Topic: Don't know where to post this, so I'll do it here!!
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 10, 2004 08:03 PM
This morning, I was walking in the plaza where I work, before my shift, and I saw a snake on the pavement. I thought "Oh, how funny, someone's put a rubber snake on the sidewalk." Then it moved. The poor little thing didn't know where he was, slithering towards a shop door, away from me.(He was a garden snake, nothing fierce.. I am in Canada.. ha ha) I just looked at him for a minute, not knowing what to do with him. I called over a co-worker for a witness, and he promptly did "The Crocodile Hunter" speak.. that was funny!)W hen I went into work, I told people, and asked if someone could put this poor baby back where he belongs, in a field somewhere. It is a plaza, and residential/commercial places around it, so I don't know where he came from. I hope he didn't hurt his underbelly on the pavement. I never found out what happened to him. I HOPE someone helped him out. A Few months ago, upon entering the plaza, there was a mouse right in my path too. Same thing, we just stood there, looking at each other. Later on today, there was a little bird, I think just learning to fly ( there are lots of nests in the roof rafters) He was in the middle of a busy intersection in the lot, and I noticed he was just hopping around.. not flying or anything, and would chirp up at his friends, and he'd get a response, and back and forth. It seemed like they were encouraging him.. so cute. Well, he still wasn't moving.. so I walked on out and gently 'shooed' him away from the road... can you imagine, a little bird being hit, just cuz he didn't know any better? Awwwww... He finally flew a short distance, just to get away from me, and i am sure I looked like a nut-bar to my fellow employees, shooing away a little hopping bird toward the sidewalk... Oh well. I just wanted to share this, but also... what do you think it means that I come across strange animal behaviours? Repeatedly, and in wierd ways. Wrong time and place..... Do animals generally get 'silly' and confused during Retrogrades? Like Mercury? So curious!!!!!IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 10, 2004 08:09 PM
Perhaps the Universe has a message for you.Dunno Pixie...but perhaps. I would have shooed the bird away, too. I've been known to pick up bugs from our parking lot at work and put them where they're safe. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted August 10, 2004 09:03 PM
Good job Pixie. I would have done the same thing.IP: Logged |
ghanima81 Moderator Posts: 1577 From: MAINE! :) Registered: Aug 2003
posted August 10, 2004 09:06 PM
I saved a bumble bee today from man mutilation, picked him up with a newspaper and gave him back to nature... everybody loves pollen!! Or... not so much, but the flowers seem to like it.... IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted August 10, 2004 10:01 PM
and the snake is thinking - Hey lady..thanks alot for moving me away from my mouse / bird buffet...LOL... Actually, the snake is fine on the pavement- they seek heat and the concrete holds it like boulders would in the wild.
On a very positive note, you save a mouse and a tweety bird from being lunch and dinner IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 10, 2004 10:46 PM
Hi Pixelpixie, I have this book that I just love about animals speak and I believe they have alot to say to you. Heres alittle bit about each animal: The snake Keynote: Rebirth, Resurrection, Initiation, and Wisdom Anytime a snake shows up as a totem, you can expect death and rebirth to occur in some area of your life. This rarely reflects an actual death but rather a transition. look for a change in conditions and a movement to new life, examine what is going on around you. Are you needing to make changes but aren't for some reason? Are you trying to force change too quickly? Are you striking out at people and shouldn't? Are you not stiking and should? Remember that a snake not only uses its venom and bite to overcome prey, but also for defense. What is needing to be healed. What new opportunities are surfacing that you need to stike out for take advantage of? The mouse Keynote: Attention to Detail When mouse shows up as a totem,it is either time to pay attention to details, or an indication that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You may be getting so locked into details that you forget the big picture. Ask yours-elf some important questions. Are you taking care of the trivial but necessary things in life? Are you getting so lost in the big dreams that you are neglecting other aspects of your life? Are you becoming so focused on one or two activities that you are neglecting to see other opportunities? Are you missing what is right in front of you? Is there something obvious that you are missing or need to focus on? Are you trying to do too many things at once and thereby scattering your energies. Mouse medicine can show you how to focus and pay attention to detail. It can show you how to attain the big things by working on the little things. Whenever mouse shows up there are lessons associated with attention. Bird, well it greatly depends on what kind of bird that it is. I hope this helps some and there is alot, alot more in the book, but to much too write. Solane Star
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LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted August 10, 2004 10:58 PM
All work and no play makes Pixie a dull Pixel Where ya be? IP: Logged |
Nephthys Moderator Posts: 3800 From: California Registered: Oct 2001
posted August 11, 2004 12:03 AM
Pixelpixie,It's wonderful you notice the creatures and care about them!!! Just in case you didn't know, we have an animal forum here, called Heathcliffe's Corner! LibraSparkle, do you have that commercial where you live too?
