O. Box 6544
Albuquerque, NM, 87197
Mercury Retrograde - January 2004
December 17, 2003 Mercury turns retrograde at 12 Capricorn
January 6, 2004 Mercury turns direct at 26 Sagittarius
This Mercury retrograde relates to business dealings, career goals and accomplishments. Because Mercury dips back into the fire sign related to these issues, we will address our actions, goals and directions as the propelling energy of Sagittarius is revised. Whenever the earth sign is the element that houses the actual retrograde, it is similar to realizing that we can稚 go any further along a particular path. We have to go back and address the fire-sign issue that relate to actions, goals, and directions first, then we can be pointed in the right direction and have the correct forward progress.
The interesting element of this Mercury retrograde is that Saturn is in Cancer, the opposite sign to Capricorn. This becomes a key element in this Mercury retrograde because we must understand the emotional connectivity to the issues related to us at this time. Cancer also relates to our home environment and many aspects to our career have an impact in our home environment and vice-versa. This fact will also come into play because many of the changes and adjustments that are required at this time will have to be deeply considered. Relocation issues are an obvious highlight to a Mercury retrograde such as this one.
The last day of 2003 is the day when Mercury moves back into the fire-sign of Sagittarius requiring us to address our goals, philosophy, and our purpose. The fact that Pluto is in Sagittarius also requires us to look at the use of power in our philosophy as it relates to our business ethics, directions and pursuits. Power becomes a key issues with Sagittarius as we must address the power of our philosophy and the direction we are pursuing as power is the motivating force behind our actions.
With Capricorn relating to authority and Sagittarius housing the power planet of Pluto, this retrograde will also provide insight into the power behind the authorities within our life. The emphasis of Mercury retrograde will be for each of us on an individual level to address those in authority of different aspects of our life as well as the power connected to their authority. Many self-proclaimed authority figures have a lack of real philosophical depth as well as lack of ethics in wielding power, especially when it affects the life of others. This will also be a part of the Mercury retrograde process that will have an impact at this time.
As we move into the new year of 2004, we will be geared to rethink many aspects to our direction as it relates to our career, outer accomplishments, business directions, etc. Also since 2004 is universally a SIX year, relating to our home and work environments prompting adjustments and renovations to both of these areas, we start the year off with just the right questions to ask. It will be difficult to get a real feel for the SIX year before Mercury turns direct on January 6th, however, we値l begin to realize very quickly that 2004 feels very different. We will want to settle into a direction and a purpose that we feel right about.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your FIRST house;
You are revising your image one way or another. There may be opportunities for a career promotion or to take on responsibilities that accentuate your self-assertiveness and self-confidence. You are reviewing the image that you project and you are going beyond the impact that you have had in the past. The barriers that you may sense at this time are associated with limitations that you may have put on yourself or others have put on you, freeing yourself up at this time. Addressing issues of harnessing power of your own to blast through these barriers coincides with this Mercury retrograde. Taking off the shackles and rising to the occasion to promote a new you is definitely in the picture. This truly begins a new cycle for you as well because your energy emerges into this New Year being very strong, directed and accomplishment oriented. You become an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your SECOND house;
You are revising the value system that is in place, having adjusted your funds either by your own accord or by others. Your second house relates to your career and the money earned by your own efforts. The fact that Mercury is retrograding back into Sagittarius, the fire-sign, brings in issues surrounding your philosophy in earning your money. Your philosophy relating to honesty and power utilized within your career become the value that you bring to the outside world. This will be a time to revise your efforts and career direction if your philosophy is being adjusted at this time. The fact that Pluto is in Sagittarius also requires you to look at the use of power in earning your money in your business pursuits. Your funds will be adjusted at this time due to your business directions and the results prompted by your philosophy.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your THIRD house;
You will become very geared to make adjustments in your communication style. With a passion for communication you値l revise the power behind your words. You will be very drawn to revise your thoughts and ideas about the accomplishments that you want to see. With the passion that you have you may want to choose a different direction for your career, or make adjustments with pursuing additional schooling to emphasize your abilities. Changes will be flooding into your life with regard to projects and different tasks that have become part of the norm, now you値l be given a variety of new tasks that will have you re-thinking and going back to the drawing board to come up with some different approaches to each task. Ultimately the changes that you値l put into place will have an impact upon your sense of security. You want to solidify your security and ultimately make the type of changes that provide you positive choices to school, education, communication and intellectual growth.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your FOURTH house;
You will be looking at the possibility of relocating your home environment as connected to your job or other elements that promote this change. Your home environment will definitely be the area that will be affected during this Mercury retrograde as the power issues that are brought into your life will have to be revised as will the outcome of the situations. Many different ideas are tossed onto the table with regard to the changes, yet nothing will be solidified until after September 20th, which will have a more solid plan. Your emotional nerves might be on edge with your home environment being of question and the focus of shifting ideas. However, your home will also be the arena of rewards and accomplishments dealing with your work environment. There are positives here and you may have to walk through the tough negotiations to get to the point of realizing the positives. Keep going, all in all, this will be a positive step for you.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your FIFTH house;
