Topic: fahrenheit 9/11
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 28, 2004 03:16 PM
Okay....I expect he's going to invade many other countries now, who have tyranical murderous thugs at the head of them....Right? After all, Iraq didn't stand alone in that respect....*sigh*...and YES I am against executions in general...(murder in general, you might say, and that's why I'm anti-war....especially when unwarranted!) I do have more to say, but needed at least to get those two things off my mind, for now.... I have other important things to granddaughter from Tennessee is visiting me, and I try to spend as much time with her as possible.... I do want to get back to this, tho.... IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted June 28, 2004 03:19 PM
this is deja vu betwix you two  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 28, 2004 04:11 PM
I hugs!! Thank you Rainbow! Your granddaughter is gorgeous by the way. And so are you. I saw your pictures in the LL Photoshop. She has your eyes. Beautiful.Love what you have to say. Keep on postin'. & <*hugs*> 26 IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 28, 2004 04:41 PM
I also look forward to the response. I just would like to see more facts backing up the opinions that are stated as fact. No one has yet commented on the article I posted or what jwhop has stated concerning the lies, twisted facts and bastardization of sound bites Mr. Moore has concocted and reported as fact. Why is that? What has NOT ONE person challenged those facts? That is all I want to see - prove to me that you are right - that Bush is trying to kill innocents because he is "evil" or that Charleton Heston really spoke at the event in that manner as protrayed by Mr. Moore (we know it was actually a speech taken out of context, spliced together to sound like something else...similar to putting my head on jwhops body..hee hee). For those that HATE the death penalty. We on the right are not blood thirsty. I would much rather we never had to use it, but for some reason our justice system lacks real justice. We have liberals legislating from the bench allowing murders to go free on commuted sentences only to commit more murders. This is a documented fact. So how do we change that? I say we put a law into effect that would hold the judge and parole board responsible for every other murder convicted by an early released felon.
But then I can hear the cries..'Oh that is not fair, the felon deserves a chance..he may be changed'. Most often they are not changed, can anyone say 'Dru Sjoden (sp)'. Where is the justice there. If people are so against murder, what about the innocents that are murdered everyday by nutbars here in the US? How do you propose we stop them? Or is that just a different form of murder that is somehow rationalized away? IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 28, 2004 07:09 PM
Hey Canada, Michael Moore is expanding He's now a foreign and domestic policy expert for Canada too and wants to tell Canadians how to vote in their upcoming elections. Got to love it. Is this guy the ugly American I've heard about?  Fahrenheit 9/11 filmmaker burns Harper Last Updated Thu, 24 Jun 2004 18:55:23 WASHINGTON - U.S. filmmaker Michael Moore sounded off Wednesday on Canada's election, warning voters not to elect a Conservative government. Moore, in Washington for the official American premiere of his movie Fahrenheit 9/11, said he hopes his film will convince Canadians to bypass Stephen Harper. "You've got four days after it opens, to get people out to the polls to make sure that Mr. Harper doesn't become your next prime minister," he said. "We're trying to get rid of our conservative, you know. We're going one way, you guys shouldn't be going the opposite direction," said Moore, whose new documentary takes a critical look at U.S. President George W. Bush's response to the Sept. 11 attacks and the Iraq war. "You should be saying, 'You know what? We don't want this country, Canada, to become like Bush's America,'" he said. When asked why he's concerned with Canadian politics, Moore responded: "Well first of all, I live on the Canadian border. I don't want to have to look across the border and see you guys going our way." Moore said he's trying to convince Americans to be more like Canadians, and praised the country's "ethic." "And that ethic says: 'We're all Canadians, we're all in the same boat. If one of us gets sick, that person should get health care 'cause we're all affected.' "The American way is pull yourself up by your bootstraps: 'Me, me, me, me, me. It's mine. It's mine.' You know? Don't go that way. Your Conservatives are trying to take you that way."
