posted September 15, 2004 03:01 PM
HI Lalalinda, LOL..I think you are right.. we must have known each other in a past life. We made up this funny story that maybe one of Stonewall H's kin fell in love with one of Pedro V's kin (See Stonewall - the dude with his last name- came here in the early 1800's while Pedro's people came here in the early 1900's and died a few months before I was born).
Our story is that Stonewall's grandson fell in love with Pedro's daughter. She was promised to someone else and Pedro would not relent. So Stonewall's grandson murdered Pedro to free the daughter from the promise in 1969. In grief, poor Luciana, Pedro's wife, died of heartache one year later.
We do not know what ever happened with Stonewall's grandson and Pedro's daughter. he doesn't call me Pid- I just used that to keep my name out. Then it hit me, everyone knows my name anyway LOL...and it's on the photo board along with his. Hee hee..
You know, for a Taurus, he really is up for adventure. He seems to get a kick out of my reaction often, well except on those rare (hee hee) moments when I am a bit peeved (Saggie for p1ssed) or when I am high strung.
Here is another weird story. I picked up my dad in Tulsa, OK and we drove the rest of the way out to AZ. On the way we stopped at Ft. Sumner, NM and had breakfast at this cool place called "Tito's Burritos" As we were sipping our coffee, this big lady trucker walks in and starts asking the patrons about if they knew the "H" family. Seems that she was born there and lost touch with her family and wanted to trace the lineage.
As it happened her great-grandaddy moved there years and years ago. Where he moved from, I have no idea. He was also a Twin.
My ears perked up on that one. See Mr. Taurus not only shared the last name, but he is also a twin.
When Mr. Taurus first came to Ft. Huachuca and was getting his BDU's and gear, the guy helping him was obviously Indian. So Mr. T asked which tribe. The guy said "Mescalero Apache". He was like " fiance is also Apache".. Then they started talking and they called me so that I could tell them which tribe - Chiricahua and Mr. T says 'Ah too bad, I thought you could be related - she also has a Spanish surname, so the chances are slim".
The guys says "Well, who knows, I am Chiricahua on my dad's side but we trace our lineage through the mother. By the way my last name is "V".
He had the same last name as me!!!
Phili - when are we going to meet? Did you get my last post / response? We are going do the movie and mall thing today. I hope all is well with you and you enjoyed your rock searching day.
LibraSparkle - Thank you..from the sounds of things, it looks like you and your Taurus were also meant to be!!!
Thanks all!!!