Topic: Hey, Lovely*, how is that cappy baby???
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 13, 2005 08:28 PM
My cappy was an emergency c-section. My blood pressure went way up. But, I was almost 38 when she was born. not trying to tell scary stories to a woman "with child" IP: Logged |
crystelle Knowflake Posts: 425 From: :) Registered: Aug 2002
posted July 14, 2005 01:37 PM
oh, but lovely*, "it'll all be worth it" AND "you'll forget all about the pain"RIGHT!?!! IP: Logged |
crystelle Knowflake Posts: 425 From: :) Registered: Aug 2002
posted July 14, 2005 01:38 PM
by the way, are you planning an epidural? Did you get one with your first? My delivery was done with no epidural and 4 hours of pushing... I have not forgotten the pain (but ya, the little bundle was worth it) IP: Logged |
lovely* Knowflake Posts: 2141 From: CA Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 14, 2005 04:43 PM
oh bluemoon, sorry to hear that. was this your first child?crystelle, virgos know other virgos. the tax thing has occured to me also and yes, i will have an epidural. i had one with my first and it was still excruciating because they has me on the injection type of epi where they give you a shot every 4 hours and i was past due for mine when i was pushing. they gave me a shot 2 minutes before she was born and i wanted to stop everything. the pain was so intense i was hallucinating. the room was 64 degrees and i felt like i was in a sauna. yikes. back in 77 and earlier they weren't very nice to expectant mothers. mothers didn't have much say in how they were going to give birth. now we have things like "birth plans" we give to our doctors/hospitals with specific requests. its interesting. IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted July 14, 2005 11:27 PM
lovely, I have an Aqua son, 22. 15 year between them. He was an easy birth. and always and easy baby and child and still easy like Sunday morning. IP: Logged |
crystelle Knowflake Posts: 425 From: :) Registered: Aug 2002
posted July 15, 2005 11:06 AM
lovely*- I hope I did not come across as negative as far as mentioning the pain...Maybe your second delivery will be much better! If you have the ability, you could do something like hypno-birthing or hire a doula to help you along. But I am sure you've got your plan and you're set. And if you go with the epidural this time, hopefully that will kick in for you! Can't wait to hear if it is a little boy bundle or little girl bundle! IP: Logged |
lovely* Knowflake Posts: 2141 From: CA Registered: Jul 2003
posted July 15, 2005 02:06 PM
crystelle, no you didn't offend me geeze.i will find out if im having a boy or girl on monday.. YAY! bluemoon, a 15 year age difference? an aqua boy and capricorn girl? IP: Logged |