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 28, 2004 07:14 PM
Oh, and the best part is that Moore is threatening to move to Canada if Bush wins in November. Make him welcome pleeeease  Oh, and please make room for Alec Baldwin too. He's already more than 3 years overdue to leave the US as he promised if Bush won the 2000 Presidential election.  DAN BROWN: Michael Moore doesn't belong in Canada CBC News Viewpoint | June 23, 2004 | More from Dan Brown The official release date for Fahrenheit 9/11 is June 25. But it feels like the anti-George W. Bush documentary has been out for weeks already, which is due to the fact that the film's director, Michael Moore, has been promoting it to death in the last few weeks, and we in the media have obliged by giving the controversial filmmaker saturation coverage. One of the many publications that has interviewed Moore is the venerable girly mag Playboy. Playboy's interview with Moore is remarkable not because of anything he says about American foreign policy, but because — in response to a question about what he will do if Bush beats John Kerry in November — Moore muses aloud about leaving his homeland and moving to Canada........ IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 29, 2004 12:25 PM
Pid...I'm STILL not having the time I need to discuss things.....but I WILL say this....I don't really feel qualified to "challenge" your remarks until I've seen the movie...and since it hasn't reached our small town theater yet...I may have to go out of town to do that... ....and speaking of your "head" on jwhop's "body," when are you two going to tie the knot? It looked like it was pretty "hot and heavy" between you guys awhile ago... Love, Rainbow ************************************ PS.... 26taurus...... Thank you so much for the lovely compliments...I'll have to agree that my Tianna is beautiful...and has the beauty inside, as well as out! She's a very deep Scorpio...six planets in all...Sun and Moon included...  ********************************** IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 29, 2004 12:40 PM
Good analogy Pid and an interesting image. I fear if you put your head on my body, I would definitely be getting the best of the bargain.  Hey Rainbow, Pidaua spun the Zodiac Wheel of Love and it landed on Taurus  IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 29, 2004 04:53 PM
hee hee... Well that is because my most Favorite Male Leo in the world (jwhop) is already hoo.. 
But I still like the thought of CDA lake and jwhop? My head..your body LOL IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 29, 2004 09:13 PM
Okay...I guess it wasn't meant to be for you two....bummer, eh?  *************************************
Here's something I found written by a psychologist...and in my opinion is soooo right about "group think." ************************************** Published on Tuesday, June 29, 2004 by Fahrenheit 9-11: Jolting Us Out of 'Groupthink' by Robert E. Griffin Even though I had read in reviews that "Fahrenheit 9-11 is a powerful film," I was still not prepared for the emotions it evoked, including intense sadness. Michael’s Moore’s controversial documentary "Fahrenheit 9-11," looks like a therapeutic intervention intended to jolt us out of "Groupthink." The textbook definition of groupthink is, "The tendency of highly cohesive groups to assume that their decisions can't be wrong: that all members must support the group’s decision and ignore information contrary to it: feeling that the group is infallible and morally superior, that there should be no more discussion of the issues at hand, and the only task now is to support it as strongly as possible." Sadly, that definition also describes the dynamics in the Bush administration. President Bush admits to not having independent sources of news, and information, relying solely on closest advisors. Those in the administration who voice different opinions and concerns are sanctioned with negative feedback, marginalization (e.g., Secretary of State Colin Powell), and dismissal. "Mind guarding" is the norm. The problem is that groupthink reduces critical thinking, potentially resulting in poor decisions, with disastrous consequences. Future psychology students will study the decision-making process our current leaders used regarding Iraq, and conducting the "War on Terror." Trauma from September 11th left Americans fearful, angry, and vulnerable to persuasion. Americans saw President Bush as a parent figure, the adult designated with the responsibility and authority to protect them. President Bush's arguments were very emotional, and fear-based. He told us that war, and illegal and unconstitutional conduct were absolutely necessary and justified, and asked for blind trust. Americans are less interested in foreign affairs, relative to our European counterparts. When people don't have much information on a subject, or pre-existing opinions, they are most easily persuaded by one-sided arguments. Contradictory information and counter-arguments are not even considered. American media felt obliged to support Bush’s leadership, and were afraid to critically question his policies. The media in other countries, who did not feel the same pressure to be "patriotically correct," were able to be objective. As a consequence, the world Americans saw on their television and in their newspapers was literally a different world than the world that people in other countries knew. Most of the people in the world opposed Bush’s unlawful and violently destabilizing