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  Jungian Personality Test + Astrological Comparison (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   Jungian Personality Test + Astrological Comparison
posted January 05, 2004 11:41 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
lol, Aphrodite!

We are all very cool, each and every one of us! What is not cool is the "love of arguing"...a certain endearment of mine that gets me into lots and lots of trouble in forums lol!


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Twin Lady
posted January 05, 2004 12:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Harpyr, mine was same as you.


Introverted 22%
Intuitive 44%
Feeling 56%
Perceiving 33%


I must say, I agreed with both analyses; I guess the Moon and Ascendant dominate the Sun (no surprise there).

IP: Logged

posted January 05, 2004 12:33 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
44 78 33 89

I have taken many of these and almost always get the same basic results

IP: Logged

posted January 06, 2004 11:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can't resist to ask this question:

What is Carl Jung's personality type? He is the one who created these 16 types afterall!
Somewhere is a personality curious about these sorts of things

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Posts: 112
From: Okinawa, Japan
Registered: Apr 2009

posted January 13, 2004 01:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi everyone!
I also took the test and am an:


Strength of Preference%
Introverted 33
Intuitive 44
Feeling 44
Judging 33

Moderately expressed introvert
Moderately expressed intuitive personality
Moderately expressed feeling personality
Moderately expressed judging personality

I am a Sun sign Sagittarius, with an Aries Moon, and Aquarius Rising.

IP: Logged

posted December 05, 2007 03:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here comes another old one..(yes, I stalk these boards like no other)..but I had to reply because I find this so fitting!

Your Type is

Extraverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving

The Champion Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in accomplishing their aims, and informative and expressive when relating with others. For Champions, nothing occurs which does not have some deep ethical significance, and this, coupled with their uncanny sense of the motivations of others, gives them a talent for seeing life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil. This type is found in only about 3 percent of the general population, but they have great influence because of their extraordinary impact on others. Champions are inclined to go everywhere and look into everything that has to do with the advance of good and the retreat of evil in the world. They can't bear to miss out on what is going on around them; they must experience, first hand, all the significant social events that affect our lives. And then they are eager to relate the stories they've uncovered, hoping to disclose the "truth" of people and issues, and to advocate causes. This strong drive to unveil current events can make them tireless in conversing with others, like fountains that bubble and splash, spilling over their own words to get it all out.

Champions consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to a full life, although they can never quite shake the feeling that a part of themselves is split off, uninvolved in the experience. Thus, while they strive for emotional congruency, they often see themselves in some danger of losing touch with their real feelings, which Champions possess in a wide range and variety. In the same vein, Champions strive toward a kind of spontaneous personal authenticity, and this intention always to "be themselves" is usually communicated nonverbally to others, who find it quite attractive. All too often, however, Champions fall short in their efforts to be authentic, and they tend to heap coals of fire on themselves, berating themselves for the slightest self-conscious role-playing.

BASICALLY, every word of that is true.

Capricorn sun
Scorpio rising
Sagittarius moon

The only other ENFP type I saw in these replies was pixel's..with similar influence . Eerie how there seems to be a connection..

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Posts: 1848
From: 49N35 34E34
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 05, 2007 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Taurus Sun on IC
Moon conjunct Neptune in Sag
ASC in Capricorn

Sometimes I get INTJ, others INTP; this time it was INTP:

Introverted - 78%
Intuitive - 38%
Feeling - 12%
Perceiving - 6%

You are:

very expressed introvert
moderately expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed feeling personality
slightly expressed perceiving personality

Career Educational Institutions
Social Service
Religious Education
Web Design
Health Care

The Portait of the Healer (INFP)

Healer Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in striving for their ends, and investigative and attentive in their interpersonal relations. Healer present a seemingly tranquil, and noticiably pleasant face to the world, and though to all appearances they might seem reserved, and even shy, on the inside they are anything but reserved, having a capacity for caring not always found in other types. They care deeply-indeed, passionately-about a few special persons or a favorite cause, and their fervent aim is to bring peace and integrity to their loved ones and the world.

