posted March 20, 2004 02:34 PM
Last summer, I visited a friend of mine in Bristol, England, at the end of my school break trip.I talked about lots of dark, negative things, and I was almost out of control. When he saw The Cranberries' album 'No Need To Argue', I said:
My favourite songs on this album are 'Disappointment' and 'Ridiculous Thoughts'.
Then he grabbed a piece of paper, wrote down the following:
Conversation with God Books One, Two, Three, by Neale Donald Walsch
And he said: 'Read them.'
So I did. And these book changed my perspective completely.
There are only two primal emotions: love and fear. Love, and fear not. For fear attracts what you fear.
And so much more. You'd have to read the books to find out for yourself.
Since then, my attitude towards life changed totally.
Judge not, because you have no idea what that soul's purpose of growing is. Or you will be judged.
No expectation.
Human bodies (paraphrased) are not supposed to take in alcohol- like Linda advised in 'Star Signs', chapter nine (physical immortalily)- stop drinking. Albeit she said a little bit of wine, very occasionally, is acceptable.
And, you don't need and should not eat dead animal flesh.
And so much more...
I am forever grateful to him, my best friend, an extraordinary Piscean.
~~~Perfection is everywhere. Can you comprehend?