responses to 9-11, realizing that the way we were "fighting terror," actually would increase it. Our national symbols of authority and credibility were used almost exclusively to manipulate Americans into an unwise war: a State of The Union Speech, with members of Congress silently and respectfully listening; the White House; and numerous speeches on stages using U.S. servicemen and flags as props. The opposing political party failed to present alternative viewpoints effectively. A way to reduce groupthink is to encourage openness, dissent, and even designating someone to "play the devils advocate," and actively question the logic of the group. The U.S. media wasn't "the devils advocate" our nation needed. They didn't question the abandonment of the rule of law, and policies that would cause such alienation in our relationships with the rest of the world. Mind-guarding, they didn't fairly include and validate opposing views, and passively participated in ridicule and derision of France, and Germany. The 9-11 Commission tells us that some of the basic assumptions we had had are not true, and a majority of Americans now believe that the invasion of Iraq "was not worth it." The torture of innocent Iraqis is shocking the conscience and consciousness of our nation. Our civil liberties are being compromised and jeopardized in unnecessary ways. We are primed to hear Moore’s message. "Fahrenheit 9-11" will therapeutically play the devil's advocate on our "War On Terror." If even half of what Moore portrays is accurate, then our nation needs to face painful realities we avoided during a period of groupthink. Awareness of feelings arising from those realizations is important: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and eventual acceptance. Admitting neglect, abandonment, and betrayal is the beginning of healing, and re-empowerment. Robert E. Griffin ( is a Psychologist in Forty Fort, Pennsylvania. (bold letters and italics are mine...Rainbow)
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 30, 2004 12:13 AM
CNN gives Michael Moore some additional publicity as the King of Hearts in the Deck of Weasels And if there's anyone who should be able to identify a weasel when they see one it's the Clinton News Network  CNN Features NewsMax on Moore and Deck of Weasels. CNN has touted pundit James Hirsen and NewsMax's Deck of Weasels in its coverage of Michael Moore's latest fantasy film.......... Well Pid, I was looking forward to skinny dipping off that island but.......  IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted June 30, 2004 01:09 AM
ok, ok...MM may have some very keen insights to the flaws of his homeland, BUT...I really can't stand him for his lack of loyalty to it. His interviews and off-hand comments made in international arenas could really be described as "turn-coat". It's as though he wants to rally the rest of the world against you guys. I just don't get that. I JUST DON'T GET THAT. What does he want to see happen? A coup-de-etate??? And is that what the MM fans want too? It's fine to recognize your flaws, and try to inform your fellow citizens about them, but to spread hate for your own mother-land across the globe????? What would be the pay-off for that, other than inspiring the international community to rise up against you? Why would you want that for your homeland?? I don't get it.And I DON'T want him in Canada. He's bad news for a country's moral. Don't lose sight of the fact that he's selling himself internationally, and they're eating him up! Your enemies LOVE it. They've been itching for a bonified reason to hate you, and he's giving it to his own GAIN... I just don't get the man. He's whacked. And anyone who respects him is niave about the repercussions of his message. If you embrace it, say so long to being an american, because you might be Chinese or Muslum in the not-too-distant future. But, hey, maybe you're ok with that. So, fine. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 30, 2004 03:17 PM
Lioneye: " ok, ok...MM may have some very keen insights to the flaws of his homeland, BUT...I really can't stand him for his lack of loyalty to it."Rainbow: "Lack of loyalty to his country, you say?" Michael Moore is NOT disloyal to his country! Not in the least! Just the opposite, in fact. It's obvious to me he thinks very much of his country....otherwise he would not be trying to expose the "current leadership" for what they really are!" Lioneye: "It's as though he wants to rally the rest of the world against you guys. I just don't get that. I JUST DON'T GET THAT." Rainbow: "Oh come on now.......Bush himself already did that when he went against the wishes of so many with his invasion of Iraq. Don't go blaming any unpopularity we might be suffering at this time on Moore.....That was curtesey of the Bush Man! " Lioneye: "Your enemies LOVE it. They've been itching for a bonified reason to hate you, and he's giving it to his own GAIN..." Rainbow: "Oh my gawd! What claptrap! Wake up guy! They ALREADY have a bonified reason to hate us - tyrant Bush and his cronies.." Lioneye: "I just don't get the man. He's whacked. And anyone who respects him is niave about the repercussions of his message. If you embrace it, say so long to being an american...." Rainbow: "If I ever had any fear of saying so long to being an American, it would have nothing whatsoever to do with Michael Moore.....but with George W Bush, who is sending our country (not to mention our boys..and girls [how many of them are dead now?]) straight to hell, in a handbasket!"