Healers have a profound sense of idealism derived from a strong personal morality, and they conceive of the world as an ethical, honorable place. Indeed, to understand Healers, we must understand their idealism as almost boundless and selfless, inspiring them to make extraordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in. The Healer is the Prince or Princess of fairytale, the King's Champion or Defender of the Faith, like Sir Galahad or Joan of Arc. Healers are found in only 1 percent of the general population, although, at times, their idealism leaves them feeling even more isolated from the rest of humanity.

Healers seek unity in their lives, unity of body and mind, emotions and intellect, perhaps because they are likely to have a sense of inner division threaded through their lives, which comes from their often unhappy childhood. Healers live a fantasy-filled childhood, which, unfortunately, is discouraged or even punished by many parents. In a practical-minded family, required by their parents to be sociable and industrious in concrete ways, and also given down-to-earth siblings who conform to these parental expectations, Healers come to see themselves as ugly ducklings. Other types usually shrug off parental expectations that do not fit them, but not the Healers. Wishing to please their parents and siblings, but not knowing quite how to do it, they try to hide their differences, believing they are bad to be so fanciful, so unlike their more solid brothers and sisters. They wonder, some of them for the rest of their lives, whether they are OK. They are quite OK, just different from the rest of their family-swans reared in a family of ducks. Even so, to realize and really believe this is not easy for them. Deeply committed to the positive and the good, yet taught to believe there is evil in them, Healers can come to develop a certain fascination with the problem of good and evil, sacred and profane. Healers are drawn toward purity, but can become engrossed with the profane, continuously on the lookout for the wickedness that lurks within them. Then, when Healers believe thay have yielded to an impure temptation, they may be given to acts of self-sacrifice in atonement. Others seldom detect this inner turmoil, however, for the struggle between good and evil is within the Healer, who does not feel compelled to make the issue public.

Princess Diana, Richard Gere, Audrey Hephurn, Albert Schweiter, George Orwell, Karen Armstrong, Aldous Huxley, Mia Farrow", and Isabel Meyers are examples of a Healer Idealists.

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posted December 05, 2007 07:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Scorpio Sun
Aquarian Moon
Capricorn Ascendant



You are:

* very expressed introvert
* distinctively expressed intuitive personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* moderately expressed judging personality

I took the other test and I am INFJ Counselor Idealist
Some others are:
Mohandas Gandhi
Eleanor Roosevelt
Carl Jung

IP: Logged

posted December 05, 2007 10:08 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am a Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Cancer Rising

Your Type is

Strength of the preferences

Introverted 56%
Intuitive 12%
Feeling 38%
Judging 22%

I am a Counselor (INFJ)

You are:

moderately expressed introvert

slightly expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed judging personality

The Portait of the Counselor (INFJ)

The Counselor Idealists are abstract in thought and speech, cooperative in reaching their goals, and enterprising and attentive in their interpersonal roles. Counselors focus on human potentials, think in terms of ethical values, and come easily to decisions. The small number of this type (little more than 2 percent) is regrettable, since Counselors have an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Although Counsleors tend to be private, sensitive people, and are not generally visible leaders, they nevertheless work quite intensely with those close to them, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes with their families, friends, and colleagues. This type has great depth of personality; they are themselves complicated, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people.

Counselors can be hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend not to share their reactions except with those they trust. With their loved ones, certainly, Counselors are not reluctant to express their feelings, their face lighting up with the positive emotions, but darkening like a thunderhead with the negative. Indeed, because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, Counselors can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, mutely withdrawing from human contact. At the same time, friends who have known a Counselor for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that they are inconsistent; Counselors value their integrity a great deal, but they have intricately woven, mysterious personalities which sometimes puzzle even them.

