Topic: Smacking children
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 09, 2006 11:38 PM
quote: Children often respond to spanking, hitting whatever you want to call it, in a manner that's not blatantly clear to us as parents, they may become bullies at school or to younger siblings, there are too many possibilities
I beg to differ. And there is definitely a world of difference between spanking and hitting which other people have already explained. I have no problem with those of you who don't spank; its great that you have the patience to do so. But are you all trying to say that those that do (and usually as a last resort) need to learn how to parent? My mother is the best parent I could ever ask for. And thats also insulting considering those children who were never disciplined in anyway are actually the ones become the bullies in life because they always got their way at home.
My 2 cents is up,I'm out peace IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 12:48 AM
Smacking another no matter what age is wrong. I would only condone it if mugged or attacked. Defense only.
------------------ Age is a State of Mind. Change Your Mind! ~I intend to continue learning forever~Enigma ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords.~Enigma The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes.~NEXUS Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages.~Enigma In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
katipo unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 01:43 AM
Note: The following is personal opinion, not a personal attack on any member or their relatives.  Spanking is hitting, dress it up anyway we like, it doesn't change the fact, it's a method of discipline used to scare and/or terrorise children into modifying their behaviour. Is it terrorism?
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mysticaldream unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 07:10 AM
Well said, Katipo.I certainly believe you can train the heart of a child and help them to become a compassionate, well-rounded adult without hitting them (and yes, spanking is hitting....try using it on a random adult who isn't into that sort of thing HAHA). Just because it's been done forever and doesn't always permanently harm children doesn't mean it's the best option, either. I think people fall back on it because it's easier, it takes less thought and creativity -- you can just REACT. As for the people who say they NEVER spank in anger.... is that really true? I have personally never viewed parents who use spanking who didn't at some point spank out of pure frustration. Even if it were true, and you never are even slightly flustered when you admister your punishment, isn't it ironic that the way you are training your child is by inflicting physical pain? Hmmm......... Sue, kudos to you for daring to knock over some "sacred cows" here and confronting a ridiculous but "acceptable" practice. I am sure the respect and love your son has for you will be lasting, and you will have a wonderful relationship even in his adulthood. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 07:17 AM
<<<Smacking another no matter what age is wrong. I would only condone it if mugged or attacked. Defense only>>> Fayte Mysticaldream and katipo thanks...  My father smacked me on one occasion and he remembers I came out in a rash from head to toe and started to shake.....that is how bad I reacted. It wasnt a beating it was slapping on the legs. I would much rather he remained calm and spoke to me...I would have co-operated far more quickly. He still regrets this 40+ years on. My son said to me recently when he saw a mother smacking her child in the street "Mum, you would never do that to me would you"? I replied "no of course I wouldnt, I have no need to". Yes to confirm what Fayte said smacking is wrong, no smack is a good smack. We are all up in arms if a man slaps his wife....what is the difference.....NONE !! And children are not monsters, they may behave in an unacceptable way at times (usually due to lack of love). They are all gifts from God.....we really need to remember that..... What hope is there for humanity if we label them with such names?  IP: Logged |
Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted September 10, 2006 09:45 AM
I don't hit/spank/whack my kids, whatever you want to label it, I don't do it. Dolce Luna I do agree with you that children who are not disciplined at all can become obnoxious bullies as they think they are entitled to and get everything their own way in life. However I don't believe spanking is discipline. I personally believe it is a form of abuse. I am a strict parent, with regard to good behaviour, but do not need to physically hit my children to achieve this. I 'punish' with the removal of freedom or favourite things for a time. I always tell them why and what I'm doing. If I feel angry (which of course I do at times, I'm human!) I try very hard to go away and calm down. Anger should play no part in discipline. Children live what they learn. If they are hit they learn that we can hit. If they are punished in other ways they simply learn that there are consequences (but non-violent) for the wrong things we do in life. Fortunately my kids are pretty well behaved. I have set mealtimes, and set bedtimes, I expect 'thank you' and 'please' and for them to be respectful towards people. But I do praise them loads, hug them, tell them I love them as well. I don't want to directly criticise those parents who do spank. It's hard being a parent. Very hard. Sometimes we may feel there is no other way. But I do believe there is. For me personally, physical punishment is no part of love. So I just can't do it. ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
MoonWitch Knowflake Posts: 93 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2006 12:47 PM
I do find it interesting that those that parent without spanking like to paint it as though people that make different choices for their different family are somehow infererior, bad parents or have no patience.I have one child - he's been spanked a handful of times before he was 5 years old (like I mentioned earlier in this thread). He's 7 1/2 years old now and wonderful, compassionate, smart, adorable and nearly EVERYONE that has come into contact with him (even people that don't generally like kids) say that he is the sweetest and most well-behaved kid they've ever met. And, yes, he does learn by example. He learns there are real consequences to his choices. Also by example he's learned to say "thank you", "please", to be generally polite to others, and to eat that veggie burger, and to clean up after himself, to share, and not to yell at people. Actually, funny enough, I overheard a conversation with him and a little girl friend a couple months ago that went something like: girl: Sometimes my mom is mean to me. Is your mom mean? Hunter *sounding confused*: No. My mom's not mean. girl: Not even sometimes? HUnter: No. My mom is nice all the time. She loves me. I have to say it's much better than the little brats that run rampant at restaurants because their parents can't get them to take a time out in their seats. Or the kids I see at the mall that swear at their parents if they don't get what they want.