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26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 30, 2004 04:42 PM
Will Michael Moore's Facts Check Out? [....]Mr. Moore is readying for a conservative counterattack, saying he has created a political-style "war room" to offer an instant response to any assault on the film's credibility. He has retained Chris Lehane, a Democratic Party strategist known as a master of the black art of "oppo," or opposition research, used to discredit detractors. He also hired outside fact-checkers, led by a former general counsel of The New Yorker and a veteran member of that magazine's legendary fact-checking team, to vet the film. And he is threatening to go one step further, saying he has consulted with lawyers who can bring defamation suits against anyone who maligns the film or damages his reputation.
"We want the word out," says Mr. Moore, who says he should have responded more quickly to allegations of inaccuracy in his Oscar-winning 2002 anti-gun documentary, "Bowling for Columbine." "Any attempts to libel me will be met by force," he said, not an ounce of humor in his familiar voice. "The most important thing we have is truth on our side. If they persist in telling lies, knowingly telling a lie with malice, then I'll take them to court."
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 30, 2004 04:52 PM
It is ALL pomp and circumstance and if he had been a conservative he would have had all the rebuttals ready to go BEFORE the movie came out. LOLI already documented ( as was mentioned in one of these posted articles) that MM is getting his "cabal of lawyers" ready to defend the slander suits. In other words he is trying to find out how he can make sure he doesn't get sued for his lies NOT that he is countering the allegations against him. There is a difference between a person fighting against false allegations and a person defending themselves from being held liable for the false allegations. Similar to one that must defend himself / herself against a crime they committed in court. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted June 30, 2004 04:55 PM
It's good to be aware of your weaknesses, that part I agree with. It's NOT good for your enemies to be equally aware.I don't understand why he feels it necessary to beat that drum internationally. Sorry, Rainbow..didn't know you were such a huge fan. Didn't mean to step on your sacred cow.
quote: Lioneye: "Your enemies LOVE it. They've been itching for a bonified reason to hate you, and he's giving it to his own GAIN..."
Perhaps I should have phrased that differently...he's giving them reason to feel superior and contemptuous toward the US. One thing if for certain, and that is that he is spreading anti-american sentiment across the globe. You guys are going down. You're the ones who need to wake up. IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted June 30, 2004 08:48 PM If this isn't a wake up call, I don't know what is. While we're sitting here squabbling over "to war" or "not to war" and "to the movies" or "not to the movies", we're being infiltrated right under our soon to be bloody noses. God help me the day I am forced to hear the Islamic call to prayer 5 times a day against my own will, knowing that if given a chance, half these people would have my throat slit as an "infidel". Either that or sit on the sidelines and cheer as it was happening. But it's happening right now, in Michigan. Meanwhile, God forbid a kid so much as utters a Hail Mary in a public school and he or she is summarily silenced under the dubious concept of "separation of church and state". Separation of church and state? That concept seems to have quite conveniently skipped over the Muslim population here in the US and overseas as well. Why? Because, unlike the Catholics and other Christian demoninations or any other religion for that matter, anyone who bashes Islam knows that a price may very well be laid upon his or her head for such a crime. So tell me, how long do you think freedom here in this country will really last if we continue to turn a blind eye to what is going on? At their current rate of population growth which is practically exponential at this point (as compared to a negative rate of growth and Europe and almost negative growth rate here in the US), coupled with radical and murderous doctrine, do we really stand a chance? Not if we sit back in fear. Not if we can't open our mouthes to fight back against our rights being infringed upon by these people IN OUR OWN HOMELAND! Not only is it sickening, it will spell the end of freedom as we know it if we do not realize that there is a war going on right here, right now, in our own country. We may not see the repercutions of this in my lifetime or yours but quite possibly our children's if we have any. Don't want children you say? That's all well and good but keep in mind that Muslim women are cranking them out by the dozen and that all it takes is a few generations to effectively wipe us out as a civilization, seeing as almost every Muslim family is akin to a mini military. And they have made it crystal clear that this is their every intention. I'm not saying it's right. But it is what it is. And we cannot sit back and play Patty Peacenik hoping that it will go away. Not when Nick Berg is getting his head sliced off. Some things are worth fighting for.
