Topic: Do you have amazing children ?
Celestial Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Calgary Alberta Registered: Sep 2005
posted September 06, 2005 05:43 PM
Greetings all I feel compeled in my life to work with children amoung other things.These beautiful souls are the way to a better world .I myself am an indigo child and upon understanding that felt alot more at peace with the world.The newer wave of children coming in in the past few years are the crystal children .Both of these new generation of children having amazing abilities and are capable of wonderful things. The indigos were the "system busters " the human lie dectors often misdiagnosed as having ADHD and their little spirits crushed by ritilan. The crystals are the peace makers , the can communicate telepathicaly and often are late talkers.They know when someone is upset or hurt can see angles and guides aura ect... This is meant to be a brief description .Sorry if it's really vague I've done quite a bit of hunting for information but don't want to be typing for days lol. My gf and I (DiviniT) were hoping to start a group for parents and kids to help them understand that they are not alone in the world of gifted children . One thing that I have noticed is that when it comes to crystal children is that everyone seems to quote Doreen Virtue .I want to know more and to gather information to support and add to what she has already concluded . So to all you moms and dads out there I'm hoping you will share stories with me about your children their likes dislikes to food people amazing things they can do , intersting fact , and things that have blown you away. We need to make them comfortable in Scoitey so they can thrive and I intend to help the procees ( I don't quie know how yet but i'll no when the time is right ). Thanks for your help. Light and love Celestial IP: Logged |
Battle of Evermore Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 06, 2005 05:51 PM
Hmmm... interesting... I took a test in a book once that said the colour of my aura was indigo, mostly found in children... <_< >_> What? I'm still a kid... *goes off to play with My Little Ponys*IP: Logged |
Celestial Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Calgary Alberta Registered: Sep 2005
posted September 06, 2005 05:54 PM
Indigo's have been coming in since the early 70's . But your inner child would sll appreciate the my little ponies. :PIP: Logged |
diviniT Knowflake Posts: 94 From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Registered: Aug 2005
posted September 06, 2005 06:04 PM
Just today I went to the gym with my little crystal. The receptionist said hi to us and asked if she could hold my son evan (15 mos) as soon as he was in her arms he snuggled his head onto her shoulder. She was "OH MY, what is he doing?" I said "Oh, no worries my son is very full of love" she said to a trainer "her son takes after his mother, even my daughter as a baby didn't cuddle like this." After about five minutes of this they were both all good and I took him in my arms and headed to the daycare.Peace & Happiness IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 06, 2005 06:10 PM
Hello again CelestialAnd yes I believe we are raising an indigo child.......we have been told by a few people.......oh, where would I start......very very arty.....wonderful at painting, singing, dancing. music Loves anything, silver, colours, mad about jewellery.... He is "different" to most of his school friends.....he has challenges around food and has fears of things connected with letting go (not to go in too deep bathroom stuff). He has the will of a man, although he is only 6, short attention span......he comes out with the most amazing things.....he can remember being born.....has talked of past lives.......he never slept well for the first 5 years of his life......his birth almost brought me to death......oh it goes on and one... For now that is it, will bring more in as things come to mind God bless Love Sue xxx IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted September 06, 2005 06:19 PM
YES!!!!I have amazing children, how did you know?! IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted September 06, 2005 06:33 PM
Me too! I have Wonderful children. IP: Logged |
Celestial Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Calgary Alberta Registered: Sep 2005
posted September 06, 2005 06:45 PM
As I metioned earlier I am an Indigo.:P One thing I have a big prob with is andything thats plugged in . Especially computers lol. I need to step away qite often . I've blown several radio's and injred some computers lol. My friend a computer techie couldn't turn on his comp after I slept in his room . He new I didn't touch it and it took him a month to fix it .It had skipped 600 times durring the night . I tend to keep amythest around to help absorb the enegry from electrial things . They also feexe on me alot and sometimes shut off especially if I'm frustrated . EMF balancing is great for indigos it connects them with the earth I have just finished the first 4 pahses and I feel great , with the exception of alot of pressure in my head but the enegry is still adjusting . I have many food intolarances to wheat ,starch ,sugar Alochol and dairy . ( I'm an expensive date. lol) I'm a human lie dector boy my ex hated that.hehe. Celestial IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 06, 2005 07:03 PM
Our son is allergic to wheat and dairy too and he also is a very picky eater,,,,,so I think he lives on love,,,,,he is quite thin xxIP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted September 06, 2005 07:30 PM
Maybe someday I'll have some amazing children! I've been told I'm an indigo too. From my Reiki teacher and an old man who owned a wiccan shop I went to. I walked in and he just stared and said said, 'I must say, you have the most beautiful indigo aura I've ever seen.' Back then I didnt know what Indigo children where. But I've read up and seem to fit the bill. I try not to get too wrapped up in labels though. ......Maybe I'll have some little indigo babies of my own someday. LOL IP: Logged |
