Topic: How to Conquer Stage Fright?
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 03, 2005 10:55 AM
I write my own songs and perform them perfectly well at home. Only I get uncharacteristically nervous when I have to perform them in front of others!!! I am trying to conquer this by just getting out and performing more. It's the playing guitar, more than the singing, which is the problem. Even if I am well rehearsed. For example, I went to a folk festival this weekend at which they had a "singaround". I was shaking like a leaf!! Although everyone was extremely supportive and mentioned how "different" my stuff was (Thank you, thank you - all those involved ). My songs/voice are no problem, it's just the playing that seems to go to pot (and always has done, because I used to play classical piano and went completely to pieces in front of loads of people). No good telling me I ought to have a few stiff drinks, because a) I don't drink, b) I would only get more un-co-ordinated!I hate to bring Mr Aqua up yet again, but the following irks me. Whenever I have tried to play stuff in front of him or friends in the past, he has either shouted me down or talked loudly all the way through about how "rubbish" what I do is. Recently he actually begged me to play guitar and sing to him...and I wouldn't...because I wanted to punish him. I thought abt. it this afternoon when I came home, and cried. Because someone else I very supportive, and does actually take the trouble to see both the good, and "areas which could be improved", in my music. I really want to conquer this onstage nervousness...any suggestions that I might not have thought of? IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 03, 2005 02:54 PM
Well, you could always try imagining everyone naked, I guess. I'm not exactly sure how that is supposed to make someone *less* nervous, but...IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted July 03, 2005 03:07 PM
I suppose its better than imagining everyone picturing you naked. That'd make you REALLY nervous.Where's Pix? I'll bet she has some sound advice. *waves* Hi Johnny IP: Logged |
elemiah Knowflake Posts: 84 From: spain Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 03, 2005 03:44 PM
I would try to live with it. I mean, the more you try to avoid it the bigger deal you´ll make of it. Just tell yourself it´s ok to be nervous ( even say it " I´m shaking")and you´ll feel better and ready for stardom!!! Best of luck.How great to be able to play the guitar and the piano!!IP: Logged |
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 03, 2005 04:24 PM
Hahahaha! Johnny! Where did you trawl that one up from? One thing's for sure, I don't need caffeine. IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted July 03, 2005 05:09 PM
Accept it. Embrace it. Have you ever been on stage long enough for stage fright to go away? The longer you're up there, the easier it gets. As you play, and get comfortable with people NOT booing you off the stage, you can relax and realize that you're not in any danger. Be honest with yourself and with your audience. They know you're nervous, so may as well acknowledge it and get everyone on your side from the start. I'm no master in this area, but here are two things I suggest to help you get over this: 1. If you've never felt any ease being on stage, it may be time to take up dancing. Hopefully there's a club or something that you can go to. You need to get out on that dance floor often, and you need to start getting comfortable with being one of only a couple people out there. This will help you to realize that even though you're on display no one's making fun of you, and if they do at first, just go with it. Stay on the dance floor. Your detractors will come around to apprecating your boldness, and will soon turn into your cheering section. 2. IMAGINE yourself on stage being calm and in control. See yourself playing effortlessly. See the audience enjoying your music. See how confident you are. IP: Logged |
Johnny Knowflake Posts: 2056 From: Colorado, USA Registered: Nov 2004
posted July 03, 2005 06:12 PM
AriesTiger, I don't really know where I got that idea - maybe I saw it on TV somewhere...But even if it did make you less nervous, it would be really distracting, I think, so then you would have an entirely new problem. ( Hi LibraSparkle!! )
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 03, 2005 07:05 PM
When I get nervous, I sing through it. I project more clearly, really try to get those notes out, making sure no shaking comes through ( other than vibrato) I will focus on something or someone, and try to put passion into the song, and sing to it/them. It is more comforting that way. I try to smile. I get over it. Project confidence, and your fingers and voice won't betray you. You have to know you are good enough.. no, better enough, to put yourself out there and share yourself.. they WANT to see you, after all. Even if you have to pretend you are good enough, eventually, you will see you are. Tell your hubby to get stuffed too.IP: Logged |
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 04, 2005 04:21 PM
Thank you, guys, you are great...really appreciate it. I have been doing my best to write songs that I KNOW I will not be embarrassed to sing, so will be more confident playing...I perform better on my very, very best ones! I can sing and public-speak and dance well, I just can't play! The guitar playing "anchors" my voice but I think it was a bit quiet due to my classical strings (must get a metal set). Great acoustics in the hall, though. The roof went up and up...and amplified the singing naturally. And I have just become inspired again (must be the summer weather) and reworked an old song I thought was crap, and had put on the backburner, into something half-decent. (Lyric-writing time again!) Acoustic God - I haven't forgotten. I SHALL email you some of my stuff sometime! IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted July 04, 2005 05:55 PM
If it is a classical guitar, changing to steel strings will wreck your guitar. The necks on classical guitars are not made to be strong enough to handle steel strings. IP: Logged |
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 05, 2005 08:30 AM
Altho' - my guitar is a cheapie - I bought it for £20, so dono whether it is a folk or classical guitar. Fairly small body, not much of a "square" shape. Nice "ring" to it though. Has its uses!!! I just liked the sound of the classical strings. IP: Logged |
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 10, 2005 09:15 AM
Well, d'you know what?I took part in a talent contest get to grips with my nerves...and WON...comprehensively!!! I was astonished! People, you are great...thank you! AT IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 10, 2005 09:41 AM
w0ooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted July 10, 2005 09:42 AM
k, not to be childish, but that'll shut that man right up! How gratifying. IP: Logged |
ariestiger Knowflake Posts: 1136 From: UK Registered: Jan 2004
posted July 10, 2005 11:55 AM
Pixie Actually, Mr. Aqua paused, then screamed with laughter when I told him I'd won. "You mean," he said, "that everyone else was so bad that they had to pick YOU?" and carried on in this way for about five minutes. (BTW, he is tone-deaf, and can't play an instrument) "Excuse me," I said, having at least expected some sort of a "well done" from him of all people, "am I married to you?" "It's certainly funny being married to you!" he said. "Come on, let's hear one of those winning songs, then!" "No," I said. "You're an a***hole!" Ah.....he's just jealous!!! Everyone else was really nice and supportive last night. And in any case - at least they all had the gumption to get up on stage and contribute! IP: Logged |