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LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted July 01, 2004 01:39 AM
I posted this over in the GU string: quote: Found this at Most of us in the Pacific Northwest are Liberal. A Better Reason to Ban Moore - hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD
Moore's 2003 book "Dude, Where's my Country?" included severely deficient analysis of 9/11 that provides (hopefully) inadvertent support for the US's next war - the invasion of the Saudi oil fields, the largest on Earth. [on top of that, Moore PROTECTS the home grown US government terrorists by not touching the most obvious aspects which expose the 9/11 lie - the physical evidence of the collapses of the towers, among many other details] Hint to Michael Moore : the Saudis don't run NORAD Michael Moore, Wesley Clark, Mumia, Fahrenheit 9/11 and the US Invasion of Saudi Arabia [Also see: ] on this page Michael Moore blames the Saudis (who did not run NORAD on 9/11) Michael Moore proclaims Mumia abu Jamal guilty Michael Moore flacks for war criminal Wesley Clark Michael Moore's next film - Fahrenheit 9/11 Michael Moore is one of America's most famous dissidents. He first received notoriety for his film "Roger and Me," a biting commentary on the General Motors corporation, "downsizing" jobs, and elite indiffierence to the destruction of working class communities such as Moore's native Flint, Michigan. Roger and Me propelled him into fame, with TV shows (mostly aired in Britain), and several other films, including "Pets or Meat," "The Big One," and the Oscar award winning "Bowling for Columbine." Moore's 2003 book "Dude, Where's my Country?" included severely deficient analysis of 9/11 that provides (hopefully) inadvertent support for the US's next war - the invasion of the Saudi oil fields, the largest on Earth. The thesis that Moore puts forward is essentially this: the Saudis attacked the US on 9/11, Bush has business ties to the Saudis, therefore, Bush must be replaced in 2004. While elements of this are true, the claim that the Saudis perpetrated 9/11 is reminiscent of similar claims that the Mafia killed President Kennedy. In neither case did the Saudis nor the Mafia have the power to turn off the normal protection (of New York or of the President). see for detailed reasons why the "blame the Saudis" campaign is really a sophisticated effort to lay the ground work for the forthcoming US invasion of Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were merely a subcontractor in 9-11 (at most), since they do not control the Air Force and NORAD's fighter planes that are supposed to intercept off-course jet liners within minutes. While it is unknown whether Moore realizes that he is playing into the "Project for a New American Century" strategists (who seem eager to declare Saudi Arabia an enemy of the US and put it toward the top of the "Countries We Must Invade" list), his next film "Fahrenheit 9/11" will certainly be seen as the "dissident" view of 9/11. What remains to be seen is whether the film will actually probe into the complicity of the Bush administration in the event, or whether it will be a "Limited Hang Out" that blames Bush for "intelligence failures" and points out (accurately) that the Bush and Bin Laden families have business ties that date to the 1970s. see also - Limited Hang Outs (fessing up to a small crime to avoid the deeper crime - understanding the mechanisms of coverups) see also - Saudi Arabia's oil is almost entirely concentrated in the minority Shia part of the country, demographics and geology A September 2003 article in In These Times by Seth Ackerman, a contributing writer to FAIR, focused on the "intelligence failures" of 911 and how the Saudi hijackers were able to bypass US intelligence. He concluded that the "incompetence" theory was plausible, and "it ought to be possible to steer a middle course between wild speculation and cynical whitewash." While it's obvious that the Saudis played a role -- they've supported US terror in Nicaragua, Lebanon and Afghanistan -- they weren't in charge of air defense over Washington and New York. Perhaps their role was similar to the Mafia in Dallas in 1963 (JFK), a subcontractor who helped with the technical aspects, but they weren't in charge of the main event, nor running the coverup afterwards. Maybe for the next war, the liberal peace movement will talk about the relevance of "peak oil" and the Bush strategy of intentional deceptions to prepare the public for war. (WMD is a much smaller deception than 911.) The proclivity of some on the "left" to blame the "Saudis" for 911 - and complain about the Bush - Saudi connections - is an unintentional statement of support for the US attack on the ONLY country that could have significant increases in daily oil extraction rates. While it is true that the Bush and Bin Laden clans have had business connections for over two decades, the Saudis did not, could not, ensure the "stand down" of the Air Force on 9/11. Nor would have a Saudi air force pilot (let alone the official claim that a flight school drop out was responsible) have