Topic: fahrenheit 9/11
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 26, 2004 01:58 AM
did anyone see it yet? i saw it today (opening day) and it was great. very funny stuff. i've never before been in a theatre that had gotten such a reaction from a film before. i think everyone should see this movie despite attacks from the far right.IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 26, 2004 02:08 AM
Have not seen it yet. But, can't wait to!! I'm gonna try and get to it this weekend.IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted June 26, 2004 08:32 AM
Not seeing it, since the proceeds are almost certainly going to fund some agenda or another and I have no interest in paying for anyone's political headway. I pay enough as it is, although I'm not one to discourage anyone else from seeing it. To each their own!IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 26, 2004 10:18 AM
I can't wait to see it... Love, Rainbow  IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 26, 2004 12:05 PM
By all means, go, enjoy Moore's fantasy, Farenheit 9/11. Just remember, Michael Moore thinks you're a dumb ass and never misses an opportunity to tell foreign audiences you are.  Of course, I can't be sure he isn't referring to those who pay to watch his nonsense and listen to his rants against America. I would just hate being in agreement with anything Michael Moore says.  Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:24 a.m. EDT Moore: Americans are 'The Dumbest People on the Planet' Americans currently flocking to see Michael Moore's movie "Farenheit 9/11" might be surprised to learn how little respect the Democratic Party's leading propaganda-meister has for them. ''They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet," Moore told Britain's Mirror newspaper recently, referring to his fellow citizens as a whole. And that's not all Moore had to say about his brother Yanks across the pond. ''We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing.'' Turns out, when the Democratic Party's all-but-official filmmaker is speaking at home, he has nice things to say about at least some of his fellow citizens. But according to New York Times columnist David Brooks, when Moore travels abroad it's not just the Bush administration he trashes - but the American people en-masse. Here's a few more bon mots from the Kerry campaign's leading celluloid supporter, as cited by Mr. Brooks on Saturday: ''That's why we're smiling all the time,'' Moore told a rapturous throng in Munich. ''You can see us coming down the street. You know, 'Hey! Hi! How's it going?' We've got that big [expletive] grin on our face all the time because our brains aren't loaded down.'' To a crowd in Cambridge, Moore intoned: ''You're stuck with being connected to this country of mine, which is known for bringing sadness and misery to places around the globe.'' Here's Moore's reaction to the 9/11 attacks, offered while the rubble at Ground Zero was still smoldering: ''We, the United States of America, are culpable in committing so many acts of terror and bloodshed that we had better get a clue about the culture of violence in which we have been active participants.'' As for the terrorists currently killing American soldiers in Iraq, Moore compares them to Revolutionary war heroes who fought off British oppression: ''The Iraqis who have risen up against the occupation are not 'insurgents' or 'terrorists' or 'The Enemy.' They are the REVOLUTION, the Minutemen, and their numbers will grow -- and they will win.'' Dumb As*es of America unite and throw that fat, lying cockroach off the gravy train, unless of course, you are as Michael Moore says, "the dumbest people on the planet." Well, are you?  All this pomposity from an airhead who dropped out of college after a few months to become a foreign and domestic policy "expert"  IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 26, 2004 01:29 PM
jwhop, I totally agree. It isn't because he is representing the left, it is because he cannot seem to tell the correct story and instead he twists history and speeches in order to make HIS point with a total disregard to Truth and accuracy. I think if people want to believe he is representing the truth, then nothing can change their minds, they want to believe the lie. Here is an interesting article about Moore's truthfulness. All the facts can be backed up which is more than I can say for Moore's false declarations. Maybe someday people will see how they have been duped into believing a self serving liar.
A just released book takes on Michael Moore as never before. Its title screams: “Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man.” And surprisingly, this book has been published by the same publisher who gave us Michael Moore’s own runaway bestseller “Stupid White Men.” Apparently, more than a few people want to take revenge on Michael Moore and the timing couldn’t be better – with the release this week of his “documentary” attack piece on George Bush - Fahrenheit 9/11.
