posted June 12, 2004 01:41 AM
I'm glad that lex meant something to you.
As you know there are no coincidences. The seeker sees when the eyes are open. And eventually all things we are unwilling to see will demand to be looked at.
And you are right, I should not feel bad about the changes coming into your life.
I feel good for you, my friend.
How is anyone to judge what is good or bad for someone else. All we can ever do is be responsible for ourselves and our own lives.
Who's to say that what is happening to someone (good or bad) isn't the right thing for them at the time.
I am here with you daf, and there with you.
And another time will come, and all will be there and here - ONE, again.
much love to you brother.
"Thou must be like a promontory of the sea, against which, though the waves beat continually, yet it both itself stands, and about it are those swelling waves stilled and quieted." - Marcus Aurelius