mystical rainbow Knowflake Posts: 52 From: thimphu, bhutan, south-east asia Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 03:14 AM
hey everybody, i found this thread really interesting..all the clues are there except the names and well i was really laughing. maybe Dafreman is right to be so serious in the post or may be he was bit uptight. but ur message is clear and as they say forewarned is forearmed. well hmm....all the confusion abt who is EVIL...or with dark energy...ok..i have read some of the post and u know some are really funny...i mean wht were they really thinking..when they wrote it. being a person with a reasonable sense and some common sense i think we can make out when a person is well saying something unlogical. i know..i know..wht logic got to do with things....mysticism...some of them dont even make sense...but when we read it we know it in the heart and we understand...and some...well we go like...ha..ha..WHT? come on..sorts u know... aw..shucks..i know i am trying my best to enlighten u people but i am having a hard time coming up with something simple to make my message clear. i think i will live it for next time. IP: Logged |
silverbells Knowflake Posts: 1506 From: The second star to the right (which shines in the night for'eer) Registered: Apr 2003
posted July 23, 2004 03:20 AM
I Love you dafremen.  ------------------ Get some love in your groove, just get hip to forgive... - Michael Franks IP: Logged |
orchidspirit Knowflake Posts: 159 From: UK Registered: May 2004
posted July 23, 2004 03:21 AM
As I understand things in my VERY humble opinion all we're being asked to do here is to be aware of what is happening and no matter what were confronted with send out love, light and peace to Lindaland and all the Knowflakes.The who, what, when or where is irrelevant. To me that seems a logical thing to do. It gets my vote. So love, light and peace to Lindaland and all who come here............... Orchid x
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Raindrops Knowflake Posts: 27 From: Registered: Dec 2002
posted July 23, 2004 05:12 AM
Hi All,I haven't posted here for a while but I do pop in from time to time. After reading the thread, I feel I should emerge from my "seclusion" and express my support for Daf. Yes, Daf, I think I understand what you're saying and I'm all behind you. On the other hand, Daf, I'd like to point out to you how I feel you have "changed" throughout your posts. Perhaps "changed" is not the right word. But it used to be the case that when I read your posts, I always felt the "you" behind those words and that "You" was very much channeled. That's how it's always felt to me, anyway. But I feel that you're losing that "You", right now. No, I don't mean losing your patience or temper or getting edgy. Perhaps you would re-read your posts and see if you agree with me? If that's really the case, I hope you will steady yourself and do whatever necessary to regain your "spiritual composure". Don't "lose" it, Daf! And don't let "it" get ya! Peace, Raindrops IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted July 23, 2004 05:38 AM
Peace everyone,Another thread which I missed early on! I think I feel what you're saying Daf, there have been posts which I've reared at from, hurt, & sadness. I've noticed some aimed my way, but usually (actually always do mentally) chose to send back love & peace. I've just read this through and it's a reinforcement to let you guys know, I feel you. However, I'm in no frame to respond fully right now since I've had a particularly draining morning so far, and it's only 10:32 I don't usually ask, but I'd appreciate a little positive energy for a meeting I have at 15:00 please! Thank you as always guys (You don't have to reply here since it's not a 'Sheaa' thread, I'll feel it if you send it my way, I always do ) With love as always, Sheaa  ------------------ Sheaa Olein, previously Known as the Knowflake 'Special' IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 05:41 AM
Look out! Here comes some positive light beaming straight your way! Hope it helps!  IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted July 23, 2004 05:47 AM
Thank you honey I need it today I've missed you Tara. I also knew you chose to stay away. Sorry what happened again at the hospital hun? Are you better now? I can't scan back to your post without losing this for some reason..  IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted July 23, 2004 06:21 AM
Daf I've just read what you posted to me in my post; "I found a cool book of questions!"If you see this first here, please pop over there.. As you may understand I'm upset & confused after reading this thread first.  IP: Logged |
La-Tee-Da Knowflake Posts: 1445 From: New Orleans, Louisiana Registered: Feb 2002
posted July 23, 2004 08:38 AM
Not that it matters a hill of beans, but I have not posted here in eons, because of this negative energy. It got to the point of being intolerable for me, so I climbed under a rock and hibernated.Juni and I communicate away from here, so that I can feel her sweetness without that black cloud hanging over us. There are many, many wonderful people on this site, but something is tearing away at the core. Having said all this, I will climb back under my rock. Adios for now. ------------------ Hugs,LTD IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 08:55 AM
La-Tee-Da,I almost climbed under a rock myself. It's nice to know that there are others among the few of us who have communicated. If it hadn't have been for juni, I would have probably never come back. I thought perhaps I was the only one who felt it. It seems that the subject has been broached several times, but whenever it has been brought up, certain individuals have made light of it and said things to the effect that "there's always been negative energy" and "you need the darkness to even the balance", and so the subject was dropped. At least twice. Now it's in their faces and it's NOT going away until the darkness goes away. I don't intend to let it. Please don't run away love! We need you here with all of the love you can muster. Lindaland is, as you mentioned, hurting at her very core, but she's been so loyal to us, how can we turn our backs on her when she is hurting so? Think about it. We could sure use another good set of feelers around here. Love, daf IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 09:46 AM
daf, Don't call me love, love. I am no more afriad of you than I am a snowflake or cotton candy. Though all that processed sugar is a little..well...  Fiery? Yes I am. And that's fine by me.
