posted October 17, 2004 09:18 AM
We are in a very important time period right now that may challenge us
to our core. There are two eclipses this month. The first one is a solar
eclipse in Libra on October 13, 2004. The main challenge with this sign
is relationships. Friendships or romantic relationships you thought were
secure may end suddenly because of various reasons. The next eclipse is a total lunar eclipse on 5 degrees Taurus. The Sun
will be on 5 degrees Scorpio on October 27, 2004. This eclipse will
activate the Pacific Northwest, the Middle East, Russia, and Mexico. Mt
Saint Helens is already erupting, and this will continue to occur.
These eclipses may bring up things from the past which may surface in
your life to look at once again. Things you thought you had released
years ago may surface. This time it will be from the core of your being,
and the release of this old stuff will finally free you to be the
magnificent, powerful person you really are.
Everyone is asking, "Who will be our next president, will it be Kerry or
Bush?" Mass consciousness is what will create our new leader; that is the
way it works. I will say that Bush has a very critical chart right now.
Anything could happen to him, or to the United States. Pluto is a very
slow moving planet, and to reach the exact point of being opposed to
Bush's Uranus and node has taken a long time. It is now in exact
opposition and will remain that way through mid November. This is a very
critical aspect and could be life threatening.
Pluto is also in exact opposition to the United States Mars. Pluto is
the transformer and is also considered the God of the underworld. Mars
rules wars, fires, and violence. In opposition to Pluto it is very
explosive. Sagittarius rules mountains, (volcanoes) banks, bankers,
schools, colleges, churches, foreign travel, military, politics, lawyers,
and religion. With Pluto opposing Mars it may bring up challenges with
all of the things I just mentioned.
Kerry is a Sagittarian with Pluto on top of his sun right now. Pluto is
a very powerful planet, and is very strong in his chart . His sun is on
the degree of politics, which is what he has done most of his life. He is
also a more compassionate, spiritual person because that is what
Sagittarius rules.
Bush is a military leader. I said that when he first came to power in
2001. He came in as a war president, which was his destiny. This has
proven to be true. Now mass consciousness has the choice of whether they
want to vote for war, or the principle of peace. Which will it be?
In my article of January 2004, I said that the stars portrayed Marshall
Law this year. I was thinking about the United States. I never dreamed it
would happen in Russia. On September 13, 2004 Vladimir Putin eliminated
popular elections of governors and members of Parliament, a move one
Russian analyst said would destroy the last vestiges of democracy. Putin
is now dictator of Russia. This is a major event. Why is almost nothing
being said about it? This event could really unite the countries of
Russia and China.
We, in the United States are still free even though a lot of our rights
have been taken away from us. I believe it is time to stand up for our
beliefs, and speak our truth in a non violent way. One of the ways to do
this is to vote in this election.
Pluto is opposing Mars in the United States chart, this is not good for
our country. There are different events that could be triggered by this
aspect. There could be more terrorist attacks, more volcanoes may erupt,
or there may be trouble for our economy due to some problems with banks
or the banking system.
People may say this is very negative information although that is what I
see in the planets for the lower level Earth for the next couple of
months. However, there is both a positive and a negative vibration that
comes in from the planets and this is where free choice manifests. We
have the ability to chose how it will affect us.
We may be experiencing the greatest challenges or the greatest rewards
we have ever received. The rewards can come in various ways as gifts. It
may be a healing gift, or a creative gift, or some new opportunity that
may arise in your life.
We may even have contact with beings from space. Who knows? Uranus is
connected with new technology and space. This may be the time that the
Bible talks about as Jesus coming in the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory.
Mahala Planet Alert.
A friend sent this to me and I thought I'd share it. It's from Mahala an astrologer.