But, you know, I made a lot of parenting choices that other people didn't make, too. I don't pass judgement on them or think that mine are better. I know people and circumstances are different. For instance - I gave birth naturally without drugs, I breastfed for 18 months, I made all of his babyfood from stratch with organic vegetables. Hunter's first food was organic mashed avocado and banana with flax oil made by me. There are extremists out there that will say you're a bad mom if you choose to feed your baby formula or if you use drugs during childbirth. You're a bad mom if you go to work and put your child in daycare. What kind of mom are you if you let your child have a sugar cookie? A bad one! Extremists on any side of an issue tend to worry me because they don't take into account the REAL world and the REAL differences between people. They often don't realize that they tend to alienate the 'other side'.
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Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2006 03:42 PM
quote: However I don't believe spanking is discipline. I personally believe it is a form of abuse.
That I still strongly diagree with. My mother is not an abuser, my grandparents were not abusers, and neither was the rest of my family for that matter. I will stress again that I think its great that you guys have the patience to discipline without the use of spanking but why must you look down on those that do. Its a way to show children thats there are limits and boundaries.
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steelrose Knowflake Posts: 29 From: Spain Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 03:34 AM
Dulce Luna  Moonwitch  I totally agree with you. I couldn’t have put it better. My mum is not an abuser either. In fact she is the softest mother I have ever known. My dad never touched us but I do remember fearing him… A lot. I knew my mum would not hurt me, it was a kind of quick touch, a reminder… A knew the limits of it… My dad was really scary, because I didn’t know his limits, his voice raised, his pitch went sharp, his look hard… THAT was terrifying, not the controlled spank of my mum. My granny never touched us, or at least I don’t remember. And she was the same lovely than my mum… My granddad sometimes spanked my cousin, never the rest of us, and we knew the meaning of it… I don’t think a justified and not hurting spank now and again made a difference. Whatever creates fear is what traumatises a child, not the spank itself… I’m sorry to disagree, sweet Sue… But some kids are little monsters. I’m not saying they were born monsters, they were all probably lovely initially. They were created monsters. Monsters that can bully another child and drag him/her to death out of desperation. Some even kill for fun. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 04:22 AM
Each to their own  I just wished my parents hadnt felt the need to smack left me a little wounded I am a very sensitive person who responds to reason and kindness. I spent a lot of my childhood in fear of expressing myself because when I showed anger, oftentimes, I got hit... to all IP: Logged |
WaterNymph unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 05:15 AM
I part raised my sister, and trust me, she’s a handful. But she was never hit…she’s a bright child, and can be reasoned with quite easily.
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Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 07:34 AM
Thats why I would discipline children based on their personality. I have neices and nephews that frequently under my care. I stressed that I would reason with the child first and if they listened to me then I won't even raise my voice. If not, then I would raise my voice. And if they don't listen to me then, I will spank them. I do realize that every child is different; there are sensitive types and there are the headstrong types. I have both in my family.  And thank you Steelrose, I actually thought that you had put it best the first time. My father was like that too but I resent him because he was cold to me, not because of spankings.