Juni, could you please drop me a line today?  IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted July 23, 2004 10:01 AM
Daf, did anyone ever tell you your`re as subtle as a box of rocks Just yanking your chain  You`re right, I am sensing the winds of change here. Only when we stop psychically screaming for understanding can we hear the others screaming.I heard you loud and clear and you listened and heard me. I sincerely believe we all, on some level, have felt the subtle changing; heard the calling. It`s been chalked up to the ebb and flow of life, cyclic happenstance or nothing at all. You put it all out there for us all to sort thru, see it in a different lite and It is good. It is bringing us all together, us regular posters and our beloved seldom posters. Why? Because we love Lindaland and the lite that shines here, and when it gets tarnished, we need to see it, learn from it and grow from the experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience and sometimes we get it backwards. Thats when the outside influences creep in and we all feel the oddness but don`t see it for what it is. We are a composite of our thoughts, deeds and desires. Like attracts like, thats why we`re here. Let us come together in a understanding of the message. It is not a specific person but a specific energy our Elves attract when we become unaware/forgetful of the true aspects of the lite and darker forces. I have felt more love pouring out of this humble string than I have in a long time.  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 10:43 AM
Well, as usual, a day late and a dollar short! If my silliness has anything to do with this...please point the finger at me, because I am clueless! I'm not comfortable having to re-read every post to see if I intuit anything negetive before I respond. I take everyone at face value and if I don't like what's going on, I don't respond. So until someone calls me out or hits me upside the head with a brick, I will continue merrily along, bad grammer and all, to try to bring humor to the site. Cheerfully Yours, Philbird.  PS 26, YOU BETTER NOY GO ANYWHERE! I'll hunt you down like a Bassett Hound that hasn't eaten in a week!
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Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted July 23, 2004 11:23 AM
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purplezen Knowflake Posts: 888 From: outer space Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 23, 2004 11:24 AM
me too philbird, I have no idea what is going on. I think everyone loves your silliness, especially me light and love to everyone. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted July 23, 2004 11:29 AM
Rainbow, the way you put those pics together makes a face of a frowning clown. I just found that amusing...thought I would share it. IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 1409 From: Registered: May 2004
posted July 23, 2004 01:01 PM
I'm sorry - WHAT???       
