Topic: Jungian Personality Test + Astrological Comparison
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 02, 2004 02:18 AM
Greetings Knowflakes! I would like to share with you all an interest of mine. Comparing Jungian psychology with astrological influences. It all started about 5 years ago....I was curious about witchcraft and so began a study of it. Because of what I read about magic, ~*The art of changing consciousness at will.*~, I was spurred to study a bit of psychology- specifically Jung's theories, whereupon I discovered his four personality types. They consist of two polarities- Thinking/Feeling and Sensation/Intuition. On a whim, I wondered if those four types could in any way correspond with the four elements- Earth, Air, Fire, Water and suddenly remembered that each astrological sign corresponds with an element. This was before I had ever learned anything more than a superficial understanding of the 12 signs, nothing more of astrology. That soon changed as I embarked on an intensive study of that splendid star art we all enjoy, which led me to Linda Goodman and eventually here. (yay! ) I did see some correlation between Jung and astrology and so came to this conclusion- Thinking- Air Intuition-Fire Feeling-Water Sensation-Earth It was shortly after this discovery that I learned Jung himself had studied astrology and even used it in his practice. No doubt it influenced his devising of the four personality types. But anyway, it brings me to this. I found a test one can take to discover her/his personality type with two additional characteristics devised by Briggs-Myers. (Perceiving/Judging) I would be very curious to see what sorts of results people here get and how that relates to their Sun/Moon/Asc or other extremely prominent influences in one's chart that may be relevant. I'll go first- I took it twice, changing a few answers I wavered on (some are tricky to answer) and both times got the same result.. INFP Slightly expressed Introverted (22%) Moderately expressed iNtuitive (33%) Moderately expressed Feeling (44%) Slightly expressed Perceiving (11%) (I don't know why my %s add up to 110%. Maybe they are saying I give 110% of myself? boy that's nice. I wonder if that happens to everyone or maybe just a glitch?) To compare- Sun Sagittarius- Fire Moon Scorpio- Water Asc. Leo- Fire I had always thought that my primary personality type was Intuition but according to this test I am most primarily Feeling. Interesting. I have very little Earth or Air in my chart (Saturn in Virgo and Pluto in Libra only) so this would support my theory that Sensation and Thinking are less represented in my personality. The question remains -which one is my inferior function and which is the underused secondary function? It is said that we have one function that is our primary, thereby making it's opposite function the inferior one..meaning it is shoved down into our subconscious and appears to us in dreams as our shadow self and the two functions of the other polarity become secondary functions which can be relied on more or less heavily, depending on the individual. Often a secondary function can be so strong that it can overshadow the primary. It is said that the easiest way to discover a person's primary function is to determine what they are NOT. Meaning, find out their inferior function first. Okay, enough psychobabble. I'm eager to hear everyone's results! Thanks in advance!  Jung Typeology Test
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Aphrodite unregistered
posted January 02, 2004 10:46 AM
INTJIntroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % You are: very expressed introvert (89%) distinctively expressed intuitive personality (67%) very expressed thinking personality (89%) very expressed judging personality (78%) Aries Sun Capricorn Moon Cancer Rising The Scientist As an INTJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically. INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others. With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action. INTJ's tremendous value and need for systems and organization, combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent scientists. An INTJ scientist gives a gift to society by putting their ideas into a useful form for others to follow. It is not easy for the INTJ to express their internal images, insights, and abstractions. The internal form of the INTJ's thoughts and concepts is highly individualized, and is not readily translatable into a form that others will understand. However, the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts. They usually don't see the value of a direct transaction, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas, which are non-linear. However, their extreme respect of knowledge and intelligence will motivate them to explain themselves to another person who they feel is deserving of the effort. More at: IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 656 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2004 10:52 AM
