dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 02:36 PM
I have been fighting myself in earnest for the last 6 months Ra. I appreciate you mentioning it and understand the sentiment with which you've stated what you see. (Raindrops, I will be posting something for you too, by way of an explanation, or at least a description of what has been happening to me) If anyone here thinks that I unilaterally decided to say, "There's something wrong at this site." Well, then you haven't been reading, and you haven't been listening to your intuition very well, at least not when it comes to Lindaland. Should La-Dee turn the light upon herself as well? Is that where the problem lies, with her ego and the darkness inside of her? What about juni? Is she also creating a problem where none exists? There are others, and as they come out of the woodwork and tell of their feelings...should we also ask them to reexamine what it is that they have felt is happening here? Why should they be asked to disregard their intuition, which has served them so well, when so many of YOU seem unwilling to reexamine your actions which, of late, have proven of dubious value to you and this site? Oh, I'll take the blame for my tone, and I'll take full credit for the failure of this thread to be a model example of what it was meant to foster, but I WON'T let anyone write the reality of what has been happening here off as a figment of MY imagination or "the WAY of the balance in the universe." No, that's just too easy and it's how you've been blowing this thing off for as long as people have been bringing it up. Face it. There is a lot more to this than meets the eye. Love, daf IP: Logged |
Yang Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: A temporary home Registered: May 2004
posted July 23, 2004 03:29 PM
All I can say that this is all very distressing. I don't know how to respond,my mind gone blank. DAF-thanks for creating awareness.IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 1409 From: Registered: May 2004
posted July 23, 2004 03:50 PM
quote: Oh, I'll take the blame for my tone, and I'll take full credit for the failure of this thread to be a model example of what it was meant to foster, but I WON'T let anyone write the reality of what has been happening here off as a figment of MY imagination or "the WAY of the balance in the universe."No, that's just too easy and it's how you've been blowing this thing off for as long as people have been bringing it up.
WHAT??? Daf, can you please explain to this not-so-enlightened one what this is all about?        IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 04:10 PM
I'd like to thank you ALL in return. And I really and truly mean ALL of you for coming to this thread. I know that it can't be an easy thing seeing all of this...hearing all of this. It would be a lot easier to just turn away, plug our ears and pretend that this is not happening. We can't do that anymore folks. We just can't. Too much is at stake. I'd rather lose the popularity contest and be labelled a megalomaniacal dipsh*t with a spiritual superiority complex, than allow us to ignore something that so many besides myself are willing to LEAVE the site over. These are people who have brought SO much love, light, laughter and insight to can we in good conscience just casually disregard their feelings and intuitive thoughts on the subject? How can we just say, "well I hate to see you go, but if that's where your path is leading you", without FIRST looking into their concerns? You're HERE now. Thank you SOOO much for that. You're aware now, of what you may not know, but you're aware it's here. That's all I wanted. Because I love you, whether you believe it, want it, need it, or not, I really and truly love you people and this place. And I NEED to feel that love in my heart, because it can be such an empty and desolate place when I let the ego have it these days. Again, thanks for coming. The reactions are still flying thick through the air and so perhaps nothing constructive will come of this right away. Still, when the dust settles, we'll look around and we'll all be here, friends who stand together and hopefully have learned to listen to one another carefully again. You're all in my thoughts today (and were most of the evening too, man am I bushed. )
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lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted July 23, 2004 04:29 PM
HI, Daf.. Considering the current social climate, it's little wonder that LL has a slightly edgy tone lately. We're all feeling a little concerned about the future, and some of us are down-right flipping out about it. So, I don't know if the negativity can be completely muffled right now, because there's alot of anxiety flying around...and with good reason. There are some very sobering discussions going on around here lately, and it doesn't have anything to do with a psychic vampire or any such thing. It has to do with the social climate, and current events. IP: Logged |
Nackie Knowflake Posts: 561 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 23, 2004 04:39 PM
