Topic: the WORST joke that ever made you crack up laughing
MOONAT Knowflake Posts: 270 From: the bottomless depths of my mind Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 12, 2004 04:25 AM
Mine is:Two trees are in a forrest, one turns to the other and says "too bad we cant talk aye?" :P
there must be something wrong with me...i laughed when i read it this time as well! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 12, 2004 09:11 AM
*I have a stupid sense of humour.. the stupider, the better!*Knock knock who's there? Interupting cow Interupting cow w---------Moooo!!!
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Twin Lady Knowflake Posts: 624 From: USA Registered: Jan 2003
posted March 12, 2004 11:17 AM
Corny...but this one always did it for me:"HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT THE CURED HAM THAT HAD A RELAPSE?" IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted March 12, 2004 11:45 AM
pixelpixie, i just burst out laughing. still laughing. ahahahahaIP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted March 12, 2004 11:50 AM
Horse walks into a bar and says "Hay, bartender" Horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "Why the long face?" Giraffe walks into a bar and says "High-balls are on ME!" So Stoopid... IP: Logged |
theFajita3 Knowflake Posts: 1457 From: Sunny South Florida, USA Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 12, 2004 02:03 PM
Wanna hear a dirty joke? Three white horses in the mud.------------------ Namaste! IP: Logged |
tahariel Knowflake Posts: 165 From: south wales Registered: Jan 2004
posted March 12, 2004 02:18 PM
For all those of you not familiar with the store MFI, it's a DIY store....Oh and Iceland is a frozen food store !...MFI and Iceland have merged ! Have they ? Yep, I bought a chicken and the leg fell off ! IP: Logged |
Oxychick Knowflake Posts: 2626 From: neither here nor there Registered: Jul 2002
posted March 12, 2004 03:16 PM
I just told the interrupting cow and the bar jokes to Scorp. We could not stop laughing! Thanks! IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 12, 2004 04:13 PM
last night i could have sworn i was stoned but i wasn't coz i didn't have any weed or anything.anyway i was reading the paper at my friend's house and i saw an ad for a missing cat, get this, it's name was CRAPPY i was like omg and i laughed for about 5 minutes til my face turned red and my makeup was running down my cheeks. i was so sad coz somebody's cat was missing and all, but who names their cat crappy? c'mon. anyway, i know its lame but for some odd reason i found it funny. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted March 12, 2004 04:21 PM
Did you hear about the plastic surgeon who hung himself? then word got out that the plastic suregon was hung..... ......and the rumor started that, "Yeah! he did it himself" IP: Logged |
WychOfAvalon Knowflake Posts: 633 From: Los Angeles Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 12, 2004 04:40 PM
A blonde, a Rabbi and a horse walk into a bar.The bartender says "What is this some kind of joke?" ------------------ and if your world has turned to ashes.. i will leave you never.. even when the sun's blown out, i will shine forever.. i caress you with my charms.. i'm your best friend, the dream.. i'm the light that guides you through the nights and deepest haze IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 12, 2004 05:06 PM
Dorkus~ I know!!! The smallest things have me rolling on the floor and crying... A while ago at work, someone in another department was talking to a customer on the phone, after she'd just spoken to her mom before that... As she was hanging up, she said.." Okay, I love you, Goodbye." *chuckle* she was mortified, and tried to recover, but the best part is the customer said~ 'I love you too!" hahahahahahaha Everytime I walked by her, I couldn't stop laughing!!!!! So Inappropriate!!! Now THAT is exemplary customer service!!IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted March 12, 2004 07:03 PM
Yeah, sometimes things like can give you just the biggest, red-faced, knee-slappin, eyes watering, can't breath laughing fits known to man! Total random comedy. Those are life's little gem moments that make the bad seem more bareable, hey?Reminds me of the time my boss was calling somewhere to purchase something, and he needed to speak to someone named Rick, but when they answered the phone, it came out "Yes, may I spick to Reek?" he mixed up the vowels, and he sounded like he was talking in a bad latino accent!! Ah, I think you had to be there, but I still raz him about that. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 12, 2004 07:08 PM
Omigod!!! hahahhaahahahahaha!!! I love that stuff. I would die!!!! Ha hahahahahahaOh, I am such a spaz.. I do, I literally ball up, double over, laugh almost silently and cry.. literally cry! From laughter. *cough* of course, that stuff NEVER happens to me *cough*. I am always composed and serious. Did I convince anyone? IP: Logged |
eightdegrees Knowflake Posts: 256 From: Columbia, SC, USA Registered: May 2003
posted March 13, 2004 12:08 PM
Okay here's an unexpectedly funny one:Q: How do you keep (insert friend's name here) from drowning? A: Take your foot off her head! hehe.
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3291 From: nevada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 13, 2004 01:53 PM
A man and his wife are on vacation in Vegas, while they"re waiting to check into thier hotel room the man catches the eye of a beautiful woman she smiles and the man whispers to his wife "I bet shes a hooker" he walks over to her and asks how much? she smiles and says 200 dollars the man balks and says "I'll give you 20 bucks" the hooker smiles and moves on. Later that night the couple leave thier room to go to dinner and in the hall pass the hooker where she leans over and whispers to the husband "see what you get for 20 bucks"IP: Logged |
2tailscorp Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Grand Canyon State Registered: Mar 2004
posted March 13, 2004 03:43 PM
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tahariel Knowflake Posts: 165 From: south wales Registered: Jan 2004
posted March 13, 2004 07:45 PM
I don't get it IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted March 14, 2004 03:02 PM
(She was saying that his wife was a $20 hooker.)OK, this one's not really a joke, but it was so unexpected and simple that I cracked up for a good 10 minutes upon hearing it said. My 70-something-year-old Grandmother, apparently more comfortable relating to me as a "woman" now that I'm pregnant, told me the following: "You know that we had your Dad and Uncles really close together - the first September of one year, the next late October of the next, the last October first of the the year after that. Then we got a T.V." IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 14, 2004 06:49 PM
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keryna Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Registered: Mar 2003
posted March 14, 2004 10:45 PM
LOL!ok. why couldn't the 13-year-old see the pirate movie? cuz it was rated ARRRRRRR! IP: Logged |
MOONAT Knowflake Posts: 270 From: the bottomless depths of my mind Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 14, 2004 10:57 PM
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dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted March 15, 2004 11:30 AM
That's so funny pixel! I'm always laughing at weird things. I guess you could call me the laughing at uh weird things chick. Or something.IP: Logged |
MindReader Knowflake Posts: 125 From: Columbus, Ga USA Registered: Dec 2002
posted March 16, 2004 12:05 PM
I hope I don't offend any men with this here goes:Q: How is a man like a dirty diaper? A: Because is usually on your a** and always full of sh*t. Not really but kinda cute and sadly true for most guys (or the ones that I know) Q: How do you get a man to do situps? A: Put the remote between his toes. Q: What does a man consider to be a 7-course meal? A: A hotdog and a six pack. I saw these jokes on a poster a high school friend had on her wall (when I was younger of course) and they it kinda made me laugh (or maybe at least smile). ------------------
"I am the Game, cause I am just that damn good"...Paul Michael Levesque IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted April 28, 2004 07:35 PM
A man walks into a psychiatrist's office, with a pair of Saran Wrap shorts on......The psychiatrist says " I can clearly see your nuts." IP: Logged |