posted March 06, 2006 01:29 PM
Hello everyone~I wanted to share with you all my experience upon viewing the art show in Santa Monica, CA called Ashes and Snow over the weekend. I wasn't sure which forum to put it in so here it be!
We arrived on the Santa Monica Pier on a chilly, slightly windy afternoon. We 'waded' through a sea of people to get to the exhibit which is housed in an interesting make-shift building called The Nomadic Museum. I guess they call it that because this building, if one can even call it a building, travels with the art. It is composed of stacked cargo shipping containers... strange but cool.
As we made our way inside, the first thing I noticed was that they did the interior to look like one was in a Buddhist Temple. Wooden floors, pebbles along the sides, and the art hung from the high ceilings from wire so that they looked as if they were floating in mid air. Which brings me to the art itself... Words do it no justice! The art is mostly photographs, that were done in Sepia tones of people and wild animals such as ocelots, meerkats, falcons, etc. all co-existing. There were also 3 different films showing the same.
At first I was a bit agitated being in the midst of all these people, walking in front of me and brushing up against my energy field! As I got into the art, everyone else seemed to sort of fade away. They all became sort of darker and fuzzier and the photos became brighter and so did I. My agitation subsided as well. I began to feel as if I was walking several feet above the ground. I felt like I was invisible to everyone else and this seemed to be confirmed to me as often as people continued bumping into me. But I no longer minded. I could feel my vibration increasing, my hands were shaking slightly and I had that excited feeling in my solar plexus. Most of all I could feel the Lotus of my Heart opening causing a blanket of love to wrap around my body and a few tears of joy to escape my eyes. I kept 'getting the message' that 'this is how things should be, this is how things could be'. It truly was inspiring and a beautiful mystical experience for me, through art.
If any of you live near the area I highly recommend you going to see this show as it has the incredible capability of opening one's heart. It is said that this show will travel to all ports of call around the world. So catch it while you can!
`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll
:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::