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 01:01 PM
Well, isn't this an interested box of assorted candies, nuts and other things.How to respond? Well the ego sez trillian first, because her response has what it wants, but then, that's not the purpose of this thread, is it? The purpose of this thread was and is simple. As juni pointed out, it's to bring awareness to a problem that you folks have almost consistently disregarded as "nothing" or "normal." Well you're wrong. It's something alright and what it is may be standard and normal anywhere else on the net, but not here at Lindaland. This place used to exude such a solid stream of goodwill and light that you could feel it from one end of the net to the other. What's the evidence of that? How about the large concentration of spiritually enlightened individuals and awakening souls that have found this place? I hope none of you actually thought that it was a coincidence. Of COURSE it's no coincidence. As has been said MANY times and in MANY ways on this very attracts like. Light brings like to this site and has for the longest time. However, dark also likes light, attempts to consume it, and where you find such a large concentration of love, you will find a concerted effort (not by individuals, but by forces) to disrupt it. There is love in every single one of us screaming to escape from within the confines of our swollen egos (boy..don't I know it!) if only we would let it. How hard is it to say, I'm sorry? How hard is it to let it go? Well it's REAL hard..I think we all know that. But it's hard because we get into the habit of indulging our minds and egos, beliefs and desire for conflict or acceptance of our ideas. This post was meant to pull us all together so that we CANNOT ignore th problem any longer and if all that comes of it is more of this petty po0p slinging then I guess we'll have it all up in our faces now won't we? Who will be able to deny their part in it then? I certainly won't. Then this thread will have served its purpose in a way. (Although not exactly in the way that was intended.) If this thread serves instead to make people aware of the fact that there is a problem, if it serves to make us more conscious of the words that come off the tips of our fingers and the consequences that those words can have on the entire community. Well then, by gawd, it will have ALSO served it's purpose and we'll watch the crap disappear, slowly until it's safely back in GU where we can avoid it, but keep a watchful eye on it to make sure it doesn't start leaking all over the place again. The choice is really yours people. What did you want from me? Some Sermon on the Mount? Some profound words of wisdom from an old geezer who's barely holding his own against his ego? Ha! I'm as lost these days as anyone. I'm just not foolish enough to sit around and watch us trash a beautiful site like this. I love Lindaland too much and I love you PEOPLE too much to let it come to that. And those of you who don't think my love is genuine might want to ask yourselves this: Why the HECK would I have stuck my neck out on the block like this just to have it removed and my wee-wee put in its place for everyone to take turns whacking at with your respective hatchets? The answer is simple. I don't give a flying f on a rolling donut what happens to me, my ego or my "reputation" as a "man of wisdom and insight." What I care about is YOU, ALL of you...and I care about this site because of what it has to offer you. Ok, the ego's been a (semi)good boy and so he gets to be indulged for a second. Trillian, if you find my love for the people at Lindaland contrived or in anyway processed, then your perception has falied you miserably. Love is what I said, and LOVE is what I meant. As for your fiery I said, it's EXACTLY what is needed in many circumstances around here. Perhaps you read too much into the compliment. I'd suggest that your reaction to my comments is typical of your standard reaction to most of what I write and leave it at that. A fiery personality is a beautiful thing. Combine it with an unchecked sarcasm and what you've got is downright UGLY. Take a look in the mirror sweetie: Here I am. Love, daf IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted July 23, 2004 01:04 PM
It seems as though we are wallowing in a quagmire of accusations and negativity - it may be justified and at times what we may be seeing is typical in a "group" reaction.I can't imagine what 'secret' power people are playing with. I don't understand why anyone would want to harm this site or cause it to implode. What I do see, between the lines, is that there is a definite feeling of resentment towards the Global Unity forum. For some reason we are expected not to voice our dissent or call a spade a spade. Instead, pointing out someone's rudeness (mine or others) is now considered to be dark and evil. We all have differing opinions and at times we will engage in skirmishes - whether we are enlightened or not, we ARE still human. We all still have lives outside of this site that make harsh demands on us- but this is our refuge. The light in the dark where we can come together and share our love of astrology, metaphysics and even politics. Global Unity (and I strongly "FEEL" that is where most of the intuitive accusations are being pointed towards) was created so that we could discuss global / political issues and keep it off other other forums. People can choose to go there or choose to stay away. God knows I have taken a few breaks from here. There are times when people (including me) get to emotionally involved and passionately attack others. There are times when people pose as inquiring individuals only to post insane topics about possible setting up a situation for a sexual assault. We come out and address those issues. Trillian is right, it is a Yin