Moore is so terrified by his detractors he claims that he has already hired a cabal of lawyers. He says he will sue Bush supporters who he thinks may be preparing to slander him. Moore's hypocrisy is obvious. Slate editor Jack Shafer says “Moore's hysterical, empty threats" to sue critics of his latest schlockumentary shows that he "appears to believe in free speech only for himself." One possible target for Moore’s lawyers may be the publisher of his own book. Moore’s one time publisher, ReganBooks, is out with a disturbing yet comical book that dismantles every cog of that propaganda machine marketed as Michael Moore. David T. Hardy and Jason Clarke's "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man" begins by unearthing his phony roots and goes right up to his latest "documentary." Check out NewsMax's Free Offer for this book -- Click Here Meet the Flint-drone: Everybody knows Moore is a blue-collar guy from Flint, Mich., right? That's how he always sells himself.
In reality, he was born and raised in the wealthy, lily-white town of Davison, Mich, the authors reveal. No wonder the clown prince of self-loathing developed such a complex about hating rich, stupid white males. In a letter to Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times last year, Moore still listed his town as Flint. In fact, despite his proclamations that "capitalism is a sin" and "an evil system," he lives in a $1.9 million apartment in Manhattan and enjoys a $1.2 million summer home on Torch Lake in Michigan.
Does not play well with others: Moore can't get along even with his fellow travelers.
Hardy and Clarke disclose how the radical magazine Mother Jones fired the "arbitrary" and "suspicious" Moore; how he started his feud with his replacement, David Talbot, who later founded Salon; how Ralph Nader's organization fired Moore; how he attacked Pauline Kael, Harlan Jacobson and other prominent critics who exposed the deceits of his schlockumentaries; how he lost a lawsuit for betraying fellow lefty activist Larry Stecco in "Roger & Me," etc. Nor can the elitist Moore tolerate those lowly working classes and students he claims to represent.
"Big Fat Stupid White Man" gives details of how he abused the staff during a speaking engagement at London's Roundhouse Theater; how he castigated a student who dared question his hefty speaking fee; how he attacked a young documentary maker who had the nerve to give him a taste of the "Roger & Me" treatment, and so forth. And don't forget his amusingly shrill denunciation of those awful blue-collar crewmen who, unlike his fellow multimillionaires in Hollywood’s left, booed him during his tirade at the Oscars. The book presents one example after another, alternating between frightening and hilarious, to make a brilliant case for Moore having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Then there's his feud with his former publisher, HarperCollins subsidiary ReganBooks, which gave us his best seller “Stupid White Men” and now brings us “Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man.”
ReganBooks, he claims, tried "to censor me and the things I wanted to say. They insisted I rewrite up to 50 percent of the book and that I remove sections that they found offensive to our leader, Mr. Bush." The company plotted "to 'pulp' and recycle all 50,000 copies of my book that were gathering dust in a warehouse," he insists. However, ReganBooks issued a statement to contradicting these allegations: "Originally scheduled for release on September 11, 2001, the book was delayed by mutual agreement between author and publisher after the events of that day. Despite erroneous reports that have appeared in the press, the publisher never attempted to censor the book on partisan grounds, though the publisher and author did discuss replacing the original version of the book with an updated version to address the post-9/11 world. Ultimately, the decision was made to release the book in its original form, and it went on to become a huge success for both the publisher and the author. ReganBooks has since declined to exercise its option to publish another book by Mr. Moore." After all, Moore and other members of the left-wing thought police can't bear a commitment to diversity of ideas.
Judith Regan, president and publisher of ReganBooks, noted that her company had produced books by Howard Stern and Moore as well as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. "As publishers, we have an obligation to publish a wide range of ideas, opinions, and perspectives," she said in a statement issued to NewsMax. "Our job is to publish voices on the left, on the right, and everywhere in between – to provide a broad range of opinion.” "We agree with Michael Moore that free expression is one of our most important human rights," Regan said, "and publishing widely and freely is the only way to honor that tradition." Unfortunately, Moore fights his critics' right to free expression, as Slate's Shafer noted and as Hardy and Clarke document at length.
Howlers in 'Columbine': Some of the distortions and falsehoods that plague the movie "Bowling for Columbine" are already well known, but Hardy and Clarke add details and reveal new whoppers.
Moore claims that National Rifle Association taunted the Denver area and the nation by holding "a large pro-gun rally" only days after the killings at Columbine High School. In reality, the annual meeting had been planned well in advance, was required by law, could not have been changed in time to another city, and was stripped of all rallies and ceremony in deference to the community.
