posted November 22, 2004 12:03 AM
FORGIVENESS MEDITATIONThe act of forgiveness is one of the great gifts of spiritual life. It enables us and the world to be released from the sorrows of the past.
Forgiveness is an act of the heart, a movement to let go of the resentment and outrage that we have carried for too long. It eases the burden of pain in our heart. To forgive does not mean that we condone the misdeeds of another or ever allow them again. It acknowledges that no matter how much we may have suffered, we will not put another human being out of our heart. We have all been harmed just as we have all, at times, harmed ourselves and others.
There are many ways that I have hurt and harmed others, have betrayed or abandoned them, caused them suffering knowingly or unknowingly out of my pain, fear, anger, and confusion. Let yourself remember and visualise the ways you have hurt others. See and feel the pain you have caused out of your own fear and confusion. Feel your own sorrow and regret. Sense that finally you can release this burden and ask for forgiveness. Picture each memory that still burdens your heart and then to each person in your mind repeat:
I ask for your forgiveness, I ask for your forgiveness.
There are many ways that I have hurt and harmed myself. I have betrayed or abandoned myself many times through thought, word, or deed knowingly or unknowingly. Feel your own precious body and life. Let yourself see the ways you have hurt or harmed yourself. Picture them, remember them. Feel the sorrow you have carried from this and sense that you can release these burdens. Extend forgiveness for each of them, one by one. Repeat to yourself:
For the ways I have hurt myself through action or inaction, out of fear, pain and confusion, I now extend a full and heartfelt forgiveness.
I forgive myself, I forgive myself.
Gautam Buddha was originally named Siddharth belonging to the family of Gautam. After his enlightenment was called BUDDHA ...... The Awakened One. The word Gautam means Gau means the wise...with light and "tam" means darkness......thereby meaning one who removes darkness with light.