Counselors have strong empathic abilities and can become aware of another's emotions or intentions -- good or evil -- even before that person is conscious of them. This "mind-reading" can take the form of feeling the hidden distress or illnesses of others to an extent which is difficult for other types to comprehend. Even Counselors can seldom tell how they came to penetrate others' feelings so keenly. Furthermore, the Counselor is most likely of all the types to demonstrate an ability to understand psychic phenomena and to have visions of human events, past, present, or future. What is known as ESP may well be exceptional intuitive ability-in both its forms, projection and introjection. Such supernormal intuition is found frequently in the Counselor, and can extend to people, things, and often events, taking the form of visions, episodes of foreknowledge, premonitions, auditory and visual images of things to come, as well as uncanny communications with certain individuals at a distance.

Mohandas Gandhi, Sidney Poitier, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jane Goodall, Emily Bronte, Sir Alec Guiness, Carl Jung, Mary Baker Eddy, Queen Noor are examples of the Counselor Idealist (INFJ).

I'm in good company!!!

IP: Logged

posted December 05, 2007 10:32 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking through this thread, though it says that only 2% of people are INFJ types, there seem to be a lot of us here at LL.

At least we know where a percentage of the INFJ types congregate.

I am guessing that there are a few more INFJ's here at LL after reading the description of the Counselor type.

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posted December 05, 2007 10:36 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Everyone should take the other part of the test. bad?

Custom Keirsey Temperament Report for Fayte

Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicate that your personality type is that of The IdealistTM.

All Idealists share the following core characteristics:

* Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition,(my intuition is 75% so that fits) yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom.
* Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic.
* Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials.
* Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders.

Idealists as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.

Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.

Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.

IP: Logged

posted December 06, 2007 02:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Something weird about that link, Fayte.

I went to take the test but had to register. Then it never gave me the test but gave me a temperment personality result of a test I never took.

The really weird thing about it though is that the test results were not under the name I registered there as which was Mirandee. Instead the results gave my real first name but not my last name now. It was in my maiden name.

I have never used my maiden name online for anything. I haven't had that last name for 42 years. So how could it know my maiden name?

Besides all that it never would give me the test to actually take myself. But that is really weird about the maiden name. I have never used that on the internet and have only told about 3 people what it was. I don't recall ever saying what my maiden name was on any forum. Too weird.

Incidently, the test results for a test I never answered questions for came up Artisan which I can definitely say does not fit my personality at all. I am about as creative as a stump. LOL Also not that outgoing and energetic.

IP: Logged

posted December 06, 2007 05:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your Type is
Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging
Strength of the preferences %
67 12 50 1

ISFJ type description by D.Keirsey
ISFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss
ISFJ Career Choices by Jung Career Indicator™

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
distinctively expressed introvert

slightly expressed sensing personality

moderately expressed feeling personality

slightly expressed judging personality

IP: Logged

posted December 06, 2007 07:04 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have never used my maiden name online for anything. I haven't had that last name for 42 years. So how could it know my maiden name?
Definitely weird. Did you ever take it like years ago? Maybe it used your other test scores to do it.
I am going to check it out again. I had to register too.

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posted December 06, 2007 07:10 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OK...just checked it out again and had no problem getting in under my registered name.
I am going to register again and see if it still works like it did at first.

Then click on take the kits-II
and get a drop down menu and click on "take it."

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posted December 06, 2007 07:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Weird..cannot get the linki to post here but...

Then you should get something like this:

Welcome to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. You are joining a community of more than 35 million other individuals who have taken this opportunity to learn more about themselves and their preferred styles of expression and behavior. Understanding these things will provide you with another tool in the never-ending quest to better understand yourself and how you interact with those around you.

It is important that you answer all the questions from the perspective of what feels real for you and not try to give answers that you think would sound like how you should behave in any particular situation. The objective is to understand yourself as you really are – not the way, for example, you must react in your job, or others expect you to behave. Effectiveness as an individual or leader is not based on any particular personality style. It is really about how well you know yourself and others.

There are two choices for each question. If both seem to apply, choose the one that feels most comfortable to you. There are no right or wrong answers – about half the population agrees with whatever choice you make.