The movie depicts Charlton Heston as making his famous "cold, dead hands speech" in Denver. In reality, the remarks came a year later in Charlotte, N.C., and Moore spliced bits of footage from that and another speech for maximum distortion. "It is a lie, a fraud, and a few other things," Hardy and Clarke write.
The fantasy film claims that Heston exploited a school shooting in Mount Morris, Mich., by staging another "big pro-gun rally" in October 2002. In reality, Heston’s appearance came eight months after the shooting, at a get-out-the-vote event in nearby Flint. Others campaigning in the area around that time included Al Gore, George W. Bush … and Moore himself, touting Ralph Nader.
The authors conclude: "Bowling for Columbine has less documentary value than the average Bugs Bunny cartoon. You see Heston giving a speech – but it's doctored. You see history – but unconnected facts are given a particular Moorewellian spin. You hear that a factory is making weapons of mass destruction – actually, it's building satellite launch platforms. You're led to believe that a rally was a response to a shooting, but it turns out it was eight months later, in anticipation of an election. You watch a Bush-Quayle campaign ad, but in reality it was an ad Moore himself assembled." 'Stupid' is as stupid does: Hardy and Clarke dissect "Stupid White Men" and "Dude, Where’s My Country?" along with the latter's celluloid ugly stepchild, Fahrenheit 9/11, to delve into the heart of Moore's pathology. A few highlights:
Moore harps on his portrayal of America as a "nation of idiots" (i.e., people who disagree with him) and illiterates. In reality, the "statistics" he offers indicating widespread illiteracy include two sizeable groups: immigrants who are often fluent in other languages but not English, and the blind and visually impaired.
Moore, who after all graduated from high school, delights in ridiculing his countrymen’s poor grasp of geography. "The dumbest Brit here is smarter than the smartest American," he snickers to an audience in London. But Moore chooses not to add an important fact: young adults worldwide performed badly on the National Geographic survey he so selectively cites.
He claims that Florida wrongly disenfranchised thousands of pro-Democrat criminals in the 2000 election. "Thirty-one percent of all black men in Florida" are felons, in his paranoid fantasy world. (No wonder this limousine liberal travels in such exclusive circles.) In reality, the Miami Herald showed that Democrat-run counties violated state law and let the overwhelmingly Democrat felons vote illegally – more than 2,000 votes, most of which went to Gore.
Most importantly, "Michael Moore Is a Big Fat Stupid White Man" refutes Moore's wild attempts to implicate the president in 9/11. Every American should read these chapters. They are too detailed to summarize here, but one example will demonstrate this book's importance.
Moore claims President Bush invaded Afghanistan and toppled the Taliban so he could get an oil pipeline built. You've probably heard others parrot this allegation. A master of propaganda knows that if you repeat a lie often enough, people start to believe it. In reality, Bush had supported Enron's plan to run pipes under the Caspian Sea and avoid Afghanistan. "Clinton was the one backing the rival Unocal plan to put them through Afghanistan," Hardy and Clarke observe.
Inspiration to terrorists: Moore's favorite claim: “THERE … IS … NO … TERRORIST … THREAT!" If so, why do terrorists take succor from him? The most damning indictment of Moore in "Big Fat Stupid White Man": the salute offered by Imam Samudra, leader of the Muslim terrorist bombers who murdered 202 people, mostly Australians and other tourists, two years ago at Paddy's nightclub in Bali. "I saw lots of whiteys dancing and lots of whiteys drinking there," Samudra told Indonesian police. The authors note, "It was 'Kill Whitey' (to quote a chapter heading in Stupid White Men) with a vengeance." Samudra's attorney Qaidar Faisal concluded his defense by praising the Taliban and quoting from "anti-western texts" including Moore's "Stupid White Men."
Despite all the appalling revelations in "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man," it's hard to finish the book without feeling pity for this man.
Had he used his talents to make actual documentaries and write books devoid of distortion and mendacity, he could have offered a useful critique of the Bush administration's flaws. Instead, fueled by a narcissism that springs from hatred of self and others, he mangles reality to dupe the uninformed, delight the blame-America-first crowd and even inspire terrorists. He concentrates his venom on one politician and one party but damages a nation. "Michael Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man" marks a confident step in undoing his damage. More on Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11
It's clear that Michael Moore has gone off the deep end when even Democrats compare him to the Nazis' master of propaganda: "Hollywood agent and Kerry supporter Tom Baer told me, 'Kerry should flee Moore's movie. It's Goebbels all over again." This quotation comes not from Ann Coulter or Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh but from a column in the Washington Post by Tina Brown, a queen of the liberal media establishment.