and Yang thing. Without the negativity how would we recognize what we need to overcome? Without the dissent in views, how can we ever learn the other sides position? I strongly believe that I don't have to like everyone I meet or everyone in my sphere, whether it is online or in the real world. I can choose to ignore them. I have personally felt that there are people that I would never have a political conversation with as both sides are TOO stuck in their ways to understand the other, but that does not prevent me from talking astro with them in other threads or helping them with any problems that I can help out with. Now we are at a point where we will read into other's words. People can try to deny that, but it is already happening. I have already seen it in posts..where people are saying 'yes, I had to leave because the negativity of my friends being attacked was too much". Well, I know that I was involved in that skirmish. So does that make me the evil one because I disagreed with the manner in which someone posted? I can assure you that there will always been things that I say that may offend some people that do not concur with my beliefs, but that is life. I can also assure you that I do not dabble in any evil weirdo things nor am I a tool or secret societies attacking LindaLand to do their business. If being Conservative, Christian with metaphysical leanings (astrology and practicing the "Old ways" of my tribe- dream quests) is wrong, then I suppose I am evil for offending some knowflakes on this board. So, if I am one of the people that you are alluding to Daf, please call me out. I can take it IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 01:13 PM
Yes, there you are, daf, with your own hatchet, and your own brand of sarcasm. *waves in the mirror*I don't recall commenting at all on your love for anyone. Perhaps it's your perception that has failed this time. Your original post had the essence of fire and brimstone about it...speaking down from the pulpit to us little brains. Perception? Perhaps. Juni has told me that was not your intent...but you see the quagmire it has created. As far as my reaction to your posts...I think you're strong enough of will and personality and ego to handle a little fiery dissent. Not all of us are followers...I daresay Linda was not.  IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 01:14 PM
Piduau,You aren't and you've missed the point completely. There is something that is manifesting itself outside the confines of GU, doesn't always take the form of fighting or sarcasm and has even launched psychological and spiritual attacks on others through email, myself and juni being two of those. It is quite insidiously subtle..almost loving if you will. So no, that's not what we're feeling, you're wrong. I hope you can take that as well, my friend. No offense at all intended...I think you know that by now. Love, daf P.S. Speaking down from the pulpit, trillian? Brimstone and fire? Little brains? Those were your words..not mine and never my intention. Perhaps you're right, perhaps our reaction to the words of others tells us more about ourselves than it does about them. Care to add more to the cesspool that is this quagmire? I mean, you can always continue to blame it on me. *waves back* IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted July 23, 2004 01:20 PM
Daf,I am sorry that someone has taken to sending you and Juni rude e-mails. That really gets my hackles up that someone would do something along those lines. I will send my positive thoughts to you and others that are receiving these attacks.
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 01:23 PM
The emails weren't rude at all piduau. They were quite polite and congenial as a matter of fact. I told you, this ISN'T a simple thing to explain. This "quagmire" is the result of confusion, but I'm afraid that I'll only add more to the impression that I'm taking a "stance of superiority" if I attempt to explain how difficult this thing is to see. That's just the way it is. Period.Thanks for the gentle sentiment, you know what it means. Love, daf IP: Logged |
seeshells Knowflake Posts: 98 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 23, 2004 01:37 PM
Peace All, I don't post often either but I would like to say that Daf again has put something in front of us that we can take any way we choose, I for one will double check what i write to see if it is worded correctly and I know several times it could have been stated in a better manner so be it. If what he wrote helps us to look inward, good for us. If we don't need to correct anything GOD Bless us, we can move foward, if we do need to do some adjusting then GOD Bless us, we make adjustments and move foward. We are here because we love Lindaland, and the knowledge that floats through these pages is wonderful. I have learned so much here, gotten my feelings hurt a few times and soared with the eagles as well. Just maybe we can bring some light to the dark. Blessings to ALL! SueIP: Logged |
Ra Moderator Posts: 2078 From: Atlanta Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 23, 2004 02:14 PM
There is nothing in this string but divisiveness. Daf, I do not know you well, but have always held you in high regard. So why this? You have mentioned your ego in this string more times than I care to go back and count ... why? And why are you playing the role of a martyr? It is unnecessary. Are there problems in LindaLand? Of course. But the Universe is not going to fall into darkness because of a little negative energy. I recognize your language and I know from where it originates ... subtle indeed. Turn the light upon yourself, old friend, for darkness cannot exist where there is light.  Please do not take this as an attack - it is not. I simply urge you to examine. You are fighting yourself.  IP: Logged | |