Are you inclined to be more
hurried than leisurely
leisurely than hurried
Which seems the greater fault
to be too dispassionate
to be too compassionate
Are you more comfortable in making
value judgments
critical judgments
illustrate principles
speak for themselves
Waiting in line, do you often
stick to business
chat with others
Would you say you are more
serious and determined
easy going
Which do you wish more for yourself
strength of emotion
strength of will
In sizing up others, do you tend to be
objective and impersonal
friendly and personal
Common sense is
frequently questionable
usually reliable
Does interacting with strangers
tax your reserves
energize you
Is it preferable mostly to
make sure things are arranged
just let things happen naturally
Is clutter in the work place something you
take time to straighten up
tolerate pretty well
If you must disappoint someone are you usually
warm and considerate
frank and straightforward
Are you more frequently
a fanciful sort of person
a practical sort of person
Do you think of yourself as
a private person
an outgoing person
Are you more
routinized than whimsical
whimsical than routinized
Do you prefer contracts to be
signed, sealed, and delivered
settled on a handshake
Is it better to be
Are you inclined to take what is said
more figuratively
more literally
At work do you tend to
keep more to yourself
be sociable with your colleagues
At work, is it more natural for you to
point out mistakes
try to please others
On the job, do you want your activities
Are you more often
a cool-headed person
a warm-hearted person
Are you more likely to trust
your conceptions
your experiences
Are you inclined to be
somewhat reserved
easy to approach
Are you prone to
nailing things down
exploring the possibilities
Which rules you more
your thoughts
your feelings
Do you prize in yourself
a strong hold on reality
a vivid imagination
Is it worse to
be in a rut
have your head in the clouds
When finishing a job, do you like to
tie up all loose ends
move on to something else
In hard circumstances, are you sometimes
too unsympathetic
too sympathetic
In stories, do you prefer
action and adventure
fantasy and heroism
Are you more interested in
what is possible
what is actual
Do you tend to choose
rather carefully
somewhat impulsively
My gender is:
Do you value in yourself more that you are
With people are you usually more
gentle than firm
firm than gentle
Do you like writers who
use metaphors and symbolism
say what they mean
When the phone rings, do you
hope someone else will answer it
hurry to get to it first
Do you usually want things
settled and decided
just penciled in
Are you swayed more by
a touching appeal
convincing evidence
In making up your mind are you more likely to go by
Do you find visionaries and theorists
rather fascinating
somewhat annoying
At a party, do you
interact with a few friends
interact with many, even strangers
Do you feel better about
coming to closure
keeping your options open
Do you see yourself as basically
Which appeals to you more
consistency of thought
harmonious relationships
Children often do not
exercise their fantasy enough
make themselves useful enough
Do you tend to
keep your ears open
say right out what's on your mind
Do you tend to notice
opportunities for change
Is it your way to
make up your mind quickly
pick and choose at some length
In a heated discussion do you
stick to your guns
look for common ground
Do you speak more in
particulars than generalities
generalities than particulars
Are you the kind of person who
doesn't miss much
is rather talkative
Are you more comfortable
after a decision
before a decision
Are you more satisfied having
a finished product
work in progress
When in charge of others do you tend to be
forgiving and lenient
firm and unbending
Do you more often see
what's right in front of you
what can only be imagined
Do you consider yourself
a good listener
a good conversationalist
Do you more often prefer
final unalterable statements
tentative preliminary statements
Which is more of a compliment
"There's a sentimental person"
"There's a logical person"
Are you more inclined to feel
somewhat removed
down to earth
Are you more
introspective than observant
observant than introspective
In most situations are you more
deliberate than spontaneous
spontaneous than deliberate
It is worse to be
a softy
Are you drawn more to
Are you more
ideational than sensible
sensible than ideational
Do you prefer to work
to deadlines
just whenever
Do you think of yourself as a
tender-hearted person
tough-minded person
Is it easier for you to
identify with others
put others to good use
Do you tend to be more
speculative than factual
factual than speculative