Hmmm, at least I`m consistant as the results were exactly the same as the last timeYour Type is INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Strength of the preferences % 22 44 33 44 Counselor As a good Aquarian should be with a Cappy rising & Virgo moon juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Newflake Posts: 8 From: ON Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2004 12:26 PM
Your Type is ENFP Extroverted 11% Intuitive 22 % Feeling 56 % Perceiving 11% ENFP type description by D.Keirsey ENFP type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss
Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: slightly expressed extrovert slightly expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed feeling personality slightly expressed perceiving personality Scorpio Sun Capricorn moon Leo Rising
Harpyr~ Even though I checked No in the box that asked if critisism was always constructive and necessary (some such thing) My question is...Fire signs-intuition,Water signs-feeling.? Under normal circumstances, given the choice of calling Water *feeling*, seems very right to me, but then I thought of it more... when given the option of feeling versus intuition, I believe I would say if I had to classify, I think water would be more intuitive than fire. After all, Aries, fire sign, represents the infant..the infants primary way of relating is through feeling. Whether tactile or emotional, it makes sense. Whereas, Water signs, when looking at key words alone, the word *intuition* is always present. Just some food for thought. I don't know, however, what you are basing the theories on, having not read the actual definitions, and you are very well educated, so I may be offering you just a different perspective. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I hope it brings you much goodness! I have a good feeling about 2004, don't you? IP: Logged |
Aphrodite unregistered
posted January 02, 2004 12:46 PM
Harpyr,"I don't know why my %s add up to 110%" It looks like each trait is scaled 1 - 100%, not the measurement of each trait expressing itself in comparison to the whole picture. -Aphrodite IP: Logged |
lllog unregistered
posted January 02, 2004 02:06 PM
Mine is INTP.My twin is completly different, which gives me some doubt in corralating astrology and MB. Lanny
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Aphrodite unregistered
posted January 02, 2004 02:07 PM
hi juniperb, i thought i'd look yours up and here's something interesting: IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 02, 2004 03:55 PM
Thanks for the responses everyone!Pixelpixie, yeah..I had no trouble seeing the Thinking/Air, and Sensation/Earth correlation but the water and fire were alittle harder to pin down. Intuition is mentioned alot in regards to water signs but I think emotionality is abit more prominent of a characteristic with regards to Cancer, Scorp and Pisces. I see what you are saying about the fire signs being emotional as well but I see them as being intuitive too. Sagittarius often bases their strong convictions and beliefs on an 'inner knowing' of right and wrong with the dictates of conventionality secondary. Even when a Sag takes their beliefs from the que of family or society, the beliefs have to stand up to the measure of their intuition. But then, I could be mistaken about this correlation between the types and astrology anyways..*shrug* I'm not yet seeing strong indications of it here and what Lanny said about his twin would seem to indicate against such things. *sigh* oh well. It's an interesting little study anyway. Aph, thanks for clairifying that % thingy. Makes much more sense now.  IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 656 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2004 03:55 PM
Amy, wow, I was flabbergasted by the definition. I`d say about 95% accurate. It also points to the things we`ve discussed regarding the tightly orbed inconjuncts. Fascinating!! Thanks so much. juniperb  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 3887 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2004 06:53 PM