Celestial Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Calgary Alberta Registered: Sep 2005
posted September 06, 2005 07:56 PM
26taurus- I understand your bee with lables I feel the same way i too dislike being labled .our society loves them tough . i'd prefer to just call them the children and soon they will be called that . May doctors are trying to lable the crystals as autistic or deem them to have asburgers syndrome.B/c they're different to them lol . Sue_g I remember when I was little and you too I'm sure how our parents tried to make us eat things I didn't like .Turns out it is what i have intolarance too .go figure .They know what makes them thrive . Ever done meditation or yoga with your son it's really great for them . There a site called lets play yoga looks fantastic . i too can't wait ( but can )to have kids and see what amazing lives they will lead .IP: Logged |
ILove Knowflake Posts: 178 From: Winter Haven, FL Registered: Jan 2005
posted September 06, 2005 09:48 PM
My sister-in-law's 9 year old is definitly an indigo child, and sadly has been mis-diagnosed as ADHD. Yea, she is on atteral(spelling?), and it breaks my heart. She has unbounding energy and smart as a whip. I have tried to think of many ways to plant a seed of wisdom for her mom, but sadly I have not been that brave. Do you have any advice?The same sister-in-law has a 4 year old who just starting talking and still not a lot 6 monthes ago. She is the saddest looking little girl, and I just can feel my heart break. I had not heard of the crystal child. I will find some info though. It is funny, cause her mom has never doubted her, not like she doubts the indigo. Do you know what I mean? I have three of my own, and although amazing, really do not fit?? IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 07, 2005 03:01 AM
CelestialI have been told that Indigo children often go on to produce Indigo you just wait and will be astounded girl !!! A clairvoyant once said to me that by the age of 11 I was tuned into a very high vibration,,,,,, and I knew what was going on in life LOL,,,,,they didnt have the Indigo children label then,,,,,but I suppose that is what she meant......and talking to my mother in law, my hubbie was the same,,,,,,he is a very old soul too !!! God bless Sue xx
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sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 07, 2005 03:03 AM
I love You could maybe get her a copy of the INdigo Children book, but be careful cos some people may be offended.....tread carefully,,,,,maybe just mention you had seen it in the shop!! xx IP: Logged |
Hedgewitch Knowflake Posts: 380 From: Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 07, 2005 03:08 AM
i've read that the generation after the crystal children will be the rainbow children. anyone know about these? i think there are supposed to be a few 'scouts' here already. IP: Logged |
26taurus Knowflake Posts: 13411 From: * Registered: Jun 2004
posted September 07, 2005 03:12 AM
Weird. The last psychic I went to said I had a rainbow aura, with large areas of blue and purple......Never heard of the rainbow children. Interesting. IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 07, 2005 08:52 AM
How do i know the difference between Indigo and Crystal? My step daughter is one of them but I don't know which. She loves computers and math.IP: Logged |
thirteen Knowflake Posts: 1107 From: Rochester Hills, MI USA Registered: May 2004
posted September 07, 2005 08:56 AM
Oh, i just read the article.She is an indigo for sure. Her temperament is exactly like what I read. Im certain of it. Thanks.IP: Logged |
Svetlana Knowflake Posts: 254 From: USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 07, 2005 09:03 AM
Hi Celestial, What a joy to read your post! Are you a teacher? Several years ago, when I learned about Indigos, I tried to find anything I could about them. I even posed a question to an Acashic Records reader, how to recognize them and how to help them the best. But she didn't give anything I didn't know already. I also had a reading with an Intuitive and she said I'd have a TV show "Crystall Time" or something like that, which is ridiculous since I'm not in show business. I also tried to find everything on Crystalls and Rainbow children, but there's hardly any info. You know, I was wondering if Indigos gave birth to Renaissance and started some revolutions (French and Russian come to mind). What do you think? And I do have amaizing children(doesn't every mother?), but only one displays characteristics of both Indigo and Crystal.Maybe she is that illusive Rainbow? She's an amaizing Human Being.------------------ We are the ones we've been waiting for. IP: Logged |
Celestial Knowflake Posts: 11 From: Calgary Alberta Registered: Sep 2005
posted September 07, 2005 09:56 AM
No I am not a teacher at the moment but I do hope to be in the future .I should say that Ièm not a teacher Ièm always teaching . Ièm a massage therapist and over the past few years Iève helped manay recognize their littler indigoès and crystals . Itès been a great deal of fun to hear their stories and experiences . Ièd like to shave a few and hope to hear some back . MAybe these will ressonate with you . 2year old (name withheal) often plays down stairs and things from the top of the bookshelf magically apperar on the floor . There are two explations for this from the mom ,Sheès either playing with her decist grandmother or moving them herself . i thinks sheès moving them . 