Topic: Go-Go Dancing
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 22, 2004 02:33 PM
I will agree with Philly in one respect. It doesn't have to have a negative impact on you. You CAN come out of it OK, and having had a great time.I had a LOAD of fun durring that time in my life. I was completely single. No man. Didn't want one. Wanted to do my own thing with no strings attached. I did it.. I had a blast and I learned a lot. The only thing is.. my adverse childhood somehow has played a roll in my personal strength. If I were not a strong person, the experience would have been entirely different. It's entirely possible I could still be trapped in that life, and at my age... I'd be BROKE LOL IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted September 22, 2004 02:46 PM
OK, Lioney, I see what you mean. I suppose I prefer to relate to women and men as "people", not feminine or masculine beings. I consider that categorizing, or labeling. And for me that implies acting like a lable instead of who I am. I also went on my own personal rant, it's been a great struggle for me to overcome what I was labeling myself, and the way I should act, instead of who I really am.  IP: Logged |
astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 22, 2004 03:55 PM
Whoa! I havn't gotten this emotional on a message board in some time! I've got something to say to redgoddess: You seem to have some antiquated and narrow ideas about what it means to be "enlightened". There are other religions/philosophies on earth besides Judeo-Christianity, which is one of the small few that frowns on sex and sexuality. The Vedic teachings, for example, actually honor and revere sexuality as one of the highest human experiences. Do you think without the help of relentless social conditioning, you would have come to the conclusion that sex is such a terrible thing when experienced outside the confines of traditionally approved settings? Welcome to the twenty-first century! Sex is not a sin, it is a biological imperitive. You may look down on us, but I think it is merely your closed mindedness and mediocrity of worldview that makes you so uptight. We (dancers, ex-dancers, and pro-dancers) are the enlightened ones. There is nothing intelligent about adhering blindly to social mores. You should check out some Eastern religions and existentialism before you decide on who is enlightened and who is not. IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted September 22, 2004 04:17 PM
You're confusing the concepts of embracing your sexuality with selling it to complete strangers for the buck. There's a fundamental difference between the two. One charishes it, while the other devalues it, in a esoteric sense. IP: Logged |
astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 22, 2004 04:26 PM
I just disagree, lioneye68. There are more ways than one to use a thing; one is not necesarily incorrect. Yes, sex is different with someone you love, but that doesn't make it wrong when it is promiscuous. Giving people a thrill by dancing and flirting with them may not be your idea of Shakespearean romance, but it's nothing to get bent out of shape about either. It's just a bit of fun! IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted September 22, 2004 04:49 PM
Why'd you ask then, if you're only going to argue that it's perfectly ok? Obviously, you're already there, and it is your choice. But, we're defined by the choices we make on a daily basis, and I'm just concerned that you will one day come to regret this choice. No harm done yet...but you're at a turning point now. Where are you going, pretty lady? IP: Logged |
astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 03:43 PM
Lioneye68: To college hopefully. Ha ha! Just kidding. You're a tough nut to crack, yourself. I think you, of all the objectors, have made the most intelligent arguments against dancing. You realise, though, that if I accepted the first piece of advice I got on the issue (or anything at all) I would be unable to think for myself and do what is right for me. The stigma does put me off, but there are things I am far more concerned with right now than what I am in the imaginations of strangers. I was thinking of a quote earlier today. I can't remember who said it....."The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" Now that's my brand of philosophy.IP: Logged |
redgoddess Knowflake Posts: 15 From: california Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 04:26 PM
well, first off I would like to say thank you to thirteen. Next, I would like to say that lioneye's comments are fabulous and def. right on the money. Very eloquent.To astralah, I most certainly meant no offense to you, and have studied many, many religions-this has nothing to do with that. The point I'm trying to make is this: it seems that the people that are so ready to defend the "trade" of stripping become extremely defensive and are quick to reference an abusive childhood or a broken past in general. As already mentioned before, if you were so "ok" with this, why post what you did to start this whole free-for-all? Perhaps you didn't read my whole message: I said at one point in my life, I was there! Thankfully, the true me saved my butt (literally). I am all for women owning their sexuality-but what does getting naked and shaking it have to do with being comfortable as a woman? Now, I am all for "tasteful" nudity in art-whether it be performance art or a painting. This is because the nudity becomes a celebration of being human and not something sexual. Also, if I had become a stripper, I would def. say the same thing about people who look down on it: that they are not worth my time. But as someone who saved MYSELF from it, you cannot honestly say that most of the men who are ok with the fact their woman made a decision to be leered at naked don't have some kind of issue with themselves. You are more than an object; if you wanted to dance naked for free, I wouldn't have a problem with it. But dancing naked for money makes you something else entirely. Toodles! IP: Logged |
redgoddess Knowflake Posts: 15 From: california Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 24, 2004 04:29 PM
and I'm far from being uptight, baby...although you may want to try it sometime!IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 24, 2004 07:46 PM
Redgoddess... lemme get this straight...You honestly think there is something wrong with a man who can look past the fact that his spouse at one point decided to try her hand at stripping? I suggest there is something wrong with anyone with that mentality.