chosen the nearly empty, under reconstruction section of the Pentagon as a target. See for evidence that remote control software was used to ensure that the Pentagon was hit in the one section that would cause the fewest casualties (the plane that hit the building is reported to have gone in a 270 degree spiral around the complex to line up with the part of the Pentagon where it would cause the least damage, thereby bypassing Donald Rumsfeld's office). Monday, October 20, 2003 The attack on the Saudis is intended to further the neocon goal of eventually destroying the Saudi government so the United States can take over the Saudi oilfields. The propaganda campaign has been so successful, the neocons even have Michael Moore parroting it. The main trick was to leave the Saudi matters out of the published 9-11 report, so people could think the worst of the Saudis, and then slyly make people believe that it was left out because Bush was protecting his Saudi business friends. A brilliant strategy! All of this propaganda works only because Americans are still afraid to admit who was really behind 9-11. A hint: the Saudis don't run NORAD.
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Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted July 01, 2004 03:01 PM
quiksilver......I noted in your profile that you are a RECRUITING SPECIALIST.... how interesting....hmmmmmHave you recruited many lately? We're gonna need a whole bunch more of those guys and gals, cuz for some reason or other, they just keep dying off.... IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted July 01, 2004 08:20 PM
Actually, I'm a Recruiting Manager now and speaking from military experience of my own, those guys and gals are dying (aside from the fact that they chose to put their lives on the line) because some misguided human beings decided it would be a fun thing to crash a couple of planes into one of the greatest centers of commerce formerly in existence. And I saw it happening firsthand from the 39th flr. of my office building that very day. I don't believe that's something we should take lying down. As I said in one of my other threads, some things are worth fighting and dying for (to some people. usually the ones that are doing the dying).IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted July 01, 2004 09:27 PM
And p.s.- yes I do have military exp. but I am not currently in the military. I happen to work as a recruiting manager now for one of the top fashion houses in NYC.IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted July 02, 2004 04:03 AM
quiksilver......oops! Wrong kind of recruits.....Looks like I jumped to a wrong delusion! Sorry for the scarcasim.......however...I'm still not buying into the idea that our guys and gals are dying over in Iraq, because planes took our WTC towers down...... I can understand that it must have been a terrible thing for you to experience...seeing it first hand...probably like a nightmare....I know it seemed a nightmare for me, having only witnessed it on TV. .......however it still does not justify the invasion of Iraq or another "delusion"......the one about weapons of mass destruction...*sigh* IP: Logged |
gsinibaldi Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Seattle, WA USA Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 02, 2004 01:18 PM
I must chime in1. Planes crashing into the WTC has nothing to do with Iraq 2. The men and women serving in the armed forces serve so we dont have to. For this I am truly grateful. Thats why we owe it to them to make damn sure we send them into harms way for the right reasons. Killing are men and women in Iraq is NOT the right reasons. G IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted July 02, 2004 04:38 PM
Rainbow, that's ok, no offense taken. Anyway, it takes a lot to offend someone who's been through the hell of bootcamp and back... Knowing a bit about how the military operates, hopefully I can add some insight into the war in Iraq without saying too much more than is necessary. The military is a world all its own. Often in this world and in the political world as well, the reasons for certain decisions made are not made known to the civilian world at large. OR, the reasons are made publicly known, but they are not the "real" reasons. The idea behind this is that we do not want the enemy to know WHY we are doing what we are doing. For example - and I have strong reason, based on certain sources that I will not reveal at this point - to believe that one of the reasons we took the war to the middle east, specifically Iraq, was for the purpose of shifting the turf. What I mean by this terminology is that to the greatest extent possible, the forces that be saw a need to keep an imminent land war from exploding here on US soil. So they brought the focus of battle overseas to protect citizens here from the disatrous effects of such an event. The idea is something along the lines of: Get the enemy out of this country as quickly as possible by shifting the focus of war overseas, thereby presumably making our own territory safer for the people who live here. In