posted April 02, 2005 02:49 AM
Hunter sounds a lot like my nephew. He also shows some autistic-like behaviors... but not quite. He is very intelligent. His reading/comprehension is several grades beyond what is expected. His pool game is excellent for a child his age. He has a natural ability.He also tends to be very emotional, and extremely easily distracted.
Something about him that I, personally, think is quite cool, but the more conservative type of adult has a real problem with him over is his ability to view everyone as his peer. He is a polite child, and would never be outwardly rude to anyone (even a peer). I find this quality in him quite appealing. I think it will be an excellent characteristic when he is an adult. Unfortunately for him principals, teachers and the like expect the children to behave as though they are some omnipotent figures, rather than simply people... just like the kids they are there to teach.
Anyhow... I feel for ya, BRM. We're having similar issues in our family.
I hope, at the very least, that my being able to empathize with your situation might bring you a little comfort.