ESTJ--just like George W.  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
Harpyr Newflake Posts: 0 From: Alaska Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 02, 2004 07:03 PM
ah-ha! okay, I know you are a Cappy sun Randall..but what is your moon and rising? Either one an Air sign?IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 3887 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2004 08:10 PM
Cappy Moon, Virgo ASC.------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted January 03, 2004 03:46 PM
Heya Harpyr - Good Idea!  As always, I am an... INFJ Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Strength of the preferences % I - 28 N - 67 F - 56 J - 22 INFJ type description by D.Keirsey - INFJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss - And another one I found: Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: Moderately expressed Introvert Distinctively expressed iNtuitive personality Moderately expressed Feeling personality Slightly expressed Judging personality Yay fer INFJs (as we rock)!!! Sun - Pisces Moon - Aqua Asc - Scorp Merc - Pisces Venus - Taurus Mars - Leo ~1st House Uranus~ Ohh, Aph, cool page! I really like this quote: "Come to the edge, he said, They said: We are afraid Come to the edge, he said. They came, He pushed them, and they flew." Guillaume Apollinaire IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted January 03, 2004 04:03 PM
P.S. I have the book Please Understand Me II (by the Keirseys) and tested Jase the other day. *looks at scores* He's a Slightly (the scores were very close, but he was really ambivalent on them, so maybe Moderately) expressed Introvert Moderately (or maybe Slightly...9 = S, 11 = N) expressed iNtuitive Strongly (14 = F, 6 = T ) expressed Feeler Distinctively (almost all of his answers) expressed Judger, and his Sun = Aqua Moon = Taurus (strongly aspected) Asc = Scorpio Merc = Cappie Venus = Aqua Mars = Pisces (strongly aspected) ~1st House Uranus and Jupiter...conjuct~IP: Logged |
gloomy sag unregistered
posted January 03, 2004 05:09 PM
INFP, same as you Harpyr  Sag/Libra/Pisces (or Aquarius rising  IP: Logged |
lioneye68 unregistered
posted January 03, 2004 10:48 PM
Your Type is INTP Introverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 44 89 44 33 Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: moderately expressed introvert 44% very expressed intuitive personality 89% moderately expressed thinking personality 44% moderately expressed perceiving personality 33% Leo Sun Aqua Moon Saggie Rising (Leo Merc, Mars, Venus...Saturn in Aries...Everything else in Virgo, except my Scorpio Neptune) Does that fit the profile? IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted January 04, 2004 05:02 PM
Extroverted Intuitive Feeling JudgingI do not agree with some questions such as Do you get easily interested in soap operas? Obviously there is something wrong there, what happens if you hate TV? I still care about people but I hate fake soaps. So? Another one, do you think the best decision is one easily changed? Obviously this is true later on in life, when you don't want to be tied down as much. So these answers change over time, or over a year's time for me. Natasha IP: Logged |
esull2002 unregistered
posted January 04, 2004 05:03 PM
i am in INFP and i have taurus sun, aqua moon and a libra rising....i don't feel like listing the rest. weird thing is i have only 2 water planets and INFP seems to be more a water type. IP: Logged |
astro junkie unregistered
posted January 04, 2004 10:22 PM
The last time I took the Myers/Brigg's test was about a year ago - it came to INFP.I'm: S - Libra M - Cancer M - Scorp V - Virgo M - Scorp J - Cap S - Cap Asc - Taurus at 29.48 degrees (so Gemini too) .gloria ------------------ it's better to light a candle than curse the darkness... IP: Logged |
WychOfAvalon unregistered
posted January 04, 2004 10:48 PM
Your Type is INFJ Introverted 67 Intuitive 44 Feeling 44 Judging 1 I am Aries Sun Aquarius Moon Leo Rising Beneath the quiet exterior, INFJs hold deep convictions about the weightier matters of life. Those who are activists -- INFJs gravitate toward such a role -- are there for the cause, not for personal glory or political power. INFJs are champions of the oppressed and downtrodden. They often are found in the wake of an emergency, rescuing those who are in acute distress. INFJs may fantasize about getting revenge on those who victimize the defenseless. The concept of 'poetic j ustice' is appealing to the INFJ.
