TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:31 PM
A wise man notices both  IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:35 PM
Pixie I love sunflowers.Tink I know exactly what you are saying about the earlier threads and posts. There was a harmonious unity that doesn't always exist now...but...I prefer exchange, I prefer people stirring it up together, rather than always agreeing. I'm not trying to detract from the beauty of what LL was before my time...but like Pixie said...well...back to my philosophy of life: Change your perspective and you change the world. I won't bury the hatchet in your wee-wee Daf...but I do think it's time for some hatchet burying on all parts.    IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 25287 From: Columbus, GA USA Registered: Nov 2000
posted July 23, 2004 08:39 PM
Daf, I appreciate both your loyalty and your dedication to Lindaland; however, even though your intentions were/are pure, you have inadvertently created an atmosphere of distrust, separateness, and finger-pointing. If someone or something has the goal of destroying our community, then wouldn't "divide and conquer" be the most likely approach? If so, have you not unwittingly helped them in this regard? Just something to ponder. ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 23, 2004 08:49 PM
Oh no trill. I love a good debate. Yes-men and bunnies and kitties and gee-wiz-isn't- everything-just-neeto make me sick. I spend far too much time in GU for my own good as it is. It was something deeper. I was surprised and saddened by this feeling. And quite taken off guard too. This happened to me before daf's post in Oranges and Hyacinths and before his poem in Yellow Wax. Obviously before this post too. IP: Logged |
Irish Eyes Knowflake Posts: 461 From: PA,USA Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 23, 2004 08:51 PM
BloodRedMoon Knowflake Posts: 932 From: somewhere out there Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 23, 2004 09:01 PM
WOW!As usual, I am completely in the dark. Is there a secret forum I don't know about where all of this is going on or am I just missing the threads this negativity is in? hrmmm... or maybe because I hardly ever go to the Global Unity forum thingie? Or maybe I'm just oblivious -- which is definately a possibility. Well in any case... get thee behind me evil minions of polyester!! I'm not going anywhere soon  editted to add: Yeah this thread makes me a little paranoid. And partly I do wonder if I am in anyone's laserbeams. When I first got here I was accused of being someone/thing I'm not and it was really difficult. And, no, I don't recall having said anything meanspirited/sarcastic/or even remotely negative to anyone here... if I did I'd hope someone would point it out to me. And yet I still worry. It's just in some people's nature soemtimes. I know I can have a really light and dark energy around me sometimes. I'd like for people not to get confused by it. ------------------
Follow the moon - Follow the sun Let's make a deal this time to stay with the plan All that is needed is one leap of faith Everything else will fall into place Your life is a canvas -The colors are you
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 23, 2004 09:10 PM
Good!IP: Logged |
dafremen unregistered
posted July 23, 2004 11:15 PM
The laserbeams were your reactions people. You demonstrated what some of us had felt was there all along. Good thing that toward the end there, you also demonstrated that there is hope for this place.I hope you get it now, the reason this is the most negative thread that you've ever felt at Lindaland, is because what was spread out all over Lindaland, was finally concentrated into one place. It's not a you, or a you, or a me. There are no fingers to point. Just look around this thread and read your OWN words, as I have been reading mine. It's the way we have been responding to each other. (Kudos silverbells, and some of you others who I am too drunk to recall off the top of my head. I'll edit this post tomorrow.) Funny thing was, I learned a lot about myself along the way too. I have issues from my early childhood related to rejection that need to be resolved. Guess I got more out of this thread than I had bargained for, but I'm still glad I did it. I hope someday, you folks will come to feel that way too. Now my head hurts, it was cheap beer.
Good night, and I love you all. (And I mean that sh*t daf IP: Logged |
BloodRedMoon Knowflake Posts: 932 From: somewhere out there Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 23, 2004 11:39 PM
argh beer hangovers are the worst. You should be drinking vodka!! IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 24, 2004 03:12 AM
I drank Vodka. Am I enlightened?   i will let you know tomorrow.... right now I feel pretty damn horny..... I mean, enlightened. 
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BloodRedMoon Knowflake Posts: 932 From: somewhere out there Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 24, 2004 03:14 AM
You and I have so much in common. SO MUCH!IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 24, 2004 03:42 AM
-Dafremen quote: so many besides myself are willing to LEAVE the site over..