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D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 08:10 AM
Spanking children, to me, is a form of child abuse. It is also, no doubt to me, a form of violence.------------------ May not be able to get back to you...appreciate your say nevertheless...D IP: Logged |
Full-fifthhouse-loulou unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 08:47 AM
Sue I really feel you. I too am extremely sensitive to any physical pain inflicted by a person - stemming from my childhood. That is why I cannot hit my children. I just can't. But I can discipline them without doing this, easily and well. My father was violent. He didn't spank to discipline, just to be cruel, for no apparent reason, randomly and violently. My mother on the other hand did do it to disipline. It was controlled - ie, we would be taken away to a room and spanked for doing something wrong. It was horrendous and humiliating. I don't blame her though, she was doing as was done to her. She isn't a bad person, she's a wonderful person. I think if she had known how it pained me, humiliated me, to be hit she might have stopped. But I didn't speak up. I wasn't allowed to. The strange thing is she could control us just by a warning or a stern tone, I often felt sad that she took it to violence. Children who are spanked....what would you say if they hit someone in the playground? Surely you couldn't discipline them for it, after all they have learnt it is fine to hit. I believe parents have freedom to choose what they do. But they should know, from a child who was spanked, that it isn't nessesary and it hurts and it's humiliating. I learnt nothing from it except that I knew wasn't going to inflict it on another human being. I am sorry if I seem judgemental, I just cannot help believing that hitting is no part of love. ------------------ SCORPIO SUN 5TH HOUSE ASCENDANT CANCER CANCER MOON 12TH HOUSE IP: Logged |
Wednesday unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 09:16 AM
My mom often smacked me when I was a kid, whenever she's stressed or wanted to vent. Sometimes she did it to look better in front of my dad. I doubt that I even did something wrong to deserve it. She didn't dare to hit my brother so she'd hit me when he's not home. I can still remember her superior attitude, "I'm the adult in this house and you're just a little kid, I can do whatever I want to you." My dad tend to think that I'm wrong in whatever I do anyway. My brother almost slapped her but came to his sense and he took me away instead. What she probably might not get was children understand and remember. It's not like our brain began to function when we reached 10 or something. I still can't forgive her, sometimes I feel like I want to kill her. In good days I don't care about my past. But never, ever put me under the same roof as her, because everytime I'd think, "Either I'm dead, or you."So no, I don't believe in smacking children to make them good. It only breeds hate. IP: Logged |
D for Defiant Knowflake Posts: 588 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 09:41 AM
Children do understand and remember, to a staggering degree.------------------ May not be able to get back to you...appreciate your say nevertheless...D IP: Logged |
steelrose Knowflake Posts: 29 From: Spain Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 10:29 AM
I don’t hate my mother for that reason. Not for showing me what was right or wrong. Not for showing me to respect experience. I may do because of other reasons, but never for that one. I was not spanked often, I don’t remember getting spanked… I remember seeing it done to my sister and brother as they were worse behaved, but it was always gentle and after reasoning had failed, and not often… They even devote my mum above myself…Yes, Dulce Luna, I so much agree with you. It depends on the child. I was obedient and prone to reason so I didn’t need reminders. Other children are different. Yes, again, coldness and detachment is far worse. I still fear my dad to a certain extent today. And he never touched me. He just gave orders, bullied verbally not necessarily shouting or wasn’t there. As Sue said, wise as she is always, each to their own. I have my reasons to believe what I’m saying the same as others may have theirs. But please, do not judge the other part accusing them (or us) of being depraved child abusers, violent and cruel individuals taking advantage of age, strength and size. That’s taking the issue out of context. Some may go too far but others don’t, there are degrees. PS – I may be using the word “spanking” incorrectly when referring to my mum. You have so many different words meaning similar things in English… It was a firm but soft touch in the butt with her slipper, just one, never left red marks and it was done with clothes on, even with nappies on, still standing on the floor… Please, correct me if I’m wrong… I don’t remember concrete episodes; I didn’t feel impotent or humiliated only, maybe a bit embarrassed as if I had been told off but nothing really serious… IP: Logged |
1scorp unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 12:15 PM
Eleanore: I believe you summed it up.  ________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 12:20 PM
Yes I believe she did too......fair, kind, firm and compassionate.IP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 01:46 PM
I was smacked and occasionally, If I was really bad, spanked as a kid.Well, obviously I didn't like it at the time cos my mum got cross with me quite a lot and at 16 now I go absolutely nuts if my mum hits me. This aside, bizarrely, I am totally for it. Simply because, if you have the threat of being smacked you're stiff-scared and don't damn well step out of line! haha Even though I remember hating it, it's all just a blur now and generally I had a very happy childhood but I was brought up to try and be good and I'm a damn site better behaved than I would have been without it. I've seen some pretty out of control kids stem from families that don't discipline properly. It's fine if you replace the physical punishment with one just as effective but lax, hippy "let's not upset our kids" parents annoy the hell out of me!! Anyway, no one needs to worry, cos I'm probably not gonna have kids anyway. But if I do- they will darned well behave themselves!!!!  IP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 01:57 PM
Hmm...Having re-read what a lot of peopel have said, maybe I feel the need to explain a little something and lose the flippant tone. My mum, too, is a fantastic mother, the best i know, and she loves me very much and I've never been in any doubt of that. But, as a little kid I was a bit uncontrollable, blame my Aries Moon Not in a horrible way at all. Just I was loud and confident and thought I was smarter than some stuffy adults (that's cos I'm a Virgo!) even if I sometimes was. But yes, I needed that discipline to tone me down and control me and now, I at least hope, I might have a chance of becoming a well-adjusted adult! And, once more, I confirm, I had a very hapy childhood. Smacking included. There.