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 11, 2004 02:31 AM
Thanks for the responses, all my beautiful peeps! Thanks Solane Star for the interpretations.. how interesting to see how they fit. I was talking about that tonight.. I believe everything can carry a message if you seek one... and I have yet to know it in this scenario.. but I did find it interesting, and it will stay with me. Maybe I will divine the meaning, maybe it will be as interesting a moment as the original.IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted August 11, 2004 02:58 AM
Hey pix!I do believe that animals that suddenly pop into our life and grab our attention, have messages for us. Here is a good link on this that I found when rabbits were trying to bring a message into my life. Check it out. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 7178 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted August 11, 2004 04:06 AM
Pixie,I think I'm getting a toothache. Why can't all girls be as sweet as you? I bet you don't even think it's weird that I like to feed mosquitoes. peace, love, empathy, Heart-Shaped Cross
------------------ "Judgment is the antithesis of understanding." - Stephen Wallace Coltin IP: Logged |
Sheaa Olein Knowflake Posts: 2864 From: London Registered: Jul 2004
posted August 11, 2004 11:26 AM
Pixie! How are ya dollface? How are the lil' munchkins & ya guy? Was wondering where you got to! I can relate to the animal thing - I look for signs in everything though! I love reading the world, it's so lush sometimes.Do you and 26 have some kinda sychronised posting thing going on?? 26! where've ya been, how are you? Trillian quote: I've been known to pick up bugs from our parking lot at work and put them where they're safe.
Bless you! I do that with snails on pathways so they don't get squished - I would do with slugs, but they terrify me for some reason?! Solane Star - cool animal analysis! Being born in the Chinese year of the snake I'm facinated! LibraSparkle, ghanima81, pidaua, Nephthys, Heart-Shaped Cross - ------------------ "The hours I spend with you I look upon as sort of a perfumed garden, a dim twilight, and a fountain singing to it. You and you alone make me feel that I am alive. Other men it is said have seen angels, but I have seen thee and thou art enough." -George Moore IP: Logged |
trillian Knowflake Posts: 4050 From: The Boundless Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 11, 2004 02:49 PM
But you know, when it rains here at work, our sidewalks are flooded with worms. I can't save them, too many......but I absolutely love the Praying Mantis and I can't resist letting one rest on my hand a moment, till I put him in a safer place.
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 11, 2004 03:39 PM
Walking the other day, I saw a squished something on the sidewalk.. I thought it looked like a green larvae of some type, like a cocoon, and I felt sad that it was squished.. I thought.. if I had only come across it before, I would've moved it. I save worms too. My mom made up a song when we were little..... "After the rain stops on a rainy day, all you want to do is go out and play, and the whole world smells like worms, worms, worms, worms, Do me a favour, everytime you pass, pick up the wormies and put them in the grass... (Which my aunt changed to "pick up the wormies don't kick them in the ass" to our childish delight... .)I do kill earwigs on my patio. So I am not that 'sweet'. The other day, my hubby killed a potato bug.. My daughter looked at him with sad eyes and said "Daddy, don't kill the potato bugs, they bring everyone potatoes!!" Completely serious. And sad. Oh, and Heart Shaped Cross? You feed mosquitos , as in, with your own blood? I am not that compassionate. *slap* *squish* No Way.. there's a big bad disease going around called "West Nile" Spread by Mosquitos. *squish* IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted August 11, 2004 04:11 PM
Nephthys,Commercial? What's that? I have Tivo. IP: Logged |
Nephthys Moderator Posts: 3800 From: California Registered: Oct 2001
posted August 11, 2004 08:11 PM
LibraS,I'm just being a dope. I should have realized you were in Canada, not in Calif. like me, and so obviously you don't have that Calif. commercial with Jack Nicholson at the end where he says "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted August 11, 2004 08:51 PM
Neph - LibraSpankle..(hee hee) lives in Washington the Couve...LOL..Sorry that is what some of the dudes I knew call it when we all lived in Vancouver and went to school in Portland. Shea..that is a beautiful picture IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted August 11, 2004 09:12 PM
hehe.. yeah, The Couve... that's where I am IP: Logged |