Please enter your name:

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Posts: 1
From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: May 2009

posted December 06, 2007 07:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Isis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I took the Meyers-Briggs several years ago and was ENTP, but this time around I got ENTJ. Not sure if I've changed or if it's just because it's a different test...*shrug*


Strength of the preferences %
Extraverted 33
Intuitive 88
Thinking 1
Judging 22

You are:

* moderately expressed extravert
* very expressed intuitive personality
* slightly expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

IP: Logged

posted December 06, 2007 08:03 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Then click on take the kits-II in the menu bar
and get a drop down menu and click on "take it."
Both links work fine for me.

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Posts: 112
From: Okinawa, Japan
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 06, 2007 08:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I just dogpiled Keirsey Temperament Sorter and came up with
Worked for me. Here are my results.

Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicate that your personality type is that of The RationalTM.
All Rationals share the following core characteristics:

Rationals tend to be pragmatic, skeptical, self-contained, and focused on problem-solving and systems analysis.
Rationals pride themselves on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed.
Rationals make reasonable mates, individualizing parents, and strategic leaders.
Rationals are even-tempered, they trust logic, yearn for achievement, seek knowledge, prize technology, and dream of understanding how the world works.
Rationals are the problem solving temperament, particularly if the problem has to do with the many complex systems that make up the world around us. Rationals might tackle problems in organic systems such as plants and animals, or in mechanical systems such as railroads and computers, or in social systems such as families and companies and governments. But whatever systems fire their curiosity, Rationals will analyze them to understand how they work, so they can figure out how to make them work better.

In working with problems, Rationals try to find solutions that have application in the real world, but they are even more interested in the abstract concepts involved, the fundamental principles or natural laws that underlie the particular case. And they are completely pragmatic about their ways and means of achieving their ends. Rationals don't care about being politically correct. They are interested in the most efficient solutions possible, and will listen to anyone who has something useful to teach them, while disregarding any authority or customary procedure that wastes time and resources.

Rationals have an insatiable hunger to accomplish their goals and will work tirelessly on any project they have set their mind to. They are rigorously logical and fiercely independent in their thinking--are indeed skeptical of all ideas, even their own--and they believe they can overcome any obstacle with their will power. Often they are seen as cold and distant, but this is really the absorbed concentration they give to whatever problem they're working on. Whether designing a skyscraper or an experiment, developing a theory or a prototype technology, building an aircraft, a corporation, or a strategic alliance, Rationals value intelligence, in themselves and others, and they pride themselves on the ingenuity they bring to their problem solving.

Rationals are very scarce, comprising as little as 7 to 10 percent of the population. But because of their drive to unlock the secrets of nature, and to develop new technologies, they have done much to shape our world.

IP: Logged

posted December 06, 2007 08:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ESTJ: Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging

Sagittarius Sun, Aries Moon, Virgo Rising.

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posted December 06, 2007 09:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank You for the better link Eleanore!

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posted December 06, 2007 10:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It finally worked for me. It says that I took that test on Nov.19,2002 with the maiden name, Fayte. ?????? I know my memory is getting bad but nothing about the site or the test was familiar to me at all. Maybe it was an out of body experience. LOL

Anyway, my results is that I am an idealist. No surprise there. But to a fault I get impatient with people who seem content with the way things are instead of the way things could be. Especially in themselves. I get impatient with slow thinkers.

All Idealists share the following core characteristics:

Idealists are enthusiastic, they trust their intuition, yearn for romance, seek their true self, prize meaningful relationships, and dream of attaining wisdom.
Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic.
Idealists tend to be giving, trusting, spiritual, and they are focused on personal journeys and human potentials.
Idealists make intense mates, nurturing parents, and inspirational leaders.

Idealists as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self--always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.

Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.

Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.

