Topic: Important Warning
proxieme unregistered
posted June 03, 2005 09:22 AM
Never, ever (if you can at all help it) have a Cancer Sun for a Mother-In-Law.Generalized? Yes. But backed up by a mountain of experience. That is all. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 03, 2005 09:31 AM
Or................A Cancer/Leo cusp. I heed your warning but it's too late for me. And you, suppose. Grin and bear it, indeed! IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted June 03, 2005 09:37 AM
She's evil.And she has 10,000 placements in the 8th (and a Scorpio Rising AND, perhaps, a Scorpio Moon), so she's even more suspicious and moody than she would otherwise be. --- OK, I take back the "evil" comment...she just needs some serious meds. Right now. --- *pats pixelp on the back* We need to form a club. Any suggestions for a name? IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 03, 2005 09:43 AM
S-mothering-incredibly Law-lessly impossible
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future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 2681 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted June 03, 2005 03:15 PM
LOL! A thousand placements in the 8th? I'd love to see her chart!IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted June 03, 2005 03:21 PM
No. Ten Thousand.Let's see if I can get it up here w/o giving anything away: I'm not sure how right that birthtime is (down to the minute), that's why I say that her Moon may be Scorp. Sag could work, too, though. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted June 03, 2005 03:23 PM
pixelp...let's see...hrm.Daughters-In-Law Anonymous (DILA) comes to mind, as does Zodiac Cancer Sufferers (the ZCS). IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted June 03, 2005 08:56 PM
I am a moonchild, but not a mother in law. I dont want to be evil to my futer kids in law. IP: Logged |
proxieme unregistered
posted June 03, 2005 09:13 PM
Bluemoon - No, no,'s not Cancers in general, really.I quite like most of ya'll Crabs, this woman just has some (serious, overweaning) issues. IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted June 03, 2005 10:58 PM
I am Aqua moon and Aries Rising, so it help with the obsesiveness. IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted June 04, 2005 05:53 AM
OMG guys I had one (first husbands mother), she was a fecking nightmare, wouldnt leave us alone and he being an only child, poor bloke. I hear she has breast cancer the poor woman and although I wish her well I cant help forgetting that she made my life very difficult for a few years - and now I am free of her YAY. I now have a nicely detached Gem sun, Aqua moon mother in law - hardly ever see her, hardly every talk to her, she is indifferent and it suits us just fine!!!! xxIP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted June 04, 2005 01:21 PM
OMG, Proxie.....been there! Done that!I had a Cancer mother-in-law, and I swear she not only caused me much distress, but had a great deal to do with our marriage finally breaking up! I can sympathize! *sigh* I DO NOT RECOMMEND A CANCER MOTHER-IN-LAW! Rainbow IP: Logged |
Saturn's Child Knowflake Posts: 867 From: Just left of center Registered: May 2004
posted June 04, 2005 05:44 PM
Oh yeah...been there and done that and got the fecking T-shirt! Thankfully the woman and her son are no longer in my life!!! She was the MIL from HELL!!! The first time I met her she proudly showed me a really ugly lamp that she had purchased at a yard sale. She said, "Can you believe it was $20?" I said something like, "Wow, that much?" She then said. "Are you retarded?" I should have followed my gut instinct right then and ran!! Those of you who have one have my deepest sympathies!!IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted June 04, 2005 08:37 PM
Well, I will be a good mother-in-lawless! Anyone my son marries couldn't possibly have less morals than I do! (Of course, abuse is not tolerated.) Both my mother's in laws love me! IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 7314 From: Schweinfurt to Grafenwoehr all within 6 months LOL Registered: May 2002
posted June 04, 2005 09:12 PM mom is a Cancer sun, cancer moon, Uranus in Cancer (and a couple others) she can be a nightmare as well. NO ONE is good enough and she is almost exicted to hear if we have problems.But, she is my mom and I love her with my whole heart. Luckily, astrology has helped me understand her a bit more IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted June 04, 2005 10:11 PM
DO I have to call in the gray police??? I guess I just need to stay out of this thread..........Bluemoon wans away......................... IP: Logged |
Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 249 From: United States Registered: Nov 2004
posted June 04, 2005 10:40 PM
Yep, my MIL is a Cancer and there were definitely big issues in the beginning but things are a lot better now. She had a VERY hard time letting go of her son when he married me and really acted out. It was very dramatic. But maybe because I'm a Cancer too it's gotten better because there's a kind of emotional empathy between us now. IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 3944 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted June 05, 2005 01:55 AM
Uh oh BlueMoon I better watchout if i ever marry your son! hehIP: Logged |
Planet_Soul Knowflake Posts: 1152 From: The Universe Registered: May 2005
posted June 05, 2005 05:11 AM
Ummm I'm getting nervous... What kind about a Cancer rising, Gem Sun, & Virgo Moon? Is that pretty similar to a Cancer Sun MIL? IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted June 05, 2005 08:54 AM
Yes, BlueRoamer, be Afraid, be VERY afraid.
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rhozzi Knowflake Posts: 17 From: clackamas,oregon usa Registered: Apr 2005
posted June 08, 2005 10:24 PM
Hi you all... I am a Cancer sun sign...Libra moon and I am a hands off mother-in-law...I figure my daughters knew what they were doing when they married their husbands and I'm enjoying my own life too much to try and control theirs. My sons are not married and I hope to carry on the same attitude with their marriages. It's a matter of respect. ....RhozziIP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted June 08, 2005 11:34 PM
YAY RHOZZI!!!!Can I give you my mother in law's number? She needs your special wisdom! By the way... the other day, I was talking with her over lunch ( for our anniversary, we went to their house for lunch.)*makes wierdness face* She was telling me about this guy who is dating her best friend ( my aunt, incidentally.. omigosh, do not even make me go there on the happiness factor*extreme sarcasm* anyway..... she was saying how he openly insults her, etc.. and hows this for a typical protective Scorpio move... I am ready and willing to confront this jerkface if he even so much as looks at her funny.. She is MY mother in law, she may anmnoy the heck out of me, not understand boundaries, put words in my mouth and generally guilt me forever and ever and ever, but damnit, no one messes with her! 'CEPT ME!!!!!
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