Topic: Intense desire for something...but not sure what!
themysteryclub Knowflake Posts: 320 From: United States of America Registered: Nov 2005
posted February 01, 2006 06:07 PM
Hey all of you wonderful knowflakes!There is a peculiar something that happens to me quite often, and I would GREATLY appreciate a little input and/or advice I feel an intense restlessness, a radical desire...for something, but I really couldn't tell you what it is. It is like a tugging and pulling in the pit of my stomache and I definently want to go in the direction of the tug, but I have no idea where it is coming from! This happens to me every couple of months, and fills me with great excitment, but that is usually followed by great anxiety and dissapointment...which is finished off by feelings of self in-sufficiency. I don't know why I feel such yearning in the pit of my stomache, and why I cannot fufill it. It has nothing to do with hormones..because it is not regular like that. I don't know what I desire so much, so I do not know how to manifest it. Maybe I am being stifled in ways I am not aware of...or maybe I am doing something routinely in this life that my soul does not sit well with.. I would be so massively grateful is anyone help me to ease these feelings, or to understand them. I hope I've made a little sense I have saturn, neptune, and uranus all in my first house and they are all retrograde.. My moon is in my eight house in cancer, accompanied by mars and venus in leo. I have my sun in cancer, with mercury and jupiter in gemini, all in my seventh house. I have sag rising and aquarius nn in the third..and finally I have pluto in scorp in the twelfth. IP: Logged |
Philbird Knowflake Posts: 3396 From: Here, there and everywhere. Registered: Jun 2004
posted February 01, 2006 06:58 PM
Hello TMC I know the feeling well! How old are you? Throughout my life I have had enormous tugs in many different directions. I acted on them and learned a lot, but I haven't found "the one." Start with your interests, let your intuition lead the way. Try a lot of things, read what intrests you, let it lead on to other things without pressuring yourself to make a definate choice. If you try something and change your mind, don't be dissappointed, look it as an experience that you add to your life resume. Eventually (IMO) those experiences will lead you to your soul's desire. Any help?IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 01, 2006 09:42 PM
I get that too, I wonder if it is a common experience to all living creatures.. that primal pull to do something... but for us it is manifested through words and a seeking. A physical craving and desire.. I experience periods of extreme need to act.. I am going through it now, yet today, I couldn't sleep enough. (luckily my schedule this week is conducive to that.)I have been reading about Kundalini energy too, and it sort of describes it. Mars is also active in my chart, conjunct my Sun and Uranus and N Node. but then I also have that dreamy Neptune conjunct Venus in the fifth. The best thing to do is SOMETHING.... even if it isn't quite] there.. it will get you there..... Do something creative, build something, put togeter a list of passionate things you want to experience.. do something you've put off.. meet some needs. Good luck and I completely understand. IP: Logged |
Rainbow~ Knowflake Posts: 5927 From: The Little River Indian Reservation Registered: Jan 2002
posted February 01, 2006 10:11 PM
....the pull toward something....*sigh* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I understand too....*wink* IP: Logged |
themysteryclub Knowflake Posts: 320 From: United States of America Registered: Nov 2005
posted February 02, 2006 12:51 AM
Hey Everybody..Thank you all for the beautiful replies...I read them and then took a couple of hours to let your answers manifest themselves in my heart and mind.. What comfort to know that I am not the only one to experience such a thing! I am extrememly appreciative and comforted by everyones answers-even though there were only three I shall continue to meditate on everyones helpful advice... IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 1382 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jan 2004
posted February 02, 2006 01:40 AM
I think it is a seeking, a desire for fulfillment...maybe it's a part of you that knows what you're searching for, but hasn't reached your conscious mind yet - so go toward what your instincts tell you, this will take you further, to read books, talk to people, visit places. Part of you is looking possibly more growth, it's a yearning. As humans, I don't feel that we're meant to always stay the same, it's the way we're designed to always grow, learn. IP: Logged |
shop22much Knowflake Posts: 970 From: you said hello Registered: Apr 2005
posted February 02, 2006 01:45 AM
oh MY!!!!!!!!! im feeling it right now, like im searching and waiting for something amazing to happen to me, like I know....its right around the corner,..soon.... and I cant explain it, and i cant pinpoint what or who or blah...but its close, and i can taste it! and i cant sit down for the life of me, restlessness, high strung,....sighIP: Logged | |