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Posts: 2196
Registered: May 2009

posted December 06, 2007 10:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Unmoved     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rational Portrait of the Inventor (ENTP)

Sun Virgo
Moon Cancer
Mercury Libra
Venus Virgo
Mars Scorpio
Jupiter Scorpio
Asc Scorpio

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posted December 06, 2007 11:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd be interested in taking more tests which can further hone the identity results.
Seems there are wide differences/variations within the same classified Personality and Types, and Personality Sorted categories.


For example:

I - 28%
N - 67%
F - 56%
J - 22%
Introverted 67%
Intuitive 44%
Feeling 44%
Judging 1%

So does anyone know of more in depth tests?

Maybe our Astrological signs and charts affect it all too because the % in each seems to vary alot.
Very interesting!

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Posts: 4178
From: Pleasanton, CA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 06, 2007 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mirandee, did you take it from Fayte's links? That could explain why it thinks you are Fayte. You may want to try again from the original link?

Here's me:

You are:
moderately expressed introvert

slightly expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality

The Portait of the Mastermind (INTJ)

Of the four aspects of strategic analysis and definition, it is the contingency planning or entailment organizing role that reaches the highest development in Masterminds. Entailing or contingency planning is not an informative activity, rather it is a directive one in which the planner tells others what to do and in what order to do it. As the organizing capabilities the Masterminds increase so does their inclination to take charge of whatever is going on.

It is in their abilities that Masterminds differ from the other Rationals, while in most of their attitudes they are just like the others. However there is one attitude that sets them apart from other Rationals: they tend to be much more self-confident than the rest, having, for obscure reasons, developed a very strong will. They are rather rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population. Being very judicious, decisions come naturally to them; indeed, they can hardly rest until they have things settled, decided, and set. They are the people who are able to formulate coherent and comprehensive contingency plans, hence contingency organizers or "entailers."

Masterminds will adopt ideas only if they are useful, which is to say if they work efficiently toward accomplishing the Mastermind's well-defined goals. Natural leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command of projects or groups, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once in charge, however, Masterminds are the supreme pragmatists, seeing reality as a crucible for refining their strategies for goal-directed action. In a sense, Masterminds approach reality as they would a giant chess board, always seeking strategies that have a high payoff, and always devising contingency plans in case of error or adversity. To the Mastermind, organizational structure and operational procedures are never arbitrary, never set in concrete, but are quite malleable and can be changed, improved, streamlined. In their drive for efficient action, Masterminds are the most open-minded of all the types. No idea is too far-fetched to be entertained-if it is useful. Masterminds are natural brainstormers, always open to new concepts and, in fact, aggressively seeking them. They are also alert to the consequences of applying new ideas or positions. Theories which cannot be made to work are quickly discarded by the Masterminds. On the other hand, Masterminds can be quite ruthless in implementing effective ideas, seldom counting personal cost in terms of time and energy.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Ulysses S. Grant, Frideriche Nietsche, Niels Bohr, Peter the Great, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Lise Meitner", Ayn Rand and Sir Isaac Newton are examples of Rational Masterminds.

No wonder I like Eisenhower. Stephen Hawking and I share some astrological placements. I loved Ayn Rand's books, though I'm not much of a reader of novels.

This sound like me?:


This happens in part because many INTJs do not readily grasp the social rituals; for instance, they tend to have little patience and less understanding of such things as small talk and flirtation (which most types consider half the fun of a relationship). To complicate matters, INTJs are usually extremely private people, and can often be naturally impassive as well, which makes them easy to misread and misunderstand. Perhaps the most fundamental problem, however, is that INTJs really want people to make sense. :-) This sometimes results in a peculiar naivete', paralleling that of many Fs -- only instead of expecting inexhaustible affection and empathy from a romantic relationship, the INTJ will expect inexhaustible reasonability and directness.

I'm always asking people here to be sensible and reasonable.

Sun in Capricorn
Moon in Virgo
Saturn in Gemini
Mercury in Sagittarius
Saturn trine Uranus and opposite Mercury

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