Uh... ever hear of Jesus Christ? He was buddies with a hooker . You saying Jesus was a bad man? Again... anyone with that point of view is not worth my time. I also pulled myself out of that life, and I learned a lot because of it. I'll agree that no decent man would be with a woman while she's dancing... but to judge her because of her past is a very primitave mind set, and I wouldn't want anything to do with anyone with such an underdeveloped mental capacity. I have learned enough in this life not to judge another by their hard times... apparently some people still have yet to learn that lesson  IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 24, 2004 07:57 PM
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lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3291 From: nevada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 24, 2004 11:26 PM
Not only that Libra Sparkle, people who are judgemental rarely look at themselves honestly. If they did, they wouldn't be so quick to judge. Live and learn.IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted September 25, 2004 12:22 AM
Aside from that, have you SEEN the men who go into these clubs? Ewwww. Wouldn't be MY choice of men who get to see me naked. For the most part, they're not worthy, not for any amount of money. But, maybe that's just me. I've been leered at by men since I was 11 - blond, blue eyes, darn cute if I do say so myself, and I sprouted C cup boobies in grade 6. I wasn't ready for the type of attention that came my way, and I often felt dirty because of the looks and comments that came from males of ALL ages, everywhere I went, and the scorn I felt from other girls - aiyche. This is likely why I feel so strongly that stripping cannot be good for a woman's soul. I just don't believe it is. I couldn't deal with being objectified like that. I don't know why anyone would willingly choose that. I think it's a choice that is made while in a bad state, and the heart and mind aren't communicating properly. It's truely a yucky feeling. You are so much more than your shell, but these men don't care...and if you're ok with that, then that means you don't care eithor. This is not liberating and progressive and empowering for womenkind, it is the OPPOSITE. It says that their value is only determined by their shells. Isn't that what we're trying to change? Let's not forget that it is still a choice that is made willingly, not an unfortunate circumstance that is thrusted upon a person. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 25, 2004 12:46 AM
All very true, lioneye.IP: Logged |
paras Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: the Heart of It All Registered: May 2004
posted September 25, 2004 01:50 AM
Hello! Mind if a man throws his two cents into the hat?  In your original post, Astralah, you asked four questions: quote: Am I damned? Headed for eternal damnation? Will my relationships with boys be screwed forever? What would Linda think?