You will be feeling the effects of this retrograde within your creative ideas and potentially with any children that may experience changes and transitions. Your sense of self-expression will also become a focus of yours. With other people being an authority figure, you may feel that you hold back in your creative expressions, however, you are also full of great talent and abilities. You will become very aware of the tendency to push beyond any other communications that attempt to hold you back. You are very aware of the desire to express yourself and to balance it with the desire to enjoy your life and the fun things that are coming into your life to pursue.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your SIXTH house;
This Mercury retrograde will have you address issues that relate to your health, your work environment and to set things right in your life. The sixth house concentrates on your overall health and well-being, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There have been many issues that have affected your well-being and you will have the chance to address these very issues to bring in solutions and to resolve the impact in your life. Since Sagittarius holds some power in this area of your life, you値l be thinking about the philosophy and how you bring it forward within your career direction. You may create changes associated with location or territory of your work, expanding into something that feels more familiar, even if it is a new environment. You値l ultimately have the chance to meet some very positive, wonderful people within this new environment as you move into 2004.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your SEVENTH house;
There is a possibility of relocating due to career pursuits of either you or your partner. There are many different aspects moving into your relationship that at first look as though they are going to take you into one direction, then situations occur and change everything. With Capricorn within your Seventh house, you want to accomplish and build a solid partnership, however with Mercury moving back into Sagittarius, you must re-think the elements that you have allowed to push your relationships one way or another. You may feel torn between your direction and your partnerships direction. Ultimately there will be decisions that affect your relationships and thus gathering their input will be necessary during this time.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your EIGHTH house;
Your inner reserves of strength, determination and fortitude are being depleted and you are at a point that you must plug the hole, bar the door and take this time to re-energize. Your eighth house rules inner values and basically your inner vault of resources that you bring out in the face of challenges in the outside world and with others. It is time to regain your values, stockpile your value system again, gaining self-confidence, self-assurance and self-value. As Mercury moves back into Sagittarius, you will utilize your belief system as the foundation for the ethics that you have as the very core of your being. This belief matrix is all through your life, however only those who look for these aspects can truly value who you are, to the others it is completely invisible. Just because others don稚 see your value doesn稚 mean it isn稚 there. Believe in yourself.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your NINTH house;
Mercury moving into your ninth house then retrograding puts the focus on your career goals and career direction. You may be looking at the option of a promotion or taking classes to gain more knowledge about your career of choice. You may also be thinking about a complete switch of career focus due to your beliefs about life and career pursuits. As you rethink your career focus and look at the learning potential you have available to you, you値l make some important decisions. These decisions will have a direct impact in your career direction and the amount of success you値l be able to tap into. The road that you choose at this point will lead you where you want it to go, it may require rethinking many aspects of your beliefs about your goals.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your TENTH house;
Your career pursuits have been very definite and very strong, however at this time, your philosophy about your career is changing, therefore you are rethinking your abilities and utilizing your abilities differently within different markets. You want to expand your business, however, there are several aspects about your business currently that prompt you to rethink many of the components. Looking at different markets, or different locations or different focus will allow you to tap into a different demographic group. This assists you to build your business in a different way and thus harness different abilities that you have not had the opportunity to pursue before.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your ELEVENTH house;
You have been very involved with a group of people that allowed you to be independent in your pursuits, yet at this time, you are looking for something more. Your career and business pursuits have been toward the good will of humanity. You want to continue in this way, however, your philosophy is pulling you toward another focus at this time. You will be rethinking the present career situation and provide internal discussions about the success and value of your present business status. Your ideals have reached the end of a road, which now requires you to turn right or left and this has you stymied because of the uncertainty. There will be many situations and circumstances that occur within this Mercury retrograde to push you one way or the other. This allows you to make value decisions, which parallel your philosophy, thus making the right choice for your success.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn affecting your TWELFTH house;
With Mercury retrograding within your twelfth house, you are drawn into your own internal dialogue. You are looking at your own inner world and how much it is dictated by the outside career direction and it has impacted your whole life. You have been very busy with looking at your self through your business and career path and now need to revise your view point. You are not your career, you have your own world and it is important that you create your own internal world regardless of the outside business status. There is so much more. As Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius, you will be looking at your business direction and the narrow options that have been allowed to you and you will gather speed and break out of the restrictions that have been placed upon you. You are ready to make another huge change and transition in your life and you are on the threshold of doing so. Once Mercury turns direct, you will march right over to your new options and determine your right to make your own choices.