Christopher Hitchens, a contributor to such partisan publications as New Left Review and The Nation, writes for Slate: "Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of 'dissenting' bravery." Andrew Sullivan, a former editor at the liberal New Republic: "Moore is beneath contempt." [URL=] IP: Logged |
BloodRedMoon Knowflake Posts: 932 From: somewhere out there Registered: Apr 2004
posted June 26, 2004 02:42 PM
Okay I'm stupid but I can't read past the name David Talbot just yet.David Talbot David Talbot, Superior General of the Talamasca, first appeared in Queen of the Damned, when he attended Lestat's concert in San Francisco. Later on, Lestat started to visit him, tempting him with immortality, which he steadfastly refused. He played a major role in Tale of the Body Thief. In the course of the book, while helping Lestat to recover his vampire body from Raglan James, his spirit was inadvertantly transferred from his own seventy year-old frame into the body of a young man. In this form, Lestat gave him the Dark Blood against his will. sorry I'm an Anne Rice fan :P Carry on. ------------------ you came one night, turned my tide blood red moon that you are IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 26, 2004 02:42 PM
Geez Pid, I would love for every reasonable person in America to go see Moore's rant. Of course, it would make most of them throw up....which would only reinforce the fact the radical Kerry, Kennedy, Leahy, Levin, Stark, Pelosi, Daschle, Waters, Moore et al. element have taken over the democrat party. Bugs Bunny would be appalled at being mentioned in the same sentence as Moore or Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Bugs Bunny has much higher standards of truth. Hehehe, as Bugs would say, "What a Maroon"  quote: The authors conclude: "Bowling for Columbine has less documentary value than the average Bugs Bunny cartoon. You see Heston giving a speech – but it's doctored. You see history – but unconnected facts are given a particular Moorewellian spin. You hear that a factory is making weapons of mass destruction – actually, it's building satellite launch platforms. You're led to believe that a rally was a response to a shooting, but it turns out it was eight months later, in anticipation of an election. You watch a Bush-Quayle campaign ad, but in reality it was an ad Moore himself assembled."
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 26, 2004 02:57 PM
Hmmm, they may be talking about a different David Talbot. What do you think? Well, you did say it was the name you couldn't read past...just yet.  David Talbot is founder, chairman and editor-in-chief of, an award-winning site he launched in November 1995. Before Salon, Talbot was the arts and features editor at the San Francisco Examiner, and a former senior editor at Mother Jones magazine. Talbot has written for The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Interview and Playboy. He is the co-author of "Burning Desires: Sex in America." He is married to journalist Camille Peri. They have two sons and live in San Francisco. has won numerous awards, including the Online Journalism Association's award for general excellence and investigative reporting in December 2000. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted June 26, 2004 03:13 PM
BRM ~Me too! I devoured those books. Couldn't put any of them down... except Memnoch the Devil. The theology of it was very interesting, and I enjoyed it, but it was so drawn out and discriptive in the middle of the book that I was a little flakey about reading it. Once it picked back up in the story, I was WAY into it again. Did you read the Mayfair Witches trilogy too? I tried reading the Beauty series, but smut books just aren't for me .. hehe. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 27, 2004 01:27 AM
MY! MY! MY!...LET'S HAVE ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE HERE...SHALL WE??? Thank You, Michael Moore By William Rivers Pitt Jun 26, 2004, 10:48 "The light at the end of the tunnel could be the bulb in a film projector." - Jeanette Castillo Screens in Bartlett, Chattanooga, Jackson, Knoxville and Memphis, Tennessee will be showing it. Screens in Layton and West Jordan, Utah will be showing it. If you find yourself in Leawood, Merriam, Shawnee or Wichita, Kansas, you can see it. The same goes for Centerville, Fairfax and Abington, Virginia. If you happen to be in Akron, Bexley, Dublin or Elyria, Ohio, you're all set. Hoover, Montgomery and Mobile, Alabama will not be left out. Laramie, Wyoming? It's there. Bozeman, Montana? Indeed. Should you call home Grand Island, Lincoln or Omaha, Nebraska, you have not been forgotten. The largest mall in the country, the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, will have it in its theater. If you are a soldier at Camp Lejune or Fort Bragg, about to be shipped to Iraq, you can see it in nearby Fayetteville, North Carolina. These towns, large and small, along with towns large and small from sea to shining sea and straight through the American heartland, will begin screening Michael Moore's documentary, 'Fahrenheit 9/11,' beginning at 12:01a.m. Friday morning, the 25th of June, 2004. For the majority of people who will see this movie, in those towns large and small, the experience will be nothing short of a mind-bomb. The Who once sang about how the hypnotized never lie, but as we have seen, people hypnotized by television and deliberately enforced fear can certainly support a war, and a President, which are fundamentally at odds with basic American decency. In fact, people hypnotized by television and deliberately enforced fear will feed themselves into the meat grinder with "God Bless America" on their lips. Michael Moore's film will snap that hypnosis, but good. Those Americans who believed what their President told them because they saw it on the