America, we are very lucky not to have faced the horrors of full scale war and our military forces have been doing everything in their power to avoid such an atrocity for our people. Does it sometimes mean killing other people who would kill you first if they had the chance? Yes, unfortunately it does. Some people are just not at the stage where they are capable of reasoning or communicating to a final and peaceful resolution. When one of these people has a knife to your throat, the only alternative other than dying, is to kill them first. It is a sad state of affairs but maybe one consolation (if you believe in reincarnation) is that ultimately that person will come back in another life to continue their journey of evolution. Hopefully all the wiser, at that. Anyway, my point in all of this is that obviously the government cannot make the reasons for certain tactical maneuvers publicly known, so as not to further incite the enemy. Imagine the rage that would ensue (and the peril that we would all be in) were the president to reveal that "Hey, we really went into Iraq for one primary reason albeit amongst a few others, and that was to keep as many of you dangerous individuals out of our nation as possible by shifting the focus to your own homeland/turf/the middle east". And imagine how many of them would be coming in by the truckload (into the US and ready to wreak havoc)had they a clue about why we're really over there in Iraq. Don't think it's possible? It's very possible. It's all we can do right now to keep this from happening, actually. But that's what they don't tell you on the news. Instead, the news creates more palatable distractions, like the hoopla about Michael Moore's latest flick, keeping the nation in the dark about what's really going on. Hell, half the time, the reporters don't really know what's going on themselves. And thank god for that or we'd really be up the creek without a paddle. In fact, there would be mass hysteria if people knew half of what was really going on in the world and the peril that we are in as a nation. There are forces that would devour us in a heartbeat if given half a chance, and our leaders are charged with preventing this at all costs. Sometimes even if it means lying to those they are protecting.... I have gone on too much and written more than I'd planned to but I just wanted to put it out there for pondering. Our leaders face great challenges and so long as we have life and liberty, we at the very least should have respect for the roles they play in maintaining the freedom that we are so lucky enough still to have......IP: Logged |
LittleLadyLeo Knowflake Posts: 183 From: New Franklin, MO, USA Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 02, 2004 10:38 PM
quicksilver - Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so tired of people STILL debating about the liberation of Iraq. Where are the WDM's, etc? Many times I have thought along the lines you have written. This is national defense issues. Why SHOULD we know everything? That would make national defense even more of an oxymoron than it already is.To add to it, here are my thoughts. WMD's, as explained by most in the press and the government, were not why we went into Iraq. Has everyone forgotten about this little thing called the Gulf War? And that Saddam Hussein received a smack on the hand and a "time out" from the international community for his invasion of Kuwait? Have we forgotten how that man and the government of Iraq thumbed their noses at the UN and the rest of the world for over decade by not following the rules laid out for Iraq after the Gulf War? UN weapons inspectors. That's all we asked for the safety of the international community. The simple fact that the weapons inspectors were never allowed to do their jobs fully should have made people say "I think he's hiding something." After 9/11, as a nation, we began to say "We need to take another look at the world and see who else is out to get us...and everyone else." Saddam Hussein, still thumbing his nose at everyone, stood out above all. So Bush had the guts to take a stand and say "We, as a world, have to get him back in line." It was not an overnight decision to throw our men and women halfway around the world. The UN did not stand up to it's promise to protect the world, which was made after the UN was created after WW II and Hitler. Now look what you made me do quicksilver. This wasn't what I was chiming in to say. (But thanks for bringing it out of me. I needed that.) What I came here to say is this - I am not going to see Farenheit 9/11, mainly because I have never enjoyed Moore's forays into his so called documentaries, much less those that deal with his own political viewpoints. What I am going to do is pray for Michael Moore. And his family. I pray that his addictive personality dose not cause him to self destruct...and take others with him. I pray that one day Michael Moore will learn the respect, acceptance and tolerance for others that he demands for himself. And I pray that one day we will all learn the same for ourselves. Blessings and Peace to all. LLL IP: Logged | |