-lioneye68 quote: Considering the current social climate, it's little wonder that LL has a slightly edgy tone lately.
-Philbird quote: My aura egg has been invaded!
-Dafremen quote: You can be in my one man club any day.
quote: You are examining my intentions under a microscope and putting them in the worst possible light
Correct me if I'm wrong but, that's what you did in your first post. Some of you feel that the is a laser Beam aimed at out heads? I will not be afriad. There are many things to learn from these Posts. Many People have put up their hearts. Well, I say it progress. It gives us time to rethink our situation. Yes as Linda Land grows... It becomes more serious,sometimes more formal, and it has lost it's innocents... But so have we. RIII IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted July 24, 2004 03:45 AM
Randall, I see your humility. Although you post EVERYWHERE, You have removed yourself from such Drama, I admire you. That is hard to do. I’m 17 and all those hormones runnin’ around in ya, all yea wanna do is have sex and fight and drink beer and have drama to make your life seem important. Everyone likes to be important. Esp. in a society that Idealizes the way it does… Thank You for being wise and knowing where you belong. It provides us with not so much of this assurance of what to look for.IP: Logged |
Charlotte Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: USA Registered: Apr 2004
posted July 24, 2004 04:55 AM
Let there be love, Daf...nothing is greater!------------------ May the angel of your higher s-elf, guide you always. IP: Logged |
Raindrops Knowflake Posts: 27 From: Registered: Dec 2002
posted July 24, 2004 07:58 AM
Folks, I want to apologize for what I¡¦m going to write first, cos I know it¡¦s going to sound far-fetched and silly so some¡K. Perhaps it has something to do with my inability to express myself. But anyway, this is free-for-all, so here it goes.You see, I read Wonder Woman and JLA (Justice League of America) comics. Yes, Wonder Woman and JLA. There¡¦s this special edition of the JLA story called ¡§The League of One¡¨. Now I¡¦ll be brief to summarize the story: One day, Wonder Woman received an oracle, telling her that she and her Justice League friends would die in a battle against an immense evil. Wonder Woman noticed that the prophecy only said ¡§the League¡¨, but didn¡¦t name anyone of number of people who would die. She decides to to fight the monster, which turns out to be an ancient dragon, on her own, as a League of One. To do that, she did all sorts of things to send all her team members away from the earth. She took away green lantern¡¦s ring, send Martian man hunter to the core of the earth, surrounded by fire, and she confronted bat man and fought him and superman. Having done all that, she took on the dragon on her own and defeated it, though she almost died if not for it if not for superman. The reason why the league members would have died and fulfilled the prophecy was that the dragon¡¦s fire fed on lies, and was fatal to anyone who had told lies. Wonder Woman, having the lasso of truth and having been the goddess of truth, managed to resist the dragon¡¦s fire unscatched. So, that¡¦s the story. Now, I¡¦m not comparing daf to wonder woman, not in the sense that you might think. I just want to say that Wonder Woman did what she felt she HAD TO do. She couldn¡¦t have told the team members cos they would never have let her take on the monster on their own. Being the only on from the league with backgrounds in magic, she firmly believed in the fulfillment of the prophecy. That¡¦s her reality. She knew she couldn¡¦t even discuss this, cos someone like Batman would never buy that prophecy crap. So if fighting her comrades was what it took to save them, she¡¦d do it. That¡¦s why she did what she had done. Many may question the choice of wonder woman; ¡§what? You thnk you¡¦re better than superman, huh? You want to make a martyr of yourself, huh? You could have told us! We¡¦re good enough to deal with it cos we¡¦re the JLA!.....¡¨ Yes, the others could have come up with many other ¡§solutions¡¨. But to Diana, she made the only choice that she felt was right. It was the best possible behaviour/decision within her way of seeing things. Yes, that¡¦s why she did what she did. That¡¦s WHY, Ra. No, no, no. I¡¦m not putting daf on a pedestal. I¡¦m NOT comparing him to Wonder Woman in this context, no, no, no, I¡¦m not saying that daf is ¡§saving¡¨ anyone, no. I;m just trying to say what I see in terms of his ¡§position¡¨¡K (darn, I just can;¡¦t seem to say it right, but I do hope you see what I mean.) and I¡¦m using the story to illustrate it. Come to think of it, what would you have done if you were wonder woman? Remember, to you, the prophecy/oracle was very real. * * * That¡¦s the first point I want to make. And then: I think Daf has stated very clearly that there are no fingers to point, and there are no laser beams. Shall