TV will, after less than two hours in their local theater, look at both their television and their President with doubt and loathing when they walk from the darkness into the bright light of day. There are millions of Americans who believed what they were told - about 9/11, about Iraq, about George W. Bush himself - who will come into that bright light with the realization that they have been lied to. Speaking personally, none of the data in this film surprised me. Having spent every day of the last three years working to expose as many Americans as possible to the truth of the man they call President, Mr. Moore was unlikely to explode any shells across my bow. The connections between Bush, the Saudis, the Carlyle Group and the 9/11 attacks were there. The connections between Cheney and Halliburton were there. The connections between Enron, Unocal, natural gas pipelines, the war in Afghanistan and a little-known country called Turkmenistan were there. I enjoyed the fact that Moore showed off unredacted copies of Bush's military service record, allowing us to see the parts of those documents which had been blacked out. I found no fact, no assertion in this film to question or doubt. I have done my homework, and as was made painfully clear, Michael Moore did his. Most Americans don't know about this stuff, and seeing it fully documented and meticulously researched on the big screen will be, to say the least, revelatory. Yes, Virginia, there are billions of dollars to be made off this Iraq war for Bush's friends. The second door on the left is the recruiting office. Sign on the line that is dotted, and be the first kid on your block to die for the benefit of Carlyle's stock options. Be sure to save your pennies beforehand, however, because the Army will dock your pay for the days you are dead. It's policy, you see. Mr. Moore put two daggers into me with this film, the first of which had to do with American soldiers. Trooper after trooper spoke frankly for Moore's camera, condemning both the war and the people who thrust them into it. Several scenes graphically explained what happens to a soldier's body when it is caught in an explosion. The result is ruinous, and the cries of the wounded and the dying will ring in my ears forever. The most wrenching scenes in the film center around a woman named Lila, who loves her country, loves her flag, and above all loves her children whom she actively persuaded to join the armed services. We learn that Lila has a son in Iraq, and because of that, she despises those protesting the invasion. We find out later that her son was killed in Karbala on April 2nd, when his Blackhawk helicopter was shot down. We watch her read her son's last letter home, in which he rages against Bush and the war. We last see Lila standing at the gates of the White House, tears boiling from her eyes, as she discovers her true enemy, the one who took her baby from her. The other dagger Moore put into me came during his montage of the media coverage of the war. Journalist after journalist is shown rhapsodizing Bush, his administration and the war. Each and every one of them carried forth that which we now know to be bald-faced lies: That Iraq had WMDs, that Iraq was a threat, that we had to go, and that everything is fine. It was a slideshow of the nonsense Americans have been spoon-fed for far too long. If you doubt this, Sidney Blumenthal's aggressive and effective actual journalism, as found in his most recent report titled 'Reality is Unraveling for Bush,' should help you along. "Most of the media was on the bandwagon or intimidated," writes Blumenthal. "Cheney himself called the president of the corporation that owned one of the networks to complain about an errant commentator. Political aides directed by Karl Rove ceaselessly called editors and producers with veiled threats about access that was not granted in any case. The press would not bite the hand that would not feed it." With a single stroke, Michael Moore has undone three years of poor, slanted, biased, factually bereft, compromised television journalism. This, in the end, is the final greatness of 'Fahrenheit 9/11.' Not only will Americans get a sense of the depth of the deception they have endured, but 'journalists' all across the country will be forced to endure the humiliation they so richly deserve. I was privileged to see this film in the company of three groups - Military Families Speak Out, September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and Veterans for Peace - which have stood against this disastrous war from day one. Many in the theater had family in Iraq, or had lost family in Iraq, or had lost family on 9/11 and seen their beloved dead used as an excuse for unwarranted war, and there was not a dry eye in the house. 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is not a victory for anyone. We the People should have known better, We the People should have been given the facts before sending 851 of our children to die. We the People have been betrayed, by our leaders and by a media that profited, and profits still, from the daily sale of lies. This film drove that horrid fact home with a mallet, and it hurt. I was reminded, as I filed out with this company of heroes, of a portion of Shakespeare's rendition of Henry's speech before Agincourt: He that outlives this day and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say, 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say, 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.' Many of us were not hypnotized. Millions of us took to the streets in this country and around the world, to try and stop this madness before it was unleashed. The people in that theater with me had done this, had never stopped doing this, though their President and their media named them traitor. They were right. They were right. They were right.
