Topic: What to do in life?
dorkus_malorkus Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Hopelessly lost........ Registered: Jun 2003
posted August 08, 2004 11:10 PM
Hi all. Well, I am both nervous and excited, I'm finally moving out of my stepdad's house in Reno to live with friends in Sacramento. I'm so worried that I'll be one of those annoying roommates that nobody likes, or I won't be able to find a job when I get there. I'm saving up a bit of money before I go, selling some old stuff and what not. Plus my mom is sending money for my birthday next month. Anyway, I think that it'll be good to get away from my stepdad's abusive ways. I'm gonna start college in spring hopefully at Sacramento City Community College and work towards my transfer. I am a bit apprehensive cos after years of thought, I dunno what I wanna do with myself. I've taken aptitude tests and things of that nature and my results said I should be in Communications which I originally wanted to do (makes sense with my Midheaven in Gemini ). But I've been giving thoughts to other things like English and Environmental Science. English would make sense, because that was always my best subject in school. But I've always had this feeling since I was little, that I was supposed to do something really important, to help people, and restrict suffering and what not. Well, I am going to see how things turn out, but I would like to know how you all decided what you wanted to do in life. I thank you all in advance for your input Love, Stacey IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted August 08, 2004 11:38 PM
Oh Stacy......I'm so happy that you're moving out...... ...and try not to worry, hon.....You're certainly not an annoying "forum mate"........ so how could you possibly be an annoying roommate? I'm sure you're gonna do just fine....... try and keep a positive attitude and I'm sure the job thing will work out, too....'Course, I understand that it's only natural that you'd be nervous about such a step...but it's definitely a change that you need....go with the flow...and enjoy your "freedom." Now as for how I decided what to do in my life...hmmmmm....I've got to think about that, and will get back to you......It's been kind of a strange life....but I wouldn't trade it for anything... Just let things happen...(of course, with a little planning...) It's gonna be fun.. Love, Rainbow IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted August 09, 2004 01:35 AM
I'm so happy for you Stacey. Everything will work out - it always does. I think you have made a wise choice to move and start a new life for yourself. I wish you every good thing the world has waiting for you.A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. - Lao-Tzu IP: Logged |
ghanima81 Moderator Posts: 1577 From: MAINE! :) Registered: Aug 2003
posted August 09, 2004 06:46 AM
Stacey, That is an interesting topic! Having just made the decision myself (after 5 years of moving all over creation since high school), it's all still quite fresh in my mind. I used to want to be an actress, I moved out to L.A. to try my hand at all that Hollyweird nonesence, but I just didn't really have the heart for all that rejection, nor the money to take off work for auditions all the time. But living out there was a blast, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. After moving to Scottsdale, AZ for a bit, and then Oklahoma City, I made it back to the east coast (Maine) for the summer. I took off for England in November, and have been over here ever since. I thought, well, I really want to go to school, but what to go for? And then I began really looking into the schools over here, finding out what sort of programs they offer. They set up their course loads according to what you will be doing with your degree.... and they really help you find what you will enjoy, what will pay the bills, and what is sensible. I have an ardent love for history, and find the history of the UK is amazing and can teach so many lessons... I live by the statement ''if you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it'', and so have decided to work a history major into a job that involves politics, not running for president politics, but more like working for organizations that help people. Environmental or the like. I hope to perhaps teach for a while, and continue to just learn as much as possible about world issues, hopefully to be able to make a difference, or at least try. I think that when choosing what sort of career path you want to be on, just consider what type of work would feel fulfilling to you. Something that you can survive on, but mostly something you will enjoy. I hope it all works out for you!! Sounds as though things are moving in the right direction.... good luck!!!Ghani IP: Logged |
Aen Knowflake Posts: 730 From: Registered: Nov 2002
posted August 09, 2004 09:15 AM
All the best! Moving to a new place always brings new opportunities.Have fun & try not to worry too much about what you want to do with your life. With Gem MC, the chances are, it will be more than one thing anyway. IP: Logged | |