Topic: Depression and selfishness
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 01:53 PM
Me again, I wanted to point out the Word COMPASSION, it was used so much, not a word I try to use, lexigram it. What we need is understanding.IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Knowflake Posts: 4992 From: Registered: Feb 2002
posted August 23, 2005 02:04 PM
Lotus, When you said "2 poles," were you referencing the two polarities written about in The Kybalion? If so, I completely understand how you mean. Aphrodite IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 02:28 PM
Aphrodite, yes you truely see. I am you, and You are me. We are all the same, but not in name. WE ARE THE NARRATERS, OF WHAT IS TO COME NEXT... All the clues are here, do you choose to HEAR???Or Ignore, the signs, the movies, the songs, all trying to relay the same message as Linda, I hear her, do you??? She is everywhere, she is Almighty Isis, and she's trying to help... Love and Light IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 23, 2005 02:39 PM
I AM A COMPASS But does that mean I can judge anyone's direction? What if their criteria and direction are very different from my own?Understanding is something we do need. IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Knowflake Posts: 4992 From: Registered: Feb 2002
posted August 23, 2005 03:44 PM
Hi Lotus,Okay, cool. So we've read the same book. Aselzion introduced us to it a while back. The thing is, if more people read it - there could possibly be more peace, understanding, compassion (go pixie! ), and acceptance of the pendulum swings everything in life moves with. But, like it says . . . for whatever reason the book tends to find its way to certain readers - and then it makes good sense. Almighty Magician Hermes' way I guess, *sighs* The Masters of Masters. So, I dunno??? I hear you about stating different opinions. Sometimes people become upset and stop talking with me too. Sometimes they come back and ask questions. Sometimes I get harrassed, and that totally sucks. People being people ain't a surprise. It depends. Now people being sweethearts, I like that and those are joys. I always believed that even if someone or myself stated something different, and there is a vibration of intelligence and goodwill - no matter how little or greatly inclined someone or myself is towards a subject - it came from a good place, and doesn't feel hurtful listening to it. But then there is how the listener decides to take it and even if someone tried, the listener can twist it up to fit their visions of what they perceive inside. Then they take that and think that was the talker's intentions. Which is not always the case. This is the internet ~*virtual reality*~. People don't always come across on here the way they would in person. For all sorts of reasons. Oh, the horror stories. Just thoughts. Aphrodite IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 23, 2005 03:54 PM
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted August 23, 2005 04:04 PM
compassion tolerance understanding live and let live. That is not the same as apathy or complacency.. Respecting each other and trying not to invade anothers space...wether materially or spiritually.. and communication we do not have to all agree...or become pseudo clones of each have peace. I happen to think compassion is a very nice word!
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 04:16 PM
Pixie and Aphrodite, way to go, there's still some other words, But, Pixie, you hit the nail on the head. Aphrodite, your intuition is keen.And well, for those who keep ignoring, the basic simple theme... There is no use in trying, said the Whiterabbit Love and Light IP: Logged |
Saturn's Child Knowflake Posts: 867 From: Just left of center Registered: May 2004
posted August 23, 2005 04:40 PM
Let's hear it for compassion !! Lotus, why get so defensive? Sweetie, if you have the right to voice an opinion and not sugar coat it....and you do, of course..then I have the right to voice my thoughts on your opinion, don't I? As Fayte pointed out, we don't have to agree on everything all of the time. Our disagreement does not mean that we don't both want the world to be a better place. Nor does it mean that we don't love and care about one another. If we all agreed on everything all of the time, I would get really bored, wouldn't you? I am sorry that your sister is having such a difficult time. Are you positive that she is faking depression to use your mom? I say faking because surely if she were truly depressed...and you know what that's would empathize with her, wouldn't you? IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 05:04 PM
No, she's really depressed, and knows how to use it. When someone is depressed and what's to be left alone, they should be able to commincate that to their loved ones. For instance, Mom, I'm depressed today, and I'm going to spend some time in my room alone, don't worry, nothing is wrong, I just need some me time. You see, I am a Compass, we are the ones, who need to cummincate, and listen to our inner compass, sometimes, compassion, can be poison.Love and Light IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 23, 2005 06:00 PM