Michael Moore has unleashed a wolf within Mr. Bush's fences. There is no getting around it. Perhaps, now that it is far too late, we as a nation will wake up. On the day of that awakening, those of us who never stopped standing, never stopped marching, learned to live without sleep, learned to live in a nation that scorned truth for televised fantasy, those patriots I was with tonight in that theater can pause for breath. We can sit upon the grass on a bright day, strip our sleeves, and show our scars. © Copyright 2004 by Love, Rainbow 
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 27, 2004 11:13 AM
Another perspective? The only perspective available is that Michael Moore thinks and says Americans are stupid dumb a*ses who couldn't tie their own shoes and need his lying rhetoric, distortions and twisting of the truth and events to lead them to the right way of thinking. Sorry, you can buy into your own stupidity if you wish but to me, Moore is just a fat lying, hypocritical toad feasting off all the good things this country is capable of providing while giving America the back of his hand. Bottom line, liberals are denouncing Michael Moore in increasing numbers and tagging his piece of trash for exactly what it is, a lying, distorted, twisted piece of propaganda disguised as a documentary. Of course all the other America haters love it but preaching to the choir doesn't win elections and Moore is actually hurting liberal credibility with the American public at large. Go Michael  IP: Logged |
quiksilver Knowflake Posts: 568 From: new jersey, usa Registered: Nov 2001
posted June 27, 2004 11:30 AM
Hey Jwhop,Wow, I didn't realize Michael is quoted as having said all that ?!?! Now I am definitely glad I decided not to see that movie. I can't stand when some self righteous punk thinks the masses are too stupid to think for themselves and clearly must need a little "help". Let me do my own thinking, thanks, without having propoganda shoved down my throat (at my own monetary expense, no less). IP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 27, 2004 01:57 PM
Yeah quiksilver, thanks for the perspective and you're right. Why pay to watch lying propaganda that you know is intended to move you in the direction the propagandist wishes? Makes no sense to me to let error, lies and propaganda into the mind in the first place.  Kind of like paying to watch a commercial  Interesting, some more liberals were tearing Moore up this morning on the national news shows. You know you're in deep doooooo when people like liberals Gwen Eiffel of NPR and Ron Brownstein of the LA Times are nailing your hide to the barn wall.
