posted January 24, 2004 06:30 PM
What the heck was he doing in Roswell?President - "He thinks my job is to answer every question he asks"
Now what could have given that pesky American citizen such a foolish idea.
I liked this story -
The President launched a PR campaign to improve his image and popularity. He visited a primary school so he could explain to the children his policy. After explaining his policy to them, the President asked the children if they had any questions. Little Stevie raised his hand and said, "Mr President, I have two questions:
1. How did you have less votes but were
still elected president?
2. Why do you want to attack Iraq with no motive?
At that moment, the bell rang and the kids ran outside to play. At the end of the break the children returned and Bush asked the children if they had any more questions. Little Eddie raised his hand and said, "Mr President, I have four questions:
1. How did you have less votes but were still elected President?
2. Why did you want to attack Iraq without any motive?
3.Why did the bell ring twenty minutes too early?
4. Where is Stevie?