we then not base our reponse on the premise that there ARE laserbeams? Cos it¡¦s bit pointless, don¡¦t you think? Cos it¡¦s like: A: The trees are dying because of the deforestation, you know. We should be more aware of environmental protection. B: Oh, my goodness, is my tree going to die? Gosh, what should I do? A: Well, take good care of it. Anyway, I¡¦m talking about trees in general, you know? B: What do you mean, isn¡¦;t my tree a tree? My tree is a tree also! Just as precious as the other trees ¡K A: I didn¡¦t say your tree isn¡¦t precious.. B: But you just said that trees are dying and then you ignored my tree¡K A: Look, you¡¦ve missed the point¡K You see what I mean. * * * One of the words in DeepIYM¡¦s post really stood out to me as I read the thread: Progress. Yes, despite all these negativities, I feel that we are making progress. And in the right direction, too. All things are as it should be and I¡¦m sure this is just another phase of growth for Lindaland. * * * And Daf, it¡¦s a he. I¡¦m curious about the song you talk about ¡K Daf, please examine the need for your frequency in replying to the posts in this thread. Are you ¡§up to it¡¨? To me, you still haven¡¦t regained your spiritual composure and you¡¦re still very much strained and/or drained. From the way you¡¦re responding, you maybe, I mean MAYBE just sabotaging what you set out to do initially, as other knowflakes have pointed out.
Rest well, before you post again, my friend. Peace, Raindrops
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 24, 2004 07:58 AM
 (Wishes he had magic bracelets that deflect bullets for this thread.)
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dafremen unregistered
posted July 24, 2004 08:27 AM
Ahhh Raindrops,It seems my hunch about you was correct. You've been through a looking glass or two, haven't you? You're right of course, this thread has drained me immensely. Of course everything has it's price and that's one of the prices I'll pay for doing what I felt was the right thing to do. Was it? Like I said, I believe it was, but only time will tell. As for the frequency of my responses here, they were both intentionally frequent and in some cases, unintentionally abrasive. That was the result of this rejection issue I was talking about. You no doubt notice, as did I, that those who attacked me, got attacked, and those who didn't, well...didn't. I have gone back and reexamined my words (I wouldn't have asked others to do the same otherwise) and found that I'm dealing with a defense mechanism; a sort of preemptive strike against those that would reject me, even though their own negative reactions to my words are based upon THEIR OWN UNRESOLVED ISSUES, not anything that was under my control. So my reaction itself is unreasonable. I'm not putting their words in the context of what's going on with them, but rather in the context of how they feel about me. That is not a rational thought process. It seems that there are issues that need resolving throughout LL, but knowing that you need to clear the crap out of your closet is a lot easier than actually doing it. I've been working on this issue for about 2 or three weeks now, on and off with another here at LL. We're both aware that we have issues which are blocking our progress down the spiritual path. A final comment I would like to make is directed towards those who call this thread divisive. To the best of my knowledge, the only rift that has been created here has been created between others and myself. Those that say that Lindaland has become an uncomfortable place because of this thread, and my comments, should really look around. It wasn't but a week ago that someone was telling someone else that they were anal retentive for politely expressing their opinion. Engaging in a little "mixing it up" as trillian puts it is one thing, but being downright RUDE to another human being because of YOUR feelings on a subject is uncivilized and uncalled for. You would NOT walk up to a complete stranger on the street and ask them if "THEY EVER HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM." Where I grew up, that sort of stupidity would lose you some teeth. The most ironic thing of all is that much of these divisive acts of verbal brutality occur on a thread that is called Global Unity. Global WHAT? We should call it Global Indicator, because it's so indicative of why we're NOT coming together that it's not even funny anymore. The place SCARES some Knowflakes, and that's supposed to somehow be about unifying us as a race? There is debate, and there are differences of opinion, and then there is just downright UNREASONABLE behavior. For as long as we open our mouths and put up our dukes before our minds and our hearts are engaged, there will be NO "Global Unity." Anyhow, I'm done with this thread. Like you said Raindrops, it's drained the h**l out of me and I really need a break from this place for a day or two. I love you all, and my love is genuine, and heartfelt. I wish for you only the best and I guess that might make me a dreamer or a sucker...or both, but oh well, this twelfth house sun/first house neptune is what he is. Love, light and laughter my friends, IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted July 24, 2004 08:47 AM