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Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 27, 2004 11:26 PM
CNN announced that Fahrenheit 9/11 is number one at the box office... IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted June 28, 2004 12:03 AM
Haven`t seen it, don`t plan on seeing it. Charlton Hestons interview / ethnic statement sickened me. That kind of belief system is enough to frighten anyone What the hell is about all I have to say. ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 28, 2004 03:15 AM
Dorkus_malorkus..........26taurus..........You started out on this string with such enthusiasm about Fahrenheit 9/11....  ...and then? and then.... seem to have been intimidated (and crowded), right off the board!!! by the knee-jerk response from the MOORE BASHERS, which likely scared away any other knowflakes who might have wished to show a little enthusiasm and support for the movie....*sigh* I confess that most of the time I can also be intimidated, pretty easily, but until Randall bans me from this website, I intend to speak my mind! Because I have such STRONG GUT FEELINGS about Bush and his cronies I find it difficult to remain silent! So let me begin by addressing Jwhop: told me that Michael Moore thinks of me as a dumb a*S Well now, upon closer inspection, he might just be right. Like Michael Moore, I'm inclined to agree that living here in our country, "are probably some of the dumbest people on our planet." ....dumb, to have allowed Bush to steal the election..... ....dumb to have sat back and watched him make war on false pretenses.......a STUPID, SENSELESS WAR which has killed and maimed so many of our young (and it's still going on...every day more of our people die over there!)....and oh yes, there's the many, many, many innocent civilians of Iraq, including women, and children who were victims in the unfounded war! Bush has a lot of blood on his hands, going back to the record number of executions taking place during his governorship of Texas! (but we've gone thru that before, haven't we?) ....and yes, I'm including myself as one of the dumb ***** (Moore didn't have to tell me) ...and yeah, dumb for so many other things that we have allowed to happen. Jwhop, you also mentioned that Moore uttered the following... ''We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing.'' Okay, if he said it, maybe he's right. As they say, sometimes the truth hurts! ....and Jwhop (giggle) you also said, "All this pomposity from an airhead who dropped out of college after a few months to become a foreign and domestic policy 'expert.'" when I think of pomposity...I automatically think of Rush Limbaugh.  ....and why is it necessary to bring up the Columbine thing? That's not what this thread was about....but if Moore pulled some boo boos with that (never saw it, don't plan to), then it gives more ammunition for more Moore bashing here on the Fahrenheit thread, Right? Gotta reply to this one too..... From jwhop "Another perspective? The only perspective available is that Michael Moore thinks and says Americans are stupid dumb a*ses who couldn't tie their own shoes and need his lying rhetoric, distortions and twisting of the truth and events to lead them to the right way of thinking." Well, lying rhetoric, distortions and twisting of the truth and events seem okay when Bush and his henchmen use them, in an attempt to sway the that's nothing new.... Now look! I don't say Michael Moore is perfect......but dammit, I have to credit him with the courage it takes to do an "expose" on all the sh*t that has come down....and I am elated that he is clever enough to reach people withouthaving to go thru the right wing controlled mass that we might see something that is not slanted...for a change..... and I'm glad that he can still say what he has to say, before THAT right will be taken from us.... Sorry to be so long winded....but I'm gonna see that movie!..... I think Michael Moore is doing a great service for the American people.... ....and I can't stand George Bush! He's one of the biggest, most heartless hypocrites that ever walked the earth...(IMHO) Now if I'm gonna get banned from this place....go ahead and do it... Rainbow~ IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 28, 2004 03:53 AM
I you  A girl after my own  I have been checking back in to this topic. But did't reply, because I got a little heated in the one in the Global Unity forum, and decided I didn't want to do it again. I, like you dont like george w. Or any politition for that matter. Or the government at all. But I won't repeat myself and get attacked and told pretty much that I am and idiot again. I know that in reality I am not the one who is an idiot. I have chosen to open my eyes and not believe everything I am told. Or everything I read. I do my own research. Make up my own mind! So don't worry, I wasnt intimidated. I was just waiting for someone like you to come along and do a great job of trying to wake some of these fools up. What's going on in this topic amuses me. Look who's NUMBER ONE at the box office, and breaking all kinds of film records!!!! I love it. And sorry, jwhop but youre the dumb a*s in MM's eyes. So, well done Rainbow. That's just what I said - MMoore is doing a great service to us.  I still havnt seen the film. But I plan on it. I'll probably see it, oh, ten times or so. Just to show my support. See you there! 26 IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 28, 2004 04:20 AM
Sorry Rainbow, been busy with a few projects. But here I am. I'm not gonna back down from what I believe. Despite bias throughout the film, I think the general idea is still dead-on. A lot of people don't like Moore because he isn't exactly tactful, but that gives him the edge that makes his stuff stand out. And there must be some element of truth to it if the conservatives, tried to pull it out of theatres, issuing death threats and what not. They know it could definitely bring about the demise of Bush's presidential career. I'm not saying Kerry is the best choice for this election, but at this time, its not a good idea to opt for third-party candidates.IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 28, 2004 04:25 AM
