posted November 17, 2004 11:18 PM
Good evening Lindaland,Two things will be shared with you this evening. One of them is personal and powerful, the other is impersonal and powerful. You, as always, are free to decide which is which.
Since my TRUE opinion has been publicly spoken, I will only briefly repeat it here.
Until you have been repeatedly targeted for manipulation by those who would use your words to further their cause, you cannot and will not ever know my position, nor will you know my reason for doing things.
You are not expected to. You will likely cling to your beliefs like the dear friends you take them to be and follow them into disbelief when they fail you. That is as it should be. Who could and would change that if not you?
I do not believe that we have a "Master" among us and I won't until he comes to my door and looks my wife and daughter in the eyes, passing muster with them.
I am well protected by their instincts and will continue to rely on this gift of awareness that I have been availed of through these two highly gifted ladies.
Most of you cannot know why I have done what I have done and your biases, in most cases will refuse you that clarity.
Again, so be it, and it is as it should be. I stand by my decisions (except perhaps for this one) for knowing them to be right and true.
Now to put to rest this nonsense about IPs.
No Randall, it is not difficult at all to fake a location via IP.
In fact, it is the easiest thing in the world to do, no special programs are required, and I have a collection of IPs which I could use to appear from just about anywhere in the world that I might want to. (I don't want to.)
Here then, is a crash course in hiding your physical location. The sole purposes for posting this information are:
A) To allow those to hide their IP who do NOT wish their location to be known to the elite few who have the ability to view that information here.
B) To end, once and for all these claims of "proof" of location based on ignorance. You have been misinformed. IPs mean nothing to a person who is intent on hiding their location. Please understand that and know that there are people here who are certainly intent on manipulating the facts for their own benefit.
If it's any consolation, I'm still in Colorado and my IP will continue to reflect that.
Your judgemental opinions are irrelevant to me. No doubt you will bat them about among yourselves. It seems to be a favorite hobby among people who cling to belief.
Here's how any of you can pretend to be posting from anywhere in the world that you would like to be. (Not saying that you DO, just saying that you could, if you wanted to...easily.)
I will provide 15 different locations around the world from which you may appear. Both U.S. cities and third world countries will be represented to show you that this is not isolated, but widespread, worldwide.
I have a collection of around 60 different countries. That collection could easily be expanded to hundreds if I so desired. I do not desire to do so.
Step 1: Open Internet Explorer
Step 2: Click on "Tools" in the menu bar
Step 3: Select "Internet Options"
Step 4: Click on the "Connections" tab
Step 5: Click on the "LAN Settings" button
Step 6: Make sure the following box is checked: "Use a proxy server for your LAN"
Step 7: Make sure the following box is checked: "Bypass proxy server for local addresses"
Step 8: Choose a location you would like to appear from.
Step 9: Now enter one of the following addresses into the "Address" box, as well as the port into the "Port" box.
address: port: 3128
Location: Tehran, Iran
address: port: 8080
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
address: port: 80
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
address: port: 8080
Location: Beijing, China
address: port: 80
Location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
address: port: 8080
Location: Beirut, Lebanon
address: port: 8080
Location: Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
address: port: 8080
Location: Perth, Australia
address: port: 8080
Location: San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
address: port: 8080
Location: Guatemala, Guatemala
address: port: 80
Location: Southwark, England
address: port: 8080
Location: Madras, India
address: port: 80
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
address: port: 6588
Location: Lima, Peru
address: port: 80
Location: Makati, Phillipines
Now post here at Lindaland, if you like. You will apeear to be posting from one of the locations above, the one that you chose.
The Truth does not now nor has it ever relied on your opinions (or mine) to establish it's true nature.
You continue to establish yourselves (those that open your mouths with little to say that resembles reality) as the authorities on nothing.
Too bad the elections are over. They kept many of you busy enough posting at GU to avoid spreading illogical drivel elsewhere.
Have fun with this post. No doubt I've simply stirred the sh*t at the bottom of the jar. Oh well, some people are simply looking for a reason to be stirred up.
My tooth hurts and I'm just drunk enough this evening from trying to numb the pain not to care. Wee haw.
P.S. Silverbells, I'll share with you what I know about all of the lunacy that went down here in my next email. You've earned at least that much with your persistance. The rest of these folks can munch on their misconceptions. I'm not as interested in watching them learn as I once was. Call it my failing...I do.
May God soon rectify my intolerance for bull-headed stupidity and convert my own into something more productive again. For now, ni modo.