Topic: When the Music's Over
LostInStrangeWorld Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Bristol, England Registered: Mar 2005
posted June 25, 2005 09:14 AM
What have they done to the earth? What have they done to the fair sister?Ravaged and plunderd And ripped her And bit her Stuck her with knives In the side of the dawn And tied her with fences And dragged her down I hear a very gentle sound With your ear to the ground- We want the world and we want it, We want the world and we want it, now Now? NOW! (from 'The Doors') I find these words very powerful. By the way, if you can get your hands on a book called 'The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls' by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, you MUST! I've just finished reading it, and it completely blew me away. not for the light-hearted- gives a completely different perspective to what most people are used to. Now I feel more in love and profound admiration for the Native American culture than ever! Jim Morrison believed he was inspired by a Native spirit, didn't he? I feel more like a Native Indian underneath than anything else. Hence the name. Everything is getting clearer. I'm not saying I'm the incarnate soul of one- perhaps that would be wishful thinking. It's just that I feel, somehow, I've absorbed the same truths which they have, it has come to me from God and from Nature. I've always felt drawn to Native cultures- children of Nature- and felt deep, deep concern about our planet. I've always felt out of place in this society- the brightness of unnatural, primary colours in supermarkets and on roads, the chaos of our concrete cities polluted by negativity. Monotony and monomania- mass consumerism..... the imabalance between the spirit/morality and science/technology. Technological advancement seems to be beyond the realms of all morality. For example, animal experimentation is one of the greatest abominations, as are factory farms. And you would think that people in the postion of governing countries would have to be wiser than the rest of us! Ha! This war that we've had recently in Iraq has saddened me PROFOUNDLY. And poor and indigenous people are always suffering the most tromendous injustices. There is much poverty. It is essential that we start to halt the destruction of the rainforests. If we would only grow trees in as many places as we can, we could start to heal the environmental pollution and sickness here on our earth. Algae, blue-green algae is amazing in it's benefits to our health and the environment too (such as 'AFA' and Spirulina). Plus did you know that certain house plants can absorb the toxins in our environment, which nearly all man-made products very subtley give off? Nature is amazing. LOve. IP: Logged |
juniperb Knowflake Posts: 6830 From: Blue Star Kachina Registered: Mar 2002
posted June 25, 2005 10:02 AM
Greetings, a beautiful song and thank you for sharing. May I take the liberty to recommend some the Native Wisdom and Teachings from No Eyes as scribed by Mary Summer Rain? The Teachings are timeless and helps awaken Truths within the yearning Soul. Hampton Roads publishing Co has a complete selection of her books to browse. Blessings,  ------------------ If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot IP: Logged |
Saffron Knowflake Posts: 468 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted June 25, 2005 06:00 PM
dear stranger ~you've articulated truth so powerfully...your passion is inspiring and lovely. i hope you'll post more of your perspective. can you discuss the crystal skulls a little more? also, a subject i'm interested in, but not too knowledgable, is sacred sites. sites on the earth of tremendous power, such as stonehenge...i've read that these places are similar to meridians in our body, and ancient people used the stones and their placement like acupuncture, in an effort to heal earth...sound familiar? much love to you...Saffron  IP: Logged |
LostInStrangeWorld Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Bristol, England Registered: Mar 2005
posted June 27, 2005 04:33 PM
Thankyou, Saffron! You're so sweet!I love this idea of people using stones at sacred sites to heal he earth. For a long time now, I've been feeling the need to do something. I feel it in every part of my being when I'm in the woods and communicating to the 'Great Spirit' with my heart. Until now, I've not known what I can physically do to make a difference. Now after reading that book, things are much clearer! (I like the saying 'crystal clear'-its a curious expression, don't you think?). Yes, I feel that finally, some air has been let in! I am getting a clearer glimpse of spiritual liberation! Sorry, I'm straying off the subject there. In the early 90's or late 80's, there was a documentart on TV about these most mysterious crystal skulls. I was quite young then, and can't remember it very well, but being a soul who gravitates towards all things beautiful and mysterious, the crystal skulls popped in my head a few times recently as an area I must explore, and then on the 25th May, on my last birthday (I was 25, by the way!), I went into the bookshop and bought that wonderful and most amazing book. THe Crystal Skulls..... a term used to refer to those both 'new', 'old' and 'ancient'. They are all important in their own way, because they are all physical manifestations of light and energy emodied in crystal.....some would say crystal is actually 'a living substance'. Howver, it is those crystals defined as truely 'ancient' that are the most intrigueing! Oh boy! No tool marks can be found on such stones, when examined carefully by the world's experts. That means that they were either hand carved and then polished with 'sand and hair' over many GENERATIONS!!!!! OR..that they were, perhaps, carved/made by beings of another world!! The 'Mitchell-Hedges' skull is so perfectly anatomically accurate! A forensic expert was given pictures of it so he could sketch what the face would look like. He wasn't told anything about it or where it was found, so not to influence his thinking. He came up with a beautiful woman's face of Native American appearance. The Crystal Skulls are most sacred to the Native American peoples. Anyway, I really would recommend the book. It captivated me just as much as 'Star Signs' did. LOve & Peace IP: Logged |
LostInStrangeWorld Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Bristol, England Registered: Mar 2005
posted June 27, 2005 04:36 PM
Thankyou for the recommendation, sweet Juniperb. I thanked you before, but my post doesn't appear to have come up. I will look out for Mary Summer Rain's works.IP: Logged |
Petron Knowflake Posts: 3031 From: Paradise Registered: Mar 2004
posted June 27, 2005 06:35 PM
quote: Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind --jim morrison peace frog
when jim morrison was a kid his family drove upon an accident where native americans had been killed, he says the soul of one or more jumped into his body and cohabitated within him.... i like that idea of geodetic acupuncture Saffron, it sounds "right" 
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Saffron Knowflake Posts: 468 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted June 28, 2005 04:29 PM
thanks for your reply stranger...i'll find that book.that's a great tidbit about jim morrison petron...thanks... i'll post more about the sacred sites -- soon. love, Saffron IP: Logged |
LostInStrangeWorld Knowflake Posts: 195 From: Bristol, England Registered: Mar 2005
posted June 29, 2005 04:45 PM
Yes, please do Saffron- when you have the Time.IP: Logged |
Hedgewitch Knowflake Posts: 380 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 21, 2005 08:51 AM
sacred sites and acupuncture... IP: Logged |
ListensToTrees Knowflake Posts: 3844 From: Infinity Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 23, 2005 05:42 AM
Thankyou Hedgewitch/Saffron! I've not been around here much lately; I've got this cold and its been making me feel tired; plus my little boy is a source of endless energy(!)...hence I always end up going pretty much straight to bed once he's asleep (not that early). I'll be back when I'm feeling more vivacious, however! Thankyou for the link, I will look into that when I have the 'Time' (lol) Love, Light and Blessings to all
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