When my 78 year old dad said I was the only one he can talk to, and he was severly depressed at the time, he also said I was compassionate - how on God's earth can this be considered as any form of poison - I am trying to see your point of view Lotus, but this I cannot understand at all!!Back in Feb after a house fire I went into a very deep hole, a friend came into me, and the very thing that helped me pick myself up again, was her compassion and empathy. She said to me "Sue I have just gone thro what you are experiencing now" - I will never forget this, it truly helped me to recover. No I cant relate the words poision and compassion at all, just doesnt make sense to me - have I missed the point again anyone? Love to all Sue xx
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 9809 From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat. Registered: Mar 2005
posted August 23, 2005 06:37 PM
COMPASSIONATE PEOPLE UNITE! PS. to anyone...Lexigram some so called nice words used by will find what you want to see..compassion also compass....passion is sin...passion is no sin... so...if you want nicey nice you will find want to find negative can do that too....IP: Logged |
Svetlana Knowflake Posts: 254 From: USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted August 23, 2005 07:05 PM
Sue, What did you tell your sister when she said that to you?------------------ We are the ones we've been waiting for. IP: Logged |
lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 07:06 PM
Exactly the polesNeed to be balanced TOO much compassion is poison, because the person, won't ever wake up IP: Logged |
TINK Knowflake Posts: 3831 From: New England Registered: Mar 2003
posted August 23, 2005 09:21 PM
Waking the dead is the second step. Doing this properly first requires compassion. Possibly the answer to your difficulties can be found in this equation."But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked. "Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad." "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 23, 2005 09:30 PM
Tink, How Perfect! Thanks, you put a smile on my face.Love and Light IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 11943 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted August 23, 2005 11:18 PM
?I don't understand either, Sue. Oh well. IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 24, 2005 03:21 AM
Hi Svet,How are you doing? Well my first reaction was a very sharp intake of breathe, I should be used to her by now............but one always lives in hope of kindness, I suppose? Can you imagine she is 53 and still has very limited awareness into things. So anyway I said to her that some of the most genuine, sensitive and creative people I had met were depressives. When she scoffed at me being suicidal I said to her "how on earth would you understand, you have never walked in my shoes". I then went onto say the reason I had such a good relationship with our dad is cos I understood him and therefore I could reach out to him. The crazy thing is, she HAS suffered from it, but she is one of these people who is in denial, like it never happened, and you should get over it ...........aaaarrghhh!! Well I had a message that her karma will come in the form of her kids, she has two boys, and I feel she will "wake up" when one of them goes thro something similar to what we speak off - so what is she gonna say to him "snap out of it". Of all the qualities in a person, I cannot stand coldness, it makes me feel quite ill!! She is also one of these people that if you pointed something out to her that she said or did, would turn on the "poor me" thing, and she also lies!! It has taken my ma and da all this time to see thro her and I knew it at age 9 or 10..........truth always comes out in the end.......but hard to live with that!! I could write a book about her, some kind one here read her chart for me and one of the things that came out was "she would rather break than bend" - she doesnt listen and would never claim to be wrong - her way or the highway!!! It wouldnt surprise you guys that she doesnt have many friends - I feel sorry for her, but feel helpless at times! Oh well keep praying, keep hoping, keep loving. I said to her that we never got on but I have great love for her and always would...........and despite everything I would be there if she needed is very sad, but I am learning to let go, albeit slowly Love to all Sue xxxx IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 24, 2005 03:29 AM
