Topic: Children Learn What They Live
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 29, 2004 01:02 PM
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves. If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy. If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy. If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence. If children live with tolerance, they learn patience. If children live with praise, they learn appreciation. If children live with acceptance, they learn to love. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal. If children live with sharing, they learn generosity. If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness. If children live with fairness, they lear justice. If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect. If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and those about them. If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live. -Dorothy Law Nolte "Children do learn what they live. Then they grow up to live what they've learned." IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 29, 2004 01:37 PM
To the top. Hey LibraSparkle. Good to hear from you. I have been busy with school but I want to say hi!Yes it's true. All of which have been said above. I'm learning to deal with my childhood and manage what I'm learning. Randall III IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 29, 2004 03:47 PM
Hi Randall school's a good thing to be busy with. How's the track thing going?I got that poem out of the book Children Live What They Live Parenting to Inspire Values. The book has dedicated a small chapter to each line above. I've loaned it out to three of my friends in the past... funny how I got it back It's prolly the only book I've ever gotten back IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 30, 2004 03:59 PM
HEY! Track.... uh? (I'm looking for a face that i'll say what I feel. I hurt my Knee and I can't run for the moment being.... DAMN, I'm really dislikin' it. I was going to go for a beautiful run this morrning thinking that I was doing better... Well I had to walk and walking is just to slow after running 150 miles or so in the last month...Anyway, I was so very glad that I had some time to pop over to linda land and say hello. LibraSparkle, I like that poem. it is inspiring, but at the same times sad... I'm sure I'm not the only one whose cxhild hood was.... a little choatic. Anyway... with love! Randall III IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 30, 2004 08:37 PM
Nope, hon... we have that in common BUT, it builds character. Without the tramatic kiddo-hood, neither of us would be the same people that we are today... and we ROCK One of these days you're going to have kids of your own, and you'll be a fabulous father. You'll have a wonderful example to look back on and see how NOT to do things. You're very well put together, darlin'. I'm confident that you're going to be just fine. Sorry about your knee. Try not to push yourself too hard. I dislocated and chipped my knee cap in track my freshman year (of HS). I had to hobble around campus in a cast from hip to toe for 8 weeks, then another 4 weeks in a brace. I hated it so much! To shower, I had to wrap my leg in a plastic garbage bag to keep my cast from getting wet... or take a bath and leave my leg hanging out of the bathtub. That was kinda hard, so I mostly showered with a garbage bag IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 30, 2004 08:45 PM
DeeplyM~ I'll bet your thighs are very firm, all that running. A Pisces with nice thighs. Oh, Hi Librasparkle!!! How you doing? IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 30, 2004 09:15 PM
Hi Pixie IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 30, 2004 09:20 PM
You betcha You should see my butt too. IP: Logged |
DeepIYM Knowflake Posts: 355 From: Colorful Colorado Registered: Aug 2003
posted September 30, 2004 09:22 PM
Pisces do make good parents. And I LOVE kids... I really do. I'm going on a outdoor lab trip to Mount Evens (highest road in the world for those of you who don't know.) I'll be teaching kids a core class and being a mentor, all while being in the great outdoors! I'm looking forword to it!IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 30, 2004 09:34 PM
Can I come to watch you squat? *giggle*IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted October 02, 2004 08:10 PM
Randall, that sounds great IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted October 02, 2004 09:07 PM
(normally, my innappropriate comments are said.. possibly heard, and I giggle, then they fade into the atmosphere.. this way.. they stay, and I realize what a little silly-*** I am. Oh well.. 'tis me. As long as it is taken with a giggle and a grain of salt.. or rice.. however big you want it.)IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted October 03, 2004 01:12 AM
I you PixIP: Logged |
Gia Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: California Registered: May 2004
posted October 03, 2004 01:40 AM
I too Pix. Please don't ever change. You always make me smile. You are like a reminder of normality here. Gia IP: Logged |