posted July 23, 2004 09:42 PM
Thank you Meili.Unfortunatly Daf's thread has gotten blown out of proportion. People allowed their ego's to become too involved. It turned into people feeling like Daf was pointing fingers at them. When that was never his aim. And what has now happened, is people are pointing fingers at him.
I never felt that he was refering to me or anyone else that replied to his post. And I was amazed at all of the people who felt this way. Of course we have all posted something at one time or another and to different degrees, that we looked back upon and thought, "Hmmm, maybe I shouldnt have said it like that, or maybe I went a little over the top." But no one here is perfect. We are all gathered here in a place to learn. And what do we ever learn from our interactions and reactions with others? We learn more about ourselves. Each person here is a reflection of self. We percieve good and bad in other's, but we are only seeing ourselves. Alot of people claim to know this truth but are actually very far from truly KNOWING it.
Don't we all know by now that Daf is not the type of person to come here in a quest to come off as superoir, or have some kind of following where everyone praises him and every word he speaks? Think of all of the beautiful and enlightening posts that have come from this man. Alot of us have learned alot from him. I believe in my heart of hearts that he has the best intrests for everyone here, this was his aim in his posting. It was not coming from a place of superority, or whatever alot of others are making it out be.
And even if Daf was pointing a finger at one of us - who cares? Daf is just another human being here. Don't we all know ourselves enough not to let others so called finger pointing bother us. If it bothers some so deeply and makes them paranoid that they are the one bringing about negative energy, then it is time to take a deep look within.
You are not on solid footing with yourself. If someone accuses you of something and you get angry or right away deny it. It may be best to take a step back and examine your self a little closer.
Daf opened a can of worms that some people just arent ready for. But in these times of change, it is in all of our best interests to be AWAKE and listen with open ears, heart, and minds. Not constantly thinking of ourselves. This does not mean we must listen to everything we are told. Not at all. Listen to what feels right within. It can be very hard to hear over the loud voice of your ego.
I don't think we should all be agreeing on everything and pretending that nothing is wrong in the world either. But there are more positive routes that can be taken in the negative path that some threads seem to take. It starts with each of us. One by one we can make Linda land and the world a better place. These thoughts have gotten some not so nice remarks said to me here, but I can take it. I know all of the doubters responses to what I have said and that's okay. Think what you like. You know a small piece of me, which is inside of you........we are ALL connected.
Daf, I am very much interested in what you have to say and look forward to the next postings on this subject, if you still decide to write them.
Much Love and Thanks to all of you here, helping me along on my path.