5 year old son of the above mother sees angels and ghosts and gets quite offended when his mother is rude and doesnèt say hi to them .lol.He is the most ingaging little boy .with the most beautiful blue eyes .He locks you into conversation with him and itès hard to get out of it .Its amazing he also wanted to be a ninga so they pulled some strings and got him into karate and at 4 yrs old he could take down 7 year olds .Heès progressing 3 xès faster than the rest of the class. To the post with the neice on medication Ièm wondering if you might try asking your sister if previous to the medication her daughter would concentrate on things that she likes . The prob with the school system is that kids arenèt challenged and are bored they need hands on activites.Some kids though a small % have ADD .ANd teachers are stressed out so one hyper kid makes their day alot harder . They just need to learn how to better challenge them . i also believe that there is a meld in the enegries of the indigo and crystal over the past few years so if your having a hard time chosing theyère just both . I havenèt heard much information on the rainbow kids but when i get some Ièll share . Us indigoès can tap into the grid around the earth and comunicate with each other and thats my new challange . Ill let you know how it goes . What better way to find out about them than talk to them .Many of them can remember where they came from as well . Wish me luck this should be fun . IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8591 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted September 07, 2005 10:13 AM
Wonderful stuff - thanks to you.... xxx IP: Logged |
Bluemoon Knowflake Posts: 4456 From: Stafford, VA USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted September 07, 2005 11:20 AM
I must be indigo also. I have never been able to wear a watch. they just stop working. I cant keep a cordless phone very long. They just stop working for me. I feel very electric at times, like every hair on my body is standing up. I can feel a thunder storm coming. I love the lightining. How do you go about finding out what your aura is? OXOXOX IP: Logged |
Svetlana Knowflake Posts: 254 From: USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted September 07, 2005 11:52 AM
Yes, she used to see angels when she was little. And her intuition borders on precognition. She and I have psychic connection that seem to have gotten stronger in the last month.She also has an amaizing ability to obtain money when she needs it (she might just take a wrong turn and find $10 bill), but then she'd spend all of it on gifts for those she loves.------------------ We are the ones we've been waiting for. IP: Logged |
Touchstone Knowflake Posts: 291 From: Up North Registered: Apr 2005
posted September 07, 2005 04:25 PM
I have suspected for a while that my 7-year-old son is a crystal child. From being about 6 months old, he started to have phases where he'd get a far-away look in his eyes and giggle to himself as though he was paying attention to something or someone else when noone was there. It used to spook me but now I'm used to it and when I ask him what he felt at the time, he says his body feels fizzy inside. He was different socially to other children which made playgroup difficult. The other children played with toys and sat in a ring for song time. Josh was in the corner licking the metal radiators! The group leader approached me and told me he was weird and they couldn't cope so I had to stay with him at the sessions. They labelled him weird and other mums distanced themselves from me and complained to the leader that he was given special attention and allowed to do his own thing while their children were expected to comply. He was such a sweet, good child apart from his perculiarities but playgroup was hard for both of us. Our health visitor got involved when she felt he wasn't developing normally. He was vary late with his talking and liked to line up all his toys in a specific order. Many trips to doctors, child psychologists and hospital ensued and Josh came out of it with a diagnosis of being on the Autistic spectrum - specifically Aspergers Syndrome. He's 7 and he is only just learning to form his letters on the line and the right way round. The other children in his class write joined up. His writing is huge! like a toddler just learning to write - bless him - but we're getting there slowly. The thing is, Josh is extremely intelligent but just can't get it onto paper. He's ever so sensitive, kind, trusting and affectionate too which for me has never sat well with his autistic diagnosis. Josh loves physical hugging and cuddling. The only thing of concern - he has no awareness of strangers and he tries to hug everyone so I have to keep him close when we're out shopping otherwise he'll wander off and start chatting to strangers. It's hard to explain to him that it is sometimes dangerous to be so trusting even though most people are safe. Sleep has been a major problem. He has been a bad sleeper from day one. Other mum's bragging about how their little tots slept in their own cot through the night used to have me in tears because Josh didn't sleep through the night for years and I was shattered! He still wants to sleep in our bed with us and while he was smaller it was okay but we're getting pretty squashed now so we are having to be tough and insist on him going in his own bed. It's been hard with lots of broken nights and tears and is a work in progress at the moment. One of the sweetest things about Josh is his awareness of God and the angels. He prays a lot for happiness in the world and for nice things for his loved ones. I didn't teach him this. He just started praying one day and it melted my heart. He's very spiritual and loves to do the Angel cards with me and play with my crystals and pendulum. Bless him, he's lovely... but where his peers are concerned, he's a loner. Nobody will invite him round to play and I don't think he'd want to either. He has his own agenda and is a happy chappy in his own little world. It's lovely to hear about other people's experiences. Touchstone IP: Logged |
Touchstone Knowflake Posts: 291 From: Up North Registered: Apr 2005
posted September 07, 2005 04:35 PM
Oh, and Sue G's thread reminded me about diet... Josh is a very faddy eater who would rather starve than try something new. When he's forced to eat something good for him like vegetables or meat he will make himself physically sick. He survives on plain boiled spaghetti (no sauce), fish fingers, toast with butter, or pepperoni pizza. If I am lucky, I can get a peeled apple down him! And he will drink milk so I make sure he has a lot. Sorry for the typos in previous post - I am very tired tonight! IP: Logged |