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sue g unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 02:03 PM
HmmmInteresting MNF... It seems the water signs seem more repelled by the hitting...when our son was 6 months old I met a very wise woman, a healer. She minded him for the day and when we picked him up she said "never ever smack this child" was one of the best pieces of advice anyone ever gave to us.... So we didnt (hit him).....and for that piece of advice, I am very very me he is a Scorpio and I know it would have left him very bitter...  x IP: Logged |
The Mutable Night Force unregistered
posted September 12, 2006 02:57 PM
sue- Hi Now I think about it, my very good Scorpio friend always recounts this tale of when her mum hit her with a big spiky brush and she does seem very hurt by it! Maybe this is another dillema good ol' astrology can solve! I guess the reason I'm not fazed by it might come from By good dosage of Virgo and Capricorn in me. (Saturn in the first house might help this??)However, my mum, the one who did the smacking has a Scorpio Moon and Pisces Ascendant. She's generally really emphathetic and hates suffering. God, that must make me really awful to force her to smacking! haha It's just one of those things I guess that you tread a fine line on between discipline and abuse. Mind you, no smacks I ever got ever caused red marks that lasted for a very long time. I guess if you leave a bruise or welt then you're probably going overboard. IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 04:21 PM
I don't know about the watersign thing because I know many other water people like myself(boyfriend included) who believe its okay to spank depending on the circumstances. What we all believe is that child abuse is not okay. There are many other factors like the "times", cultural differences,etc.Yeah, I was a bit embarrased too when I was spanked but I never resented my mother because I intuitively knew she didn't do it out of cruelty or spite. It was only about boundaries that shouldn't be crossed. I don't appreciate any of you labeling those who spank as "child abusers"-that disgusts me. Child abusers are people who can't control their anger and therefore take it out on their children. My mother was not an angry mom. In fact, I should finish with this thread.  IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 1223 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2006 04:46 PM
I keep getting surprised that this thread is lasting so long. I received a variety of punishments as a kid including spanking. I don't think my parents are bad people for it, and I've not had any resentments about spanking that have lingered into my teenage or adult life. When I came to resent my parents in my teen years, the spankings never factored into that resentment at all.With my parents in general I kind of take a, "Forgive them for they know not what they do," kind of approach. They had their first kid at 20, and me at 22, so I don't really fault them for not being the wisest of parents in my young years. When the later children came along starting when they were 30 years old, they improved in their parenting technique quite a bit. I personally wouldn't be inclined towards hitting kids if I had any. I can imagine myself physically putting a kid in his/her place (meaning grabbing them if I need to) if they were too rambunctious at an event that required a certain degree of self-control. Hopefully, I'd prep them for the torture of the situation, though, and explain ahead of time what to expect, so that they'd know what was expected (and be able to act accordingly of their own volition). I'm not a great fan of stuffy, disciplined events myself, though, so hopefully we'd keep those to a minimum. I generally think of kids as mini-adults, and I try to talk with them that way. I try not to talk down to them too much. I try to honor their own intellect and thoughts. IP: Logged | |