OK, I'm coming out of the closet.Call me unenlightened, I've never claimed otherwise. But could it be that we are all just a little WHACKO here? lol It is an INTERNET FORUM people. It is lovely here, I come almost everyday, I love the people who post here, and I love talking about astrology, mindless tests, numerology and tarot as much as anyone else here. But it is just a forum! This thread is taking on a very schizophrenic character! There is no boogey man out to kill Lindaland! People there are no aliens trying to invade your head, and no vampires trying to suck your blood!!!! It's fun to talk about this stuff and imagine, and creativity is a gift that I highly treasure, but get GROUNDED!!! Sorry, but I can't take it anymore! Maybe I have been taken over by evil forces and they are forcing me to write these sentences. I really doubt it though! Nackie (going off to give her head a shake!) IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 04:46 PM
My aura egg has been invaded!  IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 05:35 PM
Yes nackie. Of course it's just a forum. ( ) You go girl! daf IP: Logged |
Nackie Knowflake Posts: 561 From: Germany Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 23, 2004 05:43 PM
Daf, I'm really worried about you!!! (seriously!!)If this isn't a forum, what is it?? Holy moly, I feel like I'm in the wrong film. I think I'm gonna step back and take a break from LL, but not because of evil that is here, but that lately I have been wondering if I'm going crazy! I read what I read, and think my thoughts, and have to pull myself down to reality. I only have one lonely unaspected earth planet...I have a hard enough time as it is staying grounded. Sorry for stepping on your toes, Daf, but I think you need a break from thinking!! Go out and do something crazy with your kids and try to remember that life isn't only about "higher ideals" and Egotrips. Sometimes life is just life, and things happen because they do. I try to live my life by Max Ehrmanns poem Desiderata, my favourite quote being: "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. " For anyone unfamiliar with the poem, here is a good english translation: I think I'll be away for a while now.
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 06:19 PM
I'm sippin a beer, wondering if my son is having fun at his friend's house, Waiting to call a friend of my own I'm writing a song for Raindrop now, he so did pique my interest. I'm listening now, to a group I never would, Ace of Base, but the CD was a quarter. I'm wondering how, in the scheme of things My intentions and motives became other people's perceptions of them. I'm thinking aloud, on a nackie-less place Where a nackie can't face a possiblity that's not her own.Still Nackie, if you're leaving because you feel that Lindaland is just a forum, and I don' Goodbye, please reconsider. Love, daf IP: Logged |
paras Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: the Heart of It All Registered: May 2004
posted July 23, 2004 06:23 PM
Anything that smacks of being a 'clique' turns me off. And I don't appreciate being called an "armchair psychologist". If I ain't one of "the cool kids", just come out and say it. I don't hang around where I'm not wanted.IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 06:42 PM
"If it ISN'T just a forum..what is it?"I suppose before you go, the least I could do is offer some sort of statement to relieve your concern for my sanity. (You are worried about me right? Thanks, guess that makes it mutual since your announcement.) Well let's see what is Lindaland? 1. Lindaland is the place where I met the person who helped me down my spiritual path. Without her, I would probably not have experienced what I did some 6 months ago. 2. Lindaland is the place where people begin their walk down the spiritual path EVERY SINGLE DAY. 3. Lindaland is the place where at least 6 people that I know of, perhaps more have demonstrated that they are awakening to their spirit. I suppose those things MIGHT happen on, but it's just highly unlikely. There you have my reasons nackie. If you choose to leave, you'll be missed. Love and light to you and yours, always, daf IP: Logged |
Total Pieces Knowflake Posts: 291 From: Los Angeles, CA Registered: Dec 2001
posted July 23, 2004 06:56 PM
Wow…I don’t quite know what to say. I’m not here enough to make a real judgment. I come and visit and for awhile. To be honest I know very little about astrology. I read Sun Signs as a kid. Liked it and have be slightly interested in Linda ever since. I’ve come here off and on for years because it’s like I am sometime resident of this really cool small town where you can drop in to the coffee shop and enter into a conversation. Ask one of the long time residents to help you out with a problem or just join a fun game of word play. It is like coming to visit people I really. Like. It is an opportunity to be a part of something really special. But this is something else. Some forums are more ‘difficult’ and sometimes people say things that are mean/evil. You make your statement and you move on. Maybe you end up in a ‘fight’ Pretty soon one of the town ‘fathers/mothers’ comes in and breaks it up. A few I’m sorry’s happen and we leave that table at the coffee shop and move to another table. I’m not saying this evil isn’t happening…I’m not here enough to pass that kind of judgment but Daf your posts are a little cryptic. When people say something you don’t like. You seem to lash out at them. Whether you meant to or not this thread does not seem uniting to me… My prayers to everyone…Peace Love, Amber (Libra…just looking for the balance) 