My personal answers to those, very quickly: no, no, possibly, and read on. Your situation is serious, and you've already gottena lot of advice about it. I won't give you any more advice, because in the end it's you that has to make the decision. No one else can make it for you. And, indeed, it seems that you aren't looking for anyone else to make it for you. From your original questions, you want a clearer understanding of the issues involved, so that you can make an informed choice. Whenever you enter into any kind of business, it's good to be clear about what product or service you're selling. So what exactly would you be selling as a stripper? What is it that your customers are buying from you? Basically, they're buying mental masturbation. A man can be aroused by the sights shown to him as easily as he can through a touch. The difference between the stripper and the prostitute is only a matter of degree. Each sexually stimulates her client, but one does it through physical means and the other through mental means. As someone who has never frequented strip clubs, I am puzzled as to why any man would pay to stare at and be aroused by a body he could not then touch. Sounds like frustration to me. Why would I pay to be frustrated? If I were into sex purely for the physical gratification of it, I'd choose a prostitute over a stripper every time. So why, then, do men patronize strip clubs? Put simply, they have a sex obssession. This kind of "entertainment" is not entertainment, it's the pacification of an addiction. Men go to strip clubs for the same reason I just lit another cigarette while typing this. I know that the cigarette doesn't do anything good for me, doesn't benefit me in any way; and the strip club patron knows that staring at half-naked women isn't going to sexually satisfy him. But both they and I have become addicted to something; deep down in the strange inner workings of our subconscious minds, we've decided to use what we're addicted to as a substitute for something we don't think we can get any other way. Now I need to bring up the topic of 'lust', because this is where anything Linda Goodman might have had to say on the issue comes into play. There are two motivations behind sex and sexual stimulation (again, the product you would be selling as a stripper). One is love and the other is lust. Here's what Linda has to say about sex and lust: quote: Most people aren’t aware that when a man and woman mate a powerful auric light is sent out into the ethers, visible to millions of trinities of Spirits, Minds and Souls awaiting a birth channel. If the mating occurs for no reason but lust, the auric colors of the spectrum are muddy and indistinct, a rust-red color, and attract, as a birth channel, a Spirit who is not highly evolved but a spirit who, nevertheless, deserves his or her spin on the Karmic wheel of life.When a man and woman mate in love and tenderness the brilliant auric light projected by such a trembling, ecstatic union attracts a much higher evolved Spirit, who chooses this mating as a birth channel, which is what is meant by a “love child,” and does not necessarily require a piece of paper called a marriage license. Neither Spirits nor our Creators pay any attention to pieces of paper – since many of those who possess such a piece of paper mate in lust only. Parental channels are thus chosen by Spirits awaiting incarnation. Interesting that LUST is **** . (***note: this is from the Lexigrams chapter) It’s difficult to determine whether these two words were deliberately formulated by human wordsmiths or word druids. Lust describes mating experienced for one partner’s selfish sexual pleasure only. Sexual union experienced by those who have TAMED each other before they MATED, as we've already discussed, is blessed, and need not be experi-enced only for the purpose of conceiving. The ecstatic reward of love is a holy experience, whether or not it results in a voluntary or involuntary concep-tion. To create new life is a blessing, but so is the creation of mutual peace and fulfillment.
Notice the definition of lust there. I can imagine a rebuttal to this already: but when two people have sex, even if they don't love each other, they can still both enjoy it and get satisfaction from it." Yes, in a purely physical sense, they can both enjoy it. But each person is participating in order to experience their own enjoyment. Each partner in a love-less mating matches Linda's definition at teh same time. In my opinion, sex should not be a purely physical enterprise. We as human beings are bound to physical bodies, which have desires of their own, quite independent from the desires of our Spirits, our real S-elves. And these bodily desires are what sometimes cause us to separate Love from sex. Spiritual sex, or sex-in-Love, is not about physical gratification; it is about a deep connection and sharing between two people. When this sharing is not the motivation behind our sexual activities, its real value is lost, and we are doing little more than scratching an itch -- satisfying a fleeting desire of the physical body. A person may choose to have "casual sex" or they may not. I will not be one to label that person a "sinner". Such moral judgements are not for anyone else to make. For myself, I choose to hold the act of sex as sacred; having experienced the full ecstasy of true emotional union that it can be, why would I want to degrade it into something less? There is another negative effect of lust that Linda mentions in Star Signs, in the sixth of her 'rules' for physical immortality: quote: No sexual promiscuity. It short-circuits your soul. No unnatural sexual union – and don’t pretend you don’t know why. Any behavior in op-position to Nature’s laws is the enemy of the natural process of physical immortality. No pornography. It sets up images that block the discovery of your own Twin Self, through the law of magnetic attraction. And you cannot become a full immortal until you have achieved union with the missing half of your Spirit, of the you-of-you. Just the decision to become immortal in itself guarantees that you’ll find each other, at some point along the path. Isn’t that what you've been secretly searching for and aching for all of your life anyway? Face that truth. However many sex-ual partners you may have had – or are having now – you're still empty, still lonely, and you always will be until that miracle manifests. If you’ve practiced negative sexual behavior in the past, forgive yourself completely, then forget it. The true “confessional” is within.