*D*A*F* (I hear ya, guy!) IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted July 24, 2004 09:10 AM
Very well put Raindrops (Wonder Woman was always my favorite ) IP: Logged |
StarLover33 Knowflake Posts: 3061 From: King Arthur's Camelot Registered: Jun 2002
posted July 24, 2004 09:28 AM
It sounds like you've proved your point.  THE END. -StarLover IP: Logged |
Meili Zhiwei Knowflake Posts: 256 From: Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 24, 2004 03:50 PM
Peace Raindrop.Just a short note to say that I enjoyed your Story. There are few surprises in this wonderful existence and I can say that your post provided me with a lovely start to my day. It is said that the Wise see Truth in the mundane while the fool chases his tail/tale. I suspect you secretly keep your rope of Truth and your metal deflecting wristbands stashed away in your closet eh . You should bring them out more frequently so that others may enjoy your Gifts. Peace and Blessings. Meili
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Aselzion Moderator Posts: 1422 From: North Andover, MA Registered: Nov 2002
posted July 24, 2004 03:55 PM
Greetings..For what it's worth, and having just spent (wasted?) close to 20 minutes reading this thread... I stand with Ra and Randall. If one has something to say, I believe one should just say it. Leave the cryptic stuff to the posers and the frauds. I find that the defense mechanism used very often in this thread "that's your stuff, not mine" and yes, I am praphrasing here, sounds a bit like when the kindergarteners say... "I know you are, but what am I?". Spirituality is the only reason for human existence... and EVERYTHING is Spiritual. This is as much a Spiritual plane as any other. We are all aspects of God and Goddess. Evil exists only in the minds and hearts of those that make that Choice. But can evil ever dominate the Soul to the point that it cannot be "saved"? Can a Soul ever truly be sullied? I believe that Neal Donald Walsch has admirably answered these questions in his story of The Little Soul and the Sun. I would refer any who have not read it to see this thread: As the enlightened poet/songstress Jewel has so wisely noted: "We are, God's hands... We are God's eyes... In the end, only kindness matters!" Blessed Be... A  ------------------ "The ALL is MIND; the Universe is Mental." *** The Kybalion
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jwhop Knowflake Posts: 9417 From: Madeira Beach, Florida Registered: Aug 2001
posted July 24, 2004 04:12 PM
Well dafremen, I've been on LL for a long time and I must say this thread is the most negative and divisive I've seen here.We've had people lobbing grenades from the cover of multiple screen names who were banned, Ace Yellow and Carlo come to mind and some of what they said was really nasty stuff. That said, I've never seen anyone on this site I thought was a willing tool of the "forces of darkness" or possessed by demons nor have I ever felt that was a matter subject to my judgment. We've been treated to whispering campaigns in the shadows of LindaLand and another Linda Goodman site before and they never served any useful purpose....except perhaps for those who were so engaged. Certainly, they resulted in hard feeling, polarization of the membership and some members leaving the sites....I assume voluntarily. You may have childhood issues to deal with dafremen, a lot of people do. Most of us deal with them in private or take those issues to the people responsible. In America, at least half the population would disagree with your views of America, the world and the Universe. Many and I do mean many would have strong disagreements with you and the ability to express those disagreements ably and well. If you further alleged those people were actively engaged with the forces of darkness or on the other hand unwittingly possessed by demons, they would surely bring all guns to bear and fire on you. Your posts are very far over the line in my opinion dafremen. You've been advised by several members that your posts were divisive and those people are in no way aligned in their beliefs, politically or most certainly not with mine. I agree with their assessment, however. Since you said in the beginning you knew who those aligned with dark forces are, I've been waiting for you to spit it out but you chose to spiritually tar those individuals with innuendo and oblique references. Adults settle their issues directly and with those with whom they have those issues. This site is Randall's property. Randall sets the parameters of what's acceptable speech here and he exercises that power