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 06:59 PM
paras,This reference to a "clique" out of thin air is just nonsense man. I'm sorry if that's how you feel, but that's just it, your feeling. I'm sorry that you feel that way. You can be in my one man club any day. I was the LEAST perceptiv of the people who felt something wrong around here. They knew where it was coming from...I just knew that it didnt feel right. Just because you may not have felt ANYTHING, doesn't mean there's a "clique" here consisting of those who DO. As for the armchair psychologist reference, hey, what do you expect? I never said these phrases, you did: "clique" "secret council" "Nothing happens in life that I don't immediately see the psychological implications of." You are examining my intentions under a microscope and putting them in the worst possible light, and you've told us all about your psychological frame of mind. Do you have a degree? So why exactly is it that the phrase armchair psychologist offends you again? Because it's true? C'mon man, that's not like you. You're logical and Libran...please give the feigned indignation a bit of a rest anyway. I have nothing but good intentions and if you don't know it, then you should read a bit more, or consider withdrawing yourself as an objective voice of reason. Your fellow Libran, daf IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 07:05 PM
Pieces,You'll notice that each and every one of the people that didn't like what I had to say has lashed out at ME. I'm just a mirror lady. A U-shaped tube if you will. I walked into this thing with full knowledge that I was gunna end up with po0p on my face. That's what happens when it hits the fan. I was the guy who voluntered for the job, so no complaints here. This needed to be done and I'd do it again...and again..and again. Now if you don't mind...I'm numbing the pain of rejection with beer. Thanks for your opinion Libra lady, daf IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 23, 2004 07:09 PM
Total Pieces, I really liked your analogy!Paras, It's silly to leave over this. (We need all the men we can get, c'mon! .)  Daf- How are you today? and for the record?- quote: Why the HECK would I have stuck my neck out on the block like this just to have it removed and my wee-wee put in its place for everyone to take turns whacking at with your respective hatchets?
I, for one, don't want to whack your wee-wee head with a hatchet.  How's that Ace of Base CD?Ra~ as always IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 07:14 PM
One of the most negative things I've seen in LL for a long time is this thread.  Lindaland is divided...with so many knowflakes worried and wondering if your laser beam is aimed at them...I won't fight with you Daf. I expressed my feelings. 'Nough said. For now. I'll close this thread by stealing Proxie's favorite new quote, from the book "Cold Mountain." "Men...they say this war is a cloud on the land. But they created the weather, then stand in the rain and say oh sh!t! It's raining."  Be of good cheer. Nackie's right...too much time on this,not enough on hugging cats and smelling flowers.  IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 07:38 PM
Thanx Daf. I now have this song blaring loudly in my head..... I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign  Life is demanding without understanding I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes I saw the sign  No one’s gonna drag you up To get into the light where you belong.....................  -Ace of Base "The Sign" hmmmm...........
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 07:41 PM
I don't have a laserbeam. The people who are paranoid are paranoid because they've said some things that perhaps they wish they wouldn't have. Things that their hearts told them were perhaps a bit too harsh. But in the very beginning, these were my words:"Don't look for the villains among you. That is part of the game. That is what they want, to divide us with suspicion and pettiness." And so, of COURSE I am to blame for this ugliness. The participants never are, the paranoid and the indignant, the insecure and the egotistical. They're not to blame. It was the guy with the message, because we all know...the message makes the post, not the responses to it. Lindaland has no replies, only posts. The end I'm too drunk to care anymore...perhaps I wasn't up to this job after all. Goodbye.