Certainly, the idea of not recognizing my Twin Self because my mind is too preoccupied with images of strange women is a sad thought. All of the foregoing is an explanation of Lioneye's statement about the difference between "the concepts of embracing your sexuality with selling it to complete strangers for the buck. There's a fundamental difference between the two. One cherishes it, while the other devalues it, in an esoteric sense." As someone who has never objectified women, or seen them as anything other than a human being like myself, worthy of all respect -- I have never "leered at" women, or whistled and cat-called at them, or interacted with a woman solely for the purpose of sleeping with her -- I would hope that you do not feed the lust-addictions of others by sexually exciting them for no good reason with images of your body. I hope you will value your sexuality as more than a physical issue, as I do. But that is just my opinion.  There are many other issues to consider here, and they have been brought to your attention by others already. You have your reputation to consider -- and it's unfortunate that others will stereotype you, but they will. You have the emotional impact that the job will have on you over time. And as has been pointed out, there are always alternatives. I, too, judging by your posts, think that some aspect of the idea excites or intruigues you, but you are also instinctively aware of its negative potential, and are trying to balance between those two feelings. I wish you luck -- in whatever you do.  IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3291 From: nevada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 25, 2004 02:43 AM
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26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted September 25, 2004 02:56 AM
 ...and for lioneye too.
and to all of you.
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lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted September 25, 2004 03:31 AM
It's about time a man chimed in. I think most are staying away, in respect for the basic principal "if you can't say something nice..." but leave it to a Libra to find a way to balance that conundrum. (sp?)26T, I respect your stand on this issue. Tough love. Good food for the soul(sometimes). Sometimes we're compelled to just be supportive, and withhold our true opinions, or we just can't bare to judge another harshly, we're too empathetic to go there. Other times, we just have to be honest. But we always have to be kind, whichever way we go on the matter. I think Linda would be proud of this thread. I think I'm just a sentimental noo-noo head tonight.  IP: Logged |
lioneye68 Knowflake Posts: 6062 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2003
posted September 25, 2004 04:25 AM
And a special PS to Astralah...I think you're probably a beautiful soul, and you'll end up saying these same things to someone else one day. It might be your own daughter. Karma is like that. You asked the question for a very good reason. Think about it. Do the right thing. With love Lion 
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astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 25, 2004 04:15 PM
LibraSparkle: As much as I agree with most of what you say, I think a decent man WOULD date a dancer while she was dancing--I've met one such man and heard of another. It depends on the motivation, of course--one type of man who would do it is very shallow and the other is very deep. You have to take it case by case. Lioneye68: I think you might be a little squeamish. You sound like me when I was twelve. Paras: I'm as glad to hear from a man as the rest, but I want to say something about Linda's rule about sexuality in the Immortality chapter: I just flat out disagree with it. In fact, I smell a lot of nasty stuff in her attitude including homophobia and fudamentalism. I've always had a problem with that passage--she comes off like some whacko bible thumper.IP: Logged |
astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 25, 2004 04:21 PM
Oh, and Paras: Honestly, about dating a dancer/ex-dancer--would you or wouldn't you?IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 25, 2004 04:31 PM
quote: Lioneye68: I think you might be a little squeamish. You sound like me when I was twelve.
Lioneye sounds NOTHING like a twelve year old. I may not agree with everything she says, but I respect her and think she is an enlightened, intelligent adult. How 'bout you watch what you say, darlin'? and if you are so conserned with how people feel about you that you single mindedly ask the same question over and over again, why alienate people with your attitude, when they simply answer your question?Oh... are you only concerned with what men think? IP: Logged |
astralah Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 25, 2004 04:47 PM
Oh, Pix, you firecracker, I'm just Very very curious about everything--obsessed you might say.IP: Logged |
paras Knowflake Posts: 1660 From: the Heart of It All Registered: May 2004
posted September 25, 2004 05:35 PM
Astralah, I could never make such an important decision on so little information.  IP: Logged |
redgoddess Knowflake Posts: 15 From: california Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 25, 2004 09:05 PM
well, this is certainly an interesting discussion. i think that lioneye is the most fabulous person just based on the sheer delicacy in the way she phrases her responses. i just want to say that anything involving sexuality usually illicits strong responses, so you can't be surprised if people become passionate. just remember to share the love, baby! i myself have met men that have dated strippers after they quit, and have been told it is unusually difficult because the women retain negativity from the past. if you have been a stripper, moved on, and found someone that loves you, then that is fabulous! i would never myself judge anyone's partner because of past experiences they have been through. everyone has something they may not be particuarly proud of. as long as you come to terms with it, then you're ok in my book. problems arise only when people say they are past something, but are clearly not. just be honest. and i wish more males would join this conversation-since this has a lot to do with them, whether or not we want to admit it. unless you're stripping in a lesbian club... IP: Logged | |