with a light but firm hand. Free expression is a valued and cherished commodity which contributes to the whole. It seems you wish to limit speech by those whom you disagree with while at the same time leaving those of like mind the freedom to say whatever they wish. Alleging those who disagree with you or with whom you disagree are the witting or unwitting accomplices of the forces of darkness is not a tactic I'm likely to accept. If your self image, view of America, the world or the Universe cannot stand examination or you find your positions factually untenable, perhaps an internal examination is a good place to start. You have posted the most hateful words I've ever seen on this site; that some here are in league with the forces of darkness or possessed by the forces of darkness. I seriously doubt your competence to judge the spiritual nature of another but those words are an attack on the very essence of the individual(s). IP: Logged |
grayheart Knowflake Posts: 215 From: Land O Love Registered: Oct 2003
posted July 24, 2004 05:41 PM
After reading this thread, I felt I would comment and after I finish I likely will not comment in this thread again.This thread is a perfect example of exactly what Daf was talking about. If Daf had been wrong about there being dark elements at work he should have been met with logical and reasoned responses asking why he feels this way. Instead he is met with criticism and is demanded to identify this force or forces. This thread started as a concerned observation, and has degenerated into an all out war about whose started what and why. Frankly I am ashamed to see it. I have been away from this board for some time, because I have been sorting thing out in my own life and I came back recently becasue I missed it, and now I see this kind of thing going on. It dissapoints me to say the least. I hope everyone will take a long hard look at what they are saying and decide for themselves what direction to take. I also hope that at the very least we all take a moment to think twice before we start to attack anyones comments without first asking ourselves why we feel the need to attack. That is all I am going to say on the matter. IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted July 24, 2004 07:36 PM
I agree with Ra, Randall, Aselzion and jwhop. This thread has become extremely polarizing and divisive. I am seeing it leak into other forums with fingers pointed and phrases such as "I recommend you read what Daf has written about all of this" (That is a paraphrase..but the essence was there). I am watching as people are becoming defensive and others state "Your defensiveness is a result of your own inner negativity". Some say there is no witch hunt, but let me ask you. If people are coming out of the wood work and starting to cast vague suspicions at their fellow LL posters, thus causing others to question their "league with the dark force" is that not a form of a witch hunt? We are all reasonably intelligent people ( I say reasonably because there is always someone smarter somewhere) and we can see a veiled accusation in a statement. I posted in GU that it has become (similar to what Aselzion said) like a school yard problem. Where one group of kids starts a rumor about another group they don't like. Meanwhile, some of the other kids jump on the bandwagon so that they don't have be part of the "unpopular" crowd. What ends up happening is that everyone stands divided. That is not what LindaLand is about. It is about EVERYONE joining in from ALL walks of life. Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Christians, Wiccan's, Pagans, Muslims, Vegetarians, Government workers, Corporate wonks, people of ALL parts of the WORLD. How can we all be expected to be the same? It is through that difference that we learn. It is through false assumptions and accusations that we devolve. Is there negativity here? Yes....always..but it also exists in the world in every function of everyday life. Why would a forum be exempt? But now, the negativity is different - so much so that I last night I dreamed it was like a scorpion..angry with itself and stinging itself again and again..the result being death. The house where the scorpion lived was also empty, falling into decay, the plaster falling off the walls, the staircase no longer functions. The owners had simply abandoned the house, leaving all their items where they lay. The only left was that scorpion stinging itself to death. Is that we we are coming to? Stinging ourselves (LindaLand) and bringing about our own death? I suppose it could fit. LL does have Pluto rising in Sag. Maybe the current transit of Pluto as it retrogrades towards that conjunction, is what we are seeing regarding the Scorpion trying to sting itself to death - or change. I am confident that all will work out. Pluto has that power of transformation. It will separate the wheat from the chaff and LindaLand will continue. IP: Logged | |