posted November 18, 2004 07:25 AM
about a month ago,i asked everyone on this site to help me make out an astrological questiionaire see:
well,i finally came up with a draft for my questionnaire and would love to know what you guys think about it..
here it is...
please feel free to suggest any changes,and anyone wants to throw in a few more questions, they're welcome!
Demographic information:
Date of Birth:
Your moon sign (if known with accuracy)
Your ascendant (if known with accuracy):
Rate on a scale of 1-3 the following: Love
2. What type of work are you attracted to?
a) A job that gives you an opportunity to lead others in some way
b) A job that gives you an opportunity to organize everything around you
c) A job that gives you an opportunity to communicate with people
3. Your first priority in choosing a profession would be:
a) The creative scope it offers
b) The practical and financial rewards it represents
c) Whether or not it matches your temperament
4. You are more likely to be attracted to a job that is:
a) Mentally stimulating
b) Physically demanding
5. Why is money important to you?
a) It represents security
b) It represents luxury
c) It's not important
d) It's a necessary evil
6. What are the qualities that would attract you towards a man/woman?
a) Steadiness and dependability
b) Intelligence
c) Beauty
d) All of the above
7. Suppose you fall in love with someone your family thinks is totally wrong for you; you are more likely to:
a) Sacrifice your love for your family because your family is sacred to you
b) Listen to what they have to say, but in the final analysis do what you feel is right
c) Once you’ve made up your mind about someone, nothing in heaven or hell can move you into changing your decision
d) Pretend to give in to your family’s wishes, but continue your relationship secretly
8. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse calls you to say he/she won't be able to meet you for lunch because he/she has to work. What do you do?
a) You accept what he/she says without question because you sense he’s telling the truth
b) You call his/her office at least three times to make sure his excuse is holding up
c) You appreciate his hard working attitude so you wait patiently for him
9. Your beloved happens to remark that he/she likes your best friend's new hairstyle, how do you react?
a) You don't
b) You angrily accuse him/her of having an affair with her/him
c) You don't react now, but refuse to answer his/her phone calls for the next seven days
d) You didn't notice, you were too busy flirting with his/her best friend
10. If you had to take a stand on legalising abortion, what would your stand be?
a) Strongly against it
b) Strongly for it
c) Well, to look at one side of it, it is in a way killing of small souls. On the other hand, isn’t the fetus like unto a robot, so it can function like a human, but is not really human. To look at it in another way, no one should tell women what to do with their bodies, but then again,is it really fair to legalise what may be viewed by many as murder?
11. What type of music do you like to listen to?
a) Music with heavy drum beats like rock, etc
b) Soft music such as ballads, etc
c) Others (please specify)
12. You find out that your neighbour, Mr. X is spreading malicious rumours about you, how do you react?
a) You are so outraged that you trot over to your neighbour's house and make sure they get a piece of your mind
b) You shrug, figure its their right to do whatever they want -- you belong to yourself, what they say won't change what you are
c) You stay awake at night trying to figure out how to change your neighbour's opinion of you
d) You say nothing, but next time you run into your neighbour's girlfriend, you 'innocently' mention seeing him with another girl on quite a few occasions
13. You have an appointment with a dentist, what are you more likely to do?
a) Turn up exactly on time
b) Turn up late
c) Forget about the appointment all together
thank you everyone!
p.s. i edited this post and gave the options letters instead of boxes cuz i figured it would be easier for everyone