26taurus, you are far from being an idiot, and anyone who tells you that, need to take a look in the mirror You know how to think for yourself, unlike a lot of people out there. For instance my dad, whom I still love, frequently spits out quotes from that self-righteous druggie Limbaugh. There are leaders and there are followers, just be glad in knowing you are one of the former, the elite  IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 28, 2004 04:28 AM
26taurus.......Dorkus_Malorkus.......  IP: Logged |
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 28, 2004 05:35 AM
Aww, I'm a softy for hugs So hugs right back at ya *hugs*IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 28, 2004 10:50 AM
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pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 28, 2004 11:43 AM
baaaa baaaaa.....sheep to the slaughter eh? LMAOIP: Logged |
jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted June 28, 2004 02:36 PM
Oh dear, I see the old saying that "those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it" is really true Rainbow.The issue of the 2000 Presidential election has been closed for some time now but here you are still repeating the same old shopworn lies of the left that Bush stole the election. After 5 or 6 recounts of the Florida vote, recounts that Algore lost and in heavy democrat precincts no less, precincts under the direct control of democrats no less, Algore took his case to the courts and finally to the Florida Supreme court where the court ordered recounts but without any standards as to what constitutes a vote for one candidate or the other or even if the voter intended to vote for a president. Different precincts were going to be permitted to just wing it and say this is a vote and this isn't, using different standards. Bush appealed to the US Supreme Court citing the 14th Amendment. The Supreme Court heard the case and said in effect there had to be a universal standard applied to each and every ballot to determine whether it was a vote or not. They then "Remanded" the case back to the Florida Supreme Court for those standards to be set by the court and implemented throughout Florida. At that point, Gore threw in the towel.......presumably because he knew if a universal standard was applied he would lose even worse than he already had  We did find out some interesting things during this election. About 2000 convicted felons were permitted to vote illegally and in democrat precincts. They much preferred Algore, giving him 87% of their vote. Democrats have the felon vote locked up, another important voting block for the democrats along with the "dead" who almost universally prefer democrats too. Something to be proud of, don't you think? I invite you, as I have others, to cite by direct quote from the President any instance where the President lied about any aspect of the reasons for going to war with Iraq. Let me head you off a little Rainbow. Please cite one intelligence service in the world who didn't believe Saddam had chemical and/or biological weapons. Please cite one member of Congress who said Saddam didn't have WMD. Please cite your sources for any statements that there was NO connection between Saddam and al-Qaida. OK, have fun. Yes, the Governor of Texas doesn't have the authority to stop executions in the state.....except a one time stay for a review by a state board and only that one time and only for, I believe 30 days, after which, the execution goes forward. BTW, are you against executions in general or do you keep bringing it up because you are filled with hate towards President Bush? Did you, for instance protest Governor Clinton permitting executions to go forward in Arkansas? Somehow I doubt it. Clinton himself presided over four executions as governor of Arkansas. In January 1992 he flew back to Arkansas in the midst of his first presidential campaign to approve the execution of Ricky Ray Rector. Rector, who had blown away part of his brain in a failed suicide attempt, was so mentally impaired that he asked that his desert be put aside so he could eat it after his execution. Clinton signed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, which severely restricts the right of death row inmates to file federal habeas corpus petitions. Also under his administration, in 1996 Congress eliminated funding for the 20 Death Penalty Resource Centers which provided legal services for poor defendants. Ummm, Columbine was brought up in an article posted here, but not by me, in this instance. The article details all the lies, distortions and twisting of the truth Michael Moore is prone to and points to a pattern of deception in Moore's so called documentaries. Right wing controlled media? You mean like CBS and 60 Minutes where Moore appeared Sunday night to talk about his latest fantasy? I watched and not one discouraging word was heard from 60 Minutes. A discouraging word like this. Mr. Moore, how do you account for making the release of the Saudi citizens to fly home in the aftermath of 9/11 a centerpiece of your movie, blaming President Bush when Richard Clarke, a democrat critical of the Bush Administration and the President personally says he and he alone made that decision and gave the greenlight to the FBI to release their flight? Duh, just one example of the many questions any objective interviewer would have asked. Right wing controlled media indeed.  Yep, Bush is heartless. So far he's freed 50 million people from the tyranny of murderous thugs and helped them set up their own representative governments. Is that the real reason you hate Bush so much Rainbow? 
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