Topic: Is this true in divorces?
Yang Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: A temporary home Registered: May 2004
posted March 04, 2006 01:32 PM
I was thinking about a conversation a friend and I had last week, and it got me thinking. In the conversation, he mentioned his ex wife. I have been thinking abut all the other conversations we had, where he would mentioned his ex. And I realised something. Not once has he mentioned his ex wife's name.EVER! This got me thinking why he never mentions her name. Is it because he went through a messy divorce, or he doesn't want to mention the name, in case it would bring back memories? But the question is: if you are divorced, do you ever mention your ex's name or not, when you speak about him/her?I suppose it's different in each divorce case! I do find it fascinating why my friend never mentions hís ex's name. But I don't want to ask him why. My parents are not divorced, no one else in my family is divorced, and my friends parents aren't divorced either. That's why I am asking this, from a guy who knows nothing about divorce- yet it is all around! IP: Logged |
Moon666Child Knowflake Posts: 2025 From: Registered: Jul 2004
posted March 04, 2006 01:47 PM
I have had a 28 day marriage, and heading for divorce. It was an arranged marriage, and we were fooled by the girls family. She has had severe psychotic issues and was under prolinged treatment, which is the reason. So perhaps if you ask me, I would never enn THINK of her name yet again! ------------------ Welcome Home to GhostVillage IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5301 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted March 04, 2006 02:00 PM
Maybe it is easier to categorize with every mentioning... or perhaps because you don't know her, it is just easier to say ex-wife, rather than her name, to explain.IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Knowflake Posts: 6034 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted March 04, 2006 03:04 PM
Sorry to hear about your trouble, my Moon buddy. I've never been divorced... but, when speaking of any X-boyfriends from the past, I'll say "my X". My SIL is divorced. I've noticed that when she's talking with people that don't know her X, she calls him her X, but when talking with any of us who know him, she calls him by his name. He has an comic book graphic thing going on for himself called Prado Ink... I like to call him Pra-doink ... only I say it to the tune of that Eminem song Ass Like That, where he says, "you make my pee pee go: da-doing-doing-doing. Pra-doink doink doink Anyhow, maybe it has more to do with whether or not the person being spoken to knows the X in question. IP: Logged |
Moonshine9 Knowflake Posts: 240 From: Jamaica, NY, U.S.A. Registered: Jan 2005
posted March 04, 2006 03:28 PM
Hello Yang, I think sometimes when people say Ex rather than the person's name it is a way of distancing or seperating themselves from that person or the situation especially if it was a bad experience. Ex has a less personal feel to it. IP: Logged |
Yang Knowflake Posts: 2296 From: A temporary home Registered: May 2004
posted March 04, 2006 04:48 PM
LS- Now that you mention it, even though I haven't met his ex, he will say his sons ( he has two)names when he speaks of them, and yet I have never met them either! IP: Logged |
lllog Knowflake Posts: 1142 From: Springfield MO Registered: Jun 2002
posted March 04, 2006 05:26 PM
I currently have two ex-wifes, and I find it easier to say EX when talking to friends who wouldn't know who I was talking about if I used there names.Lany IP: Logged |