"There's something rotten in Denmark." Accurately suspicious about others' motives, INFJs are not easily led. These are the people that you can rarely fool any of the time. Though affable and sympathetic to most, INFJs are selective about their friends . Such a friendship is a symbiotic bond that transcends mere words. INFJs have a knack for fluency in language and facility in communication. In addition, nonverbal sensitivity enables the INFJ to know and be known by others intimately. Writing, counseling, public service and even politics are areas where INFJs frequently find their niche. (((( The Counselor Idealists are abstract thought and speech, cooperative in reaching their goals, and directive and introverted in their interpersonal roles. Counselors focus on human potentials, think in terms of ethical values, and come easily to decisions. The small number of this type (little more than 2 percent) is regrettable, since Counselors have an unusually strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others and genuinely enjoy helping their companions. Although Counsleors tend to be private, sensitive people, and are not generally visible leaders, they nevertheless work quite intensely with those close to them, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes with their families, friends, and colleagues. This type has great depth of personality; they are themselves complicated, and can understand and deal with complex issues and people. Counselors can be hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend not to share their reactions except with those they trust. With their loved ones, certainly, Counselors are not reluctant to express their feelings, their face lighting up with the positive emotions, but darkening like a thunderhead with the negative. Indeed, because of their strong ability to take into themselves the feelings of others, Counselors can be hurt rather easily by those around them, which, perhaps, is one reason why they tend to be private people, mutely withdrawing from human contact. At the same time, friends who have known an Counselor for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that they are inconsistent; Counselors value their integrity a great deal, but they have intricately woven, mysterious personalities which sometimes puzzle even them. Counselors have strong empathic abilities and can become aware of another's emotions or intentions -- good or evil -- even before that person is conscious of them. This "mind-reading" can take the form of feeling the hidden distress or illnesses of others to an extent which is difficult for other types to comprehend. Even Counselors can seldom tell how they came to penetrate others' feelings so keenly. Furthermore, the Counselor is most likely of all the types to demonstrate an ability to understand psychic phenomena and to have visions of human events, past, present, or future. What is known as ESP may well be exceptional intuitive ability-in both its forms, projection and introjection. Such supernormal intuition is found frequently in the Counselor, and can extend to people, things, and often events, taking the form of visions, episodes of foreknowledge, premonitions, auditory and visual images of things to come, as well as uncanny communications with certain individuals at a distance. (((((( ------------------ and if your world has turned to ashes.. i will leave you never.. even when the sun's blown out, i will shine forever.. i caress you with my charms.. i'm your best friend, the dream.. i'm the light that guides you through the nights and deepest haze IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 2712 From: Madeira Beach, FL USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 05, 2004 01:07 AM
ENTJ Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking JudgingSun-Leo Moon-Leo Mercury-Virgo Venus-Libra Mars-Aries Rising-Scorpio IP: Logged |
CancerianMoon unregistered
posted January 05, 2004 01:12 AM
lovely* unregistered
posted January 05, 2004 03:11 AM
INFJ"Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging Strength of the preferences % 67 22 56 11" virgo sun virgo moon cancer asc PS. shouldnt it be a I-I-FJ? Intuitive-N? IP: Logged |
Nackie unregistered
posted January 05, 2004 10:24 AM
Your Type is ENTP Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Perceiving Strength of the preferences % 33 44 1 11 Gemini sun Scorp rising Taurus moon
mars (aries) opp pluto (libra) "Clever" is the word that perhaps describes ENTPs best. The professor who juggles half a dozen ideas for research papers and grant proposals in his mind while giving a highly entertaining lecture on an abstruse subject is a classic example of the type. So is the stand-up comedian whose lampoons are not only funny, but incisively accurate. ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their often-impressive skills. They tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. They sometimes confuse, even inadvertently hurt, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport. ...ENTPs are basically optimists, but in spite of this (perhaps because of it?), they tend to become extremely petulant about small setbacks and inconveniences. (Major setbacks they tend to regard as challenges, and tackle with determin- ation.) ENTPs have little patience with those they consider wrongheaded or unintelligent, and show little restraint in demonstrating this. However, they do tend to be extremely genial, if not charming, when not being harassed by life in general." This is SOOOOO me! I find it fits a gemini, too. Nackie
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Aphrodite unregistered
posted January 05, 2004 10:53 AM
Nackie, your personality sounds  IP: Logged | |