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26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted July 23, 2004 07:47 PM
Daf, I hear you loud and clear. Also, you are the right man for the job.IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 23, 2004 07:51 PM
I asked you how you were doing.......You only responded to the other things written before/after my post.... you are talking about other's and their negative responses.. what about my nice one? Enjoy the buzz, relax.. go cuddle up with your lady. Tomorrow is a brand spanking new day. Be sure to not forget the 'spanking' part.  IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:00 PM
Yee-haw! Daf, I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you. I believe you had the best of intentions when you started this thread, and now you're on the defence. Been there, done that.  Seems you can't ever express disapproval around here without it back-firing on you. In my world, when you express disapproval, people general nod, say "hmm", then change the subject. But, here in LL, when you express disapproval, it's taken very personally, because it's the people here who bring it to life. Whatever sort of "life" that is, is determined by their frame of mind at that time. If you're talking about someone sending emails that are influenced by evil, but cloaked in civility, then how is that about Linda-land? You know what I think? I think someone you consider a freind was offended, who's views are very simular to your own, and you came in as a Knight on a white horse. But, you decided to reprimand in a more vague way, because you are above petty pi$$ing matches. You prefer the "big picture", from a spiritual perspective. I think that's very honorable, to want to right a wrong for someone you care about. I get caught up in that kind of thing all the time, myself. But, you got so many of us thinking "Does he mean ME? And if so, what did I do or say that was so misguided?". I think we'd all prefer it if you could just level with us, even if you don't think we're able to handle it. We are. We're big girls and boys. But, you'd have to take it too, so....yeah. I'm having a beer too! 
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TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:05 PM
whew! 91 posts! Took me a bit to get through. Quite the bomb eh, knowflakes? Trying to use both my heart and my head on this one. Also trying to maintain calm, refrain from jumping to conclusions, and (this one's the hardest) not allow myself to take any of this personally. Several weeks ago I found myself scurrying around some of the older posts looking for a golden nugget Meili had left behind. But way leads on to way and I soon found myself wandering aimlessly thru the LindaLand archives. Old posts from the time when I was reading but not posting. Older posts from before the day I found this glorious place. (I will never forget that day )In the process I noticed something. A difference between those earlier posts and recent ones that is somehow difficult to describe. A lightness of heart, an innocence, a sincerity, a certain - dare I say it? - Magic. I do not mean to say that there are not still good and wonderful people here - there are (pixel and trill and proxieme come to my mind ). But I feel there has been a subtle, gradual change in the overall atmosphere of LindaLand. Maybe too difficult to detect while we were in the middle of this process. Maybe something only hindsight will allow us to see. Anyone who has ever read daf's poetry and said, "here is a sensitive soul" or pondered his intriguing posts in Oranges and Hyacinths and wondered if just maybe he was on to something - try taking an honest look at some of those old posts. Allow yourself to feel them, not just read them. Maybe that would be a calm and sensible start.  tink
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trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:08 PM
I know what you said Daf. But it was still so cryptic, it left so much room for speculation. When vampire-hunting, one sneaks up on the vampire while it's sleeping. One doesn't say "I know who you are and you can't get me but I might count to one hundred and come get you." I don't want to fight with you daf. We are filled with oppositions and squares and so be it. I am no more nor less than you or any of the other Know-flakes. I would much rather get along with you, though I doubt that will ever happen. Like Ra said, the Universe will not collapse. LL may die or reform only to be reborn one day. I doubt that LL is in that sort of danger...or perhaps it has been reborn many times, as it will do so many more. Peace.  IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 23, 2004 08:20 PM
Tink- I know what you are saying. Shifts in atmosphere or perception.. Like my mom says about the weed from the 60's and 70's.... it was so much different. Mellower and less 'buzz-til-you-sleep-because-thats-all-you-can-do-. high. BUT.... Is it because since the 60's, my mom has evolved and changed? Isa it for good or bad? Or is it really a descention?A child sees a barren field, with a lone Sunflower stuck right in the middle of it, and says "Wow!!! What a beautiful Sunflower!!" With wonder and awe in his eyes. His father sees a Barren field with a lone sunflower in it, and says "How sad, who killed all the Sunflowers?" Shaking his head, and hating industry. Who is right? Both. Things change.. Is it for good/for evil? Or for in between ? Is it rally that bad? Am I blind if I choose to notice the sunflower, and not the emptiness? Maybe I see the emptiness, but choose to look at the sunflower........ does that make me wrong too? IP: Logged | |