posted February 20, 2006 04:50 PM
February is Prevent-A-Litter month: Urge Oprah to do a show on spaying and neuteringTarget: Oprah Winfrey
* Signatures: 18,092
* Goal: 20,000
* Deadline: Ongoing...
After almost five months, homeless puppies are popping up everywhere amid the rubble left by Hurricane Katrina. Although more than 6000 pets were saved, thousands of animals remain, running loose in neighborhoods, and breeding.
This situation highlights a heartbreaking, chronic problem in our country. Each year, millions of healthy, adoptable cats and dogs are killed because there are not enough homes for them all.
Consider the following facts:
* 3-4 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year
* In 7 years, one female cat and her young can produce 420,000 cats
* In 6 years, one female dog and her young can produce 67,000 dogs
* It costs US taxpayers an estimated $2 billion each year to round up, house, kill, and dispose of homeless animals
This tragic predicament could be easily avoided if each pet owner spayed or neutered their pet. It’s safe, affordable and improves pet health. Yet many pet owners say they simply have not bothered to do it yet!
Millions of people watch and are positively influenced by The Oprah Show. Please, urge Oprah to do a show on the importance of spaying and neutering. Help save the life of an innocent animal today!
PS, You dont have to put a real email ad in if you dont want to, as long as it has @ and .com, same goes for where you live. I think they demand those details to make it more genuine or significant when they send it off.