'WAKING THE DEAD"Tink, I am intrigued, who are the dead then? Do you mean people in general, do you consider there are people here who need waking? I have a feeling that the majority of people here are very aware. I went for a tarot reading last year and the woman looked at me, widened her eyes and said OMG SUE YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE ARENT YOU" LOL. I think its a very strange thing to presume that people are dead, especially here - we all open up at our own speed - it is a personal thing, we dont need to be pushed. That is like me saying I have found a new healing method and everyone must try it - who am I to do that??? The Taurus friend I spoke of used to do this and everyone around her became almost well........scared to open their mouths!! Force just doesnt work, I of all people know this!!! Would love to hear your reply Love to all Sue xx
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lotusheartone Knowflake Posts: 238 From: MOther & Father GOd Registered: Feb 2008
posted August 24, 2005 09:51 AM
It doesn't sound to me like you love your sister very much, to come on here, and keep talking about her that way, it makes me feel bad for her. Sounds like you and Dad, are against her. I know the feeling. You're contradicting yourself. She may be your greatest Teacher, yet.I do love you all. Love and Light IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted August 24, 2005 09:51 AM
Louise Hay says that depression is anger that you feel you do not have a right to have. That makes sense to me.IP: Logged |
Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 24, 2005 10:14 AM
Wow Tink!!! I liked that one!!!I have always felt that we where all sleeping and in a spiritual slumber, and to awaken, one must be aloud to feel both sides of the coin. One most truly feel the madness and believe in it. One will learn to blanket it and have compassion for ones-elf, and understand that during those times of despair one might just be feeling their dark side of the soul thats crying out for help.( The Dark Night of the Soul) At those times in my life when I have had to face my dark night of the soul, my darker issues and fears, with which I protect, with dear life it s-elf. I usally don't what to deal or feel that part of my soul and it so needs me to do so, or it wouldn't come up this way inside me. It has drive me mad and in to some really deep dark moods of depression and a long time and lots of hard work to come to this place in time, where I say no more poison and just more understanding of this side of mys-elf. Still learning to feed that part of my soul with more gentle compassion and understanding of the human nature and how fragile we can truly be.
Take good care of ones-elf!!!
Love you!!!
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Solane Star Knowflake Posts: 5378 From: Ontario, Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 24, 2005 10:40 AM
Yes, they are for s-elfish reasons sometimes I do believe, but maybe for some its a way of learning to become more s-elfless than s-elfish. Once I was depressed for two years with no med's, just wanted to be left alone to die. I moved from my couch to the bedroom and don't care if the ceiling fall freaken down on me, because then I would of had a way out of all this sh!t. I don't cook, clean, work, want to talk to others or have them around for that matter. Nothing did matter anymore and that was so dark and scary!!!
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sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted August 24, 2005 11:15 AM
I love her very much Lotus girl, but I dont like her behaviour sometimes, you dont know half the story, she has treated our elderly parents very badly, like charging them interest for money loane d etc etc and much dont know the half girl.I feel you and I are best not to communicate at the moment - you sound very angry - I am feeling lighter and in a happier space - I dont need anyone to dictate to me - you do this often and I dont get anything out of it - no offence, just the way I feel! Oh Yeah and you are dead right, she is my best teacher, but that doesnt mean I have to like her does it??? And you didnt actually come across in a loving light to your own sister either, isnt that a part of family life? Love to all Sue xx
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pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted August 24, 2005 03:15 PM
I know we all need a place to vent.. and people to understand when we vent. A week ago, I could claim all these horrid things about the people I love dearly... and they may be true.. but once the weight is off my chest, I feel better about the whole thing and more able to see it objectively. Does that mean I hate them, because they have done things I hate? I may not agree with them, but I will love them. NO ONE can judge how we feel about our loved ones. It is a feeling of love, and all the other feelings from behaviour mixed in, and then put in perspective and then at the end you have a balance. Hopefully. But it is valid.I would never deem to assume someone didn't love someone in their family because they are angry with their behaviour. To have an opinion on the ways they've behaved which have et us down is one thing.. but it doesn't take away love for them. I know you love your sister. Because you say so. *I AM SOOOOOO SICK OF ASSUMPTIONS AND HOLIER THAN THOU ATTITUDES* Justify to no one. Your heart is my heart. IP: Logged | |