posted March 10, 2004 12:14 AM
Wow, I am even wordy in titles.Two two days I am leaving. It snuck up on me, let me tell ya all. Even though I have been worrying furiously over it since, um, early February?? Maybe Jan?
If a person burned calories from nervous twittering, I would have lost a few sizes.
I have made lists, upon lists, upon lists. In true Virgo style, I must have clothes, jackets hats nail files socks hair products that are suited for any contingency....tornadoes. Hailstorms. Hot boys. The Wrath of God.
I am taking every religions (well, the majors, anyway) principle tract. The Bible. The Koran. The Mists of Avalon (hahah. that one's for the faeries) I have read them all before, a few times. Now, I am going to wonder off into the woods, sit down near a geothermal pool and watch the sun cross the sky as I really study these things.
Yes, thank you Jupiter in Virgo transit that can create grand sweeping religious fervor. (Martin Luther had a natal Virgo in Jup.)
But yet....havent packed. Every little thing I feel might be useful is thrown into an extra room and goes through 3 levels of the "Need or want" analysis. Thank heaven I kinda like this. Last night I hit a stalemate and was threatening to implode.
I always always do this, and somehow it works out. Maybe finally, this time I will let go of the inner control freak and not worry about every possible doom. I think I have, actually. I just did this same thing, 4 months ago, and everything worked out just fine.
And I have my Catholic grandma praying for me. Let me say, never understimate the clout these ladies have with God....whichever face you choose to see. The get props for their faith, from their faith, and thats what makes me believe in prayer. It was my Grandma who got me into this job-the call came the day after she started burning candles for me!! its sooooo Catholic AND Pagan at the same time!!!!
Oh yeah....